Category Archives: Chaldean Numerology

“The Hidden Alien Agenda Exposed by Ismael Perez in Truth Mafia News Ep 9”

Truthmafia News Ep #09 Ismael Perez

Join us for Episode 9 of Truth Mafia News as we dive into the epic battle between fallen angelic entities and angelic beings saving humanity. Special guest Ishmael Perez, author and content writer, reveals the different factions of the Anunnaki, their advanced technology, and the dark AI consuming organic matter to power the Phantom Matrix. Discover how they aim to trap us in a matrix within a matrix. Don’t miss this mind-blowing discussion!
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Warning To Crypto Investors Prepare For This Now -

Check out this incredible episode featuring Waters Above, one of the best decoders in the Gematria community and a friend of Logan from Decode Your Reality. Handpicked by Tommy Truthful, leader of the Truth Mafia, Waters Above delves into cryptocurrency and the future trends. If you’re into Crypto, you won’t want to miss this! Just like in The Matrix where certain people could see the green source code, gematria is our source code, predicting future events, currency fluctuations, and more. Rooted in Jewish Kabbalah mysticism, gematria offers profound insights.


Mushroom Decoded -

“Logan’s video, ‘Mushroom Decoded,’ dives into the hidden meanings of mushrooms. He uses numbers and old science to explain his ideas. He talks about a famous quote, a big explosion, and the word ‘mushroom.’ He ends by discussing a symbol of power that looks like a mushroom. It’s all about the energy inside a mushroom and …Learn More, Click The Button Below.


Lets Talk About The Love Trap -

This blog post explores the idea that our thoughts, actions, and emotions, particularly love, may be influenced by external factors. It suggests we’re part of a larger system, like cells in a body, and our desires could be programmed into us. The post encourages self-reflection, detachment from attachments, and questions if love is a mechanism keeping us in this reality. …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

Breaking the Veil: Ghostbusters Frozen Empire CERN and the Frozen Empires Ice Glass Code.

Breaking The Veil Ghostbusters Cern And The Frozen Empires Ice Glass Code 2 -

“Join the Truth Mafia in their quest for knowledge! They’re investigating mysteries and symbols in popular media, like the new Ghostbusters movie. They believe there are hidden meanings linked to scientific research and other phenomena. They also explore topics like biotechnology and conspiracy theories. Be part of their journey to uncover the truth!” …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

Tennessee is attempting to prohibit ‘chemtrails’ from aircraft due to a conspiracy theory.

Tennessee Is Attempting To Prohibit 'Chemtrails'

Tennessee’s proposed bill to ban chemtrails has drawn ridicule from the mainstream media, labeling it a move fueled by conspiracy theorists. However, chemtrails are indeed a reality, not a conspiracy. Tommy, a dedicated writer and owner of, dives deep into the evidence, offering articles and extensive information to prove the health risks posed by these chemicals sprayed overhead. Contrary to condensation trails that vanish quickly, chemtrails linger and expand across the sky. This critical article, underplayed by the media, demands your attention and sharing to unveil the truth.

Eclipse Prophecies: The Antichrist Emergence Marco Walks off Camera!!

Eclipse Prophecies The Antichrist Emergence -

Join Tommy Truthful and his team, The Truth Mafia, as they delve into hidden truths in history, pop culture, and ancient mysteries. Listen to their podcast for intriguing theories, personal decodes, and dream interpretations. Don’t miss their latest episode on ancient bloodlines and an upcoming one on the Wizard of Oz’s symbolism. …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

MISSION IMPOSSIBLE UNCHARTED | The 2 crosses together as 1 form the key

Mission Impossible Uncharted The 2 Crosses Together As 1 Form The Key -

“Mr. Hunt has a big job to find a special key. This key can control a powerful thing. It’s split in two and many governments want it. His friend, Ilsa, is also involved. He must choose what happens to her. If he doesn’t succeed, a dangerous thing wins and the world could be in trouble.” …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

Understanding Chaldean Numerology and its Origins

Chaldean Numerology

Tommy Truthful delves into the intricate world of Chaldean Gematria, tracing its ancient origins and the profound wisdom it encapsulates. He sheds light on the enigmatic number 666, elucidating its deep-seated connection to the very fabric of our DNA. With a critical lens, Tommy explores why global elites have historically gravitated towards the Chaldean cipher. Intriguingly, the Chaldean system embraces numbers one through eight, conspicuously leaving out the number nine. Tommy posits that this omission is not accidental; to the Chaldeans, the number nine held such divine significance that it stood apart, transcending mere numerical representation.


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