Secrets of The Global Agenda

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➡ This video by Bdell discusses various global events and their potential connections to a larger agenda. He talks about issues with airlines, manipulations of the energy grid system, and the revealing of hidden forces. He also discusses the role of major corporations like Boeing and their potential involvement in these events. Lastly, he mentions a potential economic collapse tied to the electrical grid system.
➡ The article talks about a whistleblower at Boeing who found many defects in the planes. When he reported these issues, he was told he found too many problems. Later, he was found dead, which some people think is suspicious. The article suggests that these issues could lead to serious problems with the planes, and warns people to be careful when flying.
➡ The CEO of a major tech company, Dave Calhoun, is stepping down amid safety concerns and a whistleblower investigation. The whistleblower, John Barnett, who had been speaking out about the company’s safety shortcuts, was found dead in a mysterious circumstance. Barnett’s lawsuit alleges that the company tried to silence him and other employees from raising safety concerns. The circumstances of his death are still under investigation, and some believe it may be connected to his whistleblowing activities.
➡ This text talks about how everything, including technology and nature, is connected. It mentions the idea of ether, a force that can cause chaos or creation, and how it’s linked to biblical stories like the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. The text also discusses how technology, like EMPs (devices that can cause a big explosion), can affect things like airplanes and the energy grid system. Lastly, it suggests that some big companies might be involved in harmful activities, like causing plane crashes or manipulating the energy grid system, as part of a bigger plan.
➡ This text talks about various topics, including the Star Spangled Banner’s history and symbolism, the importance of understanding numerical sequences and symbols to predict events, and a large NATO exercise called Steadfast Defender 2024. It also discusses the potential for a cyber attack that could shut down the energy grid system, the importance of older cars in such a scenario, and the possibility of false flag events. The text also delves into the concept of shape-shifting through technology and the idea that a shift in the energy grid could reveal people’s true forms. Lastly, it suggests that we are entering an age where people will be able to see beyond illusions and perceive entities on a spiritual level.
➡ A man named Victor Scherer sees demonic features on people due to a rare condition called PMO, also known as demon face syndrome. The speaker suggests that this condition is connected to a conspiracy involving reptilian entities that can attach themselves to our energy fields through technology, keeping us in a low vibrational state. The speaker also mentions a book called “The Body Snatchers” by Susan Reed, which discusses this conspiracy. Lastly, the speaker talks about underground cities and bunker systems, suggesting that they are used by government officials for secret activities and could be revealed to the public in the future.
➡ The speaker warns about potential dangers related to various facilities and events, suggesting they may be part of a larger, sinister plan. They mention suspicious activities at government buildings, inappropriate facility locations, and unusual deliveries. They also discuss a series of tragic events, such as plane crashes and attacks, hinting at a connection to secret societies and rituals. The speaker urges listeners to be cautious and aware of their surroundings, especially when traveling by plane, and ends with a hopeful message about overcoming challenges.
➡ This text talks about someone who’s been away from their faith for a while, but is now reaching out to God for guidance. They’re struggling with their identity, feeling like an outsider, and dealing with societal issues like crime. They’re also trying to remember their roots and the greatness of their ancestors. They’re hoping for divine help to overcome their challenges and find their rightful place.


Video 101 four hell I’m striving for greatness? Trying to make it? I was stuck in the Matrix? Yeah, I’m striving for greatness? Trying to make it that we’re stuck in the matrix? Yeah, I’m striving for greatness? Trying to make it that we’re stuck in the matrix it yo, what’s good? It’s your boy Bdell. If you’re new to this channel, hit the like button, hit the share button, hit the subscribe button, hit the notification bell.

But today I’m going to give an extensive synopsis on the multitude of events that correlates to the global agenda of the plistocracy. So we’re going to be talking about the malfunction of airlines. We’re going to be talking about the manipulation of the energy grid system. And we’re going to be talking about the exposing and the revealing of the draconian reptilians as you have a manipulation in the simulation when you’re talking about the energy extraction matrix system, right.

So with that being said, ladies and gentlemen, we finna get straight to it, right? So now we’re gonna start out with the airlines, right? Because all this stuff basically works in tandem. All this stuff works in synergy. So Q and Ix basically put out a warning publication talking about warning, stay off all airlines worldwide, right? This is not a game, right? And they also put out a publication talking about how warning FAA issues no fly air travel during the Tolersota eclipse on April 8.

Stay off all airlines worldwide FAA issues warning for air travel disruptions during the total total solar eclipse on April 8, right? So now that, you know, raises, basically raises an eyebrow because during that time period, now you can see why, you know, they can probably, you know, deploy the National Guard and things of that nature because they know there’s something that’s going to be taking place in the atmosphere when you’re talking about a manipulation in the energy grid system, right? Because the energy grid system works in tandem with the electrical grid node, which controls all technological devices on the planet, right? So now it says right here verbatim, when you go to the New York Times, United Airlines planes have seen eight incidents in two weeks.

What’s going on? Right? So all this stuff is correlated with a Bowen incident. When you’re talking about the whistleblower who came out and basically spilled all the beans about what was going on, when you’re talking about the manufacturing of all the aviations and the resources and the technology on how to build these planes through mass production, right? So now, what is Boeing? Boeing is a company, it’s an american multinational corporation that designs, manufactures, and sells airplanes, rotorcraft, rockets, satellites, telecommunications equipment and missiles.

Now, also, Russia also used to work in tandem with this organization as well. Because one thing you got to understand about the dichotomy between, you know, allies and those who don’t have allies, right? Certain countries. Now, if you follow the money, if you follow certain enterprises and organizations, you can see that this whole concept of war is basically a big psyop, because all these companies in all these countries, they basically work in synergy, right? They work as synergy because they have one goal, and that goal is a new world order system.

And it’s basically comprised of all these organizations that I’m going to be showing you a chart of here in a second that basically have a percentage in owning Boeing. Right? Now, the founder of Boem Boeing is William E. Bowen. Edward Bowen, and he went to Yale University. So when you have a multi million dollar and a multi billion dollar establishment or corporation or organization or a business, a lot of times you got to go through the factions of secret societies.

Now, the home base and the headquarters for the Skull and Bone Society is at Yale University. And I also looked all his information up. He was also a part of the Skull and Bone Society, right? So this is all connected to the Francis Scott key Bridge collapsing because the Francisco key bridge was created in, I think it was in March 22 and 1977, right. So all this is correlated to the three two two, right? Which is a nomenclature title in a Sigil sizzle, right.

So the three, two two. All this is correlated because the headquarters of the Skull and Bone Society is at Yale University. The person who created Boeing Airlines is William Bowen, and he went to Yale University. So like I said, a lot of times when you reach a certain economical status, when you reach a certain financial status or certain social status, a lot of those times you become a part of those factions, right? So it’s like a free masonic organization.

