The Esoteric Keys to Disclosure: The Spiritual Hierarchies And Human Development

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– This week’s lecture in the Esoteric Keys to Disclosure series continues on the concept of the spiritual hierarchies. The human being is inextricably linked to the actual body of the Earth. This is the key to a lot of the cosmic knowledge that is making its way around in the new Age.
– Once the human form physicalizes, we begin to spiritualize out of matter. Some people are still trying to modify the form with transhumanism or genetic modification. We have to look at time as developmental time which is really what time travel is.
– The human form, the human being is evolving with the planet. And we’re also, therefore the representation of the spiritual hierarchies. As we evolve and spiritualize out of matter we will eventually reach the Vulcan stage of development. And at that point, the planet itself will become a star.
– Anunnaki are not directly part of the spiritual hierarchies. They fell out of the evolutionary wave and created an antichrist impulse. They’re going to try to convince people that they are the angels from Venus. Spiritual and religious texts can be distorted very easily if we don’t know the real history.
– The angels in the spiritual hierarchy cast all these fallen beings into the abyss in the Lemurian and Atlantean epochs. Now they’re aggressively trying to enter into the human form. And what that means is that we have to cast these forces out ourself.
– The Anunnaki were not higher than the human being. We need to understand this moving forward, because you’re going to be lied to. There’s a very special process that beings within the spiritual hierarchy did in order to help humanity evolve. We are going to get into that in our next lecture.


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Hello everyone, and welcome to this week’s lecture in the Esoteric Keys to Disclosure series. And today we are going to continue on from our last lecture, which really lord the concept of the spiritual hierarchies. And what we realized in that lecture was that what a lot of people label as aliens today or as extraterrestrials today as these kind of foreign creatures that come from another world, a lot of what has been attributed to them in our ancient past and even in present days is actually the spiritual hierarchies.

And the spiritual hierarchies is obviously the groups of celestial beings, spiritual beings or angelic beings that basically inform our reality every day and that are deeply, deeply involved in everything about our planet, everything about our existence. So we really, in our last lecture, got very deeply into that reality.

And so if you’re just catching me with this particular lecture here, I highly recommend going back and watching the first several lectures. In this series, I will link the whole playlist of my lectures below. And again, this is called the esoteric keys of disclosure. So those will all be linked below in the description. And do check out the description box because I have all of my timestamps in there and I also have material that I’ve lectured on in the past that’s relevant to go deeper into these topics. And I’ll also be putting another playlist in the description, which is really important, which is my Creation series, which actually covers a lot on the spiritual hierarchies and Venus and the angels from Venus and that whole line that is covered in depth in my lecture series, that’s called the Creation series. So I will also link that below if this interests you and if you want to go deeper and deeper into this material.

So in our last lecture, we explored what the spiritual hierarchies are. And this lecture we are going to explore exactly how they have helped humanity from our very earliest stage and how they’ve helped the Earth from our very earliest stage of development onward. And we’re going to also look at basically the process of how the spiritual hierarchies help humanity why? And we’re going to try to go very deeply into understanding the deep connection that humanity has with the spiritual hierarchies and that the human being of the Earth is actually a part of the spiritual hierarchies that is evolving in their own right. And that is really the key to a lot of the cosmic knowledge that is making its way around in the new Age. And Ufology is we have to understand that humanity is part of the spiritual hierarchies and has this deep, precise history with angelic beings that have visited us in the past.

Okay, so the first two epochs of the Earth were greatly influenced by the spiritual hierarchies. And these two epochs are known as the polarian epoch and the hyperborean epoch. Now, during this phase of the Earth, the earth is not really physicalized. So the Earth is really in an astral form that is densifying and densifying into a more etheric form as it goes. So the earlier periods of development, the human being is still part of the Earth. It is inextricably linked to the actual body of the Earth. Okay? So what ends up becoming the human form in later epochs of development is actually intertwined with the Earth itself in the earlier periods of development. This is why when you start looking at some of the propaganda narratives to do with anunnaki and the creation of the human being from apes and things like that, it actually sort of negates these earlier periods of development entirely because it’s giving you a different cosmology, it’s giving you a different paradigm entirely. It’s cutting you off from understanding the earliest phase of our development and a lot of the cosmic secrets and a lot of the mystery knowledge that’s in those earlier phases of development. Because if you think that the human being really only rose to be human in the Lemurian epoch or the Atlantean epoch, then you’re going to be cut off from these earlier stages of development which contain esoteric secrets in them and sort of codes for our development.

So the human being in the earlier two epochs of the Earth, the polarian epoch and the hyperborean epoch, is actually entwined with the Earth. What is to be the human form later is actually inseparable in that sense from the Earth. They’re sort of in this one big soup together. And what is driving the formation of the planet and the human beings and the kingdoms of life that are making the planet is actually the thoughts of the spiritual hierarchies and the thoughts of the spiritual hierarchies are beaming into the planet at this point in time. And this is the first physicalization it’s sort of like we are the mind of the angels within the spiritual hierarchy. And so this goes on where the Earth is really being seeded with the thoughts of the angelic hierarchy and it’s being seeded with the archetypal impressions from higher realms. And this is the archetypal wisdom and patterns that the Earth will begin to express and recapitulate more and more as it moves deeper and deeper into matter and into density.

