144000 Chosen Ones: Karmic Retribution

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The Profound Significance of the Number 144: A Deep Dive by Tommy Truthful

Properties Of The Number 144


Hey Truth Seekers, Tommy Truthful here. Today, I want to dive into the mystical and symbolic significance of the number 144, inspired by a fascinating video by B Dell. This number carries immense weight in our reality, weaving through various spiritual, historical, and esoteric threads. Let’s unravel its mysteries together.

Properties of the Number 144


The number 144 embodies a blend of rotational cycles and microcosmic individualism, suggesting the completion of one stage and the transition to the next. R. Allendy, a renowned symbolic numerologist, views 144 as the development and interplay of relationships and combinations between things. Essentially, it’s about moving to the next level of existence or understanding.

Divine Unity and Stability

Early Church Fathers saw profound meaning in 144. They believed the hundred represented the unity of the divine world (God’s oneness), the four represented the stability of the angelic world, and another four symbolized the eternal stability of the Holy City, depicted as a cube. This intricate combination reflects a perfect and stable cosmic order.

The Holy City, Depicted As A Cube

Theosophical Enrichment

Multiples of 144 enrich its symbolism. By theosophical reduction, 144 becomes 9 (1+4+4), which carries its own significance. The 14 divider numbers of 144, such as 72, 36, 24, and 12, are deeply symbolic, enhancing its mystical reputation.

Chakras and Spiritual Perfection

In Eastern traditions, the five lower psychic centers have a total of 48 petals. Adding the 96 petals of the frontal chakra (the third eye) sums up to 144. This total symbolizes spiritual perfection and the harmonious union of soul and personality.

Biblical Connections

In the Book of Revelation, 144 cubits measure the rampart of the celestial Jerusalem (Rv 21:17), highlighting its significance in divine architecture and spiritual fortification.

New Jerusalem Cube Symbolism


Historical and Cultural Relevance

Marthe Robin, a stigmatized mystic from Châteauneuf-of-Galaure, was profoundly devoted to the Miraculous Medal and wrote a prayer of exactly 144 words seeking divine intervention for France and the Church.

Plato and Aristotle suggested that significant societal changes occur every 144 years, and humanity’s grand cycles shift every 1728 years (12 cubed). The Rosicrucians believe there are 144 different types of atoms in the universe waiting to be discovered by science.

The Holy Grail was said to have 144 facets, and many Christian and pagan structures, including the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and the Palatine Chapel, incorporated 144 into their measurements, inspired by Revelation. Or is it the signature of the Jesuit order? 

Jesuit Order-Ordinal-144 (1)

The Jesuit Order

“Read the Jesuits’ oath below; they have the strongest connection to the number 144.”

Jesuit Oath

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Stay curious, stay enlightened, and keep seeking the truth.

Tommy Truthful, signing off. Remember, the numbers never lie. 🌟

PS: Dive deep, question everything, and let the numbers guide your path.

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➡ The speaker, Bdell, discusses the concept of ‘chosen ones’ and their role in awakening the planet. He explains that cosmic energies, when combined with these chosen ones, act as an amplifier to awaken consciousness. He also talks about the alignment of celestial bodies and its significance, suggesting that we should align ourselves too. Lastly, he mentions that speaking truth can cause a ripple effect, accelerating consciousness and causing global changes.
➡ The text discusses the idea that authenticity, or being true to oneself, has a powerful energy that can impact the world around us. It suggests that speaking truth can cause changes in the world, possibly even physical ones like earthquakes. The text also warns of a potential future where technology is used to control people, and encourages us to resist this by staying true to ourselves and our beliefs. It ends by suggesting that current events, like numerous earthquakes, could be signs of these truths being spoken.
➡ The speaker believes that speaking the truth activates a chain reaction involving the sun, gamma radiation, and the Earth’s ley lines, which in turn awakens the “chosen ones”. He also suggests that weather manipulation is an attempt to disrupt this process. The speaker further argues that women, by controlling their sexual energy, can influence the weather and cause destruction. Lastly, he warns against traveling by plane and urges people to align their mind, body, and soul, similar to the alignment of planets.
➡ A flight from Montego Bay, Jamaica to Fort Lauderdale had a mid-air scare when the pilot announced an emergency water landing due to a suspected mechanical issue. Passengers were terrified and some had trouble with their life vests. Despite the fear, the plane landed safely back in Montego Bay. The airline gave passengers vouchers, but some felt this was not enough compensation for the traumatic experience.
➡ The text discusses the idea of predictive programming in movies and the significance of certain dates and numbers. It also introduces the concept of the ‘Spain test’, which measures emotional frequency and places authenticity above love. The text emphasizes the importance of authenticity, individuality, and speaking truth to power, suggesting that these qualities can repel negative influences. It concludes by discussing the concept of karmic retribution and the role of ether in creation and destruction.
➡ The speaker encourages listeners to speak the truth and detach from societal constructs, as this will lead to personal growth and a greater connection with the planet. They warn against the dangers of technology taking over our thinking and becoming too reliant on it. They also emphasize the importance of balance in life, including physical exercise and mental stimulation, to maintain a healthy energy flow. Lastly, they urge listeners to surround themselves with like-minded individuals and engage in self-affirming practices to align with their higher selves.
➡ The speaker emphasizes that spirituality isn’t about appearances or specific attire, but about energy and connection. They believe in being relatable to all demographics, from children to elders, and use everyday appearances to connect with them. They also mention using the negative aspects of life, or “the matrix,” to create positive outcomes. The speaker ends with a repeated prayer for divine guidance and assistance.


I’m striving for greatness trying to make it I was stuck in the matrix? Yeah, I’m striving for greatness? Trying to make it out? We’re stuck in the Matrix yeah, I’m striving for greatness? Trying to make it that we’re stuck in the matrix yo, what’s good? It’s your boy Bdell. If you’re new to this channel, hit the like button, hit the share, but hit that subscribe button, hit that notification bell. But today I’m going to give a metaphysical synopsis about the chosen ones in the 144,000 and how it’s correlated to the activation of the planetary ley line grid system that also works in tandem with the Birkeland current.

That produces an extraction of plasma discharges that upgrades the planet. So with that being said, ladies and gentlemen, one thing you got to understand about this activation on the planet is that when you have these cosmic energies amalgamating with chosen ones, it basically creates an amplifier in a conductor to wake up the consciousness on the planet, right? So when you have the Birkeland current producing many different plasma atoms and many different plasma discharges to the planet, that creates a process of an awakening. So when the chosen ones wake up, the planet wakes up. When the planet wakes up, nature wakes up, right? There’s a metaphysical process that takes place.

