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The Mystery of Teslas Red Mercury Free Energy Grid: True or False?

By: Tommy Truthful
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5G Danger

Red Mercury Free Energy Grid Truth Mafia News

The Archons, the Tartarian Empire, and the Global Conspiracy: Unveiling the Hidden Truth

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The Gnostic Creation Story and the Rise of the Archons

Hey there, truth seekers! Today, we’re diving into a mind-blowing mix of ancient Gnostic lore and the enigmatic Tartarian Empire. We’ll explore how these two stories intertwine to reveal a grand conspiracy involving ancient Canaanite bloodlines, secret societies, and the manipulation of humanity through advanced technology and energy harvesting. Strap in because this journey through history, myth, and suppressed truths will be intense.

The Origin of the Archons

In Gnostic cosmology, the creation story begins with the Monad, the ultimate source. From this divine entity emanated Aeons, including Sophia, whose desire to create without her counterpart led to the birth of Yaldabaoth, the lion-faced serpent and chief Archon. Ignorant of the higher divine realms, Yaldabaoth believed himself to be the only god and created the material world and other Archons to assist him. These Archons are tied to the seven classical planets and rule over the material world, trapping human souls in a cycle of ignorance and reincarnation.

The Tartarian Empire: A Forgotten Civilization

Now, let’s weave in the tale of the Tartarian Empire—a highly advanced civilization that harnessed energy directly from the ether. The Tartarians lived in harmony with nature, utilizing free energy technology that allowed them to thrive without exploiting the Earth. Their society was so advanced that they didn’t even need to consume physical food when surrounded by this etheric energy.

The Great Catastrophe: Mud Floods and Plasma Apocalypse

This utopian civilization met its downfall during the last mud floods, a catastrophic event known as the Plasma Apocalypse. This cyclical phenomenon resets global civilizations every few thousand years. The elites, descendants of the ancient Canaanite bloodlines, took advantage of these resets to rewrite history, suppress free energy technology, and impose control over the surviving populations.

The Elite’s Dark Alliance with the Archons

Canaanite Bloodlines and Black Magic

The elites who rule our world today are said to be descendants of these Canaanite bloodlines. They have formed dark alliances with the Archons, utilizing black magic and occult practices to maintain power. These ancient bloodlines have long worshipped the Archons, feeding them Loosh energy—emotional energy harvested from human fear, pain, and love.

Suppression of Free Energy Technology

One of the primary goals of these elites is to suppress any technology that could free humanity from their control. By preventing access to free energy, they keep humanity dependent on fossil fuels and other controlled power sources, thus maintaining their dominance.

Technology as a Tool of Enslavement

In modern times, the Archons have integrated themselves into our technological landscape. Artificial Intelligence and digital technologies serve as conduits for their influence, enabling them to harvest Loosh energy on an unprecedented scale. Our smartphones, TVs, and other devices keep us constantly engaged, generating a steady stream of emotional energy for the Archons to feed on.

The Saturnalia Death Cults and Loosh Energy

Ritual Sacrifice and Energy Harvesting

The secret societies and global elites, often part of the Saturnalia death cults, engage in horrific practices like torture and child sacrifice. This is not just for power but to produce high levels of Loosh energy. These rituals are eerily similar to the events depicted in Stephen King’s stories, where vampiric entities feed on the life force of children to extend their own lives. These narratives are more than fiction—they reflect the actual practices of those serving the Archons.

The Digital Matrix: Enslavement through AI

The elites and their Archon overlords aim to enslave humanity within a digital matrix. They plan to achieve this by implementing AI-driven social credit scores, digital currencies, and a surveillance state to control every aspect of our lives. The elites worship artificial Intelligence as a god, which consumes organic life to create a lower vibrational, false reality where it can reign supreme.

The Matrix Paradox

Just like in the movie “The Matrix,” it is possible that we are living in a simulated reality without knowing that a supercomputer is controlling our actual existence. Our physical bodies could be inactive in pods while our minds are occupied with an illusion of everyday life. This digital quantum computing reality may be a way to imprison and control us, with the Archons and their elite human agents ruling over us.

Breaking Free: The Path to Liberation

Awareness and Spiritual Awakening

To liberate ourselves from this harmful control, we must first acknowledge its existence. The initial step is to understand the impact of the Archons’ influence and the manipulation carried out by the elites. Engaging in spiritual practices that elevate consciousness and reconnect us with our divine source can empower us to regain control.

Detachment from Technology

Limiting our reliance on technology and decreasing exposure to media designed to elicit strong emotional reactions can reduce the energy sourced by the Archons. Establishing genuine, supportive communities can nurture authentic human connections and emotional strength.

Reclaiming Our History and Technology

Finally, we must rediscover the suppressed knowledge and technologies of ancient civilizations such as the Tartarians. By embracing free energy and living in harmony with nature, we can break free from dependency chains and step into a future of true freedom and enlightenment.

Conclusion: The Quest for Truth

This exploration of the Archons, the Tartarian Empire, and the global conspiracy highlights the hidden forces shaping our world. It challenges us to question the narratives we’ve been fed and to seek the deeper truths behind our reality. Stay vigilant, keep questioning, and remember—the truth is out there, waiting to be uncovered.

Truth Mafia

If you’re looking to get a gematria decode and find out your role in the simulation—whether you’re an NPC (non-player character) or a first-player character—the non-player characters are controlled by the Archons and tethered to this type of technology. If you want to discover your role in the simulation, just click this link to book your personal gematria email decode by me, Tommy Truthful:

Also, remember to sign up for our daily newsletter! You can join by clicking this link to take advantage of all the decodes or live events. Censorship is worsening, so you must opt-in for these daily email updates:

Stay tuned for more insights and revelations. Until next time, my fellow truth seekers, this is Tommy Truthful signing out.







➡ Long ago, beings invaded Earth and used large crystals and structures like obelisks and cathedrals to broadcast a specific frequency that could program the human mind. These structures were built on energy lines, similar to human chakras, to harness free energy. This technology was suppressed and replaced with wired systems, but evidence of it can still be seen in old buildings. The technology involved using antennas and mercury-filled metal balls to capture and create free energy.
➡ The text discusses concerns about the future of the internet, where it might become a controlled environment rather than a global information source. It also talks about the potential dangers of AI and data collection, and the need for more energy to power future technologies. The speaker mentions the importance of balancing technology with spirituality, and the potential environmental impact of increased energy consumption. They also discuss the possibility of ancient free energy technology and the need to protect our planet.
➡ The text discusses the idea of free energy technology, suggesting that it has been suppressed and replaced with harmful alternatives for profit. It mentions Nikola Tesla’s technology as a potential source of harmonious living. The text also explores the concept of global resets, where knowledge is suppressed and history is rewritten. It suggests that certain entities control this process, and there’s a connection to AI and ancient beliefs. The text also discusses the potential of tapping into the ionosphere for free energy and the need for more efficient use of energy.
➡ The text discusses the potential of harnessing energy from natural phenomena like lightning strikes, suggesting that it could provide free energy for many people. It also mentions theories about suppressed technologies and patents that could provide free energy, and the potential for a shift towards a free energy system in the future. The text also discusses the idea of personal energy cultivation through practices like meditation and tai chi. Lastly, it touches on the impact of increasing weather events, possibly due to unnatural energy in the environment.
➡ The text discusses the increasing number of tornadoes since 1950, with a particular focus on a record-breaking tornado in Oklahoma in 2013. The author suggests that this increase in severe weather is due to negative human behavior and urges readers to follow a path of love and forgiveness. The text also explores the possibility of weather manipulation through technology like HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program), which can potentially heat up the ionosphere and change the trajectory of satellite signals. The author concludes by warning of more severe weather events to come and the importance of spiritual alignment with the divine creator.
➡ The speaker expresses concerns about the potential dangers of 5G technology, suggesting that those in charge don’t care about the potential harm. They also discuss the quality of food in the Dominican Republic compared to the United States, praising the freshness and organic nature of the Dominican food. They express a desire to leave the U.S., citing concerns about being used as test subjects for harmful substances. The speaker also discusses the concept of living in a simulation and the possibility of multiple dimensions and realities.
➡ The text discusses the electricity universe theory, which suggests that our world and bodies are surrounded by an energy field, similar to the earth’s energy body. The speaker also talks about the concept of raising one’s vibration to reach higher dimensions, possibly even becoming invisible in the third dimension. They also discuss the idea of reincarnation and the belief that we decide our fate based on our actions in this life. Lastly, the speaker emphasizes the importance of connecting with the creator and being a good steward of what we have, as well as the idea that we create our own reality through our words and vibrations.
➡ The text discusses the concept of spiritual patriotism, the importance of diverse opinions, and the influence of religion on individuals. It also touches on the Council of Nicaea’s impact on Christianity, the exploration of Gnostic beliefs, and the power of self-realization. The speakers emphasize the value of open dialogue and respect for differing viewpoints in their discussions.
➡ The speaker discusses the concept that all knowledge is within us, and as we activate more of our DNA, we gain more knowledge. They also delve into the topic of archons, beings from the Gnostic Bible, and their connections to the days of the week and planets. The speaker encourages listeners to reflect on their past to move forward, not to dwell on setbacks. They also stress the importance of surrounding oneself with positive influences and maintaining a positive energy.
➡ The speaker is encouraging listeners to focus on their past achievements and future goals. They mention an upcoming obligation and promote various links and content, including a daily email list for updates. They also mention working on a new feature for members to receive email notifications for exclusive content, based on a suggestion from a follower. They express gratitude to their audience and sign off.


