The Archons The Firmament: 2030

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➡ Frankie, a content creator known as Bdell, shares his views on complex metaphysical theories related to reaching higher dimensions. He discusses concepts such as being trapped in a “matrix” or “fifth dimension” cut-off, nitrogen’s role in our atmosphere, dark black magic, and Archons among others. Also, he speaks about atoms, the creation of matter, the state of third density, and the belief that our planet is a ‘prison planet’ operating under a lunar cycle that continuously reincarnates souls.
➡ The text discusses theoretical ideas about energy, planetary systems and spiritual dimensions. The speaker suggests that human advancement has been hindered by a “fermented dome”, implemented by higher powers. This dome limits human spiritual growth and connects to various hierarchal atmospheric realms. Additionally, the speaker predicts the dome will crack in 2030, changing the world drastically and aligning with the Sustainable Development Goals and Agenda 2030. He also introduces the concept of Ley Line Grid Systems, suggested to control our energies and dimensions. There is reference to biblical scriptures and theories of reincarnation, and the existence of a higher energy source.
➡ The text discusses a theory that Earth operates within a dome structure, made up of elemental compounds and influenced by electromagnetic coils of light. The passage suggests this dome includes the sun and moon, and their positioning carries implications for spiritual and physical life on Earth. Moreover, it introduces the concept of the Tower of Babel as symbolic of an attempt to bridge the divide between Earth and the heavens, but its destruction led to disconnection and confusion. This narrative is tied into intriguing concepts from science such as the existence of different forms of ice in Antarctica, and the notion of sky ice, characterized by blue color.
➡ The text reveals a complex interpretation of mythology, religion, and cosmology, suggesting a belief in the role of extra-dimensional beings or archons in the creation of the universe, a simulated reality, and a firmament dome in Antarctica. It posits a connection between spiritual and technological principles, seeing the earth as an energy extraction matrix for these archonic entities, and suggests a state of spiritual cut-off or “cryostasis” that can be transcended through combined mental, physical, and spiritual alignment.
➡ The text discusses a theory suggesting that the nephilim, referred to as the fallen angels, were the creators of a simulated world within a dome. These angels, also known as the Draconian reptilians or the archons, fell from higher dimensions to lower ones. Their fall and subsequent creation of a simulated world are supposedly detailed in religious texts. The text also delves into linguistic analysis, suggesting multiple gods and religious entities are all representations of the same Draconian force governing this world. The simulation is said to control our bodies and reincarnation cycle through advanced technology and numerical sequences.
➡ The earth’s atmosphere, largely composed of nitrogen, relates to Metatron’s cube due to their similar atomic structures. This atmosphere, coupled with the Saturn moon matrix, creates constraints trapping humans in a simulated reality. Celestial bodies generate light fractions that power the inner sun while their dispersion fuels sunspot activity. The earth may be significantly larger than believed and could potentially be cubic, a structure conducive to energy containment. Encryptions, based on a complex geometrical model, impede humanity while electromagnetic oscillographs feed archons. Such conspiracies were allegedly concealed by governments post-1958, and uncovering them is important in preparing for apocalyptic events potentially taking place between 2023 and 2030.
➡ The text discusses the lifting of a metaphorical ‘veil’ through cosmic events, leading to an enhancement of human abilities, activation of the ‘God particle’, and consequent spiritual awakening. The author emphasizes self-improvement, alignment with higher frequencies, and understanding of our assumed physical and spiritual schema, contextualizing existence as a simulation within a ‘prison planet.’ This spiritual ascendency is posited as an antidote to a long epoch of spiritual disconnect imposed by divine figures from biblical texts.


Be Frankie. Yeah, I’m striving for greatness trying to make it I was stuck in the matrix. Yeah, I’m striving for greatness trying to make it I was stuck in the matrix. Yeah, I’m striving for greatness trying to make it I was stuck in the matrix yeah, I’m striving for greatness trying to make it that we’re stuck in the matrix yo, what’s good? It’s your boy, Bdell. If you’re new to this channel, hit the like button, hit the Share button, hit the subscribe button, hit that notification bell.

Today I’m going to be breaking down the dynamics of the Arkons and the Firmament and how it’s based on the cold chemistry and the cold physics with the emergence of atomic theory under periodic law. Because the Firmament in itself is a highly technological form of dark black magic that operates on a regeneration system that works in symbiotic connection with the Ley line grid system, which is also known as the Draconian reptilian net that spiritually cuts you off in the fifth dimension, which is the magnetosphere, the abode of the most high, who is ANU.

So, based on my independent research through astrological and geophysical investigation, the Firmament was basically created by a high altitude electromagnetic radiation, nitrogen lightning, which is basically an accumulation of subatomic particles that traps light inside of an atmosphere. Because nitrogen makes up 78% of our atmosphere. We’re going to get into that, right? So first, when you understand the atomic structure of the sigil system of nitrogen, it is basically a direct emulation of the cube of saturn, which is known as Metatron’s cube because they both work as to be out of connection through fractions of light.

When you understand the magneto hydrodynamic casino gaps on the rings of Saturn, which creates the dualistic paradox that keeps us encapsulated inside a fermented dome. So these ARCONs, what they did was they basically created a technology that operates on fractions and cymatic frequencies of light to steal energy that keeps us encapsulated inside a fermented dome because we are light bodies trapped inside of a light prism, which is a prison.

So this is a prison planet because the demiurge is basically an amalgamation of the third dimension merged in with the lower fourth dimension. So you have the lower fourth dimension being facilitated by the Unseen Hand, who is the Archons, who is also known as the Draconian reptilian black Nobility Archives or the Cherubim of the 200 Fallen Angels. Right? Now, what you got to understand is everything is operating from a place of periodic law.

And that basically means that the number of the supreme mathematics of the periodic fixations and the elements is basically equated to ANU. ANU is basically the personification of the Most High who is Elliot La on l or the Most High God because there’s a delineation between God and the Most High. He is actually The Creator. So you have the ultimate physical particles of which matter is constituted, which is basically carbon because carbon is the building block of all civilization.