Right? So one thing you gotta understand now, one thing you gotta understand is that the precursor to the inception of this phenomenon started with June 3, when you’re talking about the six planets that basically aligned, which happens every hundred years. So when you see these celestial bodies in alignment, that is basically the signification of that. You must get in line as well. You must be reaping the benefits of equilibrium and balance. You got to be aligned. You got to get your chakra system in alignment, right? Because that is basically the symbology of the fact that there’s going to be many different implications that’s going to be taking place on the planet.

Because what happens in the cosmos actually correlates to everything in third density, right? Because as I was telling you before, physical destruction is facilitated by spiritual energy that’s transmuted from the cosmos. So when you have the planetary grid system activated, it causes plasma discharges of atoms at light speed. That basically collapses time, because time in itself is basically subjugated by the leyline grid system. That ley line grid system is also known as the draconian reptilian net, right? That keeps you trapped in time, because time, as I was telling you before, the artificial time analysis mechanism is produced by subatomic particles of the photon like spectrum, right? Trapped light.

So when you have these plasma discharges amalgamating with the magnetic field of the planet, which is also known as the dodecahedron, these energies activates the Birkeland current, right? So we have the Birkeland current activated. It creates a esoteric energy, which is known as an organ energy, that orgone energy basically is in correlation with the phenomenon of the weather. Organic energy basically controls the weather. Right. By way of manifestation of the cosmic energy that’s coming in, right? So that same esoteric energy has the ability to create operational dysfunction to those who got the draconian juice, right. Because one thing you got to understand about this phenomenon, you know, this is why the great majority of the chosen ones, the 144,000, the great majority of us, is going to be attacked during this time period.

And the reason I say that is because the more we speed up our mental consciousness, the more we speed up in vibration, the more the planet wakes up. The more the planet wakes up, the more you’re going to have many different people who are basically going to try to attack us. Because when you speak truth, truth is a purifier, that is a great purification, because the purifies the ethers to basically dismantle everything within the simulation, which is also connected to the liquid crystal polarization. So the liquid crystal polarization, the dematerialization of it, you have atoms that can speed up, right? Which is connected to the conservation of energy, which is the first law of thermodynamics.

When you have atoms vibrating at a certain frequency, right, it adds energies and atoms and molecules heating increases the motion and kinetic energy causes them to move faster and spread apart. The average speed of the particles depends on their mass and temperature. And heavier particles moving are slowly lighter than the ones the same temperature. For example, atoms at a room temperature move about 500ft/second but when cooled down, they move at a fraction of an inch per second. So when you have the conduction of the vibrational frequencies of atoms collaborating with each other, amalgamating with each other, that creates the conservation of energy by going from heat to electrical energy, that causes a particle accelerator, right? So, as I was telling you before, people who speak truth are the 144,000.

When you speak truth, that creates particle acceleration, which is plasma acceleration. Plasma is connected to the magnetic field of the planet. The magnetic field of the planet is being activated by way of gamma radiation. That gamma radiation is amplifying the Birkeland current. The Birkeland current is what controls the metaphysical aspects of the weather by way of orgone energy. So that’s why I said in one of my videos, time is not essentially speeding up our consciousness is. So when you understand that ether is faster than the speed of light, because light travels at 186,000 miles per square feet.

So when you speak these truths inside the ethers, it basically collapses time. It creates a liquid crystal polarization of. Hold on, let me get this picture right. It creates a liquid crystal polarization. Well, I guess it doesn’t. Let me stretch it out anymore. Hold on for a second. All right, here we go. Let me get my PowerPoint back up. But, yeah, sorry for the inconvenience there, but like I said, these plasma discharges in itself, like I said, it creates an amplifier and a conductor to the planet, right? Because as I was telling you before, you know, the chosen ones, the 144,000, the true speakers, the healers, right? The ones that’s basically to.

Are basically here to reverse the polarity of the negative frequency that was propagated by the archons and the canaanite bloodline, right? We’re here to reverse the polarity by speaking truth, healing the planet, right? So, like I said, this is part of the great purification period. So when you understand that you. When you speak truth, it has an octave vibration of quarks. Quarks are basically comprised of protons and neutrons. And when you amalgamate it together with lepretons, which is. Which is basically an electron, it creates the Higgs boson particle, which is also known as the God particle, that activates the God gene for you to speak these truths of the 144,000, right? Which is based upon the cosmic convergence.

So when the cosmic convergence and when you got all these people speaking truth by way of the throat chakra, the blue energy, blue star, kachina, great purification period. When you have all these people, you know, the 144,000 chosen ones, when you speak truth, what happens is it collapses the time and everything in third density. It basically speeds up the vibration and the consciousness on the planet, right? So this is where you get your phenomenon of global warming accelerating at unprecedented space, right? Why is this happening? It’s happening because there’s an awakening on the. On the planet.

The awakening starts by way of speaking truth. That’s why everybody right now is speaking truth. Everything is getting exposed. Celebrities, P. Diddy, Donald Trump, politicians, you know, people within the infrastructure of these religious systems. We talking about TD Jakes, and, you know, everything is getting exposed by way of the octave frequency. Of the quarks that connects with the ethers. When the ethers is activated, it activates the planet. When a planet is activated, it activates the chosen ones. When the chosen ones are activated by way of speaking truth, it activates everything in nature, right? It activates everything in nature, because as I was telling you before, the four basic elements is connected to the four horse, four horsemen of the apocalypse, which is earth, air, water, fire.

So when you have ether speaking truth collaborating by way of gamma radiation and magnetism, that’s where nature starts to take place. This is where you get the great majority of everything around you in third density starts to crumble. The House of cards has to fall by way of truth, right? So this is why the great majority of us is going to be attacked during this time period. Because the conduction and the vibrational frequency of speaking truth by the 444,000 is when you have the faster moving molecules come in contact with lower molecules, which is basically a transmutation process by transferring energy to them, which is a process of conduction.

Conduction is when you have the vibration of atoms rubbing together, right? So with that being said, this essentially means that when your consciousness speeds up, everything all around you speeds up as well, right? So with that being said, you have the particle accelerators, because like I said, when you able to speak truth, you’re basically breaking down the infrastructure of the three dimensional paradigm. And the reason I say that is because, like I said, the energy extraction matrix in this simulation is built upon fallacies, because everything in third density is basically a derivative of something that was based upon authenticity.