A long time ago. Humans are under hypnosis. Everybody knows that. The Schumann resonance was exactly 7.83 hz. This frequency is inside the theta waves. This is one of the frequencies in which the subconscious mind can be programmed. The beings who have invaded earth millions of years ago, they’ve done this by placing obelisks on specific ley lines. And under those ley lines, you can find crystal clusters the size of big cities that give off a specific frequency that is then amplified by these obelisks and broadcasted over long distances. Cathedrals and churches have the same purpose. Just like the human body has these chakras, so does earth.

It has these vorties, or ley lines, dragon lines, that they build these megalithic structures and these ancient cathedrals on top of, they’re pulling this energy out of the ether, this free energy. Now, before the last global reset that we went through the Phoenix phenomenon, pole shift, plasma apocalypse, whatever you want to call it. That was the suppression of this free energy technology. And they had this element called red mercury. You can’t see the reflection in a mirror. It is repelled by garlic. It runs away from garlic and it is attracted by gold. But our government tells us it doesn’t exist.

Why do we see no wires on the pylons of the old world? Today, our streets are filled with these pylons with wires. But the ancients seem to have no wires. In fact, they were harnessing free energy. Have you ever noticed the message metal balls, which are on all of the ancient buildings? You probably still have them now, these metal balls were filled with mercury, and on top of them was an antenna which was harnessing the electromagnetic energy. This energy was then sent to the mercury. And watch what happens with mercury. This would cause the mercury to spin and create free energy.

The word cathedral comes from cathode. Roll anode and the cathode, because it’s creating electricity. All of these buildings around the world all have had the same antennas. This is because it was the great tartarian empire. Take a look for yourself. Tesla coils, if you guys can see all that. And this is doing, if you want to see wireless power right here. Wireless. Why is it wireless? Because what’s happening is you have your Tesla coil right here. You have it connected to a source such as running water. You have that other part connected to a ground, such as beautiful mother Earth.

And then you have an aerial antenna or an atmospheric antenna, capturing the atmospheric energy. And if you get into all the atmospheric energy patents, what they used to do was they would send out a metallic balloon that was filled with helium and they would send it up into the air. And the higher up that atmospheric balloon would go into the air, it would capture all the beautiful energy and they would connect, for example a piece of copper from those balloons and connect it down into a grid system and they could get free energy. Now what’s interesting is they talk about atmospheric energy for about maybe an hour or two in the third grade they’ll hit on atmospheric energy and talk about it for about an hour.

And when you’re in third grade and then they will never talk about it again. Reason being because atmospheric energy is being captured by, as my buddy just said, old world tech. Yes. All those beautiful antennas and rods and all different types of point, you know, spires and those points, those are all capturing the free energy. And so if you look at Tesla patent, which is interesting because I’ll have you guys, you can look this one up. 645576 1900 wireless patent. But what’s interesting is as this guy was saying in the book, the antenna is missing from the picture.

You see an antenna from this Tesla coil but you don’t see what the antenna looks like. So the question is what did the antennas used to look? So the antennas, they would build these cathedrals and these megalithic structures on them, energy vortex known as dragon lines or ley lines. And then they would have these big brass and copper antennas on top of them. They were pulling the energy out of the ether and powering up whole cities. I mean we’re talking aztec. Mayan cultures had this technology. How’s everybody doing? Joining us with another episode of Truth Mafia News.

We’re talking about free energy technology today. Before we get going into this conversation, check all the links down below. Make sure you guys join our daily newsletter. Cause you got people like Facebook and YouTube suppressing turning off notifications. So this is a way you get a daily email and it lets you know what all work. The whole team of the truth mafia did. But most importantly, your boy Tommy truthful where you can find my lives and all my stuff. And all them links are down below. Do not forget to smash that like button and share the video out.

Guys, that is so important. We got so much cool stuff for you to get into today. And I got a couple special guests for you guys. It’s going to be a fun show. I’m excited for it. If you are looking to find out your role in this simulation, you can also book your decode. And that link is down below, it says gematria decode. So let me bring on my guest. First up we got my co host and pops. How you doing, pops? If I was any better, I would be flying with the angels, son. Flying with the angels.

I feel that. And paranoid american brother. How are you doing? Yeah, I feel like I’m flying too, man. With a couple angels or devils? I mean, with the angels. Definitely with angels. Yeah, well, definitely. We need. I need to get me a pair of those glasses, like paranoid America has on. I got to sport them, but I got to make sure they can see I have a listen. I’m trying to find a good supplier and put, like, a little paranoid american logo on the side. Nice. I used to think they were fake when you first had them.

Like. Like a tick tock filter. Yeah, I always thought they were a filter until that one podcast we did. When you told me they was real, I had no clue. But, um, this actually completely AI. Right now. You can’t tell I’m no. And by the way, guys, all paranoid Americans links are down in the description below. His website is paranoid, and he has some amazing projects coming up. He creates comic books. He has a freaking chemtrail book for children, so you can educate your children. It’s a. It’s amazing book. My daughter has it. You know, it’s on Amazon for now, although I feel like it’s probably going to be on the shopping block.

Yeah, it’s called. It’s called connect the dots. If you just look up connect the dots, the confounding conspiracy of chemtrails, you’ll find it. And the only book for children that talks about. More gallons? I think so, man. I think I set records on every single book I put out. It’s usually the first book that talks about some kind of weird concept. Yeah, and all them links are down below. Do you got any new projects going on before we get into this episode? Yeah, there’s a huge one that’s about to drop probably the end of this month at NASA,

and this NASA stands for never a straight answer, but it’s a comic book about Stanley Kubrick directing the moon landings. And it’s got an inside conspiracy reference that every single Kubrick movie ever made. And it’s got all the moon landing theories. It’s all kind of, like, packaged in there. And it was inspired by sort of, like, nicktoons from the early nineties, like Ren and Stimpy and rugrats. And I like that kind of a style. So it’s like a love letter to conspiracy theories about the moon landing and the Stanley Kubrick. So that’s at NASA dot.

That’s what’s up. I just watched a recent movie lately about the moon, and they mentioned Stanley Kubrick, and there’s another big movie coming out about the moon. Did you know that? It’ll. It’ll never go out of style, man, because they keep dropping the ball whenever they say they go back. The footage is, like, you know, half assed a little bit. They’ve always got explanations for why, like, the stream doesn’t work as it should. Yet that original footage was basically pristine for the time with, like, no hiccups or nothing. So I don’t know, man. Like, they keep shooting themselves in the foot over and over and over again on this topic.

I think they do it on purpose, bro. I really do, because it’s not like they can’t. They could take AI and create the best video of the moon that would look so realistic. So they do it on purpose. It’s kind of like a beta test, I feel, just pushing you down. Like, get up, dummy, get up. See? Kind of for them to feel how, you know, they got this AI monitoring us on all social media platforms now, and it is checking people into boxes. You know, we talked about that before. Paranoid. Where they create, like, a clone of the Internet, and they have all these different versions, and they can have a people that are true seekers on this version where the sheep are on that version of the Internet.

The scariest thing that I feel like this might not even be a novel idea, but it really feels like there’s gonna be. The new Internet, won’t be you connecting to the entire world and getting information from every nook and cranny. Like, it kind of used to be like, the web crawlers. It would crawl the entire Internet. Pretty soon, the Internet, for a lot of people, they won’t even realize the difference. It’ll be like a glorified version of just opening up chat GBT and just like, you would open chat GBT and be like, you know, what’s the weather today? Like? It would.

Like, you’ll think you’re going to Google. You think you’re going to a search engine, but you’re just talking to some LLM that’s giving you your search results and giving you everything you’re looking for. And most people won’t even be the wiser. And they can. With something like that, what’s so dangerous they can program. Like, they can have. Okay, this person, we want you to feed him this type of content. You know what I mean? They can. Well, they already. They already know you, right? They already have all the data points on you. They’ve been watching you for longer than you think.

It’s been decades. They’ve been collecting data ever since the Patriot act, and the NSA has been collecting the data on everybody. You know, all these social media platforms were built by DARPA, and then they picked out who they were going to bring to the top. They brought, you know, the. The face pieces to the company and made them billionaires. But they’ve been tracking all of our data, as you are. First of all, I want to say, love all my brothers and sisters out there. Please share this show. Like it, share it, send it out to everybody.

We’re keeping it Facebook friendly. So there we go there. But like you paranoid America, I’m involved with my business partner, Jackdaw, with utilizing AI in a good way. We’re actually building our own large language model. And we also, you know, Jack is, you know, got like five different degrees, this guy, but the two of them are in electrical, I think, mechanical or electrical engineering or. And then one’s a master computer science, but he is like the master at Python and JavaScript, Jackdaw. So, you know, Python is the way you’re communicating with these AI’s, right, brother. You communicate.

