Solar Eclipse of April 8th: The Final Hour The Return of Ophiuchus

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➡ The video talks about an upcoming solar eclipse and its spiritual and astrological significance. The speaker believes that the eclipse, happening on April 8, is a major event because it aligns with the start of the ancient Hebrew year and is connected to prophecies and spiritual energy. He also discusses the importance of the location of the eclipse, mentioning cities and area codes that he believes have prophetic meaning. Lastly, he suggests that this eclipse could signal a time of transformation and change, possibly even conflict or struggle.
➡ This text talks about a solar eclipse passing through eight cities named Nineveh in the U.S. and Canada. The author suggests that this event might be a sign of upcoming changes or challenges, possibly even a civil war. They also connect this to biblical prophecies and historical events, suggesting that America might be symbolically referred to as Nineveh or Babylon in these contexts. The author advises caution and awareness around the time of the eclipse and in the 40 days following it.
➡ The speaker in the video is warning about potential dangers, including a solar eclipse, bioterrorism, and a nuclear attack. They suggest that the government might not be doing enough to protect people, and that individuals should take responsibility for their own safety. They also discuss various conspiracy theories and interpretations of biblical prophecy, suggesting that these events could be signs of a coming disaster. The speaker encourages viewers to be critical and discerning in order to understand what’s really happening.
➡ This video talks about a solar eclipse passing through the “Golden Gate”, a term related to Sagittarius and Scorpio. It suggests that this event will bring about a resurgence of the energy of Ophiuchus, a symbol of restoration and rebirth. The video also discusses various conspiracy theories, including the idea that former presidents George Bush and Barack Obama were part of a shadow government. It ends by suggesting that the solar eclipses are prophetic, hinting at the rise of an Antichrist and a messianic figure.
➡ A solar eclipse is happening on April 8th, and it’s expected to bring a lot of people to certain areas, which could strain local resources. Officials are advising people to prepare in advance by stocking up on necessities and staying home if possible. There’s also a belief that the eclipse could have spiritual or mystical effects, with some suggesting it could lead to a resurgence of certain energies or figures. However, these ideas are complex and not universally accepted.
➡ The text suggests that watching a solar eclipse could be harmful, especially if you’re not in a certain state of physical and mental readiness. It mentions that certain metals in our bodies, possibly from food or other sources, could react negatively to the energy from the eclipse. The text also connects this idea to various cities, movies, and symbols, suggesting a larger, possibly harmful, cosmic event. Finally, it suggests that fasting and self-mastery, including emotional detachment from food, could help protect against these potential harms.
➡ The text discusses various theories and interpretations about solar eclipses, their potential effects, and their symbolic meanings. It suggests that these celestial events could have different impacts, such as triggering changes on Earth or influencing human behavior. The author also connects solar eclipses to biblical prophecies and ancient civilizations, suggesting that they might signify important shifts or events. Lastly, the text advises against looking directly at a solar eclipse, especially for those who have consumed certain foods, due to potential harmful effects.
➡ This text talks about two different paths people can take in life, one leading to peace and the other to chaos. It suggests that people should detach from worldly concerns and focus on spiritual growth. The text also warns about potential future disasters and advises people to prepare and unite with like-minded individuals. Lastly, it emphasizes the importance of gratitude, learning from mistakes, and striving for betterment.


Be Frankie. Yeah, I’m striving for greatness, trying to make it? I was stuck in the matrix? Yeah, I’m striving for greatness, trying to make it? I was stuck in the matrix? Yeah, I’m striving for greatness, trying to make it? I was stuck in the matrix? Yeah, I’m striving for greatness, trying to make it? I was stuck in the matrix? Yo, what’s good? It’s your boy Bdell. If you’re new to this channel, hit the like button, hit that share button, hit that subscribe button, hit that notification bell.

In today’s segment, we’re going to be talking about how astrology is a scientific, analytical art that works in conjunction with prophecy. Because the galactical alignment of the April 8 solar eclipse that’s going to be taking place on a planet is a highly spiritual event because it occurs in areas, and areas is a representation of new beginnings and transformation. While you have Pluto and Aquarius, which is the symbology of judgment, now, the solar eclipse goes through the golden Gate, which is a personification of Sagittarius and Scorpio, which is the precursor to the re assurgence of the energy of Ophiuchus, the serpentine mother.

That’s connected to the restoration of the matriarch through comic retribution that’s transmuted from the processional circle of the equinox. Right? So one thing you got to understand about judgment, judgment. When it comes to judgment and destruction on the planet, physical destruction is facilitated by spiritual energy that’s transmuted from the cosmos. I’m going to say it one more time. Physical destruction is facilitated by spiritual energy that’s transmitted from the cosmos, right? So for those who don’t understand what’s going on about the solar eclipse, we’re going to start this video out a little bit different because there’s a lot of things going on, right? Because this video is connected to the timeline of eschatology, right? So you got to get your notes out for this video.

This video is very important. This is actually one of my most important videos that I’m actually making, because the more I go down through the rabbit hole, the more I dig for extra research. And due to my independent research, the more I dig and find out information, the more I find out many different things that’s connected to what’s going to be taking place in the future, right? So, one thing you got to understand something, we got to be very analytical as we quantify the extrapolation of events that’s connected to the solar eclipse.

Now, there’s a town called Cairo, Illinois, which is in southern Illinois. Southern Illinois is basically the six one eight area code. And then what I did was you take little Egypt, or they call it Little Egypt, or Southern Illinois area code. You take 18 divided by three, you get six. Because six plus six plus six is equated to 18. Right. So the six one eight area code is actually a prophetic numerical number that’s connected to the prophetic events that taking place that surrounded around the solar eclipse.

So it’s not a coincidence that Southern Illinois has an area code of six one eight. So what I did was I take 18 divided by three, you get six. Six six. Right. Which is equated to the last video I put out about the solar eclipse. This is the last video I put out. The great sign before the sun sign. Right. Because I told you there is two different timelines that’s going on when you’re talking about the solar eclipse, it’s talking about the reassurgence of the messianic figure, or there’s going to be an Antichrist figure.

We’re going to get into that later in the video because it connects with the sigil system of anarchy and it connects with the sigilism of the Antichrist. You got to watch this video because this video is linked up to this video for you to have an intuitive perspective and understanding about what’s taking place. Now, one thing that I found weird about this solar eclipse that’s taking place is basically connected to the Hebrew year, the new year for the ancient Hebrew year, which is on April eigth, 2024.

So the new year for an ancient Hebrew is on the day of the solar eclipse, and it ends on nightfall on Tuesday, which is April 9. So one thing you got to understand about this solar eclipse, it’s very funny how they rolling this thing out. They rolling this whole thing out like it’s a Jay Z album. They rolling this solar eclipse out like it’s a Meek Mill album.

So that’s why people got to be very meticulous when you have westernized concepts, start to vilify certain things, and they start to commercialize many different things. Anytime they commercialize something, that actually means that it’s actually detrimental to you. Right. There’s a psychological operation right behind it, because if it was actually good for you, they will actually hide it from you. Right. So I’m going to play this video for those who don’t have people that’s new to the channel.

They don’t understand what’s going on. So I’m going to play this video. This is solar eclipse that they’re actually rolling out because we had many different solar eclipses all throughout history. We had solar eclipses when you’re talking about all throughout history, but they just never rolled this whole thing out, actually. But we’re going to get into it. The state of Texas will especially have a front row seat to this.