We finna get in to the frequency of authenticity as we get through the presentation, because authenticity in itself has its own vibrational frequency, because it’s 44,000 times more stronger than the frequency of love, right? Because authenticity is the epitome of the love frequency. When you love yourself intuitively, by way of being chosen, by way of having a passion and a purpose on this planet, your authenticity gives off a certain vibration to those who are stuck in third density, right? Because like I said, when you. When you look at yourself at a high vibrational frequency, when you look at yourself at a supreme level, when you don’t have a personality, but you have individuality that sets you apart from everybody else.

So that’s your great separation during the time of the great Awakening period, right? So when you have the vibrational frequency of atoms start to speed up with charged particles such as protons and atomic nuclei, electrons, to speed up what our subtitles called as the light speed. You know, this is new energies that’s releasing on the planet, right? Vibrating at light speed, that’s activating the Birkeland current. As I was telling you, the Birkeland current basically dismantles the leyline grid system that’s operating in tandem with the liquid crystal polarization of everything that’s connected to the third density dualistic paradox that’s based upon technology.

Fallacies and evil, right? So this is why they coming out with stuff like this in the Economist magazine. One thing you gotta understand about predictive programming, everything is based on premeditation. Everything is premeditated. So they know that the awakening process on a planet is happening by way of the activation of the ethers. Because as I was telling you before, when you’re talking about the inception of creation, everything started with ether, which is a form of thought, right? Your thoughts is connected to the vibrational frequency of the activation of your mind. So when your mind is activated and you speak truth into the ethers, that causes destruction, that is your alpha and omega, right? By going from six ether to non ether, the non ether is amalgamated by way of gamma radiation.

That creates ionization. That ionization creates catastrophe on the planet. When you’re talking about the weather being manipulated, right? So when you look at the background on the board, like I said, you know, it’s basically telling you right here, this. I don’t know if it’s basically in correlation to the doomsday clock in the background, but from what it looks like, look, from what it looks like right here, it looked like it’s like maybe 1 minute till midnight. 1 minute to midnight. Because when a doomsday clock hits midnight, that’s your reset. Everything resets, right? So they, you know, everything they showing you in the background, this picture is pretty, pretty evident of what? Of how they want to, you know, go about certain things when the foundation of the infrastructure of democracy starts to crumble.

Because one thing you got to understand about, you know, democracy, democracy is basically the foundation of socialism and Marxism. Marxism is a precursor to communism. Communism is basically the doorway to totalitarianism. Totalitarianism is basically the precursor to a cybernetic dictatorship by way of transhumanism. So they want to have a transhumanistic agenda to basically lock down the genetical structure of the 144,000. So that’s why I said the operational dysfunction is going to be in connection to the energy of the sun. For those who have the draconian juice, you’re going to short circuit. It’s going to cause all types of neurological misfires within the physiology of your brain capacity, right? Because as I was telling you before, the mind is God.

This is why they want to attack the mind by way of nanotechnology, right? And that’s all in correlation to the next shutdown we’re going to have, right? We all know that you know everything. As far as you know, the ethers has been activated. When you speak truth, it speeds up the timeline. We heading into that time, just like we did in 2020, right, when the whole world got locked down and shut down going into that time period. So that’s why the galvanization of the 144,000 is very imperative for you to, you know, start linking up with people who are very like minded right? Now.

You got stuff like this, publications coming out, you know, the emergency broadcast, putting out emails, talking about the darkest day in american history, right? So it’s not a, it’s not a coincidence because I was telling before, the more you speak truth, the more the phenomenon of everything starts to activate. And I’m going to prove it to you in these videos. So this is why they’re going to attack the 144,000, right? Because when you speak truth, that is the foundation of karma, retribution to where energy expands and returns to itself, right? The energy that you put out has to come right back to your ass.

Negative frequency begets negative frequency. Positive frequency begets positive frequency, right? It’s either you’re going to evolve or you’re going to be a degenerate. Which side you’re going to be on, you’re going to be on the side of the chosen ones, or you’re going to be on the side of the plastocracy that’s basically trying to subjugate the evolution of the planet, right? And for the, for the people who are not the chosen ones, the NPC’s who want to go along to get along with the system, to keep this illusion going, we’re going to be attacked, right? And I’m approved that within the presentation, but I got to show you these videos because I was talking too much, but I’m going to be showing you that, you know, when you speak truth, that is the precursor to most of the calamities, right? So you got stuff like this going on.

You got the, all these seduction zones being activated where you can see these concentric circles. These concentric circles is where you have all these earthquakes, is that right? All these earthquakes. And I’m gonna show you a video of this lady specifying something about the phenomenon of all these earthquakes being activated. Right. Because when you speak truth to power, that that gives off a vibrational octave frequency to the planet, right? Everything is frequency, whether you believe that or not. So this is why they keep us away from our natural tonal languages. Because if we was in our tonal languages, the things that we will say would basically shake up the planet, right? By way of the Oregon energy that’s connected to the Birkeland current that gives us plasma discharges.

Those plasma discharges is basically the coronal mass ejection blood that’s connected to the foundation of the planet. So when you speak that truth, it’s kind of like a person, when they get mad, when you get. When a person get mad as hell, they ready like, am I finna go in? I’m finna go for broke. When a person gets mad, you got, you know, you got your veins. Your veins start to boil. Your blood starts to boil. That is the plasma energy on the planet. When you speak the truth, when you have authenticity, when you speak truth to power, when you have a purpose, when you have a passion, when you do anything that’s connected to you being chosen right to what you came to this planet to do, that’s going to shake up the planet.

And that’s why all this stuff is going on right now. And she’s going to be talking about the earthquakes and things of that nature within this video. Six Pacific standard time on June 3, 2024. And as of this time and date, the state or islands of Hawaii have had 77 earthquakes in the past 24 hours. I don’t know if you’ve heard about it or not, but 77 earthquakes. And, of course, there’s always earthquakes all over the planet, but usually we don’t have 77 of them on top of each other in 24 hours period. And there’s some big ones going on in the world right now.

And I think we’ve had, like, eight or nine in the state of California in the past 24 hours, but 77 in Hawaii and 77 earthquakes in Hawaii. You got, you know, you had a thing about Ryan Garcia. I already put out a video talking about June 6, 2024, which is equated to 666. I already talked about that. Another transmission. But as, like she said this, she basically created this broadcast on Monday, right, on June 3. So I’m gonna keep playing this video and you in the state of California in the past 24 hours, but 77 in Hawaii.