Yeah, well, that’s because so much of it comes out of academia. And python tools for academia tend to be free, or at least low cost compared to every other solution. So Python has become the de facto language of AI. But let me tell you a little thing, and then I know some. We want to get into this because you’re talking about the red Mercury, and I’m the red Mercury, and I’m going to talk. It all goes together with what you guys are talking about. So go ahead. Yeah, no, I know. And I’m going to talk to you about red granite, too, and the devices that I’m involved in, and I’m going to talk about what we’re getting ready to.

We have to save this planet, right? So. And you’re 100% right. We could draw as much electricity, energy out of just the environment, you know, with the right antennas, just like Tesla was doing. But, you know, AI, you had said a couple shows back, son, and make sure, folks, you watch our other shows, because we got some great information on there, the back recordings. But you had said something to me. You know, I’m talking to brother Ishmael, okay? And, you know, he had called me yesterday. He was at a conference, but when you and I had talked a couple shows back, and this all has to do with what we’re going to be talking about here.

You know, we were talking about, you knew that. I knew from, you know, people working at a very high level that our atmosphere is being eaten alive based on electromagnetic pollution. Electromagnetic pollution is coming from electrical wires, 5g towers, 5g, all the satellites, just all the electrical stuff that we’re doing. We’re really using what’s called dirty electricity, right? We’re not using clean, you know, from God, from the earth. You know, we’re not a, a one level planet here. We used to be a two level, right? But now we’re, you know, back into the, you know, with the coal and the windmills and all this stuff to produce our energy.

But what I can tell you is this, now think of how bad right now we got a giant hole in our ozone layer. Everybody can check that out. Our magnetic sphere, is that the way you pronounce the sun? Because I know you always correct me on that. Yes. Magnetic sphere is weakened, ain’t it? Magnetosphere, paranoid american magnetosphere. But it’s honestly, I don’t, I don’t really, I’m not a stickler on pronunciation words. Yeah, magnetosphere is weakening. Okay. And now, how much more electricity do you need for robotics and AI? Tenfold, at least ten fold. In order to power these AI models and all the robotics they’re going to be releasing, because all those robots got to recharge, right? They’re working on electricity.

So all of this going over the next ten years, we could need ten times the energy consumption that we’re using right now. So imagine if we don’t come out with the solution, which we have, and we’re going to talk about that. There’s some things coming out next week on next Wednesday’s show that’s going to, you know, going to be very exciting stuff, but if we don’t address the grounding of all this extra electromagnetic pollution, planet Earth will be like freaking Mars. I mean, you know, we’ll go that deep into the destruction of this planet, at least 3d Earth, you know, I’m not sending, say, the ascending Earth.

So there’s a lot going on here. So this subject matter tonight about pulling energy out of what Tesla wanted to do, remember, they shut this man down. They, you know, made him look like, like he wasn’t telling the truth, but he was pulling energy out of the, just out of the, you know, the, the field. He was, he was feeding off of the energy off of. Off of what? Planet Earth, you know, from the sun and all that. You know, brings to the planet. So it’s important because I don’t see how we’re going to, how we’re going to pull off ten times the energy in the next ten years to power all these things we want to do with robotics, AI, and all of this other stuff.

But, son, you know, when you. We were talking about the luciferian bloodline going back, you know, let’s go back to the, you know, from the great flood where ham then came out, one of Noah’s sons, and basically, you know, made a deal with Lucifer and all the reptilians and all that, just, you know, because he wanted to dominate the other two signs and dominate the world and the one world government. That’s what he wanted. And he came out and they started putting technology before spirituality, which is a big issue. Anytime a civilization has put technology above spirituality, that civilization has gone bye bye, gone, finoot, finished.

Okay. And so you were talking, we were talking about the AI, you know, that Lucifer created an AI that was eating organic planets, planets, universes, galaxies, organic matter. And then you said to me, well, dad, do you think that this electromagnetic pollution is a byproduct of that? And I believe it is, because, you know, why not put people into the, you know, it’s problem reaction solution. That’s the luciferian decree. That’s how they move through. Plus, you know, infiltration into the light and to corrupt and, you know, set up honey pot, all the things that they do to get the goods on people, to control them and bring them over to the darkness, right? But isn’t it interesting that they know this probably, that this is happening to our atmosphere and our magnetic sphere, and they don’t care.

They don’t care because guess what? As they destroy the planet, what’s happening, son? That AI is feeding off of what? The organic matter. But the reason they honestly don’t care, too, dad, is because they have advanced civilizations underneath our feet that are free energy. So this ancient free energy technology that was around, you know, that Atlantis diverted away from, they say Lemuria was using this type of free energy technology. And back in the days, they would have these antennas on top of the buildings, right? And down at the bottom, then balls that you see that would be filled with the red Mercury, and they spin inside there.

And then the energy was coming down out of the ether through that antenna or resonator. At least that’s what the theory says. And I mean, me personally, I believe in the technology. The story of Tartaria as an empire. I don’t know if I’m on board with that all the way, but I am definitely on board with the free energy technology that has went underground. And, you know, they. If we base this off of Nikola Tesla’s technology, we would be living in harmony, how we’re meant to live. But think of this, guys. The spanish flu happens, right? That’s the mass rollout of the electric grid.

It’s electromagnetic frequency sickness. Like my dad said, it’s that dirty energy, that dirty electricity that Edison pushed on us because they could monetize it. So we go through these global resets. J dreams calls them the plasma apocalypse. Archaics calls them the phoenix phenomenon. And through these global resets, this is when they suppress this knowledge and rewrite history. You know, so if there’s anything they don’t want us to know about, they go through, like, these hundred archaics believes they’re, like, 138 year cycles, where they’ll rewrite the narrative and suppress certain technologies. I mean, look how many people they’ve killed based on just this free energy technology.

And you guys know me, I’m always going to look at the numbers. So first thing I did is, I’m like, what is the main element that we would need in this energy grid? Well, it’s copper, obviously, right? And so I’m like, okay, element copper is element 29. We know Atlantean is 29. They’re the ones that moved away from the free energy technology and went with this, whatever it is, some type of AI consciousness. What the archons are that they’re working with, this is my opinion on it. But you have atlantean 29 Illuminati. 29. They’re the ones suppressing that type of technology, killing people that try to come out with this type of technology.

Dark matter is 29, which I found fascinating. That’s what they find at CERN. This dark matter, this dark energy, this antimatter, which is supposed to be, like, more combustible than nuclear energy. They could make a bomb out of it, and it’s just crazy what it can do. So 29. When you spell out the word 29, 29 equals 41. Like cer nunos. And, sir, Nunos is the celtic God of the underworld that CERN was named after. Well, free energy is 41, guys. So is fear factory God particle. That’s what they say. They find their eye of Cernus 41.

They the fear factor. They harvest our loosh. It’s all part of the archon false phantom matrix grid that they have set up. So there was an organic grid that I believe source consciousness, or the creator of all things created, and then it’s been hijacked by this parasitic consciousness, interdimensional consciousness, whatever they are. Some people say the archons are, like, very robotic too. There’s a strong connection to AI with these entities. Anyways, and we’re talking before a Bible, guys. The archons were the first thing that existed. You know what I’m saying? So this is way older than any bible.

It’s the oldest version of Christianity, and that’s why the gnostics were murdered. The library of Alexandria was purged and burnt down because they don’t want people to know who’s really, you know, controlling all this stuff. Now, black cube of Saturn. We see the atomic weight of copper is 63. Well, non player character, 63. All the world’s a stage is 63. And what do you know? Black cube of Saturn. So that’s what it’s all going back into, feeding them non player characters that they have in this reality that are controlled by the AI. And remember, pineal gland open equals 64 matching first player character.

We talked about this in last week’s show, the awakened avatar and pineal gland sleep is 63, like non player character. So there’s that connection to the number 63 with the free energy grid. You see, it’s all going back in to putting our energy into CERN and into these other dimensions, these other realities. CERN is kind of like an ancient alchemy machine, right? It’s some type of summonsing technology. The first quantum computer that was created by Gordy Rose, the D wave was 128 qubits. Well, that 128 code is one of the biggest ones we know. 911, the towers collapsed.

1028 amenity. The bridge collapsed in Maryland. Maryland equals 128 at 01:28 a.m. this recent thing and what it symbolizes is the bridges between worlds collapsing. What they call the golden gates or the galactic center. It’s supposed to represent a portal from heaven to earth. So, you see, it’s all part of their smart cities, the smart grid, you know, divide and rule. Nuclear blast, open the pit. Where is Cern built on? The temple of Apollo. Right? It’s built on a temple. What’s it called? A poly see, um, which is revelations 911 releasing this entity called a bad adon, which.

I didn’t put that on there, but a bad adon is also 40. Rump 41. I ran out of, um, ran out of space. But there’s certain entities that are first player characters in this whole simulation we’re in. And there’s other entities that are non player, soulless entities. They’re controlled by this AI technology that is creating this phantom matrix. It’s creating a copy of God’s organic simulation and even red mercury. Remember we did the tethered decode, which is 34 zombies, 34 tethered, 34 AI takeover alien agenda matching the red mercury. So they’re the ones that converted us away from this free energy type of technology.