The eclipse is said to be another spectacular event, attracting an historic amount of tourists. On April eigth, a total eclipse of the sun will plunge millions of viewers from daylight into darkness for more than four captivating minutes in parts of the country. And excitement is already building as so called eclipse tourists rush to book travel to be in its path. Literally, the stars are aligning. The total eclipse will span a 115 miles wide path across 13 states, from Texas to Maine.

That’s nearly twice as wide as the last major eclipse in 2017, and it will also last twice as long. Now, I’m going to get into it later on in the video, but one of the key points of this video is actually talking about how there’s a prophetic alignment that’s taking place because it’s lining up with certain cities. I already told you was going through seven cities called Salem, which is basically the suffix of the word Jerusalem.

Salem means peace. Right. And then you also have the solar eclipse going through eight cities called Nineveh. Nineveh was a part of the assyrian empire that was connected to ancient Babylon. So I’m going to get into that during the course of the video to where I can show you that there’s a historical biblical timeline that’s connected to this timeline of eschatology. So that’s, like I said, it’s a very funny thing that’s actually taking place because I’ve never seen them roll out a solar eclipse like this.

So I forgot to give you guys two different slides. I’m about to pull them up now. So one thing that I found out about the solar eclipse, now they even having the national Guard to be present during the time of the solar eclipse, which I find out is very strange. And we’re going to get into that later. Right? You got that going on at the same time of the solar eclipse.

I’m not sure if this is going to pop up. And then you also, like I said, the National Guard is supposed to be present during the time of the solar eclipse. So I always thought that was very strange. But we’re going to get back to that because it’s connected to a prophetic divination warning sign when it comes to talking about a plague and things of that nature. So I’m going to play that video and give you the illustrations for it later.

So now, as we get back into the presentation, now, this solar eclipse begins in the ancient Hebrew year, which is on April eigth, 2024. But we always told you, remember, 2024 is the eight year, which is basically the symbology of building and destroying the building of the matriarch and the destruction of patriarchy. Right? So now you have all, throughout history, from the inception point, from 1776, all the way up to 1779, you had eight different solar eclipses.

So the solar eclipse that’s going to be taking place over the United States of America is actually going to be the final solar eclipse. Because one thing you got to understand is about nine is the symbology of completion. It’s the symbology of colonization. It’s one of those things where it’s connected to the non ether energy. Right. Let me get back to this. There we go. So nine is the last of the digits, which marks the end and is significant of the conclusion of a matter, the conclusion of the patriarchy, the conclusion of theocracy, the conclusion of imperialism, because you cannot bring that energy into a matriarch, you cannot bring that energy into the new paradigm.

Right? So during the course of the time when you have a transitional shift, when you’re going through a process of transformation, there’s always going to be some type of war, there’s always going to be some type of affliction, there’s always going to be some type of desolation on the planet. So that’s why it’s very imperative to understand that during these time periods, there’s going to be many different implications.

There’s an extrapolation of events that must take place, because in order for them to roll out this whole new world order situation, they got to create many different mechanisms that’s connected to the galactical alignments of these solar eclipses that’s taking place on the planet. Now, when we were talking about Nineveh. Right? Because I need you to understand something. Nine, I mean, eight is the esoteric number. Eight is the personification of building and destroying when you understand the numerical components of the 5% nation, right? So the solar eclipse will go through eight cities called Nineveh, Nineveh Texas, Nineveh Missouri, Nineveh Indiana, which is going to have the highest magnitude of the eclipse.

And then you have Nineveh Ohio, Nineveh Pennsylvania, Nineveh Virginia, Nineveh New York, and Nova Scotia. It’s going through all these cities called Nineveh. Now, what is Nineveh? Now, let’s break down the historical context that’s connected to the prophecies that’s taking place on the geographical landmass of America. Assyria was an ancient kingdom of northern Mesopotamia centered on the cities of Ashor and Nineveh. Babylon was an ancient city which ruled over the southern Mesopotamia.

Now, you got to understand something. Now, when you look at the geographical landmass of Nineveh and when you’re talking about Babylon, this is all connected to the assyrian empire, right? So when you go to read biblical context, you know what I’m saying? Assyria is a code name for America. Nineveh is a code name for America because America is actually the embodiment of mystery, Babylon. Right. I need you to understand that because when you look at the word Babylon, it’s really a nomenclature title for baby lion.

Baby lion, which is connected to the United Kingdom because the United Kingdom, their sigil or their coat of arms is a lion, right? So that’s why when you’re talking about the inception of the 1776, when you’re talking about the 13 colonies, that was set up by the British, right? So with that being said, this is all connected to prophetic divination when you’re talking about biblical ConText. So that’s why NOrmal JeW AlI, he said, do not throw away your Bibles, right? He said, do not throw away your Bibles, because in the End Times, you’re going to need the Bible to Condemn the European with it, right? So now it says, the enemy of who sold them to the devil.

So is the deVil. Harvest is the end of an Age, and the reapers are the angEls, right? So the HarVest, or this solar eclipse is the Beginning of an end of an Age. So now when you go to Jonas 34, JonaH began to enter the City on the first day’s Walk. Then he cried out and said, yet 40 days and Nineveh shall be overthrown. Nineveh, like I said.

So this solar eclipse goes through eight cities called Nineveh. Now, Eight is the SYmbology of Building, of DEstroying, while Pluto is an Aquarius, which is the SYmbology of Judgment. So America is mystery, Babylon. And another title for America is Nineveh in Assyria. So yet 40 Days and Nineveh shall be overthrown. So is this connected to the FaCt that 40 days after the solar eclipse, that judgment is going to be taking place? Because a lot of people are very critical and meticulous about the solar eclipse.

That’s taking place right now because they think that something is going to actually happen on this day, in my opinion. I think it’s going to be 40 days after to where we have to be very meticulous of everything all around us. When you’re talking about whether it’s a zombie apocalypse, whether it’s a damn civil war, or it’s going to be sleeper cells activated, or if it’s going to be a civil war taking place on the geographical landmass of America, it could be any of those things, right? So one thing you understand that a lot of times with the plistocracy, what they like to do, they start to engineer these events around the time of after the Passover, which is around March 24 and 25th.

So around March 24 and 25th also, that’s an esoteric date to where something can basically take place, to where it can be the precursor and be the segue for the solar eclipse that’s taking place on April eigth, 2024. Right? So now 40 days from the solar eclipse, it ends up on Saturday, May 18. Right? So on Saturday, May 18, anytime in between that time, be very meticulous of your surroundings, you know what I’m saying? Be very meticulous of catching flights, be very meticulous of anything, because it can be a psychological operation to where judgment can actually take place.

Because as I told you through biblical context on Jonah 34, it tells you yet 40 days in Nineveh shall be overthrown. And I showed you right here that the solar eclipse goes through eight cities called Nineveh, Nineveh Texas, Nineveh Missouri, Nineveh Indiana, Nineveh Ohio, Nineveh Pennsylvania, Nineveh Virginia, Nineveh New York, and Nineveh Nova Scotia, right? Because I told you, Nineveh is mystery Babylon and mystery Babylon is America.