So when you’re encapsulated inside of a dome, that traps light and when you trap light, that creates photons. And the photonic energy is being facilitated by carbon because a photon hydrogen atom creates electrons. Electrons create elements and elements create molecules and molecules create organs, and organs create organ systems and those organ systems creates third density. Right? We’re going to get into that. I hope I’m not losing you here.

So when you’re talking about the dome, when you’re talking about everything as far as like us being spiritually cut off from the fifth dimension, everything in the fifth dimension is operating from a place of an Etherean force. Your etheric cord, which is facilitated by carbon, lithium, sulfur, helium, hydrogen exxon and radon, argon and krypton. And those nine noble gases is basically the personification of the octave elements. That creates a manifestation of polarizations of principles that creates third density in itself.

So what I’m saying is, like the magnetosphere is where your form of creation sparks from. But when you’re encapsulating inside of a dome, you’re no longer in your etheric form. You’re in a state of third density, which is physical matter. So that’s what creates the dynamic action between the polarities of everything that’s in a fixed position reality, right? So this is where you inherit the ethereum gases, where it sparks creation.

So that’s why when you see stuff like this, earth has received a laser beam message from nearly 10 million mile away. Because that’s the ethers that’s coming in to penetrate the dome structure, to penetrate the firmament. Because the firmament is basically an emulation of the sleep spell of Leviathan and the sleep spell of Kingu that connects you to the lunar energy of the 6000 year verification period. But the 6000 years is up, as I told you, in 2024 because we are in the Sun Cycle.

The sun cycle is the Great Awakening. The Great Awakening is being facilitated by the Aquarian Age, right? So this Great Awakening is being orchestrated by this green ethereal energy. Right? We’ve been talking about that. The spirit of Melchizedek is the God frequency, the God in you because we are microcosm of the macrocosm. So in order to reap the benefits to reach that God particle, you got to be in alignment.

As the planet is going through a terraforming process, everything is in the state of metamorphosis that go back into its original order and it’s going back into its original order. That’s why you have these fractions of ethereal lights coming through the Fermented dome in increments that’s the only thing that could penetrate the dome is the ethereal energy. Because the ethereal energy is a direct emulation of the color spectrum of the heart chakra.

You got to be tapped into the Love frequency in order to penetrate the dome structure because this planet is a prison planet. It’s a prison planet because it’s being used in a form of a soul trap. They want to trap your soul on this planet to keep you in a perpetual state of reincarnation under the lunar cycle. So that’s why we get into the mystic elements, right? And the mystic elements is basically the foundation of the void of darkness, carbon, right? As I told you, carbon is the building block of all civilization.

So like I said, you got to activate the neuroendocrine, transducer, the carbon body, in order to tap into that energy to escape the firmament. Right? So we’re going to get into some more. So now when you’re talking about creation, when you’re talking about planetary simulations and stuff like that, when you go to the Book of Genesis, it’s not talking about the creation of the world. It’s actually talking about the creation of the simulation.

Right? So there’s a diametrical difference between the creation of the world and the creation of the simulation. The creation of the world was facilitated by the Mozai, who was ANU the creation of the simulation is being facilitated by the Archons, who basically was Jumpstarted, by Enlil, who was Yahweh, who was Moloch, who was Baal. Those are basically the same entities when you understand the mythology of certain contexts and monotheistic religious systems.

Right? So it tells you right here that God stretches hand. So God and the Most High, they are not the same entities. God is operating from a place of governmental ordinance departments that controls everything under Draconian law. So the draconians are also the ARCONs. And the ARCONs control everything in the lower fourth dimension to where they don’t have to take comporeal form unless they want to merge in with the Canaanite.

I already broke that down in one of my videos. So in 17 times that the Bible declares that God stretched the heavens, so that’s where in Lil, Yahweh Baal, who was Molok, the Arkansas, they separated the intergalactic waters from the third dimension and created a fermented dome that spiritually cuts you off from the fifth dimension. Right, man, I got proof of that. They spiritually cut you off from the fifth dimension, right? So like I said, it raises shields and productive visible barrier found surrounding Earth because this system is based on barriers and limitations.

You’ve been spiritually cut off. You’ve been spiritually cut off from the fifth dimension because the fifth dimension is the magnetosphere. So the magnetosphere is where you pull in your magic. When you look at the prefix of the word magic and magnetism. Magnetosphere, right. Your magic is being facilitated by the magnetosphere because the magnetosphere is where the ethereal energy comes into where you tap into the God frequency, the spirit of melchizedek.

So your magic is facilitated by telepathy, psychometry, clairvoyance, intuition. These are your higher abilities to where you reach the state of Godhood. But we’ve been spiritually cut off. So that’s why when you hear people say shit like we haven’t got our powers, that’s because you’re encapsulated inside of a dome. When you watch the movie Meteor Man, when he merged in with that green ethereal energy, that’s when he was able to tap into his power.

He was able to fly, he was able to tap into a higher frequency mindset that’s not facilitated by the construct and limitations and constraints of mankind. So when you seen some of the stuff that he was doing, this green ethereum energy, it has the ability to grow things intrinsically, right? That’s why you had a lot of our ancestors back then. A lot of us was like 10ft tall, 12ft tall.

You don’t have that ability now because like I said, you’ve been spiritually cut off by the Fermented dome. The dome is basically keeping you, the soul encapsulated to where you don’t reach the state of Godhood, right? So this is basically the hierarchical atmospheric realms. When you’re talking about the troposphere, the stratosphere mesosphere thermosphere and the thermosphere, like I said, when you understand thermodynamics energy cannot be destroyed, it can only be transmuted, you can’t kill energy.

So the thermosphere is connected to the magnetosphere because the magnetosphere is how you facilitate the soul, the oversold, which is the zohar body. Right? We’re going to get into it. So when you understand the mechanisms of the Fermented dome, there is a verification period and limitations that’s going to run out over time. So this is why the World Economic Forum, this is why the Sustainable Development Goals that connects with Agenda 2030, they understand that the dome is going to crack open around 2030.

And this is why this video is actually inspired by a dream I had, because I had a dream that the dome cracked open, and then you see particles of the firmament breaking down and basically destroying the planet. Some. Parts of the planet because the planet, you really can’t destroy it. But only certain things that’s not acclimated to the original structure will basically be destroyed. So this video is actually inspired by a dream I had.