It’s like a sub branch of it. So you got the skull and bone. This is all connected. Now, as I was saying before, you have a multitude of corporations all around the planet that works in tandem with Boeing. So could all these companies be a part of the manipulation of the energy grid system? As you have the seguing of a economic collapse, when you’re talking about an economical collapse, it’s also working in tandem with the electrical grid system.

Because if the grid system goes down, the whole financial system basically collapses. Right? Because there’s no more Wall street. So you see Wall street corporations, you see banking corporations, you see Vanguard, you see Blackrock. So all these corporations, they have a percentage in Boeing. And like I said, when you understand the global elite, when you understand that the fact that they’re basically eugenics, so everything they do is based on the form of depopulation.

So all this stuff is correlated with the movie leave the world behind because he knew something was going to take place within the movie, because all those people were basically banksters. They were basically financial gurus and things of that nature. Because as far as the financial debt clock system, it works in conjunction with the Fibonacci sequence of the cosmic clock. Right. So now when you go to this right here, New York Post, FAA warns of impact to air travel during the north american eclipse.

Like I said, it’s one of those things. You got new energies is coming in. Then you also have CERN activating on April 8. Right. So where’s going to be a manipulation in the time analysis mechanism. Right. To where they’re going to manipulate the space time continuum to where they’re going to let certain entities in this planet, which correlates to the draconian reptilian thing. We’re going to get into that later.

Now you have, the Federal Aviation Administration is wanting travelers and pilots. Pilots. The total solar eclipse on April could snar air traffic, especially at airports located in what is known as the path of totality. Right. All this stuff is connected. So you got the 2024 total solar eclipse, United States, April 7 through the 10th. So you have the air special traffic procedures, but, and then you have the total solar eclipse will begin over the South Pacific.

The eclipse path will impact the United States from approximately, from 1830 to 1940. So you’re talking about right here. Like I said, it’s going to manipulate air traffic. Right. When you read it at the bottom. So now we got to get into something here. I want to, I don’t want to get too far into the presentation because all this is correlated with the whistleblower. Right. All this stuff is with the whistleblower.

Who was John Barnett. I’m going to play the video. Back in 2012, Boeing started removing inspection operations off their jobs. So it left the mechanics to buy off their own work. So what we’re seeing with the door plug blowout is what I’ve seen with the rest of the airplane as far as jobs not being completed properly, inspection of steps being removed, issues being ignored. My concerns are with the 737 and the 787 because those programs have really embraced the theory that quality is overhead and non value added.

So those two programs have really put a strong effort into removing quality from the process. When I first started working at Charleston, what he’s basically saying is that the great majority of all the resources and the manufacturing equipment that goes on these planes, they’re basically. It’s basically like they have certain equipment that has an alternative in case you have a manipulation within the grid system to where the plans, the planes don’t basically crash out.

Right. So a lot of the stuff, a lot of the equipment that’s supposed to be going on these planes is supposed to be, is basically post a shield off the energy when these technological devices within the plane and the infrastructure of the plane, when you start to have a manipulation, as far as, like, you know, engines and. And fuel tanks and anything that’s connected to all the technological devices on the airplanes.

So is a lot of the stuff that’s missing inside the planes to basically have an alternative in case you have a EMP or a CME that, you know, basically causes a malfunction in the atmosphere by way of ionization that creates a multitude of subatomic particles that manipulates the grid system. I was in charge pushing of back deep, really put a strong effort into removing quality from the process.

When I first started working at Charleston, I was in charge with pushing back defects to our suppliers. And what that meant was I’d take a group of inspectors and actually go to the supplier and inspect their product before they sent it in. Well, I’d taken a team of four inspectors to spirit aero systems to inspect the 41 section before they sent it to Charleston. And we found 300 defects.

Some of them were significant that needed engineering intervention. When I returned to Charleston, my senior manager told me that we had found too many defects and he was going to take the next trip. So the next trip he went on, he took two of my inspectors, and when they got back, they were given accolades for only finding 50 defects. So I pulled that inspector aside and I said, did spirit really clean up their act that quick? That don’t sound right.

And she was mad. She said no, said the two inspectors were given 2 hours to inspect the whole 41 section, and they were kicked off their plane back in 2012. So it’s a very imperative to understand what’s going on, because anytime they kill off a whistleblower, that lets you know that that’s going to be the precursor to the next black swan event. That’s going to be the next orchestrated event when you’re talking about a false flag, right? Because all this stuff is correlated to Russia.

When you’re talking about ISIS and the Mozad and things of that nature, all this stuff is connected. Everything as far as the bridge, everything connected to Boeing airlines. All this stuff is esoterically connected. And I’m going to bring it full circle as we get through the video, right? So like I said, you haven’t many different been malfunctions within the planes, right? Because they’re missing certain parts. So Boeing CEO and other executives are out after a string of crisis is a roundup of certain of recent issues.

So on March 11, you had a technical event, hospitalizes five people, right? Then on March 4, you had a plane engine caught on fire. You know, I’m saying, like, it’s one of those things where we gotta, gump, we gotta understand, you know, the dichotomy between warning people and fear mongering. I’m warning people about what is to come. Now, you can get your ass on a plane if you want to, but you can’t say that nobody tell you, right? Just like I told people about the March 25 and the 26th incident, when you’re talking about the Francisco key bridge collapsing, right, by way of demolition.

I said something about that a month ago on the big event video. And I said, be very meticulous of your surroundings around March, because March is a sacrificial month, right? It’s a time of harvesting for the plastocracy and the global elite. This is how they harvest our energy by way of a blood sacrifice, right? So now also you got on 7 March, wheels fall off plane damaging cars below, right? Then you got on 8 March, plane skids off Runway in Houston.

Then on March 13, you got the footage release of fuel leak. And then today you just had United Airlines Boeing 777 diverted to Denver during Paris flight over engine issue, right? So it was one of those things, man, you got to come to the realization that we live in a great awakening, period. Everything has to go through reset. And when things reset, it has to go all the way back to zero point energy.

When you reset certain things on the planet, that is basically the foundation of judgment, right? Just like, you know, it’s one of those things where everybody wants to see things from a positive perspective. Perspective. They want to be very optimistic about what’s going on on the planet. But what you got to understand is, is that in order to get to the hereafter, you got to go through that desolation of abomination.

You got to get through the negative shit. You got to get through the chaos in order to reap the benefits of the order, right? So it’s kind of like the same birth. It’s like the birthing process of a woman who’s pregnant, right? During that nine months, you know, I’m saying it’s very rough. You know, it could be a rough pregnancy. And then when you having a baby, it can be very rough.

