Starbucks – Decode

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Hello All,

Welcome to my Starbucks – Decode.  We are going to breakdown STARBUCKS‘ cryptic name and logo to discover and reveal any hidden secrets.

Let’s begin, please watch the below music video from the rock band called ALIEN ANT FARM.  It’s a cover of Michael Jackson’s famous song “Smooth Criminal“.

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As we can see in the slide above, ALIEN ANT FARM sums to 40 in the Chaldean cipher.  This sum matches the term ALL SEEING EYE and the element ZIRCONIUM.  This element on the periodic table features artwork provided by the Royal Society of Chemistry, of a SCARAB beetle.  An ancient symbol of death, rebirth and protection in the afterlife.

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In the above slide, we take a closer look at the band’s logo.  It features an INSECT over the letters AAF (Alien Ant Farm) on top of the shape of an unfinished pyramid, matching the unfinished pyramid on the back of the American one-dollar bill, the same bill that features the ALL SEEING EYE.

The letters AAF sum to 10 in the Chaldean cipher, matching the word MAN.  Suggesting that the INSECT is consuming MAN inside it mandibles, or jaws, consuming or eating MAN.

The letters AAF can be seen as the number 116, when this number is turned UPSIDE-DOWN we see that it can also be viewed as the number 119.  This number is linked to the term ALL SEEING EYE in the English Ordinal cipher.

In the music video we can see a subtle homage to Satan, as the guitarist is wearing a red t-shirt throughout most of the video, the shirt features the words LOS DIABLOS.

Furthermore, when we mirror the band’s logo, the letters AAF turn into the number 766.  This number in the Bible is the word LICENTIOUSNESS, or WANTONNESS, meaning ‘conduct shocking to public decency, or wanton violence’.  This type of liberty, or freedom is considered freedom from the Lord God, the motive of Satan in the Bible.

We will see how this all ties in to the Starbucks logo.

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In the slide above, we see that the word STARBUCKS sums to 114 in the English Ordinal cipher, matching ALIEN ANT FARM.

In the English cipher 114 matches the words NIGHTMARES, INFILTRATE, MASS GENOCIDE, CONQUEST, HELLS ANGELS, MY FAIR LADY and FIRST LADY.  In the Chaldean cipher which produces lower sums based on the structure of the cipher itself, the number 114 matches the term PRINCE OF THE POWER OF THE AIR, a term from Ephesians 2:2 in the Bible.  This is a reference to SATAN, and we can see that that this same number was used in the TOP GUN movie on the most dominant character who controlled the air, Maverick.  A maverick is defined as “a person who shows independence of thought and action, especially by refusing to adhere to the policies of a group to which he or she belongs”, sounds similar Satan’s motive of licentious freedom from God.

The number 114 also matches the term “TWIN XX“, meaning Twin Female, a nod to the Matrix’s (which means womb) parthenogenic system we live in, created by Lucifer.  LUCIFER sums to 28 in the Chaldean cipher matching MELUSINA, who we will see is the idol used in the Starbucks logo.

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Looking at the slide above, we learn that the idol used for the Starbucks logo is no other than MELUSINE (French name), or MELUSINA (in English).  This female goddess is known as a SERPENT, or a mermaid with two tails.  According to Wikipedia many ruling families throughout history, including the British Royals are believed to be descendants of MELUSINA.

MELUSINA is best defined as the “succubus who comes from the diabolical world to unite carnally with a man“, the “harbinger of death“.

We see that MELUSINA sums to 32 in the Chaldean cipher matching SUCCUBUS.

We also see that MELUSINE sums to 98 in the English cipher, matching the term ANGEL OF DEATH.

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Above, we look at the true meaning of the 5 pointed star.  This symbol is often used as a cryptic symbol of MAN.  Looking at 2 Timothy 2:3 we can break the word ‘soldier‘ down to its original definition.  The word soldier was translated from the original Greek word STRATIOTES.  The etymology (root) of that word is STRATIA, meaning “the angels“, “the celestial luminaries“,  meaning the STARS.

The 5-pointed star is a product of sacred geometry, it is a natural geometric shape of the number 5.  The geometry of the star create and demonstrate the GOLDEN RATIO (considered the fingerprint of God).

The same Golden Ratio is also embedded into the creation of the Human body.  Additionally, the human body resembles a 5-pointed star with the arms and legs outstretched.

So we can see that a STAR, especially a 5-pointed star, is a representative symbol of a human, an Angel, a soldier of Christ.  Think about the sigil of Baphomet, with its UPSIDE-DOWN star and its meaning becomes clear, as it points DOWN.