So in 2030, they know that the dome is going to crack open, right, to where you tap into the original spiritual. Right. So where is it now? One thing you got to understand when you’re talking about the Fermented dome, when you go to Seven Bomers publication, it talks about how the Archons created when they took the Tablets of Destiny, they facilitated a weapon known in the tablets called the Net.

And the net is the net of indria. And the Net of Indria is basically the Draconian reptilian net. And it creates some type of atmospheric net that keeps you in a state of perpetual state of reincarnation for soul trap mechanisms. Right? So this is why you cannot tap into the spacetime continuum because the planetary grid system in itself is being projected through fractions of light. So it basically locks down your genetical abilities to where you can reach the state of a higher frequency to where you reap the benefits of touching your oversold, right? So with that being said, that’s how you know that when you look at these Ley Line Grid System structures, it keeps you down in the lower fourth dimension and the lower third dimension, right? So it’s not coincidence that the great majority of these monolithic structures, the great majority of these churches, because I told you, when you understand the Masonic Compasses Square, these are builders, they built these canaanite freemasonic entities.

When you’re talking about the shadow government, they built a lot of these structures to subjugate the energy to where these ethereal energies cannot hit the planet. So when you have certain churches and certain business buildings and stuff like that, these are basically energy centers. It’s energy centers that keep you spiritually cut off. That’s a sleep spell, right? So when you see businesses and organizations being set up on certain grid systems or whatever, that’s not by accident.

I mean, it’s not a coincidence. They do that on purpose because they know it subjugates the energy. It subjugates the unity conscious aspect. So now when you understand that the Ley Line Grid System works in Symbiotic connection with the firmament, right, when you go to Ezekiel 126, it says, and above the firmament was and above the firmament that was over their heads, likeness of the throne as the appearance of Sapphire Stone.

Now, when you look at Sapphire, that’s how you know the dome, the firmament is actually created by an electromagnetic radiation, high altitude lightning. It’s a high technology. So Sapphire is actually blue, right? When you look at that, right. Says it’s raw blue sapphire gemstones. Right? So Ezekiel 126 is telling you that the appearance of the firmament was of Sapphire Stone. Right. And it operates on a regeneration system.

I’m going to show you some videos of that, right? I’m going to show you some videos of it if I can find it. Yeah, here it goes. So this is what you call sky ice. Sky ice, like I said, it’s a high form of technology, but it’s connected to the lower fourth dimension. But when it reaches third density, it hardens up. So this is know you have a lot of whistleblowers that went to Antarctica and things of that nature, and they did studies on this ice.

And this ice is called sky ice, which is basically the personification of the firmament. I’m going to play the video, because one thing you got to understand about everything in third density, third density is actually a lower form. When this fermented ice, the sky ice, when it reaches the third dimension, it actually reaches a physical form to where it’s not operating from a regeneration standpoint. Because just like when you seen that video in the last video I showed you, when they try to penetrate the dome, the dome was able to regenerate itself because it has a form of immortalized cell lines.

Because the technology in itself of the electrical nitrogen has the ability to operate from a place of immortalized cell lines. Right. It’s a living entity. The firmament is. So there’s that video. But now I’m going to show you another video here in a second but I got to bring this out for clarity, right? So you have the outer layer of the firmament which is basically the symbology of the magnetosphere and then it goes down to the exosphere, thermosphere mesosphere stratosphere troposphere.

Then you have the atmosphere, right? The troposphere is the lower fourth dimension. Then you got the atmosphere which is made up of 78% nitrogen which is our atmosphere. That’s the three dimensional state which is the demiurge connected to the troposphere. Then you have the Schumann resonance connected to all these layers of dimensions, basically. Right. And it’s connected to it because the magnetosphere has a form of magnetism to pull in the Schumann resonance because when you look at the color spectrum of the Schumann resonance is what? It’s green.

It’s connected to the spirit of melchizedek. They know that when the sun is operating from a higher frequency when it’s operate from a higher fraction of light when these coronal mass ejections come in it merges in with that ethereal energy in the magnetosphere and it sparks the soul of man. Right? So like I said, as I said, we’ve been spiritually cut off. So the sun and the moon that you see inside of our planet are basically buffers.

They’re basically buffers and converters to convert the carbon body into the carbon body into a crystalline state. But you’ve been spiritually cut off from your higher abilities and it tells you right here there was light but no sun and no rain. The spiritual light coming through the astral windows permeated all the cosmos. So the spiritual sun is what you’re talking about? The star polaris that is basically the sun outside of the Fermented dome that operates on Cymatic frequencies of light, angels of light or angles of light that hits the firmament and then it operates through Cymatic frequencies and gives light to planet Earth from a dualistic paradox to where the planet is always in the state of being at war with itself.

Right. So it tells you right here it says the planes did not revolve around its axis nor around the sun. Everything drew its energy from the same source from the divine power which is the star polaris, right, which is in the fifth dimension, which is the magnetosphere. So the fall of man came where there was a change of source of energy and was cut off which created a form of negation passed down to the material plane.

And the negation is only in the realm of flesh. The realm of flesh was facilitated by the lunar cycle. But the lunar cycle is phasing out. It’s phased out. That’s why you see the sun and the moon out at the same time. Right? Because the moon is personification of the material and the physical plane. So the sun operates and gives light to the time of Aquarius, right? Isaiah 30 26 the light of the moon shall be passed to the light of the sun and the light of the sun shall be passed as the light of the moon.

So basically, this system has reached its verification period. The end of the 6000 years is up in 2024. So this is why when you look at the symbology of the year eight, when you understand the supreme mathematical sequence, eight is build and destroy the building of the matriarch, the destruction of the patriarchy, right? So now, when you go to the Book of Enoch, this is why it’s very important to not castigate the Bible.

You got to read some of the books that’s missing out of the Bible. And the book of Enoch is one of them because it tells you that the storehouses of the four elemental compounds that make up the planet Earth in the simulation is Earth, wind, water, fire, operates on electromagnetic coils of light. So the Earth, wind, water, fire themselves is basically position themselves between heaven and Earth. That’s what keeps you encapsulating inside of a dome.