You doing all types of, you know, all the tractions and all this stuff. You know, you’re dealing with the pain, but after you have the baby, you know, I’m saying you reap the beautiful, you reap the benefits of a beautiful child, right? So like I said, you got to get through the ugly shit in order to reap the benefits of the positive change. That’s going to be orchestrated by way of karmic retribution and by way of the restoration of the matriarch, right? All this stuff has a process, right? So you got to get through the dark ages in order to see the true light.

So like I said, it’s not a coincidence that all the stuff is going to be taking place. It’s not a coincidence because it must be desolation on the planet before you get to the positive stuff. Now, when you look at the numerical sequence in Gematria, plane crash is equated to 97, right? Also within that, I searched 97 for, it equated to basically to civil war. So civil war in plane crash has the same numerical value in German, which is also esoterically connected to the movie civil war that’s going to be coming out on April 12.

Right, which is basically four days after the solar eclipse. Now we’re going to go back to some videos about the whistleblower, right? Because as far as, like, you know, you got all this stuff talking about Russia. You got the mozad, Isis and CIA. You got the shadow government basically having some type of affliction with Russia, Iran and China, right? And that is going to be the precursor to a form of a civil war or a war that’s gonna be taking place on the planet.

So it’s one of those things where you gotta be, like I said, be very meticulous of all your surroundings because like I said, during the month of March and April, because a lot of times, a lot of these sacrifices take place in the springtime, right? So, like I said, be very critical of getting on airplanes. I’m not trying to scare you. I’m just giving you a warning because you can’t say nobody told you.

So, like I said, something was going to happen on March 25 and the 26th and the bridge collapsed. That was a fear mongering, right? It was just basically giving you the reality and the warning of certain things that’s basically to come. So you got the born whistleblower. John Burnett is basically dead for what he basically said about the airlines by exposing the company. From day one, it’s just all been about schedule and hurry up and just get it done.

Push your planes out. We’re behind schedule. You know, we don’t have time to worry about issues that y’all bring up. A prominent Boeing whistleblower who reported on safety and quality control concerns. You know, I’m saying the door and everything is all wide open. Why they in mid flight? That’s crazy. But like I said, get on them damn airplanes if you want to. I know, you want to go to California, you want to go to Florida, you want to go to Miami, you want to go, you know, beaches and stuff like that and go to different countries, do your thing.

You know what I’m saying? If you, you traveling out of town to get a bag, get your coins, but like I said, don’t say that nobody worn your ass. A prominent Boeing whistleblower who reported on safety and quality control concerns in the company’s production line was found dead Saturday. According to South Carolina authorities. John Barnett, 62, died of an apparent self inflicted wound on Friday. The Charleston county coroner’s office said he was found in his truck at his hotel’s parking lot.

So I also got a video that basically exposes that he basically did not kill himself also, right? So like I said, it’s one of those things that you got to get away from your ego, right? That is what this grid system is basically all about. The grid system is what connects you to the demi urge. The demi urge is connected to your ego, right? So when you have these new energies is hitting the planet.

It basically dematerializes the ego death is you want to have an ego death. Your ego death is connected to the fact that you’re connected to everything on a material level. You feel like you have to do certain things because you’re connected to these things on an emotional level. So like I said, if you feel like you got to go out of town, you feel like, you know, you need to do these things, go on and do it, you know, I’m saying? But like I said, everybody’s been telling, I’ve been telling y’all for about a year and a half, be very meticulous of these airlines, right? Because the energy grid is what controls all technological devices all around the planet be one of America’s crown jewels.

Facing a massive shakeup, CEO Dave Calhoun announcing he’ll be stepping down as the company faces growing safety concerns surrounding their fleet of planes, as well as an ongoing whistleblower investigation. The announcement coming weeks after whistleblower John Barnett was found dead of an apparent suicide, which has been shrouded in mystery. Barnett was a retired 30 year quality manager who had been speaking out about the company cutting corners over the last two decades and was in the middle of an ongoing deposition against Boeing.

Used to be when you raise your hand and say, we got a problem here? It would say, yeah, you’re right. We’re going to fix it. After the merger with McDonnell Douglas and the Airbus coming on, Boeing quit listening to their employees. So every time I’d raise my hand and say, hey, we got a problem here, they would attack the messenger and ignore the message. Boeing allegedly pulled out all the stops and tried to silence their employees from raising concerns.

Barnett’s lawsuit claims that after he spoke up to management, the company’s response was to harass, humiliate, and make an example of them, to dissuade others from pointing out their safety shortcomings. The suit goes so far as to say that his former manager recruited another supervisor to spy on him. But now we may never know what was going on behind closed doors because Barnett mysteriously died earlier this month while in the middle of a court battle against Boeing.

He was found dead in his truck. Yeah. How you mysteriously die after you basically blew the whistle on some shit that was basically exposing the government. Anytime you expose them and it’s going to basically cause a manipulation in their financial infrastructure, they’re going to take you out every time, right? They got to take you out. Truck in the parking lot of the hotel that had been staying at for the deposition with an apparent self inflicted gunshot wound and a mysterious paper believed to be a note on the passenger seat.

Now, a close friend speaking out and saying Barnett told her he had no plans of killing himself. He said, but if anything happens to me, it’s not suicide. You know, I know that he did not commit suicide. There’s no way. He loved life too much. He loved his family too much. He loved his brothers too much to, to put them through what they’re going through right now. Boeing telling primetime in a statement, quote, we are saddened by Mister Barnett’s passing, and our thoughts are with his family and friends.

Boeing reviewed and addressed quality issues that Mister Barnett raised before he retired in 2017, as well as other claims mentioned in the complaint. John Barnett’s lawyer, Robert Turkowitz, joins me now. Robert, how suspicious are you of your client’s death? Well, the Charleston City police are investigating it right now. It just didn’t make sense to my co counsel, Brian Knowles and I and others. He had told his mother he’d be back on Sunday.

He had an appointment to be with a good friend to have dinner on Sunday night, and he had been testifying basically as our witness on Friday. And we were going to put him back on the stand just for a short period of time on Saturday. We were just laying out the reasons why it was a hostile work environment for him at Boeing, and we had a lot to talk about.

And when we tried to get in touch with them Saturday morning, we were unable to. And I contacted the hotel and asked them to check on him. Tried his. Tried calling his room. They tried his room. He wasn’t there and asked if his truck was there, and that’s when they found him. So we were just shocked and devastated by it. I just can’t explain it. And I’m sorry.

No. Have you been speaking to the local police? Is there investigation satisfactory? I mean, the gun shot to the head, a note. It just doesn’t make sense. Well, that’s our feeling, too. And the Charleston city police are investigating, and so is the coroner. That’s really all I can say. And we’re just waiting for the police department and the coroner to release a report on what they believe happened.