So then you have the third and the fourth planetary epochs which are called the Lemurian epoch and the Atlantean epoch. And as I’ve said in my series on epochs, this is finally where we start to see human beings physicalize into a form we can recognize. And before that, why the earlier two epochs of the Earth aren’t really talked about is because it’s really hard to relate to basically being a mass of energy as part of the enmeshed with everything. And it’s hard to imagine that it’s hard to relate to that because we’re so individuated at our level of development. And so by the time we get to the third and fourth epochs, which are the Lemurian epoch and the Atlantean epoch. That’s when we first start to get a form.

Now, the Lemurian epoch is only quasi physical. It’s a mix between what we would call etheric and physical. It’s nonphysical compared to what we are today. But the Lemurian form was still changing quite a bit. It was still shifting. A lot of people who clairvoyantly look back into Lemurian time see the human form as being a shapeshifter and sort of taking on and expressing whatever impulses it receives from the higher planes, whatever impulses it receives from the Earth. And so in that sense, in the Lemurine epoch, the human form is kind of settling. And this is why, if you look back in the Theosophical tradition Blavatsky was talking about lizard people on the Earth and you hear about cyclops on the Earth and you hear about all these really strange, weird forms that the human being was briefly taking on and then essentially shedding off as it refines itself to be the exact microcosm of the macrocosm. The human being moved through many different expressions before it actually settled on this perfect form that we have today which is a really big point that we’re going to highlight throughout this series.