Like I said, the planet Earth is made up of 78% nitrogen. So when you go to the book of Enoch 18 four, and I saw the winds, which is Earth, wind, water, fire, which turned the sky, and the sun caused a disk of the sun and the stars to set. So it tells you that the sun is a disk. It’s a disk, it’s not a big ball of energy.

The real sun is outside of the dome. So the sun that you see in our atmosphere is a buffer. It’s a buffer for ascension processes, it’s a buffer for evolution. But the moon that you see inside of the dome, which is basically the personification of a negative energy, because the moon was pulled into our dome, into our solar system by the archons from planet Jupiter, that’s where the moon came from, right? And when you go through all throughout ancient monotheistic belief systems, ancient story, ancient tablets or whatever, they don’t tell you about a moon.

When you go to the Hieroglyphics, when you go to ancient Chemt, there is no moon. Because during the inception of time, everything operates from intrinsic sunlight. Because when you look at the first cycle of the 24,000 year purification period, you had a sun cycle first. It went, no such thing as a moon. The moon was towed in into our solar system from planet Jupiter, from the archives, to keep the planet in a state of perpetual reincarnation and for soul trap mechanisms and to create a dualistic paradox to where the planet is always at war with itself.

So I saw the end of the Earth in the firmament of the heaven above, right? So when you understand the mythology of the Babylonian Empire, right, when you’re talking about the Tower of Babel when you break down the etymological roots of the word Babel or Babylon or the Tower of Babel. Right? Bab means gateway. L means yahweh, not Yahweh, but L means the abode of the most high, the gateway to l, Tower of Babel, bab means gateway.

L means the most high. So they built the Tower of Babel to basically connect and penetrate the dome structure. But God of the Bible, who is Yahweh, tore the Tower of Babel down. So it’s not only acclimated to a physical structure, because the Tower of Babel is also an emulation of the motor cortex gland in the brain to where you’re no longer operating from a place being able to tap into your form of telepathy.

Right? So when the Tower of Babel fell and the Tower of Babble in the brain, the motor cortex gland, what happened was people started to babble. This is where you have confusion of languages and everything on the planet because you no longer have a spiritual connection to receive the telepathic abilities that’s coming from the magnetosphere. So God of the Bible, who is Yahweh right. Tore down the Tower of Babel because the Tower of Babel was actually penetrating the dome structure, the firmament.

Right? And so, like I said, babel, bab means gateway. El? Who is the most high? Who was Elio? Elio, who was ANU so, God of the Bible, who was Yahweh, enlil moloch tore the Tower of Babel down, right? Because the Tower of Babel was used, was created to penetrate the so now, this is just based on my independent research. This is just based on my opinion. I think the dome and the firmament and the whole technology in itself was being created.

The inception point of it started in Antarctica, because when you look at the no fly zone in right, it is basically an emulation of the sigil system. Of the sigil of is a because the no fly zones is acclimated to the Ley line grid system. It’s connected to the grid projection system that operates from a place of technological forces of nitrogen lightning. Right? Because I told you Satan, when you understand the nomenclature title of it, it means that he’s the Prince of Air.

When you break down the etymology of the word enlil, it means Lord of the sky. Lord of the sky because he is keeping you encapsulated inside of a dome structure, and he put an encryption over the planet with a sigil. And that sigil is a sigil of Moloch, as I was telling you. Right. And I’m going to prove it to you. So, like I said, this is a Luciferian moloch in Lil symbol, right? Because it’s acclimated to the Khazarian tamga.

Right. So when you look at the Ukrainian crest, when you look at the sigil of Moloch, when you look at the Khazarian tamga is a direct emulation of the no fly zone that created the dome structure in itself around the planet where the inception point of it started in Antarctica. So that’s how you know that Enlil, who was Yahweh? Who was Moloch? The Sigil of Moloch. Yahweh, god of the Bible, created the dome in Antarctica.

So that’s why the sky ice is being tested in Antarctica. I’m going to show you the video I believe they were trying to say, but it says when they asked for volunteers, a bunch of us applied, but only me and one other guy got accepted. Now, I need you to look at this. You see that? This green ethereum energy, what they call the aurora borealis or whatever, because they know that the aurora borealis in itself.

When you go to the inception of time, when the planet was broke off through Plutonium bombs that they extracted, when the bureaus in our solar system, what happened was that green ethereum energy when you had the sun that came from the 19 galaxy called APSU, the sun was projected inside the planet. And when it hit the planet, it landed in I forgot what it was called. It landed inside the Grand Canyon.

So the Grand Canyon is actually in alignment to some parts of the aurora borealis because those Cymatic frequencies of light has a green ethereum energy to it. I just had to give you that little nugget there to why. You see this here? Right here. But I’m going to play the video. I believe they were trying to say, but it says when they asked for volunteers, a bunch of us applied, but only me and one other guy got accepted.

The application process had a bunch of questionnaires that we had to fill out and we had to sit for a bunch of one on one interviews. It was mostly just a bunch of questions about what our interest and beliefs were. Weird that they would ask about their beliefs. I was sent to McMurdo Research Station. Can’t hear it. Turn it all the way up. And if you can’t hear what he’s saying, just hold the phone up to your ear.

He’s basically talking about his experience. They were basically testing the delineation between different ices because I told you the ice that was created, the Fermented Dome in Antarctica was basically the foundation of the dome structure. 1998, when we weren’t busy deicing the aircraft and working on them, we had time to hang out with the scientists at the research station. The military unit attached to McMurdo was small, and we didn’t have our own separate facilities.

We didn’t have a PX or a media center. There was no chapel or chaplain, and we didn’t have our own separate mailroom. We just had to share the same facilities with the scientists and researchers. So over time, I got to be friends with a few of them. They had two different kinds of ice they worked on and studied. This is where it gets interesting. One kind of ice was the normal kind that we’ve all seen.

They took cores of it out of boreholes in the ground just like normal ice. It was mostly clear and sometimes white, and it would melt into liquid water if it got warm. The whole area of Antarctica is covered in this kind of ice. But that wasn’t their main kind of ice. The only time I ever saw them actually studying normal ice was when a film crew from National Geographic came.

By the rest of the time, which was most of the time, the scientists were studying something they called sky ice. This stuff was totally different. We were never allowed to go into the laboratory areas of the station because the labs had to be kept super clean. And they said it would mess up their work if they risked letting too many people in the lab. But one time, one of the researchers that I was friends with showed me a piece of sky ice.