Did he have enemies within the company? You know, John Barnett? Never. I mean, he’s. I think he was friends with everybody. And now you see how they lie on camera. You know what I’m saying? You see how I like. Cause he contradicted himself. He said he worked in a hostile work environment, but he’s friends with everybody. How you gonna be friends with everybody working in the hostile work environment? Right? So one thing you gotta understand about lawyers, lawyers are basically prostitutes for the bar association, right? The bar association basically controls all lawyers and judges and things of that nature.

So all this stuff is basically a money grab, right, because all the lawyers and judges basically work in tandem with the financial infrastructure, right? Because all this stuff is connected to Wall street and things of that nature, right? All this stuff is connected to ecclesiastical law. All this stuff is connected, right? So of course he’s going to take the side of the people who basically finances him. Basically, he’s going to basically, you know, people who control their whole industry as far as being lawyers and judges.

He’s going to follow that paradigm. He’s going to conform. Right? I can’t imagine. He’s never indicated to me that he received any threats or that he had any enemies. I mean, other than, you know, there was a hostile work environment going on there at the plant where he was basically denigrated for following the processes and procedures and insisting on doing so. I mean, it’s hard to say. Robert, how big of a threat was your client’s testimony to Boeing? Well, I mean, that, first of all, I don’t think that Boeing would be behind his death.

Okay. You see, you see that? You see how they do that? Just like every industry. Every industry has a gatekeeper, right? When you have a gatekeeper, that means that you got to subject yourself in a subordinate position in order to reap the benefits of your finances that you’re getting from a certain industry. Right? Just like you got certain radio, um, hip hop radio stations, certain r and b stations, they’re taking up for Diddy because they know he’s a gatekeeper.

So you got gatekeepers. That’s basically controlling the bar association. They control these lawyers. Right. So of course he’s going to say, oh, no, I don’t think Bowen would do nothing behind it. I don’t think so, because then he’ll be blackballed. Right. But all this stuff working works in tandem with the financial infrastructure. So all this stuff is based on ego. Right. And it’s based on greed and it’s based on wealth, which is why some people are part of those industries.

They’re not going to tell the truth. Right. Keep playing the video. I can’t believe that. Because John loved Boeing and he loved the company. And what John was trying to do really was to get Boeing to change its culture and really to save the company. So I don’t know how to answer that. Well, it’s a tragedy. And it doesn’t just look at his face, you know, he lying.

Why? Sense. And we’ll continue to investigate. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family. And thanks for joining us on Primetime and sharing what you know. And please let us know what happens with the police investigation. You’re welcome, Jesse. Thank you. Thank you. More bad news for right. I don’t believe that, not one bit. I take everything as far as, like, anything commercializing that’s connected to westernized culture.

I take it with a grain of salt. Now, as far as the airlines, like I said, now there’s a movie, I told you about this movie before. It’s called a knock at the cabin. In the movie, there’s an influx of planes that are basically crashing, right? So when you looking at the symbology of the depiction of this movie cover, these are basically equated to the four horsemen of the apocalypse.

All this stuff is connected to the depiction of Beyonce when she’s riding a white horse, which is connected to revelations, chapter six, verses one and two, because the. When you have the 7th seal being open, that is going to be the precursor to the white horse. So all throughout Beyonce’s career, she’s been showing you many different color spectrums of horses. She shows you the red horse, the white horse, the pale horse, right? The black horse.

All this stuff is connected to biblical context, right? Because as I told you before, the four Horsemen of the apocalypse is also equated to the four basic elements, which is air, earth, water, and fire, right? And then you have the fifth element with, which is ether. In the ether is the only thing that can basically manipulate the energy grid system, which manipulates all technological devices that’s connected to the energy grid, right.

So as far as, like, transportation, as far as you. Cell phones, airplanes, everything, as far as, on the technological level, ether can manipulate the simulation in itself. It can manipulate the energy extraction matrix, because like I said, ether, when it’s merged in with the four basic elements, it can cause chaos or it can cause creation, right? So now, like I said, it’s all connected to biblical context, because when you look at the COVID of the movie, when he’s talking about in the movie, you had a multitude of planes falling out the sky, whole bunch of plane crashes, just like you had in the lead leave the world behind movie.

Right? So this is also symbolic to the Four Horsemen. You got Beyonce and a white horse. She’s been showing you different horses, different color spectrums all throughout her, all throughout her career. So now when you go to the four horsemen of the apocalypse, in the Christianity revelations, chapter six, one through eight, the opening of the first four, seven seals bring forth the cataclysm of the apocalypse. So you got the first horse, which is the conqueror of the bow and a crow, the white horse.

So you got the Christ. So you, like I said, all this stuff is connected to the resurgence of the macianic figure, and you’re going to have the false messianic figure, which is the Antichrist. They’re going to. They’re both going to be a resurgent at the same time. So, like I said, you also got the black horse, which is basically the symbology of pestilence. And. And then you got the red horse, which basically symbolizes bloodshed and war, right? So all this stuff is taking place.

All this stuff is esoterically connected because, you know, symbolism in itself is a certain language. So if you don’t understand the language of symbolism, you’re going to get lost in the sauce because you ain’t going to understand what’s going on, right? So now, as I was telling you before, ether, like I said, everything as far as like westernized technology, is basically an emulation of what happens in nature.

So you also have EMP’s, that cre that can basically create a high altitude detonation, which basically extracts gamma radiations, right? In an atmosphere, which is the precursor to ionization, that produces a electromagnetic wave through radiated frequencies, that causes a malfunction in the EMP energy grid system, right? So that’s what, you know, everything that’s taking place. So an EMP has the same capabilities as a CME. A CME is a influx of colossal chronomass, ejections that contain gamma radiation, right? As I was talking about on Brother Rich’s channel, right? So now all this stuff is correlated to the airplanes, right? The energy grid system, right? Because an EMP is basically a weapon.

It’s basically a weapon that can basically cause a electromagnetic radiation outburst. And it’s basically created by a nuclear explosion, which is basically contained of 250 miles above the United States and create a rapid fluctuation in the electrical grid and in the magnetic field of the planet, and which can also cause exploding of pipelines and many different things, explosion, activating the seismic activity. So also when you look at the bottom, it says aircraft falling out the sky, right? Because they all saying those gamma radiations produce ionization.