So the spiritual hierarchies during the Lemurian and Atlantean epoch finally stop being just a mind impulse. So as the Earth is developing and thinking deeper and deeper into matter and becoming basically a material form there’s other planetary spheres that are basically gateways to other planes but also you could see them as other stages of progress within the spiritual hierarchies. And so the spiritual hierarchies are evolving just as humanity is. So as the Earth and humanity evolve, the heavens are evolving as well and the beings in heaven are evolving too. And that’s also a foundational concept that we need to have. That evolution is law, that metamorphosis is law. And ultimately, the human form is through its process of metamorphosis. With the spiritual hierarchies, the goal is to be, again, the microcosm of the macrocosm. So the human form becomes the embodiment of the Earth. It becomes the representative of the Earth and it also becomes the representative of the sun because the Earth ultimately is the sun in a material form. It is an aspect of the sun. Okay? Every planet is really an aspect of the sun in different phases of its development, all right? And so it’s very important to see that every planetary sphere has a human form that will develop on it. And that’s also called the human kingdom because remember what we covered in our first lecture in the series. There are seven kingdoms of life in the solar system, in creation, in the cosmos. And the highest kingdom is the human.Kingdom. And so there’s basically the human form that is the holy vehicle of the cosmos. And the reason why the human form is the holy vehicle of the cosmos is because it’s actually the representation of it’s the living representation of the earth and the sun, okay? So that’s why the form is holy. Remember that when Christ incarnates and he takes on the sun for three years and becomes Jesus the Christ, he’s able to actually contain the sun in his physical body. He wouldn’t be able to do that if the human form wasn’t a representation of the sun. And he wouldn’t have been able to affect the earth if it wasn’t also a representation of the earth. So we have to see the human form as actually a very holy vehicle, a divine vehicle, and the vehicle of the solar system and the vehicle of the cosmos as we know it and as it exists for us, okay?
We have to squarely understand the power of the human form and what it represents and what it is and what it is the vehicle of, okay? And so the spiritual hierarchies are working with humanity, and they are directly helping to make it so the human being and the human form is evolving with the spiritual hierarchies, with the cosmos, with the sun. And so we’re all evolving together. That is the goal of the spiritual hierarchies.
And during the Lemurian epoch and atlantean epoch, the spiritual hierarchies are very active on the Earth because the Earth is the most physical body in the solar system. The Earth is the most physical materializing body in the solar system, and it’s going to be the most physical when it finally reaches its deepest point in matter. And the spiritual hierarchies know this and they understand this. And so they are, in a sense, the custodians of the form. They’re making sure the form develops properly so that it can contain the spirit of the sun, so that it can contain soul essences that can one day also contain the spirit of the sun and essentially graduate out of our solar system school. So the development of the form is a very meticulous process, epoch to epoch for the spiritual hierarchies, okay? Because it’s very important that the human form be such that it can contain the sun, and that should any soul enter into the human form, that it also can use the sun, use the solar impulse, use the Christ impulse to evolve their form eventually out of matter. It’s very important that this process be able to happen, okay? So this long term development is very important to the spiritual hierarchies.
Now, the spiritual hierarchies, because they’re evolving with humanity, they’re individuating, too, from the essence of mind. And by the time we reach the Lemurian epoch and the atlantean epoch, the angels in the spiritual hierarchy, they’re not manifesting as just a thought form anymore, just a thought wave. They’re actually manifesting as an individual. Now, this is ultimately reflecting and preparing humanity for their own individuality. We’re not really going to be able to receive our eye or individuality in the atlantean epoch unless we’re able to actually see individuals that have already sort of somewhat achieved that. And so during the Lemurian epoch and atlantean epoch, humanity comes into a very special stage of earthly development where the gods walk amongst us. And so you have these incredible angelic beings that are now walking amongst humanity, okay?
Now this is where you get all of those myths and stories that talk about the gods and these golden shiny ones that are walking around and teaching and guiding humanity. And so, again, this is very different than the first two epochs, right? Because the first two epochs, the spiritual hierarchies were basically just beaming their mind down. They weren’t showing up in a personified form. Now they’re showing up in a personified form. More and more humanity is perceiving these as not just a force, but now humanity is recognizing that these are exalted individualities, okay?
And so the main initiators came through the planetary sphere of Venus, or the plane of Venus, the realm of Venus. And this is where the confusion sets in, because people with a materialistic mindset will go back and they will read ancient eastern texts that talk about the lords from Venus, or the lords of the flame, or the great Rishis, or all of the language that was used to describe these angels that came through the Venusian sphere. And they’ll say, oh, well, if they came through Venus or they came from Venus, then they’re an alien. These are extraterrestrials. They’re not of the earth. And this is a fundamental mistake that if you try to use and work with, it’s going to skew your entire understanding of the cosmos, of human development and of what spiritual beings are. Because Venus is not another planet. That’s not how you view that. That is a completely materialist view. Venus is another realm of the Earth. The orbit of Venus is actually just the Earth in another time of development. It’s the Earth’s Higher Self. That’s why the Earth logo and the Venus logo fit together in what is called the Venus key. So Venus and the Earth are really one body. They’re one essence that is in different stages of development. This is also why in Anthroposophy, when you look at the progression of worlds or the planetary chain, you see it goes Saturn phase, sun phase, moon phase, Earth phase, Jupiter phase, Venus phase. And that Venus phase is parallel to the sun, okay? And so Venus is actually another aspect of the Earth, and that is the most true and appropriate way to look at it. And when you can look at it that way in your mind, it will allow you to access more information than if you’re just going to look at it like it’s some other sphere with these beings on it that came in a spaceship or something. That’s the other thing, too, is that when you’re coming down from an etheric form into physical matter, you can sort of create a ball of light or whatever and come down in density. But that’s not a metal spaceship, right? So there’s also a lot of in general, there’s just a lot of confusion with people thinking that the Lords of Venus are aliens. They’re not understanding that that is actually a story about a developmental reality. That’s not a story about aliens coming to the Earth and leading humanity or modifying humanity. That is a story about how the solar system at large evolves through having streams of consciousness from other planets enter into developing spheres at certain times. So this whole thing is about development. It’s about the development of the form, the development of the spirit, and the progression of the spiritual hierarchy in the solar system. That’s what all of this is really about.
Okay, but it wasn’t just beings from Venus. There were beings that were from different spheres, but it’s really the beings from Venus that were the close, most closely related, and they were the dominant. Any other spheres were lesser and had different purposes than the Lords of Venus did what would be called the Lords of Venus in the Eastern teachings. There is a lot of really beautiful stories about how the spiritual hierarchies would interact with humanity in Rudolph Steiner’s lectures on the spiritual hierarchies, especially later in that lecture series, when the spiritual hierarchies actually start taking form more and interacting more directly with humanity. So I’ll link that lecture series below as well, just so you can really get a feel for it.
But how these higher beings would interact with humanity was very gently. They never used force. So a genuinely exalted being will never ever use force. They’ll never ever overwhelm someone who is of a lesser stage of development or an earlier stage of development. If they have something that others don’t, they’ll never use that coveted aspect of themselves to lord over someone else. That’s how you know whether you’re talking to a good entity or a bad entity is that when entities are evil and they are degenerated, they will force things upon humanity, which is the number one indicator that the most popular narrative in Ufology and the new age, which is the anunnaki ideology, which is that humanity was created by these alien gods. That’s how you know that they’re not a god and that there’s nothing exalted about the anunnaki. There’s nothing exalted about these beings from Mars or Aldobarn or wherever people want to one day say they come from. How you know that is that they’re forceful, they forced their way in to the human life wave because they’re degenerates.There’s a weird ideology that somehow these Anunnaki beings, these fallen beings have given. Maybe they were evil or something, but they gave humanity this exalted nature. It’s actually the opposite. That force on the Earth and to humanity degraded humanity. It was not the jump. It’s not the missing link. It actually degraded the human impulse on the planet. And it’s something that we’re now facing again with these pushes towards genetic modification, the push towards all the propaganda of believing that these Anunnaki beings, evil or good, were better than us somehow, or more exalted than us somehow. And that’s an absolute lie. That’s propaganda. These beings were degenerates, and they didn’t have anything to offer the planet. They were parasitically attaching themselves to the planet, and they wanted to enter into the life wave of humanity because human beings as they are, were already in the angelic kingdom. So this is something that I will keep coming back to because this propaganda narrative is so aggressive that we really have to hit it head on and compare and contrast the real story of the angelic hierarchies and Venus and this bizarre dark one that is full of lies.

So one of the things that the spiritual hierarchies do, again, is that they’re sort of custodians and guardians of the form. And at no point do they ever tamper with genetics or tamper with the physical form or anything like that. How it’s done is that the force of spirit and the force of Christ is used to develop any organs or any shifts in the form. And then the human being takes that on. So it’s from the spiritual level to the physical. You cannot make any spiritual changes by modifying the form. You can’t work upon the spirit by modifying the form. People who practice dark magic or who are involved with fallen angels think that if you can perfect the form physically, that it’s going to be the right vehicle for a higher soul or a certain soul. That’s not the reality. The form evolves by the spirit realm, by spiritual forces that are received by the form, which leads the form into transmutation over time.

Okay? So ultimately the form evolves through the Christ impulse. Or if you want to view it cosmically, you could see it. It evolves through the solar impulse. And the solar impulse behind the sun are the most exalted spiritual beings in the cosmos, which are called sun spirits. In anthroposophy, they’re called sun spirits, but they’re the most exalted consciousness in the cosmos as we know it. So it is those forces that form, which is also called Christ energy, Christ consciousness. And the Christ being, that is the energy that actually changes the form. That is actually what causes transmutation transfiguration. Nothing else can evolve the form. Only the essence of Christ, of the sun forces, can evolve the form. That’s it.