You couldn’t touch the stuff with your bare hands because it was so cold, and it wasn’t clear or white like normal ice. It was solid blue. He said that’s why they call it sky ice, because it was the exact same color as the sky. We had to wear a thick, heavy, going outside gloves to handle it. The stuff was so cold, it would instantly freeze your skin if you touched it.

I don’t remember what the temperature he said it was. So with that being said, see, that’s why it’s important to understand the mythology of how everything was created. So like I said, when you go to the inception of creation, when you look at the sigil system of the no fly zone in Antarctica, it’s the Sigil of Moloch, it’s the Sigil of Enlil, it’s the Sigil of the God of the Bible, it’s the Sigil of Baal.

Right? They’re the same entity. Right. So that’s why I said the inception point of the firmament was created in Antarctica. So that’s why that whistleblower that was studying the diametrical differences between regular ice and sky ice because, like I said, remember I told you? And when you get a transliteration of the Book of Revelation 1717, it tells you that the evil reptilian an archon, a cherubim, gave power to the beast.

The beast is the Ukrainians. That’s why the Ukrainians have the crest symbol, which is the Sigil of Molok, because they show veneration to Molok, who is their God, who is Yahweh, who is Enlil, God of the Bible. So that’s why the Khazarian mafia has the same sigil system, which is the Kazarian tamga, and that same emblem, that same encryption is over the planet. That’s where the firmament was created.

The archives created the firmament in Antarctica. That spiritually cuts you off. So now it kind of makes sense as to why. You understand. Back during the inception of time, Antarctica wasn’t cold, right? So that means that something took place. What took place? You’ve been spiritually. Cut off because Antarctica was a tropical geographical landmass, right, in the inception of the sun cycle, right? So now, like I said now when you go to some of Dr.

York’s publications, right, when you’re talking about the Seven Days of Creation factor fiction, right, he is basically telling you about the creation of the simulation. The Book of Genesis is not the creation of the world, it’s the creation of the simulation that was created by the archons. So on the first day, it’s talking about the creation of evening, which is basically God said, let there be light and things of that nature, god of the Bible.

When you have the ethers, the ethers is a form of thought. Thought travels at the only thing that operates from light travels at 187,000 miles per square feet. And the only thing that travels faster than the speed of light is thought. So thought in itself was what sparked the creation and the Firmament in itself, because it tells you, on the second day of creation, on the second day of creation, the Firmament was created by the skies and the heavens.

It was basically a split. It was a dimensional split that took place to where you’re not tapped into the spacetime continuum, right? So the arc of the Firmament and separated the waters of the two. So that’s where you get your whole concept of as above, so below. And then you have the third and the fourth day, you have the creation of the sun and the Moon. So the creation of the sun was like I said, it’s a disk.

I already showed you that. Then the Moon was towed into our solar system from planet Jupiter by the Archons, right? So, like I said, the sun and the Moon you see inside of the dome is basically simulators, right? The real sun is outside of the dome, the fifth dimension that magnetosphere, the star Polaris, right? The abode of the most high. When you have that, when you have ether compulating with the creation of the sun and the Moon, that’s where you have it sparks physical matter, which is carbon.

So this is where you have plant, animal, protoplast, man and mankind, because there’s a delineation between man and mankind. So you got plant, animal, protoplast, man and mankind, cherubim and Seraphim, right? When you understand the seven principles of the more science mythology, then when you go to on the 6th Day of Creation, it talks about the creation of creatures. Right? So as I was telling you before, this system in itself, this firmament, this dome that we’re living in, is basically like a loose farm for the ARCONs to extract energy from humanity and from anything that’s demonic to the planet.

They’re here to extract energy. So the energy extraction matrix in itself is being facilitated by keeping the planet to where it’s always at war with itself. How you keep the planet always at war with itself. You create polarity. You know what I’m saying? You create polarity, you create good and evil. So when the planet is in a state of polarity, that’s when you can manipulate everything from a technological aspect.

Because like I told you, they use technology to lock down DNA. And the lockdown in itself is being in a form of cryostasis because a firmament is a sky ice, right? It puts you in a state of cryostasis. It’s an encryption over the body, right? I think I got some more videos to show you. I’m going to show you this just for clarity purposes because this guy, whatever it is, it’s not a guy, but it’s basically like an audiobook, but it gives you a simplistic breakdown of everything that I was basically saying in the beginning.

God created the heaven and the earth. The earth was without our opening and forefathers upon the face of the deep. God said, Let there be light. God saw. God divided the light from the darkness. God called the light the darkness evening and the morning with the furnace. God, let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters and let it divide the waters around the waters. God only took the burn and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters.

So when you see those arrows right there, that is basically an emulation of the centrifugal and the centripeutal forces which creates a tetra angular radiation through a tetrahedron energy, as above, so below. So in order to reach the state of Godhood outside of the firmament, right, you got to be tapped in. You got to be operating from the path of the middle way to where you merge in the mental and the physical and the spiritual body at the same time.

That’s how you penetrate the dome. That’s how you penetrate the firmaments which were above. My brother, God evening and the morning. And God said, let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place and let the dry land appear. God of all dry land gathering together of the water calling god of soul. Let the very light and the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night.

And let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years and let them be for light in the burner. Like I said, as I was telling you, you have the light operating from sad matter, frequencies of light, angles of light or angels of light. The star polaris outside of the dome gives power to the simulators of the sun and the moon inside of the dome.

It was God made two great lights, a greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night. And God stepped in the firmament of the heavens to give light upon the earth and to rule over the day and over the night and to divide the light in the dark. God of Thor Bessett was ruled the evening and the morning were the fourth day. God said, let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens and the firmament of the heavens and the firmament of the heavens and the firmament of the heavens.

So it says you right here, there’s no outer space. The space above the firmament is God’s territory and nothing can enter therein primary because of the alabel radiation belt and the sun and the moon and the stars are all in the inner space and not outer. Like I said, Van Allen Belt. Radiation is the firmament. It’s connected to the hot altitude nitrogen lightning, which makes up 78% of our atmosphere.