And that ionization has the ability to manipulate the energy grid system. So the aircraft falling out the sky at any one time, there are about 5000 commercial planes in the air in the United States. So that’s basically an estimate of 500,000 people flying at one time in America. So an EMP would basically not only fry aircraft electronics, it would basically cause a manipulation in the aircraft navigation systems and will also cause the aircraft not being able to use flight instruments to combat the energy of a CME or EMP, which is why the guy was talking about in bone, when you talk about the whistleblower, because they was leaving out certain equipment and certain resources to basically have to where the planes can have some type of sustainability, right? So like I said, every day you got about 5000 commercial flights, and those flights hold about 500,000 people.

Just imagine all those airplanes. Because as I told you before, at the top, all the organizations in the financial systems that basically work in conjunction with Boeing, right? Boeing. They all have a percentage in Boeing. And what you got to understand is that a lot of these capitalists are basically eugenics. Eugenics are basically people who propagate the ideology of the population, right? So all this stuff is connected as far as, like, the depopulation agenda, eugenics.

All this is connected to the infrastructure of the economic system. All this stuff is connected. Everything is connected, man. So like I said, now you also have born that was awarded $439. 6 million contract to build communication satellite for the Space Force. Now, when you look at that, how we not know that that’s basically an EMP weapon? Because EMP’s just look, look, just like satellites, right? Now, when you go to.

The United States Space Force recently selected Boeing for a $439. 6 million contract to build its twelve wide band global Satcom communication satellite. The wide band satellites are designed to provide high data and rate tactical communications, even in contesting environments and jamming efforts. So, like I said, a lot of the stuff that was missing, the equipment, a lot of stuff that was missing during mass production of these planes, a lot of that stuff was done on purpose.

So at the time of the nations like Russia have been accused of trying to put nuclear elements and other weapons into orbit. These satellites, according to born, could guarantee resiliency for the United States communications Network at even the worst times, right? So they leaving a lot of stuff out that basically, you know, have some type of sustainability and to save lives. Also, you got. The WGS operates with steerable, high capacity beams bouncing between a ground system and enhanced anti jam communications.

This satellite would be the second to protect, protect protected wide band satellite in the service of the United States military. So a lot of that stuff is missing. Also, what you got to understand is, like I said, you got to look at the grand scheme of things. You got to look at things from, not only from a one dimensional standpoint, you got to look at it from a multidimensional standpoint, right? Because what you understand is that born was partners with Ukraine and Russia, right? So you got all this stuff with, you know, Russia going on with it, with the shadow government.

All this stuff is taking place, right? You got the patriarchy versus matriarchy, and all this stuff works in tandem. Now, that’s very critical, because anytime that you have a another country partnering with the United States, that means that they know. They basically know your satellite networking systems, so they know how to hack them. So that means that United States, since 1995, has basically been infiltrated from a technological standpoint, right? So they know how to manipulate the energy grid system by way of the satellites.

Because what do satellites do? They send out light vibrations and they pick up light vibrations, right? And you can usurp those light vibrations by way of frequency modification through EMF waves. Right? Now, as I told you before, all this stuff is esoteric when esoterically connected to the Francisco key bread, that which was built on three, two, two. All this stuff is connected to the leader, the world behind movie.

Because just like in a movie, you have plane crashes, right? And now what you understand is that the cargo ship, the ship was supposed to go to Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka. When you look at the sigil with a flag, it’s a lion. So the ship in the leave the world behind movie was called the White lion. And so the destination in real time, when you’re talking about the cargo ship that basically crashed into the Francisco key bridge, they were supposed to go the Sri Lanka.

And like I said, their Sigil is aligned. So all this stuff is connected. So that is basically telling you that the precursor to what’s going to happen next. Since you had the cargo ship crash, this is where you’re going to have the manipulation of energy grid system because they showing you in the tv show called the three body problem, they showing you the manipulation of the energy rear system and the precursor to that is the malfunction of the airplanes.

When you’re going to have a multitude of plane crashes. Right. Now, as I told you before, you have the, the Baltimore Francisco key bridge was completed on three, two 2719 77, which is equated to 322 scuttling bone society. Now as I told you before, the guy that created Boeing Airlines, he went to Yale University, right? And a lot of times when you a financial guru, when you at the apex of a certain financial status, you have to become a part of these secret societies.

You see at the bottom right here, he went to Yale University. Skull and Bones was founded in the headquarters at Yale University. The Francis Scott Key building was built on 320 219 77. It was completed, right? So all this stuff is esoterically connected. All this stuff is esoterically connected. Now also the bridge was named after Francis Scott Key, who wrote the Star Spangled Banner. Star Spangled Banner, right.

When you go back to Beyonce’s page, the banner at the bottom, the tassel, the casualty of war, meaning that the people who belong to the geographical landmass of America are actually prisoners of war in their own land. So they’re basically a guest and they own land under corporate internal codes, which are basically canon laws. Right. Commercial law. Right. All this stuff is connected to the socio political aspect of civics.

It’s all connected to politics. It’s all connected to prophecy. It’s all connected to biblical context. Right? So the Star Spangled Banner, which became America’s national anthem right before the Great Depression, he came up with the lyrics as he watched the British bombard and forth the bank and whatever. But also this, the Star Spangled Banner, the original song is actually a very racist song, actually. As I was telling you before, the destination of the ship was supposed to go to Sri Lanka.

Right? It was supposed to go to Sri Lanka. And their sigil, the flag is a lion in it. In the movie leave the world behind, the ship was called the white lion. Right. Everything is symbolic. So you got to understand the symbolism. Then also on April 8, the mayor, his birthday is on April. If he was born on April 8, 1984 in Baltimore, Maryland. His name is Brandon Scott, which is also the same day as the solar eclipse.

Right? So best way to understand what’s going on, you got to follow the numerical sequence by way of Gematria, you got to follow the symbolism because that’s how you’re going to know what’s going to happen next. Right. It’s kind of like the same concept of final destination. It’s basically a puzzle piece from a numerical spectrum and a puzzle piece from a form of symbolism to where you know what’s going to happen next.

It’s. I think it’s like that one movie was a kid, but he was able to decode the numbers of what was going to be the next orchestrated event. I forgot the name of the movie. If y’all know the movie, put them. Put the name of the movie in the chat so people will know to watch it. So now I think I got a video to show you now.

So there’s a lot of, there’s an influx of things is best basically about to go down because now you have NATO, you know, going to be having different simulations about certain things that’s going to be taking place all around the planet. I’m going to play this video now. It’s the kickoff of exercise Steadfast Defender 2024, which commences next week and runs through May. Steadfast Defender 24 will be the largest NATO exercise in decades, with participation from approximately 90,000 forces from all 31 allies, plus our good partner, Sweden.

The alliance will demonstrate its ability to reinforce the euro Atlantic area via transatlantic movement of forces from North America. This reinforcement will occur during a simulated emerging conflict scenario against a near peer adversary. Steadfast Defender 24 will be a clear adversaries. Like I said, it can be iranian, it could be China, or it can be Russia, right? Because like I said, as far as the World Economic Forum, they said it was inevitable that we’re going to have an EMP attack, we’re going to have a cyber attack, which would shut down the energy grid system.