So America is being judged, right? Because as I showed you in this video that I put out maybe a month ago, that this solar eclipse, these galactical alignments, all the solar eclipses from April eigth, 2024 to August 21 in 2017. And then the ring of Fire solar eclipse, that was on my birthday, October 14, which is why my name is 1014, for those who don’t understand that. So all these galactical alignments is the symbology of judgment, right? And it’s also the symbology of the ancient hebrew symbol of the tav symbol, right? So it’s not a coincidence that all this stuff is taking place, right? Because America is mystery Babylon that has to be overthrown.

So now we’re going to get into some biblical context for those who are stuck in monotheism. Because I got to show you this stuff, you know what I’m saying? Because I got to pull people out of religion in order for them to see the truth, for them to see what I see. So, Jonah, Tom, as the same current, where it go, it tells you right here that Luke 1130 Jonas was assigned unto the ninevites, the so called Americans.

So. So shall the son of man be at the end of Pisces, the age of darkness, the age of deception. So the piscion age of darkness was the age of deception. So when you have the beginning points of the ancient Hebrew year, as I was telling you, they say it begins on April eigth during the time of the solar eclipse. And I believe that when you study monotheism and you study the Bible or whatever, it tells you that they said that they crucified Christ on the solar eclipse, by the way.

So like I said, this is all connected to prophetic divination. And again, it says, America, 40 days and nine of us shall be overthrown. So 40 days after the solar eclipse, be very meticulous around the time of May 18, 2024, which is on a Saturday, be critical of going to concerts, getting on flights. It could be some type of attack on America. It could be one of those things.

So it tells you right here on Jonah 411. Should I not spare Nineveh? Right. So one thing you got to understand about the Bible, it’s an esoteric codex, and it’s also talking about the ending of those who basically facilitated and created monotheistic religion. Monotheistic religion was basically a timeline that’s connected to the cosmic time clock of the planet, that’s connected to the time clock of the deep state shadow government.

Or when you’re talking about Shaytan, or you’re talking about the end of the black nobility of the Canaanites, this 6000 year verification period is talking about the ending of a certain system for the people that’s actually connected to the prophecies of the Bible, right? So the Bible is actually talking about the end of their reign, not the ending of our regime. So it tells you right here, should I not spare Nineveh? Right? So it’s basically the destruction of the political power and the social power and economic wealth that basically controlled America.

So now, one thing you got to understand is that the warnings of the coming cleansing of America, which is also the personification of the great purification period, right? So that great purification period is the ending of the political and the social powers that subjugated humanity. Right. So like I said, this could be the inception points of a civil war, as I was telling you. So one thing you got to understand about, I’m going to get into this as we get through the presentation, because this movie is connected to another movie.

Because it says from the writers of 28 days later, 28 days later is a zombie apocalypse movie. I’m a tie it all in together. Everything is going to come full circle as we’re going through this presentation. So it’s not a coincidence that the warnings of the coming cleansing of America is talking about the destruction and the great purification of desolation, which is also the embodiment of a civil war.

So civil war and border closures in America. Right. When you go to the book of Ezra or whatever, right? So I think I got a video that’s connected to what I just told you. Yeah, here it goes. So, like I said, it could be one of those things that we got to be very critical, we got to be very meticulous of everything that’s going on. So there’s a video that I found.

I’m going to present this video to you guys. So for those who don’t have an intuitive understanding about the solar eclipse, because the solar eclipse is one of those things where they never shut down school, they never call the National Guard, and none of that stuff. Right. So I’m going to play this video for you folks. Now, this is a screenshot coming from Fox News on the states that plan to cancel classes because of the solar eclipse.

Never in the history of the United States that they’ve decided to cancel school on this particular day so that, oh, the children can go out and see the solar eclipse. I think that’s very OD and strange. The other thing that people should take into account also is that the sheriff had called another guy who has some kind of YouTube channel and podcast. Okay. And the sheriff was a whistleblower telling the people that the Department of Homeland Security is preparing for some kind of bioterrorism event and some kind of potentially a nuclear attack.

Now, I need you to understand something. What I said about the zombie apocalypse thing is going to come full circle. So notice she said some type of bioterrorism event. So all this is going to come full circle when I go through the presentation and some kind of potentially a nuclear attack against the people. So they are bringing forth the National Guard and other different emergency personnel to ensure the safety of the american people.

Now, I think it would be wise to come out with a message and tell the american people, hey, keep your children inside. There’s some stuff going on, shady stuff going on. Keep your kids inside. That’s not the message. The sheriff also indicated, too, that the FBI is also preparing hospitals for these bioterrorism attacks. Emergency rooms also. They said that cyber attacks could happen potentially on this day as well.

Phone services could be down. People wouldn’t have a chance to communicate. That would be pure hell and chaos for everybody to be outside with no cellular devices, no gps, no nothing. That’s chaos, folks, not to be able to call. And during a bioterrorism or nuclear attack, I think it’s very irresponsible for them to not warn people to stay inside. They should have been preparing for people to stay inside, but instead they want folks to be outside.

Guys, I think that you should be wise and prepare for such an event like this. If your children are going to be outside with no sailor communication. And also in the event of a bioterrorism event, nuclear event, do not look to your government for any advice. Be a responsible parent or caretaker and ensure the safety of your own child and your own family. Because if this is the kind of stuff that’s rolling out, you have to be the authority, the leading authority to make the executive decision.

We are going to choose safety and security as the number one priority. Okay? Allow God to lead you during this time because you will be led astray dealing with these folks. All right, much love. Now, I’m going to say this video because it’s going to come full circle. So I’m going to save this video. We’re going to come right back to that. Right? We’re going to come right back to it because we need it.

So you got to be very critical of these things that’s taking place. Now, when you get to Genesis 15 five, when you go to Genesis 1513, right, this is basically a timeline of eschatology, of talking about all the different wars and all the different desolations, all the different things that was very prominent all throughout biblical and historical context that’s connected to prophecy. So during this time period, when you’re talking about the beginning of the solar eclipse, could this be the beginning of the second civil war? Right.

Which is why they’re coming out with the movie. So, like I said, it’s one of those things. We got to be very critical of everything that’s taking place. This is a time where you have to use your discernment. This is a time where you’re supposed to be using your highly spiritual gifts, you know, what I’m saying, you got to use your supreme spiritual eye to decipher the bullshit that’s taking place that’s being activated by the postocracy, right? So you won’t get caught up in the desolation process, right? Because we all know that the people who control the planet they’re basically eugenics, right? Everything they do was based on a form of depopulation.

So this is basically the timeline of the fall of Assyria and Nineveh during the time of Jonah. So you had different wars that took place because as I told you before, Assyria is an esoteric codex for the word America. Nineveh is an esoteric codex for the word America because America is mystery. Babylon, as I told you. So everything is being judged, right? So whatever’s supposed to take place on the planet is going to take place on the planet.

And like I said, I understand people. You know what I’m saying? They talk about, oh, I got my whole life ahead of me or I got things I’m supposed to be doing in the future or whatever. You have to get out of that mindset because like I said, this is not a state of fear mongering. This is basically giving you the reality of what could actually take place if you fail to negate these implications that can actually take place on american soil.