Right. So we’re going to get into should I go there? Should we go here? It’s another video for clarity purposes. You yeah. So this is actually a commercial because like I told you, they got to put the truth in your face. This is a hennessy commercial actually. So they got to put the truth in your face in order for you to have your own free will to where you have your own intuitive ability to decipher what’s real and what’s fake.

So this is a hennessy commercial, you know what I’m saying? They got to give you the truth. They got to heaven’s above, heaven’s on earth, right? Penetrated the Van Allen belt, infiltrated the cosmic waters. So that’s all for that. I was just showing, you know, I told you they live under the threefold law, the white hats. They got to give you the truth, right? But it’s up to you to have the spiritual fortitude to decipher if it’s real or fake or not.

Now we’re going to get into who created the firm, right? Now when you break down the Edomological roots of the word nephilim, in Hebrew you get napala. Nafala means fallen, and the fallen are the cherubim, and the cherubim are the 200 fallen angels who are also known as the Draconian reptilians, who are the archons. They’re basically the same entities, right? So like I said, break down the Hebrew word Nephal, or nephilim, it means to fall, meaning that they fell in frequency.

So this is basically a picture, an emulation of the archons coming down to the lower fourth dimension and the third dimension, which is the demiurge, right? So when they came down, they created their own world and it’s based on a simulation. So the creation and when you’re talking about the book of Genesis, the book of Genesis is talking about the creation of simulation, it’s not the creation of the world.

Right? So I need you to understand that because everything facilitated by monotheistic belief systems is basically the foundation of what’s taking place inside of the dome, not outside of it. Right? So it tells you right here in Revelations twelve Nine, right? And the great dragon was hurdled down and the ancient serpent called the devil, Satan, shaitan the deceiver of the herwal earl, and he hurdled down earth and his angels came with him.

So was Enlil Yahweh casted down by going against the galactical order of ANU. So when they was casted down, they was casted down to the land of Nigh. The land of Nigh is another name for Saturn and Saturn is also another name for Beetlejuice. That’s the star system, the Draconian star constellation. So with that being said, when it was casted down, that’s when they create the system, they create the dome that keeps you in a state of reincarnation, right, to where it spiritually traps you in.

It spiritually cuts you off in the fifth dimension. So it tells you right here one of the major stars is Bilge, which is another name for Satan. Saturn is Satan. We already know that when you look at the prefix and the suffix of certain, right? So and that’s being facilitated by Shaitan and they are the physical devil of the race of male Neville beings when you’re talking about Pledates and Draconian star constellation and things of that nature, right? So then when you go to the publication of Dr.

York, he’s talking about what and where is hell, right? So the land of Nigh, the land of Nigh is also Saturn, saturn is Beetlejuice and Saturn is equivalent to Satan. So when they fell in frequency, they fell from planet Saturn and came down to planet Earth. So with that being said, that’s how you know that the two and a hundred fallen angels are the wicked ones, who are basically were the sons of the Elohim.

So when they was casted out, right? Now you got to understand that this system in itself is being facilitated by the Arkansas, the Cherubim, as I was telling you. So everything when you’re talking about Enlil, who is Yahweh? When you go to the strong accordance 1180 and you break down the word Yahweh, you get Bell, who is Ball? Ball when you translate it in the H 1167 strong accordance, ball means owner, who is Lord, who is the owner of the planet, right? So your master is basically talking about Ball who is in Lil, who is Molok, same entity, right? So when you’re talking about the Lord of your Bible, you’re talking about Baal.

When you’re talking about Lord God of the Bible, you’re talking about Bow God. When you talk about Lord Jesus, you talk about Baal Jesus. When you talk about Lord Jehovah, you’re talking about Baal Jehovah. When you talk about Lord Allah, you’re talking about Baalah. When you’re talking about Lord Krishna, you’re talking about Baal Krishna. When you’re talking about Baal, you’re talking about Bezelbub, who was high Satan, who was high Satan in Lil, Yahweh, Molok.

So when you go to the Tetragrammatine and you break down the YHWH, it means agreeable and disagreeable. What made him disagreeable? He was disagreeable because he went against the order of ANU, which why he was casted down with the beings that followed him, which is the one third of the galaxy. So when they fail, that’s when they created their simulation, they spiritually cut you off because we are the seeds of Inky.

You break down the Etymological roots of the word Inky, it means Lord of the Earth. We are the lords of planet Earth because ANU sent him here. You know what I’m saying? For excavation purposes, right? As I was telling you, Lord in Hebrew. And the tetragrammaton is equivalent to ball moloch inlios the same thing. So that’s how you know these arconic forces when you read the publication of The Body Parts of God by Dr.

Malachazi York, right? When you read this publication, it’s telling you right here, god and the Most High are not the same thing. God is equivalent to government arms debar, which is an entity and is equivalent to governmental ordinance departments under Draconian law. Draco. Draconian. What you see right here is a reptilian, right? So when you praying to God, Yahweh Enlil, you’re praying to a Draconian reptilian because the system in itself is being facilitated by a simulation, the simulation that is controlled, that controls the religious systems, right? So this is why the great majority of people are in the state of under the sleep spell of Kangu, because these entities who sometimes they don’t take comporeal form, they only operate from a form of negative ether.

So this is how they control your nervous system to carry out certain agendas under their simulation inside of the dome, right? So this is why you got to read this book called Arkansas by RJ kinsella, you know what I’m saying? It gives you a simplistic breakdown of how they talk about the demiurge and the Archons and Draconian reptilians are basically one and the same. It just gives you a simplified breakdown of what’s taking place in the Gnostic text, right? Is there another slide after this? No, that’s it for that.

So now these are some CIA documents that I have found surfing the internet. And it’s basically telling you how I told you in Revelation 1717 transliteration of the book of Revelation in Els Holy and Jill, it tells you that the evil reptilian, the Archons, gave power to the beast who was the Canaanite. So the Canaanite, they’re basically getting this technology to keep us encapsulated inside the dome. So the dome in itself and the firmament was created by the Arkons, but they created a ley line grid system that connects to the firmament to keep us in a state of soul trap.