So it’s not a coincidence that NASA, who was also a part of these alphabetical groups, right? They purchased a multitude of cars that that was basically created in 1975 because you can’t drive no cars after the year of 1975, because artists up, you know, I’m saying it has a certain technological activation in order to drive certain cars after 1975. So that’s why it’s imperative to get some type of car, an old beat up car that was in the 1970s and sixties.

That way you can be able to, you know, travel when the grid goes down, because all these new cars, the Teslas and all this stuff, you’re not going to be able to drive these cars. Right? I’m going to play the video. I’m going to keep playing the video. Conflict scenario against a near peer adversary. Steadfast defender 24 will be a clear demonstration of our unity, our strength, and our determination to protect each other.

Direct, of course, our values in the rules based international order. We today, you know, I’m saying we live in that time right now. Like I said, it’s one of those things where you got to get your shit together. As I was telling you before, when you go to General Jonah, chapter three, verse four, it says that Nineveh shall be overthrown. Nineveh is another word for America. America is mystery.

Babylon. Right? So it’s not a coincidence that all this stuff is happening right now. So now you just had Russia that was attacked, right? As defto and Moscow attack rises to 143 migrants, face fury and raids, right? So you had a terrorist attack at the Croker city hall on concert venue in Russia. So this is where the United States embassy and consulates in Russia, they said, security alert.

Avoid large gatherings over the next 48 hours. Right? So what you got to understand is they’re going to be coming out with many different emergency. Watch what you’re doing. Stay away from large crowds. You’re going to see an influx of this after the April 8 solar eclipse, right? You’re going to see a multitude of things. You’re going to see an extrapolation of events, that’s going to basically gear up to something else as far as like a totalitarian system because they got to create these false flags now.

Now we’re going to get into something. Now, all this stuff works in tandem with the electrical grid system. The electrical grid system works in conjunction with all technological devices. All technological devices works in synergy with liquid crystal technology. Liquid crystal technology is how you bend the photon light spectrum to where you’re basically can hide your true form in the name of shape shifting. So that’s why I said that shape shifting is not a spiritual ability, it’s a technology.

According to a certain demographic, in a faction of the draconian reptilian, now we’re able to shape shift, right? Where, because you know what I’m saying? When you understand ancient kimmet, when you look at the hieroglyphics, we’re able to shape shift into many different animals because we’re connected. Our fibonacci sequence and our in our ethereal cord is connected to everything on the planet by way of carbon because carbon is the building block of all civilization.

So everything that’s connected to nature, we’re able to shape shift into it, right? But as far as the draconian reptilian, their form of shape shifting is by way of liquid crystal technology, right? So when you have a manipulation in the energy grid system, that causes a interface transition glitching in the simulation. When you have a glitch in a simulation, this is where you start to see people show their true form, right? This is all esoterically connected to the movie they live.

If you’ve never seen the movie they live, they came out in the 1980s. It’s very imperative that you watch that movie because it’s connected to everything that’s taking place right now, right? So it tells you right here, a rare disorder causes man to see people’s faces as demonic, right? Because like I said, the bell is being uplifted. Because as I was telling you before, when you understand the processional circus circle, the processional circle is going through a shifting process.

It was under the management of the Alpha Jacona star system. Now was shifted, a transitional shift to the star Polaris. The star Polaris is the true light, the true life is what activates the magnetic field of the planet, which is the dodecahedron. The ether. The ether is what helps you see beyond the illusion to where you can see certain entities, right? So this is why they try to say that your spiritual abilities is now a rare disorder, right? Because now, as we in the age of the true light, in the age of Aquarius, this is where you’re going to become a seer, right? So this is why they’re going to try to come out with a so called plandemic, right? And they’re going to come out with a certain form of pestilence, and they’re going to call it Sears, which is severe intravascular epidemic respiratory syndrome, right? Because they know that we’re going to be able to see beyond the illusion, right? We’re going to be able to see certain entities on the planet because our spiritual eye is going to be activated.

Because like I said, that firmament, which works in tandem with the electrical grid system, is being manipulated by the ether. Because as I told you, ether has the ability to speed up the vibrational frequency of consciousness on the planet. Because the electrical grid works in tandem with the simulation. The simulation is entrapped by time. So that’s why I put out the video. Time is not. Is not speeding up our consciousness is when your consciousness speeds up, that’s when you can see beyond the illusion and see these people for who they truly are, right, and where you have the same ability as dysonian glass.

Right, to where you activate that spiritual eye, that crown chakra, right? So I’m gonna show you a video for a second, Vincent. Here’s the weird stuff I love. Imagine your vision is totally normal, and then one day you see demonic features everywhere on people only just like this. What you see behind me now, that’s a reality for a man named Victor Scherer. He is extremely rare, yet in the public domain when you understand, uh, draconian reptiles.

We’re gonna get back to the video here in a second. They all have slope eds, right? That’s why it’s imperative for you to get this book, uh, right here called the body snatchers. A true story of body snatching by the reptilians. A real alien conspiracy by Susan Reed, BsS. Get this book right here, right? Because like I said, by way of the technological devices, these entities can attach themselves to your energetic morphic field, which is the foundation of your auric field.

So that’s connected to your cerebral spinal system, right? So they infiltrate your nervous system by way of technology, because technology locks down DNA to the point where it subjugates your energy, right? It keeps you at a low vibrational state, right? So like I said, all this stuff is connected, right? All these look like draconian entities. So we’re going to get back to the video. Terrifying disorder called PMO.

And no, it’s commonly known as, or now known because people didn’t know about it at first. It’s called the demon face syndrome. People with a condition see parts of other people’s faces distorted in shape, texture, position, or color. For Shara, that means you see how they do. As far as, like, westernized, you know, monotheistic belief systems. They tell you that demons and things of that nature is real.

But now, when you see one is fake, right? You see the contradiction and hypocrisy that is being perpetuated by westernized civilization. But that’s what happens when you become indoctrinated by your own ideologies, right? You know, I’m saying to where you don’t even start. They don’t even make sense. That’s how, you know, people are operating from a place of a demonic frequency. Anytime. Anytime that you believe things that don’t make sense, anytime that you say shit that don’t make sense, you’re under demonic possession.

Because to be. To propagate, right knowledge is a form of righteousness. Righteousness is connected to rational and logical thinking. Right. That’s why I always say right. Because I’m operating in right knowledge. For those who don’t understand why I be like, right. But I’m gonna keep playing the video. Texture, position, or color. For Shara, that means grotesque grimace, elongated eyes, and deeply etched scars. Also pointed ears. There are 75 known cases of the disorder.