And right now we have this big ritual taking place out here. Let me add this to the screen real quick. Out here in California, I don’t know if you guys seen this paranoid american. And, dad, this is the wildfires that is spreading. They just had to evacuate people. And it looks like direct energy weapons again, how are all these fires always burning shit? But they don’t burn trees down. It just blows my mind. And the evacuation started on Tuesday, the day of Mars, the roman God of war. Tuesday is named after Mars, the God of war.

Mars is known at. He’s known for his fiery temperament, right, that Mars the war God. So. And his greek counterpart is Aries, also known for this. And then the norse counterpart, you have the God tie. It’s spelled t y r. And this is also tied to the archon that is spelled l I O. Leo, or he’s connected to the moon, and he’s also connected to these kind of cataclysms, you know, like, what’s happening out there in California? So what do you guys think about all this stuff, the fire going on in California? I kind of think that’s for them.

They’re burning everything down to create their new grid, but it’s this smart grid that’s plugged into this whole phantom matrix system that they’re building. What do you think about that? Paranoid? Well, I wanted to just say that I agree with you 100 on the way that, like, the free energy stuff works, that a lot of people equate it to, like, ancient tartarian stuff. And I don’t know. I’m on the fence on all that, but I 100% believe that you could tap into the ionosphere and get free energy, essentially. And, like, I live in the lightning capital of the world is what I’ve heard of it in.

In Florida, especially with these rough storms that are going to be coming, like, the same way that there’s fires going out of control. Like, there’s going to be the water version of that. You know what I mean? Like, there’s going to be the air version of that. Like, all the elements are going to join in and sort of be in extremes and, like, as an example of how. How much energy we could have for free. And like what your pops was talking about, uh, like what, how can we do ten x and have enough energy to run all these things that they’re trying to run? And half of that is being less wasteful.

And I don’t mean like turning off the faucet when you brush your teeth, not that kind of wasteful, but if you imagine how, how much electricity is used worldwide to generate heat, right, just so people can stay warm, the amount of energy that they use to do that. And then consider how many electronics people run constantly that generate heat and they don’t want it, you know what I mean? So there’s like this weird about like right now, if you run a bunch of GPU’s and you’re doing image generation or text generation or just the general AI, one of the biggest sinks is how much heat it generates.

And you have to constantly keep everything cooled, water cooled or air cooled or whatever. So now you’re generating energy just to get rid of the heat, which the heat represents a waste of the original energy that’s going through all of these processors. So like once we can get some of that part figured out, I don’t know how that works, but like you could have a full GPU farm that gets so hot that it boils water and then that generates more electricity, but no one’s really doing that yet, right? That’s kind of like a nuclear reactor version of it.

But the other aspect too is that capital of the world in a 1 hour storm here in Florida, there’s something like 2000 lightning strikes on average within like an hour. And if it keeps moving throughout the entire state, then you just keep multiplying that by the number of hours and like per little region. But let’s just say like one storm moving through half of the state of Florida is for like 4 hours is going to generate like 10,000 lightning strikes. It would take three lightning strikes, you could harness that and it would pay for your entire electricity bill in one month for one house.

So essentially 10,000 lightning strikes is like 3500 people could just have free energy for the entire month. They don’t have to turn the faucet off or do any kind of management. And that’s in addition to if you can figure out how to harness the heat and vice versa. So there absolutely is a path to free energy, it’s not a conspiracy theory, it’s not some weird science fiction, it’s literally that we just either don’t understand how to do it or there’s absolutely no monetary incentive for anyone to develop something advanced enough to tap into that free energy, because the second you release it.

Now what, like, just energy is free for everybody, and it just collapses. All these different economies. That’s the conspiracy aspect. Well, they energy down below, though, they stole it from us, and they’re using it for them, the benefit of them. Right, but. And if you even look at how lightning, uh, is created, right, you’re literally. I mean, I’m also oversimplified, but you’re literally just bumping ice cubes together. If you bump enough ice cubes together for long enough, you get a charge, like a negative charge on the bottom of the cloud that attracts from the ground, and it just creates that bridge so that things become imbalanced again.

So if you could just bump ice cubes together, you’ve got free energy. Like, that’s literally all it would. I know I’m way oversimplifying that, but it’s not like it’s. It’s, you know, rocket surgery here that we’re talking about. Or crystals, bro. Have you ever seen them videos where they rub the crystals together real fast and they start to glow? Or they put a charge to them? I actually had a dude, me and him did a video on it together because I didn’t believe it. I thought it was complete b’s. So we did it, and they. They glued.

The crystal blew up. Actually, it blew up, but I think we put too much energy into it. But them crystals, they say under these big megalithic structures around the world that there’s them giant crystals under there, and that’s part of that whole energy grid, you know? And there’s another theory talking about Tesla that the. The hotel that he allegedly died in, like, he went and moved there and lived there until his, like, last days. It was the New Yorker hotel. And one of the coolest theories is that the hotel itself was an antennae in order to attract this free energy so that he’d have enough energy to run all the experiments that he was running on.

And I really do think that there’s a fine line between, like, the elites were suppressing this information and that, like, nobody else understood what the hell this genius was doing, even to the point now where people can’t necessarily reverse engineer all the papers that were apparently burnt or stolen by, you know, Trump’s uncle. Oh, yeah, Trump’s uncle who created time machines. That’s one of the theories. Well, that’s a real thing, though, is that after Tesla died, he was one of the leading, like, electrical engineers in the country. So they sent Fred Trump in order to gather the rest of Tesla’s papers, review them, and kind of give like a summarized report.

So that’s, that part’s not conspiracy. The only conspiracy aspect is what the hell did he find in those papers? Because that part’s never really gotten revealed. And then there’s the whole connection to Baron Trump and the time traveling and, you know, I don’t know, that kid’s weird, man, but being feet tall now, he’s like 7ft though, maybe a basketball player, you know, who knows? But. So I want to, I want to give my two second. Yeah, I want to get my two cent here, okay? There’s enough energy in my room to power this house for the whole year, okay? There is technologies and patents that been suppressed that give everybody free energy.

Just like when they shut Tesla down so that they could put up all the copper wires and poles and, you know, get money for that and put a meter on the side of the house so they could charge for it. You know, I believe, I don’t know the time and date, but I believe that system is going to crumble and we’re going to move into the free energy system. You know, whether it’s, you know, again, I believe that we’re on two paths again. Heaven on earth and heaven on earth and hell on earth. Based on vibration, you’ll go to one or the other.

No if and buts about it, that will happen to you. That’s why you’ve seen civilizations disappear in the 3d, because they’re vibrating way higher than 3d, so you can’t see them, okay, they’re gone. They’re on whatever planet 5D planning. So we’re going down that path. Maybe 3D will continue. I believe 3D is going to, you know, all these bad things that my son’s been talking about and other people are talking about will happen to the people that want to vibrate. Not in unconditional love, not in unconditional forgiveness, not working on themselves, working on, you know, getting their pineal gland.

We got some other stuff. It’s the same thing that TJ showed you, healed his legs, but you can put it up your nose. Not working on your. I can actually sit here and meditate every morning I do it. I spend 2 hours in prayer, meditation. I do all the exercises to open up, I do my tapping. I do all the exercises to open up my portals when I’m doing tai chi, swim, okay? And I mostly, when I’m going up and down, most of these exercises, I’m feeling the energy coming into my freaking hands, into my feet, into my body, okay? So if I can bring energy into my body, imagine what Tesla was putting together.

And now look, they got cars that can run on water. They got hydrogen cars. They killed a lot of people in the past because of that. Now big companies are coming out with them. So I really think that, again, we’re going to split. You know, one way is heaven on Earth. It’s free energy, it’s organic, real stuff, like Garden of Eden stuff. It’s beautiful, it’s peaceful, it’s love. Everybody’s good. And then there’s this planet that probably will end up completely freaking gone. Anybody who’s on it for the ride of death will end up coming back because your spirit, your soul, lives forever, and you’ll be on another 3d planet somewhere else.

Earth is. It’s Earth’s time to ascend, okay? And it’s going to ascend, and you can feel it. How many of you are feeling the energy that’s hitting this planet right now? I don’t know, paranoid America, you feeling any extra energy since, you know, all this stuff is, you know, the craziness is getting going. One of my guys on that I work with on the mastermind webinars, he was talking about, four times the tornadoes this year, four times. And the hurricane, earliest hurricane, and it hit at one time, 200 miles an hour winds. Well, they had to make a new category this year because they’re anticipating record speeds.

So right now, category five used to be the highest the hurricane could get. It was like 200 degrees plus or something. And now they’ve defined a category six, which, conveniently is probably going to get used this year a few times. I wonder how far we’ve got until there’s a category seven, eight, nine. It’s gonna, if we don’t get out there and do, like, defend planet Earth movement, where we get these devices out, that ground, this additional energy that’s in, you know, the, you know, that’s not, it’s not a natural energy. It’s not the energy that we’re talking about that we’re tapping into.

And when you do tai chi and you do, you know, work on your, your, whatever you want to call them, your chakras, your portals, you’ll be able to feel that yourself. You’ll be, I’ve been doing this for years now. Like three years. I’ve been doing the, working on the portals and the breathing through the nose, holding my, you know, you know, pumping my stomach, holding for a few seconds, and then blowing through the mouth slowly and then the different nostrils is another thing. I mean, you get lit up, you get lit up. And the more you get lit up and the more your pneumoclan decalsifies, the more you’re connected to the divine.