And you have to think of the whole west coast right now is being shaken, and then Hawaii is, of course, in the Pacific, and it’s being shaken and they just had one in Switzerland, which was interesting. I didn’t see how close it was to CERN, but I’m about to look that up and see exactly if our little buddies over at CERN opening those portals might have something to do with it. That’s just my opinion, and it was purely speculation, so don’t come at me. So, like I said, this is a real phenomenon that’s taking place, and all that energy is based upon the infrastructure of the planetary alignment that happened on June 6.

Remember I was telling you, you know, remember I was telling you right here, you know, the six planets were basically in alignment. And I think I’m forgetting another publication to show you guys within the presentation, because I wasn’t intended to do a video today. So everything right now is really just based on some. Some receipts that I threw together that basically correlates to the synopsis of the chosen ones being attacked on the planet. But I need to get this other part of the publication on here, because, like I said, it correlates with the presentation at hand, if I can find it.

But while I’m looking for that, I’m going to show you another video of the plan being activated. Like I said, I told you how to keep your asses off the planes, but yet, like I said, I’m gonna show you a video about that, too. Because like I said, the awakening is activated by speaking truth. When you speak truth, that gives off an amplifier in a vibrational frequency to the sun. The sun produces coronal mass ejections. Those coronal mass ejections is projected to the planet. It’s an extraction of energy. Those coronal mass ejections is gamma radiation. Gamma radiation creates ionization.

That ionization manipulates the planetary ley line grid system. The planetary ley line grid system is also known as the draconian reptilian net, the dragon ley lines. The draconian reptilian net. The dragon ley lines is basically the net of India. The net of India is what keeps you trapped in time because it works in tandem with the firmament. So the gamma radiation, by way of ionization, is manipulating the ley line grid system to where these new energies is coming in and activating the chosen 144,000. So that is basically the process of everything that’s going on on the planet currently.

I’m gonna play this video. Lasers, really, to change the weather? That’s right. Well, as Mark Twain once famously said, everyone complains about the weather, but no one ever does anything about it. Well, instead of doing a rain dance, we physicists are firing trillion watt lasers into the sky to actually precipitate rain clouds. And one thing you cannot do, the reason why they do so much shit with the weather and they try to manipulate and compromise the weather is because they’re trying to compromise the awakening process. The hotter it gets on the planet is because people are speaking truth.

It activates the ethers. So in order to destabilize that energy, they gotta create weather modification. That weather modification in itself is by making it rain, trying to make it cloudy, trying to block out the sun. Because as I was telling you before, that sun is a sun simulator that works in conjunction with the black sun inside the planet, which is the womb of creation. And it works with our galactic sun, which is the star Polaris, outside of the dome. So these two fractions of light is giving energy to the sun simulator. They’re trying to subjugate that to bring down lightning bolts.

Well, this is fascinates me in part because, too, I remember reading the stories that China had used this during the Olympics, that the USSR had used this after Chernobyl to create rain clouds. I mean, did those really work then? We have some of these capabilities now inconclusive. Even in the sixties, the CIA used this to bring down monsoons during the Vietnam war to wash out the Viet Cong. Governments have been alleged to, alleged to. Alleged to. Right now, we realize that for decades now, these governments have been alleged to have experimented with of the control, but nothing conclusive.

This time we’re bringing in the laws of physics rather than simply, well, notice you see all that green Ethereum energy, gamma radiation all over the geographical land masses right in the picture, right? So like I said, it’s the vortex of energy that’s activating the magnetic field of the planet, feeding our hands in uttering mumbo jumbo. We’re actually using trillion watt lasers now and in the laboratory. Sure enough, they precipitate rain out of water vapor. Sure enough, you can actually bring down electricity down the beam, firing trillion watt lasers. You rip apart the electrons, creating what are called ions.

And these ions act like seeds, like dust particles, bringing down rain. And so they trying to subjugate the energy with weather modification. But they’re not going to be able to subjugate the energy, right? They’re not going to be able to. So I got the picture, but it said it failed. Let’s try again because I got to incorporate this in the presentation because it’s going to give you an idea of what’s actually going on, why we’re being attacked. We’re going to be attacked so heavily during this time period, the more you speak truth, the more it’s going to basically dismantle the illusion.

A lot of people, the NPC’s, they want to keep this illusion going, right? So we’re going to get that, get to that later. So now, as we get back to the presentation, all right, like I said, the planet is being activated by way of the energies of the Birkeland current, which is esoteric energy known as orgon energy that manipulates the weather from the plasma discharges, that basically amplifies the magnetic field of the planet. And the magnetic field of the planet activates the planetary ley line grid system, right? By way of heat conduction and particle acceleration with the vibrational frequency of atoms that’s causing this whole phenomenon of global warming.

You speak truth. That’s an octave vibration, right? I’m gonna show you another video. So you got, you know, tornadoes. Like I said, this is all part of one thing. Like I said, one thing you got to understand. The four horsemen of the apocalypse is everything in the Bible is actually allegorical. If you don’t understand, uh, the metaphysical science of the Bible, you’re going to get lost in the sauce every time. So the four horsemen of the apocalypse is the activation of the four basic elements, earth, air, water, fire. The fifth element, when it collaborates with those four basic elements, sparks creation or it sparks destruction.

Creation was based upon the non ether energy. That same energy basically vibrates everything in nature to where it creates calamities and natural disasters, right? So the more you speak truth, the more natural disasters is going to be happening on the planet. That is basically the equilibrium of law and order, right? Because speaking truth is law, but the order has to come by way of destruction of everything in third density. You see what I’m saying? I’m play this video. This is a tornado somewhere in Texas. See? One thing you understand, as I was talking about on Brother Rich’s channel the other night, women, it is imperative for you, the chosen women, it is imperative for you to keep your sexual energy in control.

Remember the movie X Men, the tv show, right? They had a character named Storm. She was able to manipulate the weather, right? Because one thing you gotta understand about X Men, that is the activation of the x gene. The x gene is the epitome of the mitochondrial eve gene of the woman. Your energy, your ethos, they connected to the planet by way of the Oregon energy. Your orgone energy is connected to your sexual energy. So when you’re able to control your sexual energy, you can manipulate the weather, you can cause the destruction. So one thing you understand, if the woman was mentally and spiritually focused right now on the planet, this whole goddamn thing will overturn overnight.

This whole simulation was shut down, literally. But we got to tap into that energy. You got to stop listening to the sexy red, right? Chosen ones don’t listen to no damn sexy red because they use her for sexual deviancy and sexual gratification. That’s why they endorse her. Right? It’s not a coincidence that during this time period, Elon Musk, he basically approved NSFW content to basically be on Twitter. Right? He is allowing it because he knows that your sexual energy of, by way of being a chosen one, is connected to the vibrational frequency of nature, is connected to the vibrational frequency of the sun, and it’s connected to the vibrational frequency of your soul, right? So that’s why you got to get the mind, body and soul in alignment.