My next guest, well, we talk about it and he is kind of skeptical, but he says there is some proof. Like I said, the veil is lifted. All this stuff is getting exposed in the public domain. It’s not a coincidence that they put this in the public domain, right? It’s not a coincidence. So this is also connected to the movie they live, right? Because as I told you before, when you watch the movie, they live the illusion.

When you’re talking about the sleep spell of King Goo, King Goo is basically a nomenclature title for the artificial construct of the moon, which is basically a quantum satellite, right? So within the movie, the sleep spell was being propagated by a satellite. Satellites works in tandem with electrical grid systems. So when you watch the movie, it shows you a satellite that’s going on in the atmosphere, and it says, sleep, sleep, sleep.

So a lot of people in the movie, they’re basically oblivious to what’s going on because they’re act. Their spiritual eyes is not activated. But these glasses, when he puts on these spiritual sunglasses, he’s able to see beyond the illusion. He’s able to see certain people for who they truly are. He’s able to see certain things for what it actually is, right? So the same thing is actually taking place in real time.

Because in the movie, right, what happens is at the end, he destroys a satellite to where he basically. He. When he destroys a satellite, everybody on planet Earth was able to see these entities that was basically walking amongst them. So that’s why when you look at the movie cover, it says you see them on the street. Hold on. It says you see them on the street. You watch them on television, you might even vote for one this fall.

You think there are people just like you. You’re wrong. You’re dead wrong. So, like I said, shape shifting, as far as the draconian reptilian faction is a. It’s not a spiritual ability, it’s a technology, right? Because like I said, just like in the movie, they was able to hide. They formed by way of the frequencies that was connected to the electrical grid system, right? So like I said, you activate the spiritual eye by way of a high vibrational consciousness.

When you merge the ether in with the carbon, right? Because we are the carbon. We the building block of civilization. When that ether that. When that energy come in, where you get the word Jesus comes from the word jesses, which is gases. That gas is ether, right? When you activate that ether, you can see beyond the illusion. So like I said, it’s not a coincidence that all this stuff is taking place.

So as you have the same time, the manipulation of the energy grid system, you’re going to have a revealing of certain entities, and you’re also going to have, you know, a lot of airplanes. When you’re talking about technological malfunctions, all this stuff is connected. So this is not a coincidence that you got, you know, underground cities and underground bunker systems, which is also correlated to the movie leave the world behind, right? All this stuff is connected.

The movie leave the world behind, which is basically the seat. The sequel is going to be civil war. All this stuff is connected. It’s connected to the bridge, is connected to the planes of Boeing, is connected to the energy grid, as far as the simulation having a malfunction to where you can see certain entities. Everything is connected numerically. It’s connected to the solar eclipse. Everything’s connected. So you got, you know, so it’s not a coincidence that you got, you know, you got things like this taking place because they know what’s going to be happening on.

On the surface of the planet, right? Because you’re going to have entities walking on the surface showing a true form, right? So it’s not a coincidence that the great majority of politicians and rappers, they all have tunnel systems, right? So like I said, it’s one of those things where they using it for trafficking purposes or if they’re using it for a form of a doomsday. Doomsday bunker, or they could be using them for both, right? So our government officials have been living alternative lives down in these underground bunker system.

All this info will eventually be revealed to the general public. They will have, they will have no forewarning. They will wake up and realize that everything has changed. Of course, when you look at the images, you can see the Getty museum, you can change and add the Statue of Liberty or even the diver airport. So Diver airport has underground bunker systems as well because they all share the same purpose regarding to the underground systems.

When you also that works in conjunction with the dumps, which is the deep underground military bunker systems, right. That are basically connected to the areas where we would consider remote, secluded areas you cannot think are not populated. That’s only because you are looking at the surface. All these underground cities, they got laboratories, they got tunnels, prisons, they got anti gravity speed rails, they got military facilities, they got meeting rooms, they got kitchens.

So that illustration that I was basically showing you basically gives you a supreme, supreme idea of what goes on under Washington DC and other places all around the planet. So it can be happening in your city as well. It’s not just only subjected to New York and DC and California. So you got underground spaces are used to house a large array of sensitive documents, information including classified materials and national security secrets.

You can better understand the footage of those children being escorted from the White House a few years ago by what appeared to be a secret service in the middle of the night. Now, as we segue into this great awakening, right, a lot of things you’re going to be seeing. So this is basically ten ways on how to spot an underground tunnel system, right? So the following list indicates the cause for suspicion.

So you got, number one, a post office parking lot full of cars with only one or two people visible in the post office, right? Then you have a sporadic late night activity at a government office building. Then number three, you have. That is out of, yes, security that is out of proportion with presumed facility use. For you got unbalanced traffic patterns. Example, people, vehicles going in and out and nobody coming in and out.

Then number five, you got the facility sizes out of proportion to traffic flow. Example, many delivery vehicles at a small government office building. Number six, you got utility services is out of proportion to facility size. Example, large electrical service supplying a small government office building. Number seven, you got deliveries or mismatch to presume facility use. Example, 40 foot refrigerated truck or a medical supply truck. Unloading. Let me finish it out.

Deliveries. Yeah, unloading at a Social Security office. Number eight, you got facility location inappropriate for presumed use or function. Example, Social Security office located in an industrial district. Number nine, you got facility construction and or layout is inappropriate for presumed use. Example, office building with oversized warehouse style loading dock. Then you have number ten, facility size and or type is inappropriate for presumed facility use or function. Example, large ratio of managerial personnel, business suites to clerical clinical personnel.

Right. So now what you got to understand is, like, just like in a movie cabin in the woods, they all go into these underground bunker systems when they want to sacrifice the great majority of people on the planet on the surface as they go into these underground bunker systems. So now it’s imperative to understand that these are basically, this is basically a chart of the seasonal sacrifices and blood rituals and dates.

Because as I was telling you before, a month ago, before the dread sky key bridge basically collapsed by way of detonation, I told you a month before that to be very meticulous of your surroundings in March. Also be very meticulous of your surroundings in April. Be very critical of getting on them planes in April. Because all throughout, from April 20, March 19, March 21, April 16, you got all these rituals that’s basically taking place.

So these, this is basically an extrapolation of events that took place from 1999 of April 20 to April 7 in 2017. You have the Columbine school shootings. Then you had Iraq, and then you had the, the Ren Lake shooting. You have all these. The BP oil spill, the United States invasion of Libya. You got the Boston Marathon, you got all this stuff that, the Stockham truck attack. All this stuff is connected to a ritualistic sacrifice.