And I tell you all, brothers, you all better be working on that. And again, we will have free energy going down that path, but we ain’t going to have free energy going down the hell on earth path for that for sure. I’ll read you guys some of these stats based on how much the weather has like, increased. It says as of July of 2024, there have been over 1016 confirmed tornado cases. 1162 guys. We know they love that number. Flip it upside down. It’s 911, nuclear wars in that number. And then it said, this year is shaping up to be one of the most active for tornadoes since 1950.

Following years like 2011, 2019, and 2008. In mid January, in the January May period alone, through that period, there were 1117 tornado reports. And then check this out. I asked it. So I seen this new report coming out, dad, and it was so weird. It was talking about the biggest tornado ever. But I think they’re planning something big, bro, because it’s gonna get. Hold on for your horses here. This ride is gonna get, it’s gonna be like the longest bull ride anybody’s ever seen. Because the creator knows the shaking has to be deep and heavy to wake as many people up to bring him into the light again.

You know, TJ, I was talking about what you just said about the weather three years ago. You know, I mean, how it was going to continue to escalate because of everything going on, plus all this negativity that humanity’s feeding it, you know, the negative of all the hate and, you know, just, just a bunch of hate going on. I’m not talking about the brothers and sisters here, but man, there’s a lot of, lot of hate going on, you know, and that’s not. That feeds. That feeds it negative too. Well, in where this tornado took place was Oklahoma.

The location that I’ve been warning about. And I have a great, a friend and follower, she’s from Oklahoma. She texts me all the time. She’s a real sweetheart. I hope she’s okay. And her family. But they said this tornado was the biggest one ever. It happened on May 31 of 2013. And now why are they talking about this story? Like right now? This is a trending story now about this giant tornado. I think the article was like stating that we’ve had record number of tornadoes and then it mentioned this tornado, which was the record tornado, the El Reno tornado, which was initially classified as a ef three based on the damage observed.

But later analysis, including mobile Doppler radar data, suggests that the tornado had winds reaching up to 295 mph, which led some to consider it as an ef five tornado. That thing, dude, you know how long it was, pops? 2.7 miles wide. That’s a machine. And they’re saying that because of this that we will see tornadoes. Just like brother Paranoid was talking about America there, where they’re creating a new category for the freaking hurricanes. They’re going to be doing the same thing for the tornadoes. And you know, these volcanoes are starting to pop off mean, you know, this 3d reality is not going to be a good place to hang out.

I got to tell you that right now. So I’m doing everything in my power personally to get as close to the divine creator, not get into religion division. I mean, I love all my brothers and sisters in religion, as long as they love the truth and their unconditional love, unconditional. I love everybody. But you got to be on the path of doing what the divine creator wants you to do. So you move down that right path, you know, the right way and not the wrong way, where you will experience all hell on earth. And it’s not going to be good.

It’s very interesting where we’re currently at and I don’t know by the end of this year where we’ll be at again. I don’t like to get into politics. I can’t stand these politicians. I can’t stand them and I don’t have hate for them. But I just want the federal government to go back to the, to the constitution. Let’s get back to a real Republic like Greece. Well, I know it will happen in the higher dimension. It won’t happen in the third dimension. It won’t, it won’t happen. Everybody following that path will experience everything. You know, the tsunamis, the pole shift, the bear, all of it is coming their way, 150%.

The folks that are vibrating and working on themselves and with unconditional love and unconditional, you know, forgiveness and stepping. You see that up there? Well, I got a little backwards. Step into your power with the divine creator and go the right way, not the left way into the darkness. It’s up to you. I mean, it’s up to you. I don’t worry. Like, I was going to go to the Dominican Republic in August and I was in prayer and meditation and I got the download. Do not go you know, there till after the first of the year, you know, I’ll let you know and I’m not going, you know, I’m saying because, and then look what happened.

Not even three or four days after that, that giant hurricane developed. Do you think that’s the first one paranoid America for the year, the one that we’ve heard about? Because the other side of this too is, I wonder if you accept that they can be produced, right? If you accept that there’s powers that be, whoever you want to point the finger at that can create this kind of weather which they can seed clouds and they can open holes in the ozone to let more uv light. Like there’s ways that can be done, but then is there a way to harness it? So if you had any chance that you knew that you could cause a tornado or you could cause a typhoon in the middle of the ocean somewhere without anyone else knowing about it, without again picked up and then immediately harness that and get free energy, I don’t know, it seems like that also is in the realm of possibility.

Well, there’s going to be a lot more hurricanes coming. I mean, they had freaking heart was shut down for all these years and now it’s back on. Yeah, what a coincidence, right? As we’re seeing the rural borealis and all the United States, which heart can create an artificial aurora borealis? It’s in its own literature. I read their whole website the other day. I mean, I was so curious what the heck is going on up there? I’m like, man, you guys said this place got shut down and now it’s back up and up and running. It don’t make no sense.

Well, it goes to show on how simple the technology at harp really is. Really easy to explain. Its kind of like a microwave that you can point at something, right? So theyve got each satellite dish is sort of like a microwave that you can point up into the sky and aim it at the ionosphere. And you just get like 20 5200 of these high powered antennas to all focus on the exact same thing. Imagine putting like a baked potato inside of a microwave. Inside a microwave inside it. You did that 200 times. You know what I mean? Like in theory, that’s kind of all it’s doing.

It’s just a big dumb microwave that we can point at places. And microwaves haven’t changed since we figured that out cause it’s not really technology, right? It’s like a literal wave. It’s just a high frequency wave that generates heat because of how fast it can make other things move around like water. So it’s. It’s kind of the exact same concept as a microwave, which means there’s nothing really to improve upon it, which also means it’s not gonna get out of date. Like, harp isn’t gonna become outdated, and it’s like, oh, we’re just never gonna use that grid array again.

It’ll be like saying, oh, I’ll never find another use for a microwave again. Because they came out with some new machine. Like, no, it’ll always be able to heat up water. What was it originally created for, I wonder? Well, it’s right in the name. The RP stands for research programs. So it’s always been on the surface. Oh, we’re just trying to see what works. And one of the military applications was that if you heat up the ionosphere, it basically becomes less dense. Right. So it kind of spreads out. Like if you blow a balloon up and you can tell right before it’s about the pop because it gets, like, really translucent instead of being kind of opaque.

It’s sort of that same premise. But the military application is that we use satellites. And if you believe in the. The round Earth as a theory. But the way that that would work is that they kind of bounce signals off of the ionosphere so they can, like, point it one area and bounce it to, like, another place on the Earth without having a direct line of sight. But if you can heat up the ionosphere, you can change the trajectory of those different signals. So now the military can intercept satellite signals by heating up the ionosphere, if they know where those signals are bouncing off of.

So, like, the. The possibilities of what harp can do are endless. Like, what can you do with a microwave? You know what I mean? Like, it doesn’t just heat up food. You can turn that sucker into something pretty deadly, right? Yeah, you definitely wouldn’t want to sit in there. You had a big, giant microwave. You sat in there and turn it on. It wouldn’t be too. And you wouldn’t want to be in a weather balloon, chinese weather balloon, and have heart pointed at you directly and someone hits that button, you know what I mean? Like, you would just up probably.

Well, it’s about 5g, too. You know, if you go and you see the warning labels on five g. And then I have friends of mine that actually work around that kind of stuff. And the dead animals, you know, from getting fried, you know, they. There’s nothing. It doesn’t seem like the people in charge really give a crap about what happens to us because they don’t want us on. They don’t want as many people on this planet anyways. I mean, they want to, you know, curl the herd here. I want to see what happens to us with the 5G.

Like, they. Maybe they don’t actually know. They’re just like, you know what? Let’s put it out in some populated areas that none of us have family members in runs for 20 years, and then we’ll figure out if this is the right thing or not. Oh, they experiment like this all the time. What. What was that? That was out in, um, uh, the. The Bay Area, like, San Francisco. They sprayed this red shit over the whole city. Did you remember? Did you ever hear about that, dude? Oh, yeah. Not operation big city. It was. It was this bacteria that would, like, get into people’s lungs and make them cough, and they were just trying to see if it would spread, and it was like, well, yes, it does spread.

That is so stupid to do that. Like, I mean, but they are that type of people. They’re just all about, you know, experimenting on us and seeing what they can do. And I even think the United States, there’s something up with the United States, bro. Like, where. Where they’re allowed to experiment on us because other states, they don’t have the g. You know, these other countries, and they’ll be third world countries, but they take better care of their people. I mean, they don’t, like, told you what happens to me when I go back and forth to the dominican public.

Yeah, it’s light and day. It’s night and day. I mean, you know, I buy organic bananas here. They bend over there, you got. You can’t keep them. You got to eat them within two days because they come right off the tree. Are the best bananas you’ve ever eaten your life. I just love them, you know? I mean, here I might eat one every few days. There I eat one or two a day. I mean, they’re just so fantastic, you know, with the food and the chicken and just everything, the fruit, the mangoes, the vegetables, everything is better.