It’s like you had the six planets that was basically in alignment. That was the signification for you to get your ass in alignment, right? Get your chakras in balance, right? God is equilibrium. So, like I said, y’all don’t want to listen about the planes. I’ve been telling y’all about the planes. And then you got to talk this dude on here talking about, oh, my God, I was scared for my life. We’ve been telling you how to stay off the planes, but you still want to go on vacations. You know, I’m saying, you still want to. You still want to keep this illusion going.

You still want to act like ain’t nothing going on on the planet. Like I said, these are the NPC’s. Because a person like me that’s telling you to stay off the plane because I’m actually speaking true. People that went on this vacation, they’re going to be like, no, I ain’t trying to hear that. I want to get on a vacation. We can’t hear. We can’t be listening to people like you because we got to live our life. You see what I’m saying? Because this is where the chosen is going to get attacked by people who do shit like this and go on these trips.

And now they getting scared, right? I’m play the video. We’re back with a midair scare. A group of pastors headed to Fort Lauderdale told to put on their life vest and prepare for an emergency water landing. NBC Six is Amanda placencia spoke to passengers and joins us from Fort Lauderdale Hollywood International Airport with the story, passengers on board a feared airlines flight from Montego Bay, Jamaica, to Fort Lauderdale say that it was a harrowing near death experience, confusion and chaos. That’s how passengers described the wild moments when a pilot made a frightening announcement. He basically told us exactly that we needed to make a emergency water landing.

And at that point, fear ran through my bones. Everyone on the. On the plane, of course, fear gonna run through your. Run through your bones because we’ve been telling y’all to stay off the airplane. Dummy. Passengers on board Spirit Airlines flight NK 270 from Montego Bay, Jamaica to Fort Lauderdale on Sunday described how they were in the air for about ten minutes when they heard a beeping sound coming from a door. The pilot said they were going to turn back, but a few minutes later, he told everyone to brace for an emergency water landing. What you see right now is a display of people who are not socially aware about what’s going on on the planet.

They don’t know what time it is on the planet right now. They think this is all, you know, this is normal. We have never seen this many implications and afflictions going on with the airline. We’ve never seen this much, right? Because as I was telling you before, the more you speak truth that purifies the ethers. The ether exposes everything in a simulation. When the simulation shuts down, all technology shuts down, right? So this is like I said, you got people right here, man, who are just oblivious to everything that’s going on. They just worrying about going to the beach and all this other stuff like that.

But that’s why it’s called the great purification period. You have to get rid of those who are trying to hold on to everything in third density. When people try to hold on to something, they’re going to basically try to attack those who are trying to evolve. The planet is in the state of evolution, right? So the more you hold on to this thing and the planet goes into evolution, it has to basically extract everything that was basically a cancer to the planet. Your NPC’s, the politicians, your black nobility, the Canaanite, your boule members, right? These, you know, I’m saying the people, you know, who are basically asleep, who want to keep the illusion going, right? These are the people who are basically cancers to the planet, right? So everything has to get exposed.

Everyone freaked out. We were. It was just chaotic. Everyone started grabbing their emergency vest under their seats. We saw the flight attendants running back and forth on the plane. Chansey facing was on board the flight with her husband during the frantic moments. She says her life jacket wouldn’t open at first, so her husband gave her his seconds. This is not happening. At that moment, we realized he was not going to have less once we hit the water. That’s what was the most traumatizing. And she wasn’t the only one who had issues with her life vest. When I looked out of the window, all I saw was blue.

So I’m thinking, this is real. We’re about to go in the ocean. Like, I’m saying my prayers to die at this point. Seriously. Because it was, you know, saying one thing, you gotta understand that, you know, this is, you know, the ignorance of people who are living within the simulation. Because one thing you understand, people always talking about, well, God, this, well, I’m praying to God. And they believe in God and things of that nature. One thing you gotta understand about, you know, when you understand the Bible intuitively, when you understand any type of monotheistic religion intuitively, there they speak of prophets in the Bible, people.

You know, I’m saying, even if you don’t have a platform, or if you do have a platform, if you got a big following, a little following, anybody who speaks truth is a prophet. So if you believe in your so called Bible, right? You believe in your so called religions, why are you ignoring the people who are speaking truth? Because they didn’t stop making motherfucking profits, then it stopped true speakers. You know, I’m saying, you know, in fact, you know, I’m saying the information is not expendable anymore. You know, I’m saying, reading books, getting information off the Internet, you know, I’m saying the library is not expendable.

You know, I’m saying you can find these truths for yourself. If you don’t want to have to listen to somebody else, I’m gonna keep playing the video. Traumatizing. I thought that I was not going to make it. The Airbus plane eventually landed safely on the tarmac back in Montego Bay. Passengers were given vouchers, but some say that’s not enough. That’s not really true in my eyes, from what we went through. Spirit Airlines addressed the issue with a statement which read, in part, Spirit Airlines flight 270 returned to Montego Bay on May 26. Now, put in the comments right now, I want to ask you something.

Is me telling people to stay off the airplanes, is that a reality or is that fear mongering? Is me telling people to stay off the airlines, is that reality or is that fear mongering? Because like I said, now, people who experience this phenomenon, I’m pretty sure one person on that flight heard about people saying, uh, stay off the airplanes and they still went on a damn trip anyway. Now they scared. So by way of your emotions and your ignorance is where logic is basically the common denominator, right? Because you got an emotional connection to this matrix.

You want to have fun. You reason people want to have fun and do stuff like that all the time and always trying to take trips or whatever. It’s a form of escapism. They want to escape reality because they don’t have the ability to sit within they own energy. Because they don’t have authenticity, right? An authentic person, they don’t need external stimulation. They don’t need to go on a goddamn sure thing, right? They can just stand in a cipher and vibrate off their own energy. They don’t have to pull on the energy of other people when they going on trips and things of that nature, right? So that’s how you know you’ve chosen.

You chosen by way of your authenticity. Because it has a certain vibration, has a certain frequency to it, it can’t be manipulated and it can’t be duplicated. Caution. Following the suspected mechanical issue, the plane landed safely at MBJ and taxi to the terminal where guests deplaned under normal procedures. Safety is our top priority and the aircraft will be thoroughly evaluated by our maintenance team. Spirit Airlines says that they arranged a new plane for passengers to complete the flight to fll. But many say they are just still traumatized. Reporting from Fort Lauderdale, Hollywood International Airport. Yeah, you traumatized because y’all don’t listen.