Right? You know what I’m saying? So what I’m saying is you have to detach from the mindset of the material plane because like I said, the material world is connected to Babylon. So when Babylon falls, you fall with the system. Right? So it’s one of those things, man, you got to be very critical about what you’re doing. Like I said, I know some people think, oh, I’m young and I got my whole life ahead of me, whatever.

I ain’t trying to hear that. You know what I’m saying? The people who’s following the timeline and understand what’s going on those who are following truth. Ain’t nobody trying to hear that. If you really, you know what I’m saying? You can’t be so subjugated by your ego so much to the point where you go along to get along just because you feel like you got your whole life ahead of you.

You want to catch these flights, you want to get on these planes and stuff like that, go on these trips or whatever. And then when the grid goes down, we’ve been telling you, I’ve been telling you all for like a year and a half to stay off the planes. I got a video that I’m going to put out sometime next week talking about the planes going down or whatever.

Keep biting my jaw. But like I said, it could be one of those things. It could be the precursor to the world war three on american soil. I know you all seen the movie Red Dawn. Red dawn is basically a form of predictive programming, right? Predictive programming which is activated by chaos magic, because if they show it to you subconsciously, you have consent to it, to where it starts to manifest.

So, like I said, it’s one of those things where you got to be very meticulous. So it’s telling you about war, wars or whatever. When you go to the fourth book of Ezra, and it’s talking about China and Russia being allies with Iran, that is also talking about the activation of the sleeper cells that is being infiltrated from the inside out by the Democrats, that’s basically talking about the last video that I put out as far as talking about the solar eclipses, right? So it’s talking about desolation, destructions, weapons of war, China and Russia and Iran infiltrating the geographical landmass of know, civil conflict, where you’re going to the.

The political and the military leaders starting to fall, right? So now when you go to the fourth book of Ezra, it’s also talking about the dragon and the Carmonians waging war on american soil, right? Because one thing you got to understand about China, the chinese dragon, is connected to the mythology of the Carmonians, because you can’t negate the fact that 2024 is the dragon year, right? Which is also the eight year building and destroying.

It’s going to be destruction on the planet, right? So like I said, all this stuff, you cannot make this up. All this stuff is connected. The Assyrians, the Carmonians, the chinese dragon, all this stuff is esoterically connected. That’s why I tell people all the time, if you’re going to read the Bible, do not read the damn thing like it’s a children’s book, because you got to understand a historical timeline that’s connected to biblical prophecy, talking about the ending of their system, right? So now, one thing you got to understand about what’s taking place, that this solar eclipse is also going through the golden Gate.

The Golden Gate is basically the epitome of Sagittarius and Scorpio, right? So that is basically going to be the reassurgence of the energy of Ophiuchus. Ophiuchus is the serpentine mother that’s connected to the restoration process of the matriarch. Through karmic retribution. Right. So what I’m going to show you, I’m going to show you this video. I remember this video came out a long time ago for those who, you know what I’m saying, who’s been doing or digging and looking at stuff, conspiracies or whatever, since the early 2000s or whatever.

I remember when this video came out. Came out around, I think it was December 21, 2012, when this video started to surface online. And it’s basically connected to everything that I’m basically saying. So this video is also a form of predictive programming because it’s giving you the timeline of desolation that’s leading up to the year of 2024 and the solar eclipses. And it’s also going to show you the beginning points of the Golden Gate, as I was talking about.

Now, I got this video silenced because, first of all, there’s not a lot of audio that goes along with the video because there’s not a lot of people talking. So I just muted the whole video out so you all can see the symbolism and things of that nature. So I’m going to play the video. Now, what you’re seeing is you got George Bush checkerbolor floor, which is personification of chaos and order, or order out of chaos, which is a freemasonic principle.

So now, once you’re looking at George Bush, pay attention to him, because he’s going to shape shift. Now, he shapeshifted into Barack Obama. Now look at his teeth. You see that? Like I said, because in my opinion, I think Obama is a black nobility archonic force that’s working with theocracy and the deep state shadow government. Because one thing you got to understand about the inception point of what George Bush signed, George Bush signed the NDAA bill and the NDAA bill, and he also signed the Patriot act.

So the Patriot act was extended by Barack Obama, which basically destabilized our rights in a geographical landmass of America to where it turned it into a police state under a totalitarian order. So that’s why you see the shapeshifting process, because George Bush and Barack Obama were basically one and the same, because all they did was put a black face on imperialism. Right. I’m going to play the video.

You see the fangs shapeshift. Now you got the little girl with the apple. So there’s a video going on. Check for all the symbolism. So this is also showing you Antarctica. And when you look in the background, I’m going to move myself out the way you can see that that was kind of like the symbology of the twin Towers that was falling, you see in the back. And I remember, I really believe that during that time of the last total solar eclipse that we had, I think it said was in 2017, I believe all this stuff is connected.

Then you see Osama bin Laden. Now, this video is actually showing you the foundation of the reassurgence of the Antichrist. That’s what it’s basically talking about. You see the black eye, the black Eye club. We all know about that. Now, this is showing you the restoration of the indigenous people. Now, like I said, this was what I was saying. It was connected to a form of civil war because this is showing you the inception points of infiltration.

Infiltration. They raving a white flag, right? The white flag with the same white flag that they had on top of the Brooklyn Bridge in New York. Right? And also, like I said, it’s also connected to the symbology. When you fly an american flag upside down, that is also talking about the warning of a so called terrorist attack. So you got infiltration waving a white flag by the white hats.

Then you have the reassurgence of the so called Antichrist. They’re not talking about. This is not the benevolent perception of what people think Christ is. That’s not what this video is talking about. You see, he has a solar eclipse behind his head. Because I told you that when you understand the historical context of the Bible, then you got Shiva, right? Mesmeri told you, Shiva is the outer manifestation.

Krishna is the manifestation of Shiva. Krishna is credited to Christos. Christos is the Christ. It did not say the return of Jesus. It’s the return of the Christ energy, right? As you break out of the cycle, see Shiva dancing again. Now they’re showing you desolation and destruction. Now, you see, he’s an empty headed NPC. You see what I’m saying? Nothing in his head now, as you can see, look into his eyes, because it’s connected to what I’m going to be showing you later.

Look at the eyes. Now I’m a pause. Now, if you look in the background, look in the clouds. You have Scorpio right here. You got the energy of the sun, the energy of Ophiuchus, the serpentine energy, and you have Sagittarius over here on the right. So that is basically the beginning points, as I was telling you. We’re going to get back to the video here in a second.

That is when this solar eclipse is actually going through the energy of Sagittarius and Scorpio. Right. Which is the Opi euchus serpentine energy restoration of the matriarch. Right. So I’m going to get back to that, to the video. So it was going through Scorpio and Sagittarius. Right. And they showing you this video came out in 2012. So it’s not a coincidence. Right. So this is the beginning points of destruction.

This is the beginning points of their so called Antichrist. Right. And I need to show you that because this video was basically very significant when you’re talking about prophecy, because there’s an Antichrist and there’s going to be a masonic figure. Now, Antichrist is going to be somebody that’s going to be connected to the plistocracy. You know what I’m saying? It’s going to be somebody that they’re going to give to us that’s coming from the governmental order.

Now, a macionic figure. It could be a man or a woman. In my opinion, it can also be a woman, because only a woman can have the restoration of the matriarch through karmic retribution. So I need you to watch this video right here, because a lot of people have the perception of what a prophet really is. Some people think the prophet can only be subjected to Asians, Caucasians, East Indians, or whatever.