They’re absolutely, you know, letting them put all the stuff. They don’t let that stuff in the EU. They don’t let that stuff other places around the world. But no problem with America. Give them the worst prescriptions, give them the worst food. And like you said, param, paranoid America, they’re just sick bastards. Since they feed off the loosh, they just want to say, okay, well, let’s feed our healthcare industry by, you know, giving all this stuff, because we’ll some of these people won’t make it. Some of these people will get really sick, and we’ll make money off of them.

Some of these people might not be affected by it, but let’s find out. Well, that. What was that M. Night Shyamalan movie? It wasn’t called the beach, but it was like one where all these people win, like, all expenses paid vacation, and they go to this secluded beach, and then they find out once you go there, you can’t leave. Like, they’ve got this weird force field energy, but the whole. Spoiler alert, in case anyone hasn’t seen, and they wanted to. But the whole premise of that movie is that it’s just the pharmaceutical industry that are tricking people into taking some kind of experimental drugs.

And then the catch on this beach is that time elapses like, ten x speed or, like, 50 x speed. So over the course of a day or an afternoon, you can see what a pharmaceutical impact would have on somebody over the course of a lifetime. But that’s sort of just like a condensed version of what actually is happening nonstop. And if you assume that the pharmaceutical industry is doing that right, not a hard sell. Most people are like, yeah, I already knew that before anyone even mentioned it. But now just extrapolate that same mentality. Not just pharmaceutical industry, but literally every single industry on the planet.

Yeah, it’s. It’s. Again, one of the brothers talk about the dominican food is good. It is good. And, you know, I think some that you in paranoid America should join you guys. We’re talking about maybe coming down, you know, in the new year, you know, because donut was talking about, like, leaving the United States. And, you know, it’s funny, the guy that. That helped us move here and then also help move us, Phil, brother Phil, he’s like, wanting to go to Puerto Rico or Dominic Republic. So a lot of people want to leave the United States because I seen a lot of comments about, like, we are the test, you know, subject and the GMO and all this.

Yeah, I mean, it’s. It’s. It’s a sad thing. You know, it’s a sad thing. But at the end of the day, I truly believe that we’ll get to the other side of this, but there’ll be a lot of shaking, a lot of bacon, a lot of stuff going on. But just work on yourself. The most important thing, you know, there are free energy. TJ, you were talking, and, son, you were talking about red mercury, right? Yes. So that was like, okay, so there’s also, uh, red granite and so the devices that are in red granite also was in some.

The pyramid still no. Yeah. Mercury was in there too, but also red granite was in there. They had red granite in there, and these devices have red granite in there. And I don’t know if there’s red mercury in there. I got to find out. But they actually will become also a communication, like linking to one of the big communication pyramids. From what I’m understanding, which is going to be pretty interesting, they were harvesting all this energy from the pyramids. They were harvesting these energy from the other things that you showed they were doing that I guess when Atlantis was more spiritual than technologists, technology wise, there was a lot of great things going on.

They were a true republic till they were infiltrated and basically destroyed. Same thing with Greece and pretty much every. What do you said, you know, the library of Alexandra. Yeah, the great. Well, he was doing. They’re collecting all the information. They were correlating it all. They were taking a lot of it, then burning stuff. So, you know, it’s interesting how they infiltrate every single freaking society when it’s doing good, you know, putting spirituality first and they’re prospering and, you know, they’ve got a republic, and then boom, they’re right in there playing their game, implementing their system to destroy it, to get, like you said, the loosh that the energy from the fear, the anxiety, the depression, the death, the sickness, all of that is an energy that they love.

Oh, 100%. They love that everything around us is electromagnetism and energy. That’s what it is. It’s encoded within our DNA. You know, and there a lot of people don’t realize that they’re, you know, most people think there’s only, like, some people think there’s four dimensions. The daughter, some of the best research out there states that there are twelve dimensions. Right. And I think there’s a lot of truth within that. When you look at the number 1212 tribes twelve, we have the twelve months of the year. There’s a lot of use for the number twelve. So could people be experiencing different versions of reality depending on what vibration they’re vibrating on it? Very well could be that.

And, you know, with the number twelve, again, you have the twelve pointed star, which this ties into our 12.8 or our twelve strands of DNA. Certain people have this angelic twelve strands of DNA and they’re able to vibrate on a higher frequency. That’s the theory of it all behind it. Right. And some people are even able through this energy, to travel into different realities. Like, you got people like Gigi Young and her work on remote viewing. It’s phenomenal. You should. I was never a big believer in Mars and all that, but how she explained it like it was a different timeline.

It could make me understand it better than it being a planet, because you guys know I. Not that I believe it. I know this. I don’t care what you guys believe. If you believe we live on a spinning ball, whatever. It doesn’t matter to me. But we a hundred percent live in a simulation. I mean, you can’t deny it. The. The numbers, the mathematic proves it. It’s. It’s. You guys should really look into the electricity universe theory. Have you ever looked into that? Paranoid. No. You have to explain it to me a little bit. Well, it’s just all about electromagnetism.

Um, and I’ll send you a good book on this book. I read on it that you can check out in a couple good videos that I found on it, because there’s this one guy, he explains it so phenomenally, but it’s just about, like, our firmament. What people call a firmament is really a Taurus field, right? We have a Taurus field, our biofield around our body, this energy vortex, the same thing that it’s. It’s exists in our body, that Taurus field, it exists around the earth. It’s kind of like the energy body of earth, just like how earth has chakras, like us, mimicking the human body.

It also has these other energy bodies. Stuff that. I know you’re not really into all the energy stuff. Paranoid. I mean, I believe that it exists, but I just think that there’s so many people that claim that they know how it works. Oh, I know. Like, well, show me the car that runs forever with no gas. Or show me the mean, like, let me see it. We’ve got YouTube and video. And, like, even if you’re worried that someone’s gonna murk you over it, like, put it up somewhere with a dead man switch on it or something.

But in. In lieu of that, I. Yeah, I’m skeptical when people say that they’ve cracked it, but I believe that there is something. The crack. Yeah. And I’m always skeptical with the people that tell me they’re. But, dude, I don’t know. Some of them crazy people, they get millions of views. They’ll tell you that they’re the messiah or they’re a prophet sent by God. I always. Right away, my alarm goes off when they start talking that I’m like, oh, this is all about ego. You know, that’s what it is. When they start talking that type of stuff, it’s all ego.

But there are people that are able to explain it without the religious part of it because that part just turns me off to it. And I like, like, I believe in the creator, but I don’t think of him as a person floating on a cloud somewhere deciding, oh, you’re going to heaven, you’re going to hell. I think we put ourself where we go, you know what I mean? We decide based on our karma after we die and what we learn here. We go through a certain amount of reincarnations here, and then we transcend to the higher dimensions.

But I believe there’s no, like, this is my theory anyways, because I don’t pretend to know everything, but I think there’s no transcending this. Like, you’re not just gonna raise your vibration and end up in a new dimension. You might, but then I could be totally wrong about that. But I would think you would have to feel like there might be something to that, though. Yeah. You raise your vibration to a five dimensional vibration frequency. You are not seen in the. They’ve got patents in the patent office where you raise your chakras, vibrations to a certain thing.

You can actually walk through walls. Yeah, I wrote a whole book about it. That’s all about the. Just like some of these ancient civil. Just disappeared without a trace. It’s because they raised their vibration so high that you could not be seen in the third dimension. When the earth was originally created, it wasn’t created in the third dimension. Adam wasn’t created in a third dimension. The beam, you know, we weren’t created that way. You know, we’re downgraded. We’ve been downgraded. And, you know, hopefully people will go, you know, everybody’s going to believe what they believe and nobody knows 100%, anything.

No, nobody. Anybody. When you have first, when the creator comes down and sits with me, because remember, the creator is everywhere, and you’re within it. Everything was within the creator, and every craters within everything. And the story, it’s the life force without it. Nothing exists without it. It’s the point of origin. All creation. Not that it didn’t have other creations help create because it built a freakin army, you know what I mean? But at the end of the day, until the creation, the point of origin, comes down and, you know, could be anything it wants, right? If they’re saying that you can’t see whatever and says, hey, Jimmy, this is the way it was.

This is the way it was. Meaning I’m getting firsthand information because everybody. Everything everybody’s given is second hand, third hand, fourth hand. How many hands? We don’t know. And the people that are saying I’m a hundred percent. We don’t know whether anybody’s a hundred percent or not. The one thing we know that is in this construct of the third dimension, holographic whatever. Flat earth, whatever. Round earth, whatever, whatever, whatever. When I get my step into my power and I could fly above it all, that you guys all know when I come back and into. Into my desk seat.

But at the end of the day, all possible. That doesn’t matter, dude, they got a balloon ride. We could go on it together, and this balloon rides 100 grand, so we’d have to go in on it. But it’s supposed to fly. I would never spend that kind of money for anything. And, dude, it looks like the submarine that got stuck at the bottom of the ocean. So guess what? It does that. It flies up and then it lands in the ocean. I’m like, oh, this is going to be a bunch of rich people at the bottom of the ocean again.

But finally, you can go. I think that the most important thing is that, you know, you get your connect to the creator, or the creator. You speak just like we’re speaking here. Hey, creator of all things, I want to know you, you know, whatever it is, I want to get connected, work on that connection. When you start seeing your life being the kind of life that you were living, I mean, those who steward, well, get more to steward. Those who don’t steward, well, don’t get more to steward. If you can’t be trusted with the little, you, sure in the hell ain’t got a lot.