And when I say evolve the form, I’m speaking of real, true evolution, which is evolving with the spiritual hierarchies, evolving with the sun, evolving with the earth. So the human being stands as the vehicle between the sun and the Earth and the spiritual hierarchies. So when I say evolution, I mean we are walking in step with creation. And the way that we do that is through solar forces. And I’m not just talking about the physical radiation of the sun. I’m talking about spiritual forces, spiritual rays that come through the sun that permeate the human being, that give the human being a sense of correct time, that keep the human being in step with other solar systems and other developments that even our solar system is part of, that we can’t really perceive or know yet. So the sun keeps us in time, and we evolve with it. That’s what it does. And so we have all these periods of metamorphosis and evolution that are basically evolving with the spiritual hierarchies, with the sun and with the Earth. We’re just embodying all of that.

And, of course, we stand as the most physical, dense member of the spiritual hierarchies. So in this way, and this is really important as well, in this way, when the angelic beings from Venus, when they’re preparing the form and they’re making sure the form is evolving correctly to be able to one day contain solar forces, which is again the highest degree, they know that eventually some of them are going to actually incarnate into the form. They’re actually going to take a form. They’re going to materialize themselves into this body. So at no point is there like, again, this idea that they just leave the Earth and just hover around it in ships or something. No. The highest angels, the highest spiritual beings known to the Earth incarnated into the human form, okay, so that they could be with it and part of this whole process of evolution that they themselves had been guiding.

So this is the thing about the spiritual hierarchies. Forms are created, and then the spiritual hierarchies incarnate into those forms. They don’t just leave the forms and things stay separate. That’s how it stays linked to the higher aspects of the hierarchy. There’s a direct chain of incarnation as these angelic beings incarnate deeper and deeper into the forms. And this is why there’s also a direct connection between the sun and Venus and Earth because those forms that are being created are essentially all to one day contain the sun.

But in the most mundane sense, once the human form physicalizes, especially around halfway through the Atlantean epoch, what we’re seeing there is now the human form is this direct microcosm of the macrocosm. It has all of the organs necessary to be an individual to carry on to its next stage of life, which is now spiritualizing out of matter. The prior epochs were all about materializing. They were a materialization arc or materialization impulse. I talk about this in my creation series, lectures about the materialization arc of humanity and coming deeply into matter. But then, once the human form is fully materialized and the spiritual hierarchies have ensured as custodians of the form at that time that it has all the organs necessary, it has everything it needs to carry on, then they incarnate into the form. They begin to actually incarnate into the form and we enter a different phase of development which is we become individuals, we become sovereign and we begin to spiritualize out of matter.

And our development is not focused on the physical form anymore, on creating the physical form, on modifying it or anything like that. All of the attention is drawn inward and we work upon ourselves inwardly to spiritualize out of matter. And that’s where we are now and have been there since about halfway through the Atlantean epoch. We’ve really been focusing on spiritualizing out of the material plane. In the new age, this is called Ascension, right? In esoteric Christianity we call these the Resurrection mysteries, okay? And that’s what the story of resurrection is about. It’s about our journey spiritualizing ourselves out of matter. In the Eastern traditions, this is called getting off of the Wheel of Samsara. So these secrets are all in every mystery tradition you can imagine. They’re just worded differently.

And so we have this perfect form now and we’ve had it really since the Atlantean epoch. There’s no need to actually work upon it in any way. All the spiritual energy in Christ forces that we do generate goes to spiritualization now. But obviously there’s still some people that are stuck within know, kind of weird mars impulse that still think that they’re going to evolve through creating a form. They’re behind, they’re deluded, they’re degenerate. They don’t know what time it is. They’re not in time correctly. They don’t know what epoch it is. Their trauma has trapped them into thinking we’re still in a materialization arc when we’re in a spiritualization arc. And so they’re still trying to modify the form with transhumanism or with genetic modification. They think that we’re going to evolve on the material plane. There’s all of these really sick, diluted ideas that come from just not understanding the reality of where we are in our development.

Which is why I repeat myself. Talking about the different epochs in time is so that we can actually get a sense of where we are in our own development. We cannot have that if we’re just looking at literally the last 6000 years or even 10,000 years. We have no sense of larger time if we’re doing that. We have no sense of developmental time which is actually a significantly larger span of time than we’re used to dealing with. It’s such a large span of time that we have to look at it.As developmental time, which is really what time travel is. And getting into that, it’s actually more about developmental time or time that is defined by the consciousness and condition of the earth. So if you go back far enough in time, as I mentioned in lecture one of this series, you’re in a different kind of consciousness entirely. The human being is of a different character and quality. It is not like it is now.

Just like how if we go forward even 4000 years, we’re going to be of a completely different quality of being. And if we keep going we’ll actually be rising out of our physicality or transforming our physicality into what is often called the resurrection body or hopefully a higher form or Venus body. We’re going to be transforming ourselves out of matter.

So if you were to look at developmental time of humanity you would see that eventually humanity is not physical anymore. Humanity did not begin in physical life. It did not begin as a physical being. It began as an astral being, then became etheric, then for a brief time were physical and in the material plane and then we spiritualize out of matter again.