That’s not true. Right. And this video is going to prove it to you. And it’s coming from the horse’s mouth. No such thing as a pale skin prophet. No such thing as a pale skin prophet. Prophets of ment. For those who are oppressed, 70% of the planet is oppressed by the other 30%. Pale skin prophet would be an abomination. There’s no such thing as a palestinian prophet. The sad thing that black masons will never be allowed to learn as lackeys for their white mason counterparts is that they’ll never be allowed to become 33rd degree masons.

Because if they’d be given a $10,000 pass by the Vatican to go to the house of Omar in Jerusalem and see the perfectly preserved body of guru master prophet Isa Jesus Christ, and what they would see is a black man. And you think you’ve seen the Virgin Mary or Jesus Christ or Joseph, the first question out of your mouth is, were they white or black? If they were white, they saw something else they didn’t see.

Okay, so? So, like I said, you got to be very critical of who they put out in front of you. So it’s not a coincidence that during this time period, I’ve thought about doing a video on it. 2024 was the year that the government, they basically hired the most black political officials ever. So I think that’s going to be a psychological operation in itself because they’re going to actually use it as a form of infiltration to basically combat the energy of.

The energy of the restoration of the matriarch. Meaning that, like I said, they’re going to use those black council members, black mayors, black congressmen, they’re going to use them to basically amplify the system and save the system, because those are the ones that’s going to tell you to get the draconian juice when you have another shutdown. Those are the ones that’s going to tell you to do anything that’s connected to governmental order.

Right. So you got to be very critical. They can probably come up and have their own so called messianic figure. But like I said, there’s not going to be a messianic figure that’s going to be coming from the government. If it’s anybody, it’s going to be a person who looks just like me, or like I said, it’s going to be a black or brown person. It can be a man or a woman.

Right. So these solar eclipses is basically talking about a prophetic thing that’s taking place. So you’re going to have a reassurgence of a so called AnTichrIst, and there’s going to be a reassurgence of a masonic figure to pull the people out of the desolation that is being propagated by MysTery Babylon, which is America. So it’s not a coincidence, know, the energy of Ophiyuchis is going through the Golden Gate.

Sagittarius and Scorpio. Right. The restoration of the. Right, which is the foundation of the Golden Gate, which is silver key. And the golden key, when you’re talking about the dualistic energies of the sun and the moon, right? Which is based on the galactical alignment of the April 8 solar eclipse. As you look right here when you’re talking about the galactic center. Right? So all this stuff is esoterically connected.

So the energy of Ophiuchus is actually the restoration of a matriarch. Right? So that’s why you see the Sigil of Ophiuchus is standing on top of the scorpion. Because when you go to the esoterics and you study oriental Masonry, it tells you in this Passage that a scorpion in an eagle is equated. So the serpentine energy is stepping on the eagle. It’s stepping on ancient Babylon, it’s stepping on the energy of the black nobility.

It’s stepping on the energy of those that is propagating totalitarianism in the geographical landmass of America. Right? Which is not a coincidence. So now we’re going to get into another video. Before we get into that, an emergency declaration has been issued by Bell County Judge David Blackburn. It will provide assistance from the state during the total solar eclipse in case the county needs it. Joining me live in studio tonight to explain why this is needed is six news reporter Meredith Haas.

Meredith, tell us more. Bailey. Judge Blackburn says Bell county might not have the infrastructure to support the influx of people headed to the area for the total solar eclipse. Now, Blackburn and other county leaders want to make this declaration in case it can’t keep up ahead of the total solar eclipse. Bell county officials, Bob Reinhardt, the emergency management coordinator talking to you today is not meant to alarm.

And Bell County Judge David Blackburn wants everyone to be prepared. If you have to put gas in your car or you have to run errands, do all of that in the days before the April eigth weekend for when the county’s population doubles, even triples, its current size of 400,000 people. Everything from our first responders to our healthcare systems to our fueling stations to our highways to our emergency management stations and more, all of these could be severely strained by the influx of people.

Do not be alarmed if you find that your cellular phone service is interrupted off and on throughout the days of this event. So if you are in an emergency, text 911 text messages will be more reliable and takes a lot less use of our cell towers than a voice call. Will Bob says he’s also requested a, quote, cell on wheels, which is a portable cell tower from the state.

It would relieve congestion off the existing infrastructure. So staying home and enjoying the eclipse from your yard or porch will be your best and your safest option. And if you are a property owner outside a city limit and want to host a party, watch parties, dry camping, or other large scale events that would exceed 50 or more people, you have to register with the Bell County Emergency Management Office, simply go to their website and fill out a form.

The registration process Judge Blackburn mentioned in his comments will serve as a huge tool in placing these assets in areas where we see and expect large gatherings so we can respond as quickly and efficiently as possible. Well, all of this preparation is to avoid the need for state assistance in the case of any emergency, of course. For more information, head on over to kcentv. com. Lots of helpful information there tonight.

Meredith, thank you so much. As we get closer to April eigth, more and more communities are releasing information for residents to prepare for the solar eclipse. And as Neil Fisher reports the Illyria Township Fire Department is the latest to ask residents to watch from the comfort of their own home. It’s not going to be know it’s going to be much different. The countdown continues to the solar eclipse which will turn day into night for many northeast Ohio communities including Illyria Township.

It’s great that this is know. I think this is kind of a special event in itself and that it is involving all these communities. But for the Illyria Township Fire Department and Captain Thomas Elliott safety is the priority as they welcome thousands of visitors. Captain Elliot tells me they plan on increasing their staff for the solar eclipse by 500%. We’re looking for. I think that’s kind of funny because like I said, when you understand police officers, the fire department, certain people who are doctors or whatever, a lot of these people when you get these high positions or whatever a lot of them are actually Freemasons or eastern stars so they know what’s taking place on the planet.

Those who are high ranking Freemasons or whatever. Because if you understand anything about Freemasonry you know what I’m saying. They’re acclimated to anything as far as like high professional jobs and things of that nature. So cheaper police when you got people talking about this type of stuff and they putting it out in the public domain they’re not doing it for no reason. So like I said, there’s a reason that they rolling this out, right.

It’s a form of technology. I’m going to get into it as we get through the video around that weekend and especially the day of to try to maybe go to as many as 15, maybe a little bit overzealous in that but we’re going to try to get as many people staffed as we can. Last week we reported on Summit County’s preparations for April eigth. If you are a summit county resident we are encouraging folks to enjoy it from your home.

The Illyria Township fire Department asks the same of their residents stay home for the solar eclipse but for now prepare. In a statement, the Illyria Township fire Department asks residents to prepare now including picking up prescriptions, going to the grocery store and getting proper eye protection. We’re not trying to scare anybody or anything with that, with us putting out that posting but it’s more just be prepared. The Illyria Township fire Department says they will do everything they can to keep their residents and visitors safe, as well as assisting other communities near them in mutual aid agreements.

Betsy. All right, Neil. Can’t wait for that to come around our way. There you go. April eigth is going to be a big day. Thank you so much. We have more than a month until the eclipse, but hill country leaders want you to be ready right now. A Facebook post from the city of Lano today asks residents to stock up ahead of the eclipse. They want people who live in Lano to have two weeks worth of groceries bought by April 1.