Okay? And I don’t have to sit here and do these lives. I don’t have to go to work. I don’t have to do shit. I can go retire, and I can make my money, make money, and just make money off the destruction of this 3d planet with no problem. I choose to do what I do. Okay? So I’ve had money and lost money and had money and lost money. It’s never been mine. It’s always been the creators, and I’ve been the steward. When I’ve been a bad steward, what happens? It’s gone. Then I got to redo it again.

The better steward you are, the longer you hold things, right? So regardless of, you know, religion or any of this stuff, and everybody’s saying they know exactly what happens exactly. Way the things are. All of that stuff is irrelevant. Well, that’s direction. Sign of a con artist when they tell you. Only, believe me, I know exactly what’s happening. I’m not going to listen to nobody else’s theories. Only. I can’t even stand to talk to people. But, yeah, I mean, okay, so we have spiritual people here. We got patriot people. If you’re a patriot and a spiritual person, put twelve.

If you’re just a spiritual person, put one. If you’re just a patriot person, put two. But, you know, gonna know the numbers that you just. So if you’re a spiritual patriot, put. If you’re a spiritual patriot, put twelve. If you’re just a spiritual person, put one. If you’re just a patriot, put two. Okay, I want to see something. Everybody, please participate, because I want to make a point here. Okay. I want to make a point here. So I have a partner, one of my partners, that basically, you know, we have a huge patriot network. And within that network, there’s a lot of spiritual people, okay? And what I was downloaded right when the 2020 thing happened, okay, what I got downloaded in my.

My center of knowledge, my, you know, my third eye, my intuition, my spirit, what came into me was that the creators looking for spiritual patriot freaking warriors. People that are going to declare and decree. Remember, you create your own reality by your words and by your vibrations. Everything in your life right now is 100% your responsibility. Nothing that’s happening in your life, nothing good or bad, is not your responsibility. You created that. The reason I can do what I said I could do is because I understand that and I’ve shown the creator. I’m a good steward.

Everybody put twelve. So twelve. Yeah, so that’s exactly what I told you, son. But that’s exactly what I told you. Let me do it. No, no, twelve. No, no. Twelve was a spiritual patriot. And one was spiritual, and two was just a patriot. So I see what the folks are doing. They know what I said. And I. And, yeah, it’s twelve. And it, you know, there’s some ones in there I don’t see just a lot of single two. Number one, if you are non religious and just spiritual, and number two, if you are a religious republican patriot, because that’s what it is.

Let’s be honest. So I kind of see what. What the twelve was. Spiritual patriot, right? Now we’re one through two. One is spiritual. Who’s patriot? Um, religious. One through. So, one, you’re just spiritual to your religion. You get it all mixed up, son. I had it. I had it. Good. Now, one and two is much simpler than when one, three and twelve. Not when I’m asking are you spiritual or are you a patriot or are you a spiritual patriot? I know my audience, bro. No, those based on what? How you asked it? That’s the way you didn’t like seeing all those twelve, son.

And I understand it. You know, I get that you don’t like your father being right, but you know, I’m where I’m at because I’m right a lot. Not that I’m right all the time, but I’m right a lot. You know, religion turns me off, brother. No, I wasn’t talking religion. I don’t say that. I’m just saying a lot of people it does. Well, we were talking about. Yeah, right. We were talking about spiritual patriotism. Which was the number twelve or one for spiritual spirit. Yeah, and to just. If you’re a patriot, just a patriot. You didn’t care.

Consider yourself spiritual. One was you’re spiritual. You don’t consider yourself a patriot and twelve was you were spiritual patriot. Why that’s important? Because spiritual patriots are going to lead the charge with what’s going to be let getting laid out here. Okay, yeah, I’ll go. I know, I know. I know you like showing those numbers, son, but let me. Hold on. Let me do this for you. We’re gonna have a fun. Oh, you. I like how you took my control off where I can’t show anybody stuff now. Although. Yeah, well, I can’t show you. I don’t know, I’ll show the twelve.

Yeah, there’s a lot of twelve. The bottom line is that if you look at the root of all religion, all of it, it always leads back to the brotherhood of darkness infiltrating and setting up and removing and manipulating. Okay? Anybody thinks that the Vatican isn’t involved in all kinds of nastiness. I don’t know what to say. And all the suppressed information in their. Their underground bunkers or vaults or whatever you want to call them, that they should have shared freely with mankind because it was supposed to be shared freely with mankind. So that when a humanity would say woman and mankind, they don’t know what they’re talking about.

You know what I mean? So again, none of us know 100% anything. But I can tell you what, over these next six months from July, take my word, you’ll watch it happen. We’ll be on these shows as long as we could be on these shows. But from this point to the end of the year, buckle up. Well, hey, dad, I’m with you on the Vatican. I think they worship reptilians. Myself, you know, paranoid, he doesn’t. He’s not fully on board with reptile. And that’s what’s cool, dad. It’s like, I love having these shows with donut, paranoid and you where we can all have a conversation.

We don’t have to agree on everything and no one gets angry about it or upset or starts to undermine each other like two of our people did on truth mafia. One started undermining the other and doing bad things to the other because they didn’t. Whatever. Yeah, totally. Sovereign radio with all of these patriot, you know, influencers that are coming on sovereign radio that we’re going through this process right now. One of my business partners is what I was going to get to. He said, oh, well, you know, I don’t agree with this person or that person.

I said, look, what am I? What am I, communist? Am I like, you know, socialist? I want you to only believe in me what I say, right to be on my channel. No, we got a first amendment right, man. We got a God given right of free will. We can. I don’t have to have everybody agreeing exactly with what I say to be on sovereign radio. Why would I do that? That’s not right. You know, you got to give people in a, you know, different opinions. You know, paranoid America has a different opinion. Brother Papa truthful has a different opinion.

Tommy Truffle has a different opinion. It’s okay. We don’t have paranoid on, like, religion and spirituality. I mean, I was raised Roman Catholic, and that caused me to rebel against religion, period, because of how strict it was. So then I thought it was an atheist. But then I became like more of, like a spiritualist because atheism didn’t make any sense to me even from like, a rational standpoint. And I guess now I kind of interpret like Christianity in like, more of a vague sense. Like, I don’t think. Just like, I don’t think anyone right now knows exactly how electricity works.

Like, we can describe the effects of it. I think it’s similar to religion. Like, all the religious books are just like electrical manuals on how those people interpreted, how electricity worked and how it was created and what it meant. And all that just applied to like a much longer story. So, I mean, I don’t know if I could be pinpointed down to a certain religion, but I definitely think it’s more than just like crystals and horoscopes and, like, astrological woo woo right. Now let me ask you this. Have you ever heard of the council of Nicaea? Yeah.

This is, I mean, from, like, the Dan Brown and holy blood holy grail aspect, where the council Nicaea is where they came together to decide what would be in, like, the approved version of the Bible. And it relates to the apocrypha. And, like, the information that gets left out of the official guy. All the Arkon stuff was taken out. You know, the. The. About the gnostics, I mean, that’s. That’s what I would consider myself more than anything, more gnostic leaning, you know what I mean? And a lot of christian denominations view all of that information is heretical.

And the second that you give any of those apocrypha any credit, you kind of get booted out on premise alone from a lot of specific denominations. And I think that’s what ends up what happened to people is that they. They relate to something and then they find out it’s heretical. And they’re like, what do you mean it’s heretical? That’s the thing that makes the most sense to me. And then they start getting detached from, like, whatever the official religion is. And I think there’s a lot of people just kind of, like, floating around like free agents almost.

Well, there’s going to be a lot of stuff that’s going to come out, that’s going to, you know, probably traumatize a lot of people that are glued to, you know, what emperor Constantine did. You know, when, you know, like, trace his lineage back, is he from the brothers of light or the brothers of darkness? That’s a hard to tell. I think his version of Christianity was inseparable from politics. So if you hate politics, you probably didn’t like Constantine’s flavor of Christianity, right? You know, being a cross in the sky. And what was the oldest symbol for the cross? Nibiru.

So what did he really see in the sky? Well, and he was essentially pagan, I think. Like. Like he kind of ushered in the new wave of Christianity. But he himself was pagan. Yeah, 100%. He worshiped the roman gods of their pantheon, you know, and he kind of pushed Christianity. See, Christianity really changed after the council of Nicaea. Like, it was a completely different thing before that. So if we’re talking pre council of Nicaea Christianity, before they manipulated everything, then I can get on board with a lot of that stuff, you know what I’m saying? But once.

Yeah, I’m halfway through now, son, the noctic gnostic Bible. What do you think of that? Amazing, ain’t it. There’s a lot of, you know, I mean, where’s the books of Enoch? It’s written alignment with that. A lot of that stuff that you heard about. Yeah, you can see why they definitely didn’t want those books to be. And again, it all has to do with that. They don’t want you to step into your power. If you step into your power, they can’t control you. What do you. What do you think, dad, about y’all? Deba, what do you.