You know I’m saying y’all don’t listen. I ain’t trying to hear none of that. I don’t care who you was praying to if you were scared. We’ve been telling you how to stay off the airplanes. We’ve been telling you all about the darkest days coming to America. We’ve been telling you all that. We’ve been telling you all about the bridges. You know I’m saying? So they got to create a false flag. They got to create a false flag during the time period because they know that everybody is waking up. They know that the 144,000 chosen ones are waking up.

Right? So now this is where we got to look into the phenomenon of the Golden Gate Bridge, right? So this is some gematria because it tells you right here on, there’s a video that’s correlated to it. So I’m gonna play the video before I show you those two slides. There’s a guy talking about staying off the Golden Gate bridge. Turn it up if you can’t hear it. Hi, I’m Gilbert. Got three misses. Birch, San Francisco. Being sent by heart. Stay off the Golden Gate bridge on August 11, or I’ll shake you down. Here I come. So, you know, for those who, you know, trying to get past his voice, he’s being, you know, very theatrical or whatever.

But like he said, he said, stay off the Golden Gate Bridge on August 11 of 2024. And they’ve been showing you, you know, by way of predictive programming. They’ve been showing you in all the movies, the planet of the Apes. They’ve been showing you the Ghostbusters movie. They’ve been showing you talking about a bridge collapse. So we know. We all know that they need a black swan event. In order to perpetuate this newer order system. So I’m gonna play it back a little bit. Just where he said. Where he says verbatim. Stay off the Golden Gate Bridge on April.

I mean, August 11, 2024. Disco. Being sent by heart. Stay off the Golden Gate bridge on August 11, or I’ll shake you down here. So, like I said, that’s another way. Like, false flags is another way to basically destabilize the chosen ones. Destabilize the 144,000. So this is some simple gematria. So from June 6, 2023, to August 11, 2024, is exactly 61, 61 weeks and six days. And we all know that in esoterics, the one and a zero are basically interchangeable, right? So when you see 616, you see 606. When you see 606, you see 616.

When you see 616, you see 666. Right? Sigil of the Antichrist. And also from September 11 of 2001. And then you got August 11, 2024 is exactly 22 years and eleven months apart. 22 plus eleven equals 33, which is a free masonic number. So be on the watch out for things like that. So I had to incorporate that because, like I said, by way of the perpetuation of fear, this is how they subjugate certain chosen ones, you know, for them to put. Put themselves in a state of evolution. So now there is a. There was a testing that took place, and it’s called the Spain test.

The Spain test is basically where. Spain is a scale of emotion, emotional frequency, authenticity. And it says right here, verbatim, it places authenticity at a higher frequency than love. Right? So the Spain. The Spain testing was basically testing the emotions of individuals in Spain is a conceptual scale developed to measure the intensity and frequency of emotions, right? And they said that authenticity is at the apex of consciousness because it has a certain frequency. It has a certain frequency because it’s at 44,000 MHz frequency. See the word 44,000 which is also in connection with 144,000. Because in order to be chosen, you have to have authenticity.

Your authenticity is connected to your passion. Your passion is connected to your purpose, right? So that is a sense of power refinement, right? How you galvanize your knowledge and. And you have enthusiasm and things of that nature, right? That puts you in alignment to reach your higher self. So that’s how you know that everything as far as frequency is a real thing. Because as I was telling you before, there’s a thing you can look on YouTube. You know, it tells you right here that anti bats repel sound and keep bats away. An ultrasonic sound. Because when you vibrate at a certain frequency of authenticity, authenticity has a certain octave ultrasonic sound that keeps demons and people who are basically NPC’s, it keeps all those individuals away.

Because if you ever notice, the further you raise your consciousness, you know, your consciousness, the further that you speak truth, the more you, you know, the more you do things that are basically self affirming, the more you give off a certain radiation. That radiation has a super ultrasonic sound that basically keeps anything that’s low vibrational away from that is your great separation. So like I said, in order to understand authenticity, you can’t have a personality. You have, you got to have individuality. Because when you’re an individual, that means that you have your own way of independent thinking.

So where you’re not subjugated by the psychological external stimuli, which is learned behavior patterns in the brain by way of third density. These learned behavior patterns are basically learned behavior patterns that’s connected to a form of dark psychology, right? Which is a form of degradation, lower forms of thought, right? So that’s the difference between being chosen and the ones who are not chosen. Chosen ones have individuality. NPC’s people who are stuck on a toxic frequency, low vibrational frequency, they have personalities because personality is activated by way of indoctrination. People who have authenticity, not indoctrinated. People who are, have authenticity, are not psychologically manipulated.

They have a mind of their own. So when you have a mind of your own, you’re going to speak your own truth. So this is where you’re going to have people like at your job is going to start attacking you, right? Because they see that you’re different. But like I said, the more you vibrate, the more you stand in your authenticity, the more you stand in your cipher, eventually they’re going to go away from you. They got to separate from you, right? They have to separate. So you’re going to be dealing with a lot of toxic co workers who’s basically going to try to come for your head, trying to come after you.

This is why you got stuff like this going on. A judge finds woman not guilty by reason of insanity and fatal shooting over existence of God. She basically. She basically killed a man because he didn’t believe in God. So this is where you’re talking about people who are going to try to hold on to everything in third density because the house of cars are falling. The more you speak truth and expose religion, the more people are going on, the more people are going to try to attack you, the more people who are basically going to try to scrutinize you, and the more people are going to try to ostracize you, right? But you got to stay in alignment.

So if you don’t believe in everything within the simulation, people who hold on to the simulation are going to fight for the simulation as you speak truth, exposing the simulation, right? That is your great purification. So that’s why, you know the truth in itself is a form of karmic retribution, right? The law of karma. This is a universal law that states that nothing happens by chance or outside the universal laws. Every action has a reaction or a consequence, and we reap what we have sown. What goes around comes around. Keep your circle positive, say good words, think good thoughts, do good deeds, because energy expands and returns to itself, right? That is your karmic retribution.

The karmic retribution is happening by way of the processional sun of the equinox, the spiritual sun, which is also known as the galactical sun. So all this stuff is based on the astrological narrative? It’s based on the astrological narrative because, like I said, is a transmutation process in a processional circle from alpha draconis to the star of Polaris, the age of the true light. So, for those who coming in, this video is basically a synopsis of a metaphysical breakdown of the 144,000, the galvanization of the 144,000, because the more you speak truth to power on the planet, the more it activates the Birkeland current that gives off plasma discharges to the magnetic field of the planet.