They say the same thing goes for gas, prescriptions, or anything else you might need. It’s because many small towns will be flooded with people for the events and it will put a strain on their resources. The city says getting necessities ahead of time will allow for stores to restock before all the visitors. Now, I need you to understand something about this solar eclipse. It’s going to unleash a rash of mentally unstable people, right? Because I told you in one of the videos, in the last video I did about the solar eclipse, I remember I told you about the solar eclipse.

I told you about going to ancient sites or whatever, but do not go to those ancient sites. Do not look inside these solar eclipses or whatever. Do not look into the solar eclipse and gaze at it if your biological and your neurological faculties is not in order, right? Because like I said, this is also a process of kundalini psychosis and transcendence, right? So during this time period, if your biological structure is in alignment, it’s almost to the point where you will have to perform internal, what is it called? Ultra fast internal conversion.

So you have to perform an ultra fast internal conversion in order to reap the benefits of these energies that’s coming in from the solar eclipse, meaning that you have to go through a process of fasting. You’re supposed to be fasting at an extensive rate, right? Because these energies is coming in from the solar eclipse. So like I said, you got to fast, fast from food, alcohol, sex, and then you transmutate that low vibrational energy and you use it as a positive energy to reap the benefits of high frequency manifestation, right? So you got to change.

You got to change up and transmute your elemental process of your neurological faculties and your biological structure, right? Because your physiology is connected to the energy of the solar eclipses. So like I said, if you’re not basically a breatharian, do not go and look at the solar eclipse, right? I told people, you know what I’m saying? I retract that what I said in my last video, you know what I’m saying? My bad on that.

But like I said, it’s one of those things. If your body and your mind is not ready to reap the benefits of these energies, it can be detrimental to you. It can basically cause a malfunction to your neurotransmitters. We’re going to get into that as we get through the presentation. So do not look inside. Look at the solar eclipse. If your mind and your body is not ready for it, if you got all these nanometals all throughout your system, it can be detrimental to your mind and your body.

Now, I need you to understand something very critical. Now, it says right here, they want you to watch the eclipse because sun, mercury, Venus, Chiron and the north node will all be in Aries. Right? Aries is governed by Mars, and Mars governs metal, iron. So those who got the draconian juice has been found to have heavily affected iron in a highly reactive metal and contain aluminum, and also highly reactive metal.

And aluminum said to be moon and mercury metal, right? So like I said, these metals, when you look at the solar eclipse, it could be one of those things where it can cause a p 136 deletion syndrome, right? Which is basically the dematerialization of the two frontal lobes of the brain, which gives you the propensity, the bite that puts you in a state of zombification, because those nanoparticles in those nanometals has psychotronic, microscopic, cryogenic nanotechnology, and that technology can take over the physiology and your neurological faculties based upon the energy from the solar eclipses, right? That can activate the metals within your biological structure.

Right? So it’s not a coincidence that the eclipse is going to activate those metals in the bodies of the ones who got the draconian juice chemically and genetically altering the host. That in combination with the heavy metals found inside the genetically modified foods. So, like I said, if you’re not fasting, like all the time, if you’re not practicing ultra fast internal conversion, you’re not a breatharian, don’t go look at that solar eclipse.

I’m not even going to look at it. Right? Because like I said, I haven’t reached the state of mastery, I haven’t reached the state of spiritual alignment to where I don’t need food. If you can go without food for a long period of time, that’s what that ascension process is for, right? So like I said, you go look at that, solar eclipses, it’s one of those things where if you’re actually following the guidelines of becoming in a form of self mastery to where you basically don’t have an emotional connection to food.

If you master yourself at that level, go look at the solar eclipse, because that solar eclipse is going to activate you. Now, for those, you know what I’m saying? Some of us, we vegetarians, we pescatarian, some of us, some people eat pork. Still, if you just have a regular diet or whatever, a clean diet, it don’t matter. Don’t go look at that solar eclipse, right? Because as I was showing you, we’re going to come back to this.

As I was telling you, what it say after 40 days, right? What it say, 40 days in Nineveh shall be overthrown because the solar eclipse goes through eight cities called Nineveh. Nineveh, Texas, Nineveh Missouri, Nineveh Indiana, Nineveh Ohio, Nineveh Pennsylvania, Nineveh Virginia, Nineveh New York, Nineveh Nova Scotia. We go right back to that passage. Right? So 40 days in Nineveh shall be overthrown. Right. 40 days after April eigth 2024 is May 18.

So could it be one of those things where the energy from the solar eclipses 40 days after, for those who looked at the solar eclipses or whatever, could it activate those metals inside your biological structure to where it puts you in a state of zombification? Now, remember I said about this movie right here, civil War. Now, the same writer who wrote the movie Civil War, he wrote this movie called 28 days later.

Bro, you cannot make this up. Everything that I put this together, you know what I’m saying? Very critically, I written down the rabbit hole. So the same writer for Civil War is the same writer for the movie 28 days later. I’m going to pull it up for you right here. I’m going to blow it up for you. So you don’t think I’m capping? Because I do my independent research.

It says right here from the writer of 28 days later. Right. So the writer of 28 days later wrote the movie Civil War. Now, this is esoterically connected because for those who look at the solar eclipse now, look at the 28 days later sigil system. Now look at the eyes. The eyes look just like a solar eclipse. I’m going to blow it up for you. If you’re new to this channel, man, hit the subscribe button and get this video out there.

This video is very important. Now, you could look at the eyes. It looks just like a solar eclipse, right? So for those who think I’m capping, we can pull up the solar eclipse. Now look at the ODs. Not a coincidence. So it tells you in Jonas, it says that 40 days. In 40 days, Nineveh shall be overthrown. So the solar eclipse goes through eight cities called Nineveh. The same people, same person who wrote the movie Civil War wrote 28 days later.

Look at the 28 days letter poster. It has the solar eclipse in the eye. So don’t look at it, because this movie is talking about a zombie apocalypse, as I was telling you about the nanometals, for those who got the draconian juice. Right? Now, this sigil system of the biohazard symbol, when you look at the 28 days later symbol, because like I said, now hold on now I got to go right back to this.

So is this why they call in the National Guard? Because it tells you, it says right here that protect the country against the threat of CNB. It says hazardous material spills or accidents. And it tells you about a. They put this in a newspaper, a chemical, biological, and radiological and nuclear unit. Right? So they call in the National Guard. So this is talking about a biohazard terrorist, some type of biohazard attack.

And then when you look at the sigil of 28 days later, that’s the symbol for biohazard, right? And I’ll prove it to you. So it shows you right here. It’s a buyer has a symbol. But when you look at the sigil of the buyer has a symbol. It looks like a crescent of a moon, right? So for the last few days and the last few weeks, we’ve been seeing the moon looking like this all throughout.

Since the time I’ve been growing up, I’ve never seen a half crescent moon at the bottom. I’ve never seen that before. So this is basically the signal for a warning. Basically, this is all a prophetic symbol because when you look at the ancient relics and when you look at ancient hieroglyphics or whatever, it shows you the half the crescent moon upside down or at the bottom. Right? And it’s connected to.