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In the above slide, we need to take a short detour and examine the symbolism displayed in one of the world’s largest religious alters.  The alter within St-Peters Basilica.

Have a look at the video link below, it is a short compilation of several different priests singing and worshipping LUCIFER within St-Peter’s Basilica.  All in Latin, a language only taught to the initiated.

In the slide above, we see a screen capture from the ‘Virtual Vatican Tour‘ found on their very own website.  When viewing the alter from a distance, we see an interesting image emerge.  Drawing in the lines, the image of an INSECT can be seen.  Within the mouth, or mandibles of the INSECT we observe a LIGHT, or symbolically a STAR.  Below the light is the hidden SHEEP head, which I have shown in my “Secret Invasion Decode“.  Suggesting that that the INSECT is consuming the STARS (angels) and the SHEEP.

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Above, looking at Isaiah 29 (15-16), we learn from the Bible the sacred value of turning things UPSIDE-DOWN.  This concept allows us to see the whole picture, revealing any hidden imagery or cryptic symbolism.  A great example of this is the famous picture of a Disney cup containing liquid, allowing us to see that the word MICKEY upside-down becomes the word WICKED, revealing a hidden meaning, for the observer to then interpret.

Mirroring, or turning things UPSIDE-DOWN is an important concept, highly revered by the Lord God. This concept is well used in numerology to interpret a number both ways.  It allows the observer to see the world in its true form -> in duality, LIGHT and DARK.  A good example is found in Satanism, a fundament tenet of turning Jesus’ SHEEP into lawless fornicating GOATS.

The agents of the dark, often hide their secrets in the open, in a cryptic, occulted manner (i.e. predictive programming) while obeying the universal law of Karma and Free Will.

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Now that we some additional context, let’s breakdown the meaning of “Starbucks”.  The word STARBUCKS sums to 26 in the Chaldean cipher.  Not only is this a sacred number, as it is linked to YHWH in Hebrew numerology, but the duality (inverse) of it matches the dark side of Starbucks’ occulted meaning.


The word itself breaks down into STAR and BUCKS.  We examined the meaning of the word STAR above in this decode, and know now that it refers to the Lord God’s angels, his celestial luminaries, his followers, his sheep.  The word BUCK in Hebrew is the word ‘Sair‘ meaning MALE GOAT.

We then see one of the tenets of Satanism within the word itself, the concept of turning SHEEP into GOATS.

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In the above slide we look at the founding date of STARBUCKS.  According to Wikipedia we see that the founding date is March 30th, 1971.  Not only can this date be seen as a 33, but in the Cards of Destiny system the date is defined as a SIX OF CLUBS.  This card translates to the TAROT system as the 28th card of the deck being the SIX OF WANDS, counting the FOOL card as card number 22.

The number 28 is directly linked to LUCIFER in the Chaldean cipher.  This also matches the sum value of MELUSINA the female goddess used as the STARBUCKS idol in their logo.

Link to the Cards of Destiny:

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In the above slide we look at the logo itself.  Turning the logo UPSIDE-DOWN we can see that the 5-pointed star in MELUSINA‘s crown is now pointing DOWN, matching the alignment found in the Sigil of Baphomet.  Down is where Hell is.

I then traced the lines and colored in the image to reveal what appears to be an INSECT consuming the 5-pointed star within it’s mandibles, eating it, destroying it.

Now we have seen three different uses of the same symbolism, including at the Vatican, in Rome within St-Peter’s Basilica and also within a little known rock back called ALIEN ANT FARM.  It gives new context to the band’s name.  Also it makes one ponder, who is the SMOOTH CRIMINAL, a deceiver? One who deceived the whole world?  Perhaps.

Maybe Michael Jackson was telling us all something we couldn’t see, considering Anna, (Annie) is the prophetess, who appears in the Bible connected to Jesus’ childhood. She was the daughter of Penuel from the tribe of Asher. Her name, which she shares with Hannah in the Old Testament, means “favor” or “grace.”

Annie are you Okay?  Let’s pray that she is.

Thank you,
Much love to All.
Eyes to See

Link to PDF download:
Starbuck – Decode [Eyes to See]

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  • Eyes To See Decodes -

    Eyes to See is a prominent member of the Truth Mafia, known for his exceptional decoding skills. He rose through the ranks directly under the legendary Tommy Truthful. With eyes that perceive beyond the ordinary, his abilities are truly extraordinary, making him an invaluable asset to the organization.

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