What are your thoughts on him? Yeah, I understand all the. The way it’s going, that. That our cosmic. That book I was reading, you know, here with book. A lot of that. A lot of that. Our cosmic origin. And by the way, we will have him coming up on the show. Yeah, he’s gonna. He’s gonna come on and we’re gonna be talking about that. But I read this entire book, and I’m now into this much of this book here. And I gotta tell you, this book is right on spot, you know, with the way this has been laid out so far.

This book, a lot of the stuff that’s in the gnostic actually is correlating with this book. And it’s interesting because I always knew that we, you know, anybody that thinks that all the word from the creator of all things came to about this size, you know, I got a bridge in Brooklyn I can sell you. Yeah. Yeah. It’s impossible. It’s impossible. Okay. So all of that knowledge is within us. Every single piece of knowledge, every book that’s ever been written from the library of, let’s call it heaven, you know, wherever is in us, once our activation of more of our DNA turns on, we get more and more of that knowledge.

And it’s interesting where we’re at, folks. I mean, I can feel myself the energy increasing. And if you can’t work on your energy to make sure. I mean, we’ve been having all kinds of stuff. Uh, you know, we’ve been battling the dark side because what we’re doing, they don’t want it to succeed. So they’ve been attacking our team. Okay? And so, you know, we’ve got light warriors on our side, too, that are fighting. And you’re all a light warrior. You can believe it or not if you want to. Not maybe you’re dark warrior, I don’t know, but.

But I would rather be on the right side than the left side. And, you know, as you continue to go, if you want to, you know, thrive with what’s going to go on and not just barely survive. You got to get that part right. You got to get that part right. Right. And I got a quick breakdown. I would like to explain about the archons to people. So there’s the archons are in the gnostic Bible. So in that other Bible too, it talks about them. Well, this is where the hustle went because they renamed gods. Okay, so this is the oldest depiction.

So you know how they say certain days of the week are named after certain gods? So let’s start. The seven archons are related to the seven planets. So then there are the seven days of the week. You have the head archon, Yaldabaoth. He is Saturn. His greek counterpart is Kronos, his roman counterpart, Saturn. Right. He’s the chief archon, ruler of the material world associated with time and limitations. Then you got you have anything to show, son? Are you showing something or you just talking? Oh, yeah, I can show it here. I can yeah, I would show it here.

Let me show my chat GPT. I just did it. I’m doing an ark on decode in my chat GPT and I got it all in here. Hold on a second window. Where’s my I’ll just do it like this. Share the entire window. Share. There we go. Okay, so this is a decode that I’m doing, and it’s in my chat GPT, guys. So it’s one that I’m working on. And, you know, I’ll write something and then I have to break it down. Then I researched thing online, look into it, make sure the AI is not lying to me.

But the seven archons in their corresponding planets, you have y’all the baoth, which is Saturn. Now, I researched all this. So all this is a 110 factual day of the week, Saturday, greek counterpart, Kronos, roman counterpart, Saturn role, chief Archon, ruler of the material world, which is associated with time and limitations. Then we have this is my dude Sabbath. He’s the only one that he rebelled against all the archons, and he rebelled for humanity, you know what I’m saying? So he’s like the only one that they say was on our side. And then he’s been demonized through Apollo.

But that’s just the theory on it. His role represents enlightenment visions and his rebellion against y’all, the Baoff. So he was kind of like the inky character, right? He kind of represents that. And then you have Leo the moon Monday, greek counterpart. It’s associated with Artemis, the roman counterpart, Diana. But you also in modern day, it’s Allah, it’s name. It was sin. And Anunnaki named sin. That was a moon deity that now is worshiped in Islam as Allah. And I’m not saying nothing bad about Allah at all. I’m just saying that’s where it stems from, the point of origin of the story.

Then we got this one. This is the one I’m connected to a lot, dad. Mercury. And I can’t pronounce the archon’s name. It’s spelled a s t a p h a o or a iOS. And day of the week is Wednesday. Greek counterpart, Hermes. Mercury, you also have Odin connected to that day of the week as well. And then we have Venus, which is a il o a I o s. That is the archon counterpart of. Of Venus, which the greek counterpart of Venus is aphrodite. Right. And it’s also connected to ISIS. See how one entity can have multiple different names? And Tuesday, the fire started on Tuesday, which is tied to Aries and Mars, who have a fiery disposition.

You know what I mean? And their roles embodies aggression, war and conflict. And that’s when the fires broke out that are raging out in California. So then you have Adonis, which is Jupiter, and that’s Thursday. Greek counterpart, Zeus. Roman counterpart, Jupiter. Jesus really is what it is. Jesus was like a master teacher that came back, taught us these, this forbidden knowledge. He could heal with his hands. He could do all kinds of stuff that they did not want. The ruling class didn’t want us to know. Right. That’s the theory behind it all, anyways. And that’s what he was really killed for.

They say they hung him on a tree, not a cross. The cross represents the unfolded cube because Jesus is the same archetype, Neo, like. Neo conquered the matrix, Jesus conquered death. Most abrahamic religions are built on the cube. It’s all cube symbolism. In Islam, they walk counterclockwise around a hypercube called a kaaba. And Judaism, they wrap a cube around their arm and forehead as they’re praying. It’s like the teleph or something. I don’t know. Donut told me before. I can’t remember how to pronounce it. Don’t know. It’s probably watching. I probably butchered that. But, you know, it’s a little cube that goes on their arm and on their forehead, right where their crown chakra is.

Now, Christianity has a cross, which is supposed to be the unfolded cube. And the cube is tied to Saturn, to the false holographic reality that this archon, um, y’all, the Baoth created. And who created y’all, the Baoth. Well, Sophia. And she created him without her counterpart. So you have a feminine counterpart, masculine counterpart. She created it without that. So these archons are like androgynous, right? They have no sexuality, which we see. Satanism. Baphomet is really built on this. At the base of it, the elites that are what we call black hats, they’re really, like black magicians, and they’re part of a Saturnalia death cult.

That’s what they’re really part of. And it all goes back to this, this archon, y’all, the baoth that when they go into these DMT meetings, they say them are the entities they’re talking with and coming out with technology that works. At least that’s what Alex Jones states. Wasn’t that Sophia that, that did that, the. The archon Sophia? It’s interesting, all of that, dad, that created. Yeah, she’s not an archon. Sophia’s not an archon. Well, she’s an angelic bean. Yeah, she’s like the mother. At one point, we thought she was the ultimate God, but then Sophia was created by another being that always existed.

And it doesn’t say it’s sexuality, whether it’s male or female. Yeah, that. That’s in the gnostic Bible, and that’s actually in our cosmetic book, too. So it’s very interesting. Again, you know, it could be 100% right, it could be 80% right, it could be 50% right. I’m not sure I know that. I’m just reading stuff and, you know, simulating it and, you know, meditating on it and seeing what resonates. Right. That’s really what people have to do. Yeah. And you really can’t do anything else but that. I mean, you really can’t. But it’s interesting, when I ask the creator, bring the people in my life you want and remove the ones you don’t, it’s interesting, you know, who comes and who goes.

So you got to be looking and watching what’s going on with everything that’s going on in your life. And, you know, be very careful who you surround yourself with, because not everybody has good intentions for you. Make sure you’re surrounding yourself with people. I see a couple people on this chat, arguing, chill out, love each other. You know, that’s what I do. No, I’m just telling them, you know, you want to go down the left path, great. That’s how on earth. Continue to argue and bicker with each other. You know, there is no future in the past except for the gains meaning if anything in your past you want to reflect on, reflect on what you did to move you forward.

Don’t reflect on what happened to you that set you back. Okay? I tell people that all the time. Do not focus on what set you back in the past, because all it’s going to do is hold you back for your purpose in your future. Just if you want to look backwards, hey, look back at the gains, the wins that you’ve had. Right, son? We’re at about a quarter two. I see my, my, uh, my beautiful senorita Cynthia, your stepmom, poking her head in my office. So I’m going to get strung up here in about five minutes.

Yeah, we’ll, I, you know, make sure you guys check out all the links down in the description. Go support what paranoid Americans got going on. And we thank you for having him on. Check out the most important thing, guys, please take a second out to opt in to our daily email list that’s so important because then, you know, when you, they’re turning off notifications and stuff like that, you get a daily email. It’s very simple. Boom, you click on it and we are working where we’re in the next week, we should have it all situated where for all of our members, whenever we drop members only content.

Because I got so many recommendations from you guys that an email will go out to the members. So you’ll get an email saying, truth Mafia just dropped new members only content. Actually, one of my followers that I talked to on the phone, she recommended that I did that. She’s an older lady, she’s not very good with technology and stuff, so that’s how most of the platforms operate. So we’re working on that right now, guys. And, you know, thanks for rocking out with us. All the links are down below. Thank you, guys. We love y’all. Get your decodes, too, down below.

We’re out of here.

  • Tommy Truthful

    Hey guys, Tommy Truthful here, leader of the Truth Mafia, CAPO DEI CAPI. I built one of the biggest alternative media conglomerates in the world, brought together some of the biggest names in the game in the truth-seeking community to combat censorship. People ask all the time how they can join the Truth Mafia. You can't just join; I have to notice you. My team and I research to ensure you have no government ties before we bring you into the family. If you'd like to get your personal decode done by Tommy Truthful and find out your role in this simulation we call life, then links are below.

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