It’s a luciferian symbol, says the crescent, pagan carving of the solar star deity bow, depicted as a disc in the crescent. It’s a luciferian symbol. Right. So it’s not a coincidence that it’s connected to all of this, the sidiousism of the biohazard. So this is actually maybe, like the symbol that’s basically warning us of what is to come after the April eigth solar eclipse or during the April eigth solar eclipse.

Right. So it’s not a coincidence that the writer of 28 days later is the same person who wrote the civil War movie, which is actually four days after the solar eclipse. Because the movie comes out. The civil War movie comes out on April twelveth. So look at the eyes. It looks just like a solar eclipse, right? Not a coincidence, because like I said, that solar eclipse can activate those nanometals to where it can put you in a state of zombification.

Right? So now, one thing I also did, I’m very big into numerology because the numerical codes of the universe is connected to prophecy. So now when you go to the Pythagorean 47 problem of Euclid, that is basically talking about the galactical alignments that’s in alignment to certain numerical components. So you got seven cities called Salem that’s also going to see the solar eclipse, and then you got the eight cities of Nineveh.

So what I did was I took seven plus eight. You get 1515 is a highly freemasonic number, right? 15 is a free masonic number because it’s a representation of the magic square. Right. That magic square is the embodiment of the bride’s chair. The bride’s chair is basically talking about the queen mother seat, which is basically the restoration of a matriarch. So seven plus eight equals 15. That’s connected to the pythagorean theorem.

That is the representation of man, woman and child. Man, woman, and child. That’s the energy of the matriarch. As you’re looking at the symbolism right here. Man, woman, child. Right. That is basically the divine order of the matriarch. So this energy of the solar eclipses that’s coming in, like I said, can be one of those things where, like I said, it’s building and destroying the building of the matriarch, the destruction of patriarchy.

Right. Because patriarchy is connected to Babylon. Babylon is, America is actually mystery. Babylon that is built around patriarchy. Right. So like I said, there’s many different things. This solar eclipse in itself is a gift and a curse. Right? But I also heard this can be a psychological operation when you’re talking about the twin satellites, to create a fake eclipse to reveal sun’s corona mysteries, right? So these energies.

One thing you got to understand about satellites, what do satellites do? They send out light vibrations, and they pick up light vibrations. So they can actually be sending frequency modification to the planet to where it can manipulate those who got the draconian juice. Right. So there’s many different ways to look at this whole thing. You know what I’m saying, you still just got to be very meticulous, because you never know what’s going to happen.

Some people say it’s going to be the black sun, right? The reassurgence of the black sun, which is the womb of creation, which is the gateway out of the matrix, basically. So there’s many different ways to look at this whole thing. Right now. I’m going to give a quick rundown for those coming in, real quick rundown of everything that’s taking place. Also, about the great solar Flash, like I said, could the 40 days after Nineveh is overthrown, could this be the reassurgence of the great solar flash? Could that be the countdown to it? Right.

There’s many different things to think about when you’re talking about the solar eclipse. So first, we’re going to start it to the top. As I was telling people in the beginning of the video, the inception point of the chaos energy of the solar eclipse is going to be at the heart of Cairo, Illinois, which is also known as Little Egypt, in southern Illinois. The area code for southern Illinois is six one eight.

So you take 18 divided by three, you get six six six. So six six six is the sigil system of the activation of six electrons, six protons, six neutrons, which is the carbonated man and woman. Or it can be the activation of the Antichrist. So that’s why I said there’s two different timelines that’s going on on the planet. You got the timeline of the chosen ones, and you got the timeline of the false messiah to save this system through a chaos and order, which is the precursor to a new world order.

So this is why I said, well, you got to watch this video called the great sign before the sun sign, because the sigilism of the Antichrist and anarchy is over the geographical landmass of America, when you’re talking about all the solar eclipses, because the toller solar eclipse on August 21 and 2017, that put a big mark over the planet. Then the ring of Fire solar eclipse, that was on my birthday on October 14, that was basically the precursor to the judgment of the solar eclipse on April eigth, 2024.

Right? So all these alignments, these galactical alignments, form the sigil of the Antichrist and the sigil of anarchy. You got to watch this video because it’s in alignment to everything that I’m talking about right now. Right. So also, the solar eclipse lands on the ancient Hebrew beginning of the year. The new year for the ancient Hebrew is on April eigth. Right? Which is not a coincidence. So this is going to be the last solar eclipse because from the inception point of 1776, all the way up into the year of 2024, those are nine solar eclipses, because America was founded in 1776.

And then you got nine, which is the signification of finality or judgment, right? Which is also nine is also the representation of the activation of the nine ether. So you’re going to have some people that’s going to be activated by the solar eclipse, but that doesn’t mean for you to go out and look at it like I said, right? So you got that going on. Then the solar eclipse goes through eight cities called Nineveh.

Right? As I was telling you, eight cities called Nineveh. Because when you understand the historical context of Nineveh, Assyria was ancient kingdom of northern Mesopotamia centered on the cities assure. And Nineveh, Babylon was ancient city which ruled over southern Mesopotamia. So you also got to understand that America is an esoteric codex for the word Assyria, Babylon and Nineveh. So when you read in the Bible, like I said, a lot of people don’t know how to read the Bible.

When you see the word Assyria, Nineveh or Babylon in the Bible is actually talking about America. Because America is mystery Babylon. Because as you’re looking at right here, Nineveh and assured was connected to Babylon, right? So like I said, America is actually mystery Babylon. So that’s what it says. The harvest is the end of an age. So the harvest is basically the inception point. When you go to John three, four, Jonah began to enter the city on the first day’s walk.

He cried out and said, get 40 days and Nineveh shall be overthrown. So the harvest will actually begin after the 40 days. 40 days after the solar eclipse, basically. Right? Because 40 days after the solar eclipse is May 18, 2024, then it says, america, nineveh shall be overthrown. Because America is mystery Babylon, America is Nineveh. Right. And then it tells you right here in Jonah, 411, should I not spare Nineveh? So it’s going to be many different things taking place, because as I told you before, 2023 to 2030 was basically the seven year tribulation period.

Since we in a state of judgment, it can be an activation of a civil war. It can be an activation of world war three on american soil, can be many different implications that’s taking place. And the same person who wrote Civil War wrote 28 days later, which is a zombie apocalypse movie, right? So it’s talking about civil war and things of that nature. And then, as I told you before, the solar eclipse goes through the Golden Gate, which is the restoration process of the matriarch from the energy of Ophiuchus, which is the serpentine mother, right? Because one thing you got to understand about the matriarch, most of the mounds in America, they was built around a serpentine energy.

You got some mounds that looks just like a serpent. So the energy of opiocus, which is also the 13 zodiac sign 13, is a matriarchal number, right? So it’s not a coincidence that you see Ophiuchus stepping on the Scorpio, because when you study oriental masonry, a scorpion and an eagle is synonymous. Eagle is basically the sigil of ancient Babylon, which is connected to America. So that’s why it’s imperative for those, you know what I’m saying? As these energies is hitting the planet, you’re supposed to be fasting the energies from these solar eclipses.

You’re supposed to be fasting from food, alcohol, sex. Then you transmutate and use that low energy to a positive energy to reap the benefits of high energy to where you could tap into your higher self. So like I said, don’t look at that solar eclipse. No, I say at least about 100% of everybody watching this video do not look at the solar eclipse because don’t look at the solar eclipse unless you basically detach from food.