So this is how ridiculous and bizarre a materialist ideology really is is it’s just completely short sighted? It’s literally working in a fragment and trying to hyper focus on a fragment of time and then just project it into the future and past and it’s delusional. There’s certain questions about human development, planetary development and beings from other spheres that can simply not be answered in a materialistic perspective. If you try, you will fall into delusion 100%.

The mind has to be prepared to enter into these ideologies properly because what happens when the mind is not prepared is that it will profane the information by making it a materialist literalist caricature. When the mind does not understand interdimensionality, when the mind does not understand spirit, when it does not understand what we’re talking about here properly, it doesn’t understand nuance. It creates a garish caricature of the past and then they’re trapped in this weird garish caricature that literally means nothing. It has no spiritual nourishment and it has no spiritual value to connect them to the higher planes from which they of course came from and will return to. So it’s a trap.

That’s why I am so such a stickler on what we are calling things, on the language that we’re using. We have to be precise because if you try to build a cosmology and a sense of our ancient past and beings from other spheres based on an incorrect definition, based on some sloppy thinking, then you’re off to the races in the wrong direction and that’s going eventually over time it will lead you to very dark places. So we have to get the definitions correctly and we have to be interested and pay attention to nuance. Okay? Because in this level of our development we become very materialistic and we have to sort of open, be humble and try to get these higher ideas back. We have to work with them correctly. Okay?

So all of the various stages of metamorphosis that the human has gone through whether it be us in sort of an astral form, just receiving all of the patterns of life, whether that know physicalizing, whether it being that key period between Lemuria and Atlantis where the form is now physicalizing and we’re now getting our blood, our organs, we’re now getting all. This whole thing. All of that is guided by the spiritual hierarchies. There’s not one process of planetary and human development that was not specifically guided by the spiritual hierarchies that they are not involved in on every level, okay? Every level they are involved in it, okay?

But then we get to the Lemurian and Atlantean epoch especially that little period in between at the end of Lemuria to Atlantis, that real sweet spot where we walk, where the gods did walk amongst us and they did come through other spheres, but they’re not aliens because the cosmos doesn’t work how we think it works. And this is the other thing, too, is the physical bodies that you see. That is Venus. That is Jupiter. That is Saturn. That is pleiades. That is Sirius. These are just markers for different realms or different times. And all of them have a relationship to the Earth. The most relevant is our own solar system. Going out from there into other stars are least relevant. Okay? And I went into that in my last video about other star systems, if you’re wondering why I’m saying that.

So we are evolving with the planet. The human form, the human being is evolving with the planet as really the angel of the planet or the representation of the planet. And we’re also, therefore the representation of the sun. And we’re also the representation of the spiritual hierarchies. We’re also a direct embodiment of them, of their forces. We are the latest evolution of them. And as I’ve said many times, as we evolve and spiritualize out of matter we will eventually reach the ATMOM level of development or the Vulcan stage of development in Anthroposophy, which is to be a solar human. And at that point, the planet itself will become a star. So do you see how intricate and important it is to see human development and planetary development as being the same, as being happening side by side? And the spiritual hierarchies development also happening side by side? All of this is happening together.

And as the Earth evolves, it actually changes character and changes quality. Like how in the Lemurian epoch we see the Moon and the Earth separate, which I also call the ejection of the moon. But the Earth is in a quasi physical state. It’s not fully physical. So you can have bodies separate like that. When the Earth and humanity is in an etheric condition, it can change. It’s not locked in matter yet. So you can have spheres separate into you can have the human form be changing its appearance to take on impulses from the sky or impulses from the Earth. That’s the nature of the etheric level of development. It’s not solid, it’s not physical. There’s changeability.

And then once humanity continues to evolve, eventually the moon returns to the Earth and everything consolidates back and we return to the sun or we turn into a sun. So that’s why it’s very, very important that we see the development of moons as an important aspect of planetary development. We must see the evolution of a planet moving into matter and out of matter as a part of human development and also the development of the spiritual hierarchies. And the cosmos at large is producing celestial bodies so that spiritual energy can be properly expressed. And so certain things that are part of God can occur. There’s a very holy and divine nature to every planetary sphere, right?

And so, first and foremost, we have to understand that. Right. And what is the evolutionary impulse? No matter what planet you’re on in a solar system, the evolutionary impulse is the sun and the solar spirits within the sun, and they have a relationship with every single planet in the solar system. Of course they do. Now, we know, obviously, the Christ impulse on the Earth very closely. We’ve seen it happening all the way through some of the great avatars to Christ. And we even talk in Anthroposophy about how that impulse will evolve into the future. Well, there’s also an even greater teaching, which was always known by the Essenes, which is that the Christ forces, the solar spirits within the sun, also interact on the various planets, right? And so there’s sort of a larger teaching of Christ that interacts with all of the planets in the solar system, not just one. Because when we understand that the Christ forces are in the sun and they are the sun, and really every planet is an expression of the sun, then of course we see those rays as being the transformational essence that catalyzes planetary development in different ways, but also all intricately connected. And so it is the solar force, the Christ force, that creates all evolution. It creates all metamorphosis. Okay? It gives all gifts to humanity. And if we are to look at the human genome and we are to look at human genetics and chromosomes, we may just find, if we know how to look and where to look, that anything weird going on there that actually led to the jump or adaptions or higher abilities was actually through the sun. It was actually a solar force that did that. It was a kind of solar radiation. Again, not physical.But it’s the solar Christ force that leads to all jumps in evolution, all changes in form. Okay, let’s contrast this with the fallen angel story, the Anunnaki story, the Mars line, where if you take genetics and you splice them, that actually degrades the form, that damages the form. You can’t actually use genetic science to any degree and create a higher form. It’s always going to reduce the form. Transhumanism is always going to reduce the form because you’re taking something that’s perfect, that’s taken literally billions of countless years to develop from its astral condition to where we are now, to what we reached in the Atlantean epoch, especially. And now you’re going in and you think that you’re going to, as an individual being, going to play God and do something better. It’s already done.