That basically dismantles the planetary ley line grid system. When the planetary ley line grid system is manipulated, is manipulated by way of conservation of energy, which is heat conduction in a particle acceleration, as you have atoms start to vibrate at a certain frequency. When atoms start to vibrate, it breaks down the subatomic particles of the photon like spectrum that basically emasculates the frequency of time because time is connected to the Ley line grid system, which is also known as a draconian reptilian net. So this is where you get your whole phenomenon of global warming accelerating, you know, at unstable heights.

Because when the Ley line grid system is dismantled, that’s because you have gamma radiation that’s creating ionization, that creates a phenomenon of the exposure of the liquid crystal polarization of everything in third density being exposed. So this is why they talking about, you know, calamities, you know, all this stuff. Because the ethers in itself is what activates everything on the planet. The ethers, right? Because when you understand the metaphysical aspect of the inception of creation, creation was started by thought, is when you project a certain octave vibration to the planet that amalgamates with the nine noble gases.

Those nine noble gases are basically the foundations of ether. When you have ether connecting to the four basic elements that causes creation, right? So now you fast forward into 2024. Now, the ether, it’s activating the four basic elements that’s causing destruction, right? What goes around comes around. That’s karmic retribution. Energy expands and returns to itself every goddamn time, right? So this is why the chosen ones, we’re going to be attacked for speaking truth. Speaking truth has an octave gamma radiation frequency. When you speak truth to power, that lets you know that you not one of them, that means that you have authenticity.

Authenticity is the foundation of individuality. When you have individuality, that means you have a purpose. When you have a purpose, you have a passion. Your passion is connected to your contract by coming back to the planet to reverse a polarity of everything that was propagated by the archons, the black nobility, and the NPC’s in these draconians, in the canaanite bloodline. You’re here to reverse the polarity of everything that was subjugated, you know, subjugated by patriarchy, right? We here to, you know, to spark this great awakening period. That’s what all this shit is all about, right? But like I said, you got to be choked.

The chosen ones has, you know, we got to start speaking a lot more truth because the more you speak truth, the more it activates the planet. When a planet is activated, it activates you because you are connected to the planet, right? So this is where you’re going to have, you know, people who are going to have a lot of neurological misfires, right? They’re going to have neurological misfires because, you know, they took the draconian juice. The draconian juice is a form of nanotechnology that infiltrates your neurophysiology and your biological structure. So when you have gamma radiation hitting that, hitting it, all those frequencies hitting your physiology, and you got all those nanometals in you, like I said, you’re going to short circuit.

It’s going to cause an operational dysfunction within your neurological faculties. You’re not going to be able to think for yourself. Just imagine it’s kind of like the same concept. Just imagine you put out a PS five or Xbox and it’s like 130 degrees outside. You just let it sit there, you know, I’m saying it’s going to heat up and it’s going to malfunction. Same thing is going to happen to those who got the draconian juice for those who are stuck in third density, right? Because in order to get to keep this thing going, you have to connect to the negative frequency of democracy.

Because as I was telling you before, democracy is the foundation of socialism and Marxism. Socialism and Marxism is a precursor to communism. Communism is the doorway to totalitarianism. Totalitarianism is a precursor to a cybernetic dictatorship by way of transhumanism. Transhumanism is nanotechnology working in tandem with your physiology to where you become a mental subordinate cyborg, right? So where you’re not able to think for yourself because technology is doing all the thinking for you. So that’s why I said, the chosen ones, they have individuality. They don’t have personalities. Personalities is acclimated to the construct of third density.

Everything in third density is being exposed because the chosen ones have individuality. So they speak against everything within third density, right? We exposing the religion, we exposing the political system. We exposing those toxic family members and friends or whatever. We exposing all this shit. Everything got to come down. The whole house of cards got to come down. So this is why they got to attack you. We are going to be attacked because this is a form of karmic retribution. The karmic retribution is the foundation of the great purification, right? This is the great, dreadful day. The more you speak truth to power, the more is going to activate the ethers.

The ethers is going to cause an activation in nature. Nature is going to cause destruction of everything at third density. Right? The planet is going to shake up more earthquakes, more tsunamis, more forest fires. You know, all these implications with the weather, it has to happen. It has to happen. So another thing, if you new to the channel, hit that subscribe button, too. You know, I’m saying, because like I said, a lot of people, they have a good idea about what’s going on, but they’re not able to, you know, piece the puzzles together because every video that I put out, like I said, is an esoteric puzzle piece, right? So you got to play fifth dimensional chess with these people.

You got to think like it. You got to think like the enemy in order to think past the enemy. You got to know what they going to do before they do it. You know, I’m saying, I’m already, like, ten steps ahead of them because I look at things from a pragmatic level. I don’t look at things from a form of optimism. I have no hope for the third density. There’s no evolution for the third density. There’s no evolution for the third dimension. It can only degenerate. So that’s why everything got a reset. Everything got a reset.

And the only way to reset this whole shit is by way of you speaking truth. Detach yourself from everything that’s connected to the three dimensional paradigm. Detach yourself from a religion. Detach yourself from caring about your job so much, right? Because like I said, that’s not a form of purpose. These are all fictitious purposes that was created by the simulation. It was created by the simulation because it was created to take you away from your true purpose. Your true purpose is. Is speaking truth. Your healers, your herbalist, you know, your channelers, right? Those are your true chosen people.

People who are able to decode symbolism, right? Those are your real chosen ones. Your prophets, your prophetics, you know, your oracles. These are the chosen ones. These are your. So your so called 144,000. We living in that time right now. Right? So that’s why it’s imperative for you to get videos out there like this, because like I said, man, uh, they don’t understand how, you know, uh, metaphysics, quantum physics, mind science, technology, uh, breaking down theology, uh, breaking all these things down and basically putting them, you know, a big old jambalaya bow of truth. Everything goes together.

There’s nothing separate from the truth, you know, I’m saying there’s nothing separate about it. Everything is connected. Even in. Even at a minuscule level, everything is connected. I don’t care if you’re talking about p. Diddy or the sexy red. If you’re talking about some. In a football game or basketball, basketball game. Everything is connected by way of the binary code system of the simulation right? So that’s why it’s imperative to understand gematria. That’s why it’s imperative to understand words. It’s imperative to understand those words by way of etymology. When you understand the etymology, that’s when you’re able to go to the inception of who created those ideologies within the infrastructure of that thought form, right? So like I said, this is a time right? Now we got to get an alignment.