100%, because the great majority of the foods have metals in them, right? And the energy of mercury, Venus, and Aries and Mars is going to activate those metals. So the solar eclipse is going to activate the metals in the bodies of the ones who got the draconian juice, right? So one thing you got to understand, we got the manipulation of the genetically modified foods. You got the food industry.

They’ve been putting the nanometals inside of the food as well. So like I said, it’s not a coincidence that the solar eclipse looks just like the eyes of the zombie on this poster when you’re talking about the 28 days later movie. The same writer who’s writing the Civil War movie is the same person who wrote this movie. So it’s imperative that everybody watch this movie after you watch this video or watch the video.

The last video I put out talking about the solar eclipse. So you’ve been seeing the half crescent moon. So that’s pretty much it for the solar eclipse, you know what I’m saying? So it’s very imperative that it’s time to start, you know what I’m saying? For us to get our shit straight, because one thing you got to understand about certain galactical alignments when you’re talking about the plistocracy and the elites who.

The people who control this system, the people who control the simulation as being ordered by Arkansas or whatever, one thing you got to understand is that they do everything based on planetary alignments. So don’t be surprised something happens around the Passover time, which is around the time of March 24 and 25th. And during that time, there’s a lunar eclipse, right? So that’s basically going to be the segue in energy for the April eigth solar eclipse, right? So like I said, you got two different timelines going on.

Talking about the solar eclipse, you got two different timelines. It’s going through seven cities called Salem. It’s going through eight cities called Nineveh, right? So what’s happening is everything is based on a timeline of eschatology. Everything is happening in divine order. So that means that you got to get your ass in order. You know what I’m saying? You’re supposed to be fasting. You know what I’m saying? You’re supposed to be detaching yourself from the very energy of the three dimensional world, right? You got to be tapping into the art of detachment to where you don’t have an emotional connection, to where it basically takes you off the spiritual path, because everything that you’re seeing right now is very spiritual.

It’s highly spiritual, right? So, like I said, it’s two different timelines going on. You know what I’m saying? I don’t care what nobody say. You know what I’m saying? You got the energy of the messianic figure. So, like I said, the messianic figure. It could be one of those things. It could be a man, or it could be a woman, or it can basically be the whole collective that’s activated by the cosmic convergence, right? It can be the activation of the 144,000 because one plus four plus four equals nine.

So this is the last solar eclipse because nine is equated to finality. It’s a representation of completion and judgment. Right, as I was showing you in the video. So, like I said, then you’re going to have those who are connected to the energy of the Antichrist for those who want to go along to get along with the system, for those who got the draconian juice, right? That is basically talking about going through the eight cities of Nineveh, right? Going through eight cities of called Nineveh, because eight is a representation of building and destroying.

It goes through eight cities called Nineveh. And Nineveh was connected to ancient Babylon, right. And it also goes through seven cities called Salem. Salem means peace. So is the peace equated to those who are following the divine order of the most high, or is those who are following the empire of Nineveh or Babylon or America? Those connected to that energy is going to be a form of judgment and chaos for those who are connected to that energy.

So that’s why I said it’s two different timelines that’s going on, right? Because the suffix of the word Jerusalem is Salem, which means peace. Right. You’re going to have people who’s going to be judged, and you’re going to have some people who’s going to be in a state of peace because of this planetary alignment that’s taking place on a planet. So with that being said, ladies and gentlemen, get this video out there.

Thanks for watching this video. And watch this video right here before you go, before you get out of here, if you haven’t watched it yet. Hold on, let me see. If you, if you haven’t watched it yet, it’s imperative that you watch this video because this video you’re watching now is esoterically connected to this video. So it’s imperative that you watch this video as well. The great sign before the sun sign, right? So this is the great sign before the son of man or the messianic figure or the reassurgence of the Antichrist, right? So like I said, I told people in that video, the last video I talked about, about the solar eclipse, to go out to ancient sites, but do not go look at the solar eclipse.

If your mind and your body, if you’re not right, spiritually, do not go look at that solar eclipse, right? Because it’s going to activate those nanometals all throughout your biological structure, right? So like I said, it could be one of those, you heard it here first in this video. It could probably put you in a state of zombification. It could be the precursor to the next shutdown, right? So with that being said, ladies and gentlemen, please get this video out there.

This is very imperative, very, a lot of information in this video. So I hope you got your notes out and took some notes. Now, during this time period, you should be galvanizing people who have like minds, your family, you know what I’m saying? In case the grid shuts down. Because it tells you in Jonah 34, it says that none of us shall be overthrown after 40 days. So like I said, we don’t know if the grid is going to go down.

We don’t know if there’s going to be an influx of plane crashes. We don’t know if it’s going to be a zombie apocalypse. We don’t know if it’s going to be a civil war on american soil. We don’t know, you know what I’m saying? It’s one of those things you got to be very critical about what’s going on. So with that being said, ladies and gentlemen, please get this video out there.

End of transmission 1014. We were put an end to this matter. I know it’s been a long time since I last called you back on your line so I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the land. Calm is going to get to you when then you’ll have a cherry yet with only one less friend now I had distant folks that are looking to my eyes to understand the wisdom he’s given and his wealth from the skies.

So thanks for this love that I’m about to receive and thank you for my health and all the good memories thanks for the courage taking on another day when I used to not believe but now I know about great stay away from the fire because the flames does burn. Go with your gut feeling when it’s wrong, you learn for every one step I take, the Lord takes two and do unto others if you want it done unto you.

It’s me again, God, I know it’s been a long time since I last called you back on your line so I hope Ben I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the land it’s me again, God I know it’s been a long time since I last called you back on your line so I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the just a completion the sofish protein emerindi info Nican I’m the last of the Mohicans the bastard of the land the tan melon and accretion and we just trying to get back to the fact that we were kings and queens of a lamb up of the avalanche season I live on Turtle island with the rest of the disease better than the medicine for seven different treatments niggas try to ride away but end up getting seasick asleep and fill my words like braille and they’re awakened with the penmanship of Hindu script written in them vacant monastery honorary payments to the prototype tomorrow’s only a day away but nothing happens overnight the fuck’s wrong with going left when you know it’s right.

Biting off more than I can chew. That’s an overbite. Black on black crime is like watching two soldiers fight when all along they was on the same page. History. It’s me again God I know it’s been a long time since I last called you back on your line so I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the land it’s me again, God I know it’s been a long time since I last called you back on your line so I open.

I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the land. .

  • Bdell1014

    BDELL1014, the latest addition to the Truth Mafia family, was personally selected by Tommy Truthful, the leader of Truth Mafia. He's an outstanding teacher brimming with knowledge, making him a valuable asset to our Truth Mafia community. You can connect with him on Instagram (@Bdell1014), Facebook (Brydell Rice-Bey), and TikTok (@Bdell1014). He proudly identifies as a Moorish American 🇲🇦. Bdell 🇲🇦 (@Bdell__1014) / X ( View all posts

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3 thoughts on “Solar Eclipse of April 8th: The Final Hour The Return of Ophiuchus

  1. Avatar Of Rosanne Emly
    Rosanne Emly says:

    Why would the sun and moon be traveling from texas to the north Eastern part of the united states, When the sun and the moon rise in the east and goes west ?

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