So it tells you that some properties of the atmospheric intricacies of the light scattering I can barely even see some of these words, but it tells you right here that the investigation of the scattering of light in the Earth’s atmosphere, everything is operating from a mathematical sequence, from a synoptic conditions of meteorological and climatic changes, right? And it tells you right here, through abstract documentation, a proof is presented in the light of dispersion of the higher orders can be computed from data obtained in the plane direct of its observation.

So I told you that we’re living in a simulation, and the simulation is being controlled by a neuromorphic cloud. So like I said, it can be computed from a form of data. Everything is operating from a mathematical in a technological sequence to control your Gematria body. So that’s why, like I said, you have lay lines on the planet and you also have lay lines on your hand that connect you to the simulation.

So everybody’s a number. So that’s why when you look up certain people or certain celebrities or whatever, there is a number spectrum that’s acclimated to how they carry out their life when they was born and when they died, right? That’s because, like I said, it gets real deep when it comes to stuff like that. So that’s how you know this system and the simulation. Everything is operating from data.

Everything is operating from higher frequency technology. Everything is operating from a place of controlling the Gematria body to keep you in a state of subjugation. Then you got the astrophysical. I don’t know it, but it tells you about the Earth Council and the physics and the atmosphere certified on September 21, 1957. So these are all CIA documents that was approved for release in the year 2000. So it tells you right here.

So the optics in a terrestrial atmosphere and supplement it with the observations of brightness of day and light condition by molecular scattering of light, which is basically deriferation of the scattering and the multiple light scattering. I can barely even see some of these words. These are just some of the names that took place. A part of when you’re talking about Astrophysical observatory. They are basically some of the people who basically created some of the technology and got their technology and the knowledge on how to keep us encapsulated inside of this dome structure.

So you got the investigation of light scattering in the Earth’s atmosphere. As I told you before, the Earth is made up of 78% nitrogen. So I’m going to scoot back a little bit. I showed this in the beginning, but I’m going to show you this for clarity purposes because the dome structure, right, as I said in the beginning of the video, our atmosphere is made up of 78% nitrogen.

The nitrogen, when you understand the crystal atomic structure and the sigil system, it is an emulation of Metatron’s cube. So that means that the atmosphere of the dome structure and the electromagnetic configuration of it works in symbiotic connection with the magneto hydrodynamic of the consenting gaps of rings of Saturn, which creates the Saturn moon matrix inside of the dome structure. It creates the simulation in the cell. So the crystal structure of the citrism of nitrogen in the atmosphere, which makes up 78%, is what keeps you stuck in the simulation.

It creates limitations and barriers it creates a form of constraint that puts an encryption on humanity. It spiritually cuts you off, right? So when we go back to the CIA documents, it says in the investigation of scattering of light in the Earth’s atmosphere, right? So it talks about the intricate light scattering, the atmosphere, the calculation of multiple light scattering, the criterion for the sustainability of optical properties of the atmosphere, and the methods of determining the atmospheric clearness of the blue sky brightness, which is sky ice.

And then when you go to this right here, it tells you that everything is operating from osculographs. And those oscular graphs have a form of high speed film, which is basically subdivided into fractions. And it’s subdivided into fractions because that’s what creates the dualistic energy on the planet, night and day, positive and negative. So these are basically the opposing forces of the gavel meters that’s grouped into where it blocks a common permanent structure to where it keeps a parasitic nature on the planet.

So it’s basically a circuit and a medium for the ARCONs to feed off your body. So when you go to the distortions defending the Scientific Council of Institute Physics of the Earth Institute of Physics in the Atmosphere and the Institute Applied geophysics, like I said, this is a mathematical sequence. Everything is operating from a mathematical sequence. When you’re talking about from this high altitudes of fractions of light and high transparencies of it.

So it tells you right here, verbatim one was the visual photometer of the daytime sky intended for measuring the brightness of the firmament. So it tells you right here in real time in the CIA document, that we have a firmament, right? Then you have the cymatic frequencies of the oscular graphs that has a developmental seismic activity sounding of the Earth’s crust, studying in vibrations and soils of the buildings caused by explosions of earthquakes developed and new and progressive methods of seismic and electromagnetic prospecting minerals studying the atmospheric phenomenon.

So it’s basically telling you that those celestial bodies, two celestial bodies is operating on fractions of light that’s coming from the sun outside of the dome. And those fractions of light permeates to the planet Earth and gives power to the inner sun, which is the black sun. Now, then you have the dispersion of diffusion of light, which is basically a certain formula. It’s a certain formula that increases the sun activity, sunspot activity, right, as I was telling you, sunspot activity.

And then right here, it tells you that you got five to six points of the firmament located at the various Zen of distance, the method permeates determination. And then right here, it tells you that the flat Earth now, this is just based on my like, I think the Earth is a lot more bigger than what they say. I think this is a dome structure. And then outside of the dome, you have other worlds that’s encapsulated outside of the dome.

So I think Planet Earth is a lot more bigger than what they’re telling us. When you’re talking about us living in a so called globe or whatever, like I said, I don’t really subscribe to if it’s flat or if we live in the globe because can’t nobody really tell because we’re really encapsulated inside of a dome structure. We encapsulate it, right? So just based on through critical thinking skills and my own ideology on it, if we’re to agree that we live on a prison planet, how we know that the planet is not in a cube shape, right? Because the best way to lock down energy is to put an encryption on it by locking it inside of a cube.

So everything on this planet is operating from a place of 90 degree angles. When you look at certain monolithic structures, the corners, certain lay lines and everything, everything is operating from geometrical architects, architects, to where it keeps you in a state of, like I said, locks down your whole genetical structure. It’s an encryption over the planet. So let me get down here. Then you have the investigation of two instruments designed by FG.

And it was a visual photometer in the daytime antenna to measuring the brightness of the firmament. And then it tells you right here you have electromagnetic osculographs for experimental geophysical investigations, right, which is based on the branches of science and engineering. So like I said, these archives, man, they gave this technology to these Khazarians, these canaanites. And like I said, they use it in the form of soul entrapment, right? So that’s why everything is operating from a hingeling and dialectic principle because the solutions in itself is what subjugates humanity, right? So these are the CIA documents, CIA documentation talking about the firmament, right? Now I’m going to show you this video.