We just had six planets aligned on June 3. So that’s basically the signification for you to get your ass in alignment, get your chakra system in alignment, right? Because like I said, the more these new energies on the planet is coming, the more people are going to attack you. So in order to upgrade your physiology, you can’t have energy blockages. Get in the gym, work out, read. Stimulate the mind. Because you know, if you work out more than you read, you still out of shape, work out read. You got to have balance. That’s equilibrium. Equilibrium is God.

God is the highest extension of my wish you the elements of matter to express itself. Balance means zero point energy, right? Get your emotions intact. You know, I’m saying keep your energetic space cleaned up, clean up your aura, right? Do self affirming practices. That’s going to put you in alignment to your higher self. Get with like minded people, get some creative hobbies. These, you know, everything that I’m telling you is how you get your ass in alignment. This is how you upgrade yourself. This is how you reinvent yourself. This is how you separate from people who you don’t, who you’re not basically supposed to be around, right? So you got to do all types of stuff, man, get massages, you know, get in that steam room, get the, you know what I’m saying? Get those chakra systems working so where you can get these cosmic energies.

Because when that cosmic energy is all around you, that’s going to activate your magnetic field. Your magnetic field is going to create a force field around you. Your force field has a vibration of authenticity that vibrates at 44,000 MHz. Frequency is higher than the frequency of love. Someone is higher than a frequency of love. Anything low vibrational cannot infiltrate your cipher, right? That is where you get your spiritual protection from. You get your spiritual protection by way of the cosmic radiation merging in with that carbon, right? So with that being said, ladies and gentlemen, I appreciate you guys watching this video.

If you’re new to this channel, hit that subscribe button like I said. Share this video four or five times. Share this video to anybody. You think that’s chosen. Share this anybody? Share this video to anybody who you think is basically in alignment to being chosen, who’s trying to fix their situation, who’s trying to get away from certain people because you got a lot of people who are stuck in an in between. You got some women, you know, they understand the concepts of spirituality, but they live in a form of sexual deviancy. It’s kind of like a dude being.

Having 1ft in the streets and having 1ft in spirituality, you know, I’m saying, you got a discard everything that’s low vibrational and step into the true light, right? That’s what it’s all about, evolution. The plan is the planet is evolving, so you must evolve as well. It’s imperative, you know, I’m saying, like, it’s nothing. You know, I’m saying the reason, in my opinion, I think the great majority of people, they stray away from spirituality because they think it has a there. They think it has a perception of a certain aesthetics that’s acclimated to it. You don’t have to dress a certain way to be spiritual.

You don’t have to dress a certain way to be chosen. Being chosen is a frequency. It’s an energy, bro. It has nothing to do with how you look. It has nothing to do with how you look at, you know what I’m saying? That’s why people stray away from spirituality, because they think you’re supposed to have all these garments and crystals and stuff. Yeah, I got crystals and I got, you know, comedic clothing and things of that nature. But I choose to wear this stuff because it’s part of my costume. What I say is part of my costume because can’t, you know, people who are trying to find the truth, you know, they cannot relate to a person who’s wearing a business suit.

They may not be able to relate with a person who’s wearing spiritual and comedic clothing. So this is why I stay neutral. I’m operating a zero point energy. I like clothes like this, so I wear clothes like this. But I also know that I’m able to reach many different demographics by not, you know, marginalize myself by way of perception. So, you know, like, if I wanted to connect with a child, a child is not going to be able to connect with somebody who’s wearing. Who’s dressed up like a preacher. A child is not going to be able to connect with a person just because they dress in spiritual garments, but they’ll be able to connect with me because I look just like them.

That’s what it’s all about. You got to be relatable to the demographics. You got to be relatable to the elders, you got to be relatable to the children. Zero point energy. That’s balance, right? That’s the only way. That’s why I said you got to use the matrix in order to get out. Yeah, this is wearing stuff like it gold. And, you know, I’m saying gold change. That’s. That’s part of the matrix. But like I said, it’s a catch 22. It’s a dualistic paradox, right? So when you understand the dual, the dualistic paradox, that’s where you use the negative implications as a form of alchemy, and you transmute that energy and you use it as a form of a positive.

You know, I’m saying, I know everything around this is basically a part of the illusion, but I got to use those illusions in order to pull people out, you know, to pull people out of the illusion. So, like I said, chosen ones understand that phenomenon, right? So with that being said, ladies and gentlemen, get this video out there. Thanks for watching this video. End of transmission 1014. We will put an end to this. Matt, I know it’s been a long time since I last called you back on your line, so I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the land.

Karma’s gonna get to you and then you’ll have a cherry get with online. One less friend. Now I had distant folks that are looking to my eyes to understand the wisdom he’s given and his wealth from the skies. So thanks for this meal that I’m about to receive. And thank you for my health and all the good memories. Thanks for the courage taken on another day when I used to not believe, but now I know about grace. Stay away from the fire. Cause the flames does burn. Go with your gut feeling. When it’s wrong, you learn forever.

Every one step I take, the Lord takes too. And, um, do unto others if you want it done unto you. Huh? It’s me again, God. I know it’s been a long time since I last called you back on your line, so I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the land. It’s me again, God. I know it’s been a long time since I last called you back on your line, so I hope and I pray for your hands to help me on the ladder to the just a completion. The selfish, proto grecian, amerindian Phoenician.

I’m the last of the Mohicans the bastard of the land, the pean melon and accretion and we just trying to get back to the fact that we were kings and queens of Atlanta but the avalanche seized it I live on Turtle island with the rest of the diseased better than the medicine for seven different treatments niggas try to ride away but in the getting seasick to sleep can feel my words like braille and they’re awakened with the penmanship a Kindle script written in them vacant monastery honorary payments to the prototype tomorrow’s only a day away but nothing happens overnight the fuck’s wrong with going left when you know it’s right? Biting off more than I can chew.

That’s an overbite. Black on black crime is like watching two soldiers fight when all along they was on the same page. History. It’s me again, God, I know it’s been a long time since I last called you back on your line so I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the land it’s me again, God I know it’s been a long time since I last called you back on your line so I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the land.

  • Bdell1014

    BDELL1014, the latest addition to the Truth Mafia family, was personally selected by Tommy Truthful, the leader of Truth Mafia. He's an outstanding teacher brimming with knowledge, making him a valuable asset to our Truth Mafia community. You can connect with him on Instagram (@Bdell1014), Facebook (Brydell Rice-Bey), and TikTok (@Bdell1014). He proudly identifies as a Moorish American 🇲🇦. Bdell 🇲🇦 (@Bdell__1014) / X (twitter.com) View all posts

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