By the time the Mars line came to the Earth, the human being of the Earth was already perfected. The form was already completed, and it was appearing eventually on the Atlantean continent as a perfected human form. Internally, we weren’t perfected. We didn’t really have an understanding of how to work with our mind yet. And there were lots of issues that we had to work on internally in knowing ourselves and knowing God. But our physicality had already been perfected.

Our vehicle and what I mean by this is the template of the human being that the Earth has in its core. So every planet in the core has the divine template of its sphere. And that represents the developmental story of humanity entirely. But at the center of the Earth, you have kind of like the human form in the etheric plane. So in the center of the Earth, in the etheric plane, there is the human form, and the human form is the form of the Earth. And you can see that as a template. And whenever a soul incarnates into a form on the Earth, they have to move through that etheric template of the Earth that contains the earthly human form, okay? And when you move through that, you are able to take on the human form and develop normally and naturally with all the capacities. And that form again, that human form is the Earth personified. It is the Earth and the sun. And it has been cast and created as the Earth developed over that extremely long period of time.

It’s the same thing with other planetary spheres in the core of Venus, in the core of Mars, in the core of Jupiter. All these planetary spheres in their core, in what we would understand, in their spiritual body or their etheric body, have the human of that sphere. The human of Venus is in the core of Venus, in its etheric body, or some exact version of that in their paradigm. When the soul incarnates into the planetary sphere and enters the human life wave, they have to enter into that exact form that has been created naturally on the Earth with the spiritual hierarchies, through the catalyzing of the sun, the catalyzing of the solar impulse, of the Christ impulse. That is how the form is created. That’s it.

That form has souls enter it. They live on the planetary sphere, all sorts of things that happen, whatever. But that form is always the form of the Earth. When the soul enters it, the soul kind of has its own experience within that template. And the template expresses itself as different races and different there’s different things about the Earth that are expressed in humanity. Different cultures, different races, different things like that, right? But fundamentally, it is the Earth human template, okay?

And that template, again, has been evolved through the solar Christ force over a very long period of time. At no point was the human template of the Earth created by an alien, by Anunnaki beings, or by beings from Mars or any planetary sphere that basically propagandists want to say, not possible. In fact, any kind of genetic modification, like from a monkey or something, you’re not actually creating a form at all. The form is already in the center of the Earth. So it’s pretty crazy stuff. So genetic modification is not a creative force. It’s actually a degenerative force because no human being can see the spectrum of the sun entirely, right? So we’re always looking at things through our own unique perspective, which makes it so we can’t actually play God. We’re always going to be behind in that regard because we’re not omnipresent. We’re not omniscient. We’re individuals.

And the other thing to remember as well, because this is the esoteric keys of disclosure, and one of the main narratives in disclosure is this alien God stuff, this Anunnaki stuff, is that technically these Anunnaki beings are not directly part of the spiritual hierarchies. So these are beings that fell out of the evolutionary wave and created an antichrist impulse, an anti-spiritual hierarchies impulse, and they wanted to defy order and defy the life wave, defy God, defy the spiritual hierarchies because they didn’t understand how to use their individuality when they received it on Mars. And so it went crazy and led to this rebellious streak that could not get under control, that now has turned into an antichrist. It’s so rebellious, it’s now turned into an antichrist stream and an antichrist force. And so fundamentally, these beings are degenerate, and they’re beneath humanity, and they’re beneath the spiritual hierarchies. But they’re going to try to convince people that they are the angels from Venus. They’re going to try to say that that’s what they are.

Because we do have this beautiful history of the spiritual hierarchies assisting humanity to the point that they’re the custodians of the form, that’s going to be distorted. And they’re going to say, made in the image of God is like made in the image of these fallen dark entities that they’re gods. And so you can see how spiritual and religious texts can be distorted very easily if we don’t know the real history, right? And so that’s what’s going to happen, is you have spiritual texts that talk about the spiritual hierarchies, that talk about angels, that talk about the angelic lines from Venus, the angels that came through Venus. And then people are like, oh, yeah, that’s the Anunnaki. There’s not a strong enough understanding of the reality that there are fallen angels in the solar system, in the cosmos, and that when a being falls, they don’t have the capacity to initiate. So just because a being is from another sphere or came from a higher plane at one point, if they fall out of the life wave and they defy God and they don’t understand Christ, they don’t understand the Son, then they’re not capable of initiating humanity. They don’t have the force to do so. They’re not initiators. They’re parasites. They look at humanity as a way to try to redeem themselves by forcing themselves into the life wave, by forcing themselves into that human template that’s at the center of the Earth. They want to force themselves into that.

