Category Archives: Nasa lies

Elon Musk’s SpaceX rocket Starship explodes AGAIN in shower of wreckage causing flight carnage as planes grounded Dozens of Mystery Objects Surrounded Test Flight Right Before It Blew Up!

Space X Ufos Dozens Of Mystery Objects Surrounded Test Flight Right Before It Blew Up -

Dabu7 shares a video of a SpaceX explosion, pointing out some strange things in the sky that might be UFOs. Many people saw these odd objects, and similar sightings happened near Miami. The big question is: Were these mysterious objects there before the explosion, and could they have caused it? …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

Twin Suns Trigger the Plasma Apocalypse ft. Tommy Truthful Jay Dreamerz

Twin Suns Trigger The Plasma Apocalypse Ft Tommy Truthful Jay Dreamerz -

Global resets causing cataclysms force humanity to start over. Ancient texts describe two suns on elliptical orbits under a dome: one, “the destroyer,” comes from beyond the ice wall. These events, tied to the number 138, vary from small disruptions to massive die-offs. Join Tommy Truthful of, Jay Dreamerz, the top plasma apocalypse expert as they decode this phenomenon. Don’t miss this groundbreaking analysis.

Red One Movie Decode with Jay Dreamerz and Tommy Truthful Live 12/8/24

Red One With Jay Dreamerz And Tommy Truthful Live 12 8 24 -

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson stars in Red One, playing Santa’s bodyguard in a story full of hidden truths. This isn’t your usual Santa—he’s from a hyperborean civilization with advanced tech. The North Pole, shielded by a dome, hints at flat Earth’s firmament theory and Mount Meru. Join Tommy Truthful and Jay Dreamerz as they decode the predictive programming, occult symbolism, and links to global resets in this groundbreaking review!

The Truth Behind Two Suns: Solar Simulator and Its Impact on EARTHS Cataclysms

The Truth Behind Two Suns Solar Simulator And Its Impact On Global Cataclysms -

Join Tommy Truthful and his team, the Truth Mafia, as they dive into the world’s biggest mysteries. From ancient symbols to popular culture, they explore it all. Listen to their podcast as they discuss theories about solar simulators, wildfires, and even a hidden sun. They encourage you to question everything you see and know. …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

38-year anniversary of the challenger HOAX

38-Year Anniversary Of The Challenger

“Tommy Truthful exposes the Challenger hoax, a 100 percent proof that the members of the Challenger flight, which allegedly exploded, are still alive. This year marks the 38th anniversary of the Challenger hoax, and you can guarantee they have more hoaxes planned tied to this one. Intriguing evidence suggests doppelgängers for each member, challenging official narratives and igniting debate about space exploration’s true nature.”


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