Right? So I’m going to give a quick rundown for those coming in. Like I said, don’t think this video is playing over. I’m just going to give a quick one rundown about what’s going on for those coming in now, like I said, there’s, there’s a diametrical difference between warning people and fear mongering. So like I said, these are warnings. This is not fear mongering. Right. Because we all know that the Bowen whistleblower, John Barnett, he was killed for putting out the information on how they was basically leaving out certain manufacturing parts when they was putting, putting together these planes and mass production.

So you got many different FFA FAA issues when you’re talking about the air travel disruptions. And be very meticulous of getting on planes during the total solar eclipse on April 8. Right? So all this stuff is connected to Bowen and the founder of Bowen, whose name is William Edward Bowen, and he went to Yale University. As I was telling you before, in order to own a multi billion or more timeillion dollar corporation, a lot of times you got to be a part of those secret society factions when you’re talking about the skull and bones.

Skull and bones. Their headquarters is at Yale University. Right. Now, this is esoterically connected to the sigil of skull and bones, which is three, two, two. The Francisco key Bridge collapsed on March 25, and it was built on March 22 of 1977, which is also equated to 322. Right? So the great majority of the banks, all these enterprises and organizations that basically fund Boeing, all these. All these things have one thing in common.

They’re basically capitalists, and they’re basically globalist and eugenics, right? And anything that deals with a form of eugenics and globalism is based on the population. So it’s not a coincidence that Boeing, they’re manufacturing airline airplanes and aircrafts that is basically missing certain key components of production. It’s missing certain equipment in order to have some type of sustainability in case you have a CME or EMP, right? So like I said, all this stuff is being facilitated by the plistocracy.

Also, while you have the manipulation of the energy grid system, all this stuff is connected. Also, when I looked up the Gematria code, the numerical sequence for plane crash, you get 97. Also, you get 97 in civil war, which is connected to the movie Civil War. Right, just like you had an influx of plane crashes when the energy grid. When the energy grid went down in the movie leave the world behind.

So Civil War is actually the sequel to the movie leave the world behind. Also in this movie, the knock at the cabin, you had the influx of planes that basically crashed in the movie. Right? And when you look at the symbology of the movie cover, they’re basically an emulation of the four horsemen of the apocalypse, which is connected to Beyonce, because she’s been showing you all throughout her career that she’s in connection with the four Horsemen of the apocalypse.

These are basically warnings and symbolism. It’s a language. It’s a language that’s basically. Basically taking place that’s connected to a form of a timeline of eschatology. So when you have a manipulation of energy grid system, you have a influx of high altitude detonation. That creates a gamma radiation, where it creates ionization, that manipulates the electrical grid system. So when you have a manipulation in the energy grid system, you have about 5000 airplanes that fly all around the planet or the United States, and you have at least 500,000 people on those airplanes.

Right? So like I said, it’s not a coincidence that all the organizations and financial institutes that basically fund Boeing, like I said, it’s all based on the population, right? So like I said, you have a malfunction. And the energy grid system, all this stuff is connected to the dread sky Key bridge. All this stuff is connected to the manipulation of the energy grid when you’re talking about the revealing of certain entities on a planet.

So with that being said, ladies and gentlemen, I appreciate you guys for watching this video. So many things is taking place. There’s so many things that’s taking place right now because it’s one of those things where, you know, like I said, we got to come to the realization and, you know, see things for what it is. It’s not fear mongering. You know, these are basically forewarnings for what is to come in the future.

So that’s why I put these videos together, you know, I’m saying, to where people can basically galvanize our own thoughts and create their own interpretation and, you know, make rational decisions about how they want to go about this whole shifting process, right? Because we’re going through reset. This is the great reset, right? So like I said, it’s one of those things. I’m not fear monger. I’m just trying to warn people for what is to come.

Just like I said in, on a month ago in the big event video, I said verbatim that, be very meticulous of your surroundings around March 25 and 26th. And what happened? The bridge collapsed. Right? So with that being said, get this video out there, be very meticulous of your surroundings, be very critical of getting on these airplanes, because like I said, it can be a cyber attack. It can be the activation of sleeper cells to where you have a plane being hijacked or whatever.

It can be a multitude of things. But like I said, you, you can’t be so oblivious to the point where, you know, you in a state of emotionalism by way of your ego because your ego wants you to get on that damn plan and go to Bahamas and things of that nature. But like I said, you got to be operating from a place of rational rationality. And you got to be operating from a place of, you know, you know, being very pragmatic, basically.

You know what I’m saying? You can’t be, you know, so stuck in your ego so much to the point where it can be very detrimental because it can basically be the precursor to your great demise. Right? So with that being said, ladies and gentlemen, thanks for watching this video. Get this video out there. End of transmission 1014. We will put an end to this madness since I last called you back on your line so I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the land? Karma’s gonna get to you when dance, you’ll have a cherry yet with only one less friend now I had distant folks that are looking to my eyes to understand the wisdom he’s given and his wealth from the skies? So thanks for this meal that I’m about to receive and thank you for my health and all the good memories.

Thanks for the courage taken on another day when I used to not believe, but now I know about grace. Stay away from the fire. Cause the flames does burn. Go with your gut feeling when it’s wrong, you learn for every one step I take, the Lord takes too. And, um, do unto others if you want it done unto you. Huh? It’s me again, God, I know it’s been a long time since I last called you back on your line so I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the land it’s me again, God, I know it’s been a long time since I last called you back on your line so I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the just a completion the selfish, proto grecian, amerindian Phoenician.

I’m the last of the Mohicans, the bastard of the land, the pean melon and accretion and we just trying to get back to the fact that we were kings and queens of Atlanta but the avalanche seized it I live on Turtle island with the rest of the diseased it better than the medicine for seven different treatments niggas try to ride away but end up getting seasick to sleep can feel my words like braille? And they’re awakened with the penmanship of hindu script written in them vacant monastery honorary payments to the prototype.

Tomorrow’s only a day away but nothing happens overnight the fuck’s wrong with going left when you know it’s right? Biting off more than I can chew. That’s a overbite. Black on black crime is like watching two soldiers fight when all along they was on the same page it’s me again God, I know it’s been a long time since I last called you back on your line so I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the land it’s me again, God I know it’s been a long time since I last called you back on your line so I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the land.


  • Bdell1014

    BDELL1014, the latest addition to the Truth Mafia family, was personally selected by Tommy Truthful, the leader of Truth Mafia. He's an outstanding teacher brimming with knowledge, making him a valuable asset to our Truth Mafia community. You can connect with him on Instagram (@Bdell1014), Facebook (Brydell Rice-Bey), and TikTok (@Bdell1014). He proudly identifies as a Moorish American 🇲🇦. Bdell 🇲🇦 (@Bdell__1014) / X ( View all posts

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