And I will get more into the fallen angels, maybe in the next lecture or the lecture after this, and I’ll get more into that Anunnaki story, and we’ll really hammer it out so that it’s very clear. But I have to bring this forward, and I have to mention it because the fallen lines or they’re not part of the spiritual hierarchy. They’re not even aliens at this point in time. They’re just in the abyss because the angels in the spiritual hierarchy cast all these fallen beings into the abyss in the Lemurian and Atlantean epochs. So all of these parasitic forces were cast into the abyss at various different periods of time because they threatened the development of the Earth. And they wanted so badly to enter into this human form because they had defied God. They’d gone against their own development. They were basically insane and destructive, and they couldn’t take a form. And so now they’re aggressively trying to enter into the human form. And they do that through genetic modification, through lowering the form, through creating chimeras things like this. That’s how these beings that are in the abyss, these demonic entities, these fallen angels, essentially come into try to come into the form. And this is again, it’s like they’re trapped in this old phase of development where eventually the highest angels from Venus incarnated into the human form and began their incarnational cycle with humanity. There’s no difference between you and them. They’re incarnating, just like you are, just like I am. We’re all together in this now. We’re all in the human form. But these beings, these fallen angel beings that are associated really with the Anunnaki, they’re still…Stuck in that because they couldn’t incarnate, they couldn’t take a form. They were cast out. And so they’re still stuck in that level of development trying to Insoll. And so that’s where a lot of this comes from. And they pose. They try to say, I am an angel, and I’m from Venus, or I’m the angels from Venus, or I am this higher exalted being. I am your creator. We genetically created you. But it’s all part of their sick religion, the sick religion of the abyss, to try to enter into the human form, to control it, to get control of the Earth as they’ve always wanted to do.

But as I’ve said on social media in the Lemurian epoch and the Atlantean epoch, you see that the spiritual hierarchies protected humanity and cast these beings into the abyss because humanity was still in an infantile childlike condition. We didn’t have our eye, we didn’t have our self-awareness. So we couldn’t defend ourselves from these parasitic fallen forces that were outside the life wave, trying desperately to get in, to take over the form. So because we didn’t have our individuality yet, we didn’t have our eye, the spiritual hierarchies protected us and they cast all these beings out.

But now we are in a different phase. Now human beings have a mind, they have the spark of mind, they have an eye. Whether people are wanting to develop self-awareness and spiritually develop is another story. But the human form, the human template, that human template in the center of the earth that we all incarnate into, that has the workings of an eye, that has the organs of perception, that are of mind, that any person, should they work upon themselves, can develop critical thought, they can become self-aware. The organs and the forces are there in the form to develop. Now, whether people choose to take an interest in that, whether they want to do that, is another thing. But it’s there.

And what that means is that now ultimately we have to cast these forces out ourself. Because we’re sovereign, because we have a mind, we have discernment, we have the capacities of discernment. We now have to cast out these fallen forces ourself before the angels in the spiritual hierarchy, the custodians of our form at that time, of our essence, our protectors. We were like children. They cast out these forms and pushed them into the 8th sphere of the abyss. They did that. You can read about that in the Bible and other spiritual texts.

But now we’re not babies anymore, we’re not children anymore. We have the capacity, many capacities we didn’t have then. So we have to cast these forces out of ourselves, these forces that try to attach to us, to influence us. This is also known as demonic attachment, possession. It’s like the Body Snatchers movies. It’s not aliens we’re dealing with. It’s more like Body Snatchers, it’s more like possession, it’s more like infiltration through the mind. That’s where the battleground is really happening. And so we have to understand that dynamic and we have to cast these forces out ourselves. We have to rise to that occasion. You have to do that within you. You have to go inward and discover where you are hurt, where you’re injured, and you have to heal. And as you do that, you cast out these lower forces that are always trying to sort of drag us down. And so that’s really the real paradigm.

And calling like calling a fallen angel or really a demonic entity from prior phases of development that lives in the abyss, calling that an alien is incorrect. That is a being that is actually more associated with our earthly development than anything. It’s a being that was cast out of the Lifewave. It’s a being that fell out of the Lifewave. And that is now stuck in the realm around the Earth that we call the Abyss, or we call the Moon realm. There’s really nothing alien about that. It’s not an alien, okay?

Now there are dark magicians that will try to create forms for beings in the abyss so that they can incarnate on the Earth. But also those aren’t alien, they just look like it like when you see the grays that are basically robots or these chimerical looking things. Yeah, well, there’s also dark magicians again, that try to create forms for the beings in the abyss because the ultimate goal of beings from that lower hell realm, the eight sphere, is they want to actually take over the Earth and absorb the Earth into it. They want to pull it away and feed on humanity and feed on the Earth. It’s very dark.

But hey, listen, we’re going to talk about this now so that you’re not caught unaware. Because I promise you that even though some of these conversations about dark entities in the 8th sphere and the Moon realm are difficult, it is way harder if certain events start playing out and you’re caught unaware. That is way worse than hearing something dark now and then feeling kind of bad about it, right?

Ultimately we are calling beings from the abyss that sort of appear as astral influences in our life. And sometimes dark government agencies or dark magicians and stuff will have a program where they create forms for dark entities. I mean, that is so clear in the Rights of Homunculus, the Rights of the Golem. In black magic, you create forms for dark demonic entities to dwell in and influence the Earth. It gives you power. You create like your own little army. You create beings that dark entities can enter into. It’s a very sick and weird aspect of black magic to create forms. I’m talking chimeras, I’m talking cyborgs, I’m talking gray aliens, I’m talking all sorts of weird forms that were created to basically house beings from the abyss. But because they look so deformed or they look like chimeras, or they look so weird, or they have like cyborg parts, people are like, oh, that’s an alien. That’s not an alien. Calling it that is separating you from the reality of what that thing is, which is exactly what darker forces want. They want you to misdefine things. Darker forces want you to not understand what you’re looking at. They want you to not be able to define what you’re looking at properly because then you can’t interact with what it is. It’s always going to elude you. It’s always going to be one step ahead of you because you don’t really know what that thing is.