It shows you that the firmament in the 1958 Encyclopedia, the year NASA was founded, were here on Earth before 1958, before the governments took them out. Now I’m going to show you the Encyclopedia Britannicas in the public libraries before 1958. Here’s volume two. Now, this is actually the Encyclopedia America, but the Encyclopedia Britannica is the same thing as Encyclopedia America. It’s just the Britain version. So I call it the Britannica.

Anyways, this is volume two out of the alphabet A. We’re going to flip to the Antarctica, which is from 1958, as you can see. Now we’re going to flip to the Antarctica and see what the Encyclopedia Britannica from 1958, before the Antarctic Treaty says is there. Now, you won’t find this in the new encyclopedias because the government continues them. But what I want you to notice right here is notice how it says the flights prove inland areas to be featureless in character, that they dome 13,000ft high at about latitude 80 degrees south, longitude 90 degrees east.

Take a really close look at that when they return to New Zealand. These flights prove the inland areas to be features of the character with a dome 13,000ft high at about latitude 80 degrees south, longitude proof in real time, right? We all been lied to. I get it. I know the great majority of us are very indoctrinated. You know what I’m saying? But we live in a time right now where the information in the self is you just got to do your own edification.

The information is out there. I’m not going to show this video because I don’t know if I’m going to get flagged for it, because this video, he says some things. So it’s basically a confession by the CIA agent who actually worked for Antarctica and stuff. So I’m going to cut this video short. I got to go pick up my son from school. So with that being said, ladies and gentlemen, like I said, this video was inspired by a dream I had.

So there’s going to be a time where the dome is going to crack open, right? And then you’re going to have all that sky ice is going to be coming down to the planet, and it’s going to cause many different afflictions. It’s going to cause destruction. So with that being said, you cannot have a credence and a veneration to the lunar cycle as we’re in a sun cycle because the lunar cycle in itself was being facilitated by the archons who brought the Moon into our solar system, into this simulation from planet Jupiter.

So the lunar cycle was starting to phase out. As I was telling you, you have the sun and the moon out at the same time. That is a dualistic energy. So when you see two celestial bodies out at the same time, that means that it is basically the symbology of balancement, right, to where you no longer see the personification of polarity, because polarity in itself is the illusion.

And the illusion is being facilitated by the archons and the demiurge, which is the third dimension merged in with the lower fourth dimension. So when we get to the fifth dimension, when you’re talking about the Great Awakening, when you have this green ethereum energy coming in that activates the God body, the spirit of Melchizedek, that’s when you can see things for what they truly are. You can see these entities.

You can see the government for who they truly are. So this is why I say that 2023 to 2030 is the seven year tribulation, because the veil is going to be lifted, and the veil is being lifted in increments. That’s why you have these coronal mass ejections. You have many different sunspot activity coming to the planet, and it’s penetrating the dome, and it’s sparking the soul of man, Solomon’s Temple, right? So it activates the carbon body, because I told you, the carbon body is basically an electromagnetic generator in a light code transducer to where it converts to a crystalline state.

You convert into a crystalline state when the dome cracks open. That’s where your higher abilities come from. It comes from the magnetosphere. When you look at the prefix of the word magnetism magneto. Magic. Your magic comes from the fifth dimension, which is the magnetosphere, which is telepathy, psychometry, clairvoyance, intuition, levitation. So that is where you’re talking about the activation of the God particle, right? That is the activation of the God particle.

Activation of the neuroendocrine transducer activate the God body and the God mind at the same time. But like I said, the firmament is why we’ve been spiritually cut off. We’ve been spiritually cut off by the God of the Bible who separated the intergalactic waters from the third dimension. So now you’re trapped inside of a prison planning. So, as I told you before, in the beginning of the video, we are light bodies trapped inside of a light prism, because when you trap light, that’s what creates an accumulation of subatomic particles which are photons.

When you trap light, that creates an illusion, right? You’re no longer in your etheric form. Your etheric form is your Zohar body. Your Zohar body is the oversold, right? So that’s why as a planet is going through a state of metamorphosis, you got to tap into a high frequency. You got to go to the damn gym. You know what I’m saying? You got to drink water. You got to do all these things that put you in alignment, you know what I’m saying? For ascension processes, anything that puts you in alignment.

That’s basically self affirming, you know what I’m saying? You got to tap into a frequency that puts you in a state of Godhood. You can no longer act on a beast state. The beast state is acclimated to the lunar cycle under the Piscean age, under the age of Taurus, right? But this is a new time. This is a new day and age, and a time is up, right? So with that being said, ladies and gentlemen, it’s imperative that you get this video out, because a lot of people, they don’t have the clarity, and they don’t understand the decipherment between the creation of the world and the creation of simulation.

The creation of simulation is us living inside of a dome. We live in a prison planet, as I was telling you, right? They don’t understand the diametrical difference of the Creator and God of the Bible. Who was yahweh? Who was enlil. Who was Moloch? Who created the firmament when they was casted down, when they cast it down to this planet and stole the land from Enki? We the seeds of inky, right? Coming.

So, with that being said, ladies and gentlemen, get this video out there. Thanks for watching this video. End of transmission. Bye. .

  • Bdell1014

    BDELL1014, the latest addition to the Truth Mafia family, was personally selected by Tommy Truthful, the leader of Truth Mafia. He's an outstanding teacher brimming with knowledge, making him a valuable asset to our Truth Mafia community. You can connect with him on Instagram (@Bdell1014), Facebook (Brydell Rice-Bey), and TikTok (@Bdell1014). He proudly identifies as a Moorish American 🇲🇦. Bdell 🇲🇦 (@Bdell__1014) / X ( View all posts

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2 thoughts on “The Archons The Firmament: 2030

  1. Avatar Of Taylor
    Taylor says:

    Wow, so much info and breakdown of our reality,also read much of the text, hopefully I can finish later, thank you Bdell 1014 and thank you Tommy Truthfull☮️🌸💟

  2. Avatar Of Nina Mileto
    Nina Mileto says:

    Hey Bdell,I just had the most amazing experience. Please go and read about my journey!!I posted it on the made members site here. Please I’ve been searching for someone who knows about this subject. And found this podcast. My email is Please email me and maybe we can talk?Please go and read what happened to me!!!

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