So what we’re being told are aliens, especially the really robotic looking ones that are basically grays or cyborgs, right? The chimerical looking things, those are beings from the abyss. Whether they’re appearing astrally or whether those astral forms are literally being incarnated through black magic rites into forms that are created for them by dark magicians. So that’s where you get the weird crossover, where some people are like, well, why am I having an astral experience with a certain being? And then also they’re physical, too. Well, they create the forms, okay? Dark government programs, dark magicians will create forms for beings in the 8th sphere because ultimately they want the 8th sphere to become the Earth because they feel that they’re going to rule the Earth once that happens and lord over everything. They’re being lied to, but that’s what they’re told, okay?

So there’s a direct line here. There’s a direct line between beings in the abyss or the lower planes that are astral creatures and physicality because these darker magicians will create forms for them. And these forms are physical, but they’re usually inhuman. They’ll never look fully human.

The other thing that people will call aliens also are certain things that happened in World War II to do with the Nazi breeding program where they tried to breed very Aryan, Nordic looking people. And there is a goal to one day say that these are angels, say that these are beings from Venus, these are the Anunnaki, these are Pleiadians. There’s also a deep agenda to basically have weird Eugenesis style breeding programs, such as the Laban’s room in Germany, where they breed people to look like they’re these Aryan looking gods. And then they’re like, yes, we are the angels. We are the Venusians. And then they do spiritual feats using technology, and they try to convince people that they have spiritual powers when it’s all just technology. So that’s also not an alien. That is a human being that has been bred to have certain qualities and that is technology behind them, okay? That’s also not an alien. And you can see that they’ve been doing this because thereThere were certain abduction cases in South America where there were people being abducted in nuts and bolts ships, and they’re hearing people speaking basically high German or aristocratic German dialects. And I’m like, what’s going on? And so there’s this weird thing where this very dark group on the planet that’s deeply associated with Nazi Germany, but not exclusively. There was also weird factions of that going on in America. So the whole secret society behind Nazi Germany was active in America, was active in Germany. It was active throughout the world, but Germany and Nazi Germany became the place where their ideology was tried. But it’s a very deep, dark, secret society that exists within NASA, that exists within America, probably every country of the Earth, right? We have to understand that it’s the secret society behind that that exists everywhere. This is their ideology. And for that, check out Mars mysteries. I go very deeply into that there.

And so this group has this weird origin myth that is the Anunnaki story, and it’s all about eugenics and it’s all about worshipping aliens. And it’s basically all about making humanity think that these aliens are coming from other worlds, that they created us, or that they are returning or whatever it is. And they’re creating these forms in order to have people think that. And they have certain technologies that literally can emit frequencies to make you think thoughts or introduce ideas into your mind. And a lot of psychics are having they think they’re talking to aliens and they’re really talking to like a satellite ultimately that’s beaming down these ideas in their mind or there’s technologies that are doing this. That’s another lecture entirely. But I’ve already spoken about this, that these technologies already exist. So we have to be very aware that there is an incredible desire to create an alien god religion and replace all religions with that. And that requires, it requires people to believe that beings that are really from the abyss and associated with the abyss are not from there and that are aliens. Because obviously they’re not going to be like, yeah, I’m a fallen dark entity from the abyss. Hey, nice to meet you. They’re going to give themselves a different name. Right? And that’s exactly what’s going on.

The other thing that’s going on, just to be crystal clear, is that we have interacted with beings from other spheres, technically, because other spheres are not just physical bodies. They’re entrances into a higher domain of life, a different domain of life. And so in earlier times of human development, we interacted with the spiritual hierarchies. And the spiritual hierarchies would come through certain planetary spheres for our purposes, Venus. And we are looking back at that and we’re know, we’re conflating teachings and we’re saying, well, because there was a being that came from Venus that also must be alien, it’s not the beings from the spiritual hierarchies that have assisted humanity from its very early development. They are not aliens, okay? They’re not alien. They’re beings from the spiritual hierarchy. There’s no need to create a different term for it. There’s no need to call them that because when we call them that, we separate ourselves from these thousands upon thousands of years of teachings about them because we’ve changed the term. It’s a bait and switch. It’s a form of dark mind magic to get you away from genuine understanding by renaming the thing.

So yes, we do interact with beings from other spheres technically, but those beings are from the spiritual hierarchies. And we can look back and we can see all of the different points of our development in which they helped us and the planetary progressions that occurred within the hierarchies in relationship to that. We can look back in that. Anthroposophy covers that very well. In the spiritual hierarchies lecture, that information is all there.

Then we have beings that are from the abyss, that are outside the life wave of humanity. Those are also not aliens. All of this is then a developmental wave. We’re just looking at different aspects of our story with different beings as we’re all evolving. And the beings that are cast out are fallen angels. They’re beings from a prior developmental period that could not enter the life wave. We call those demonic entities. And there’s all sorts of practices to create forms for those demonic entities which certain dark brotherhoods want people to think are aliens because they literally cannot reveal what they truly are. And when we can label these things correctly and factor in human development, we can actually enter into these ideas in a way that’s nourishing and a way that we can actually develop.

So I’m going to cut this lecture off here, and we’re going to bring it to a conclusion, and I’m going to carry it on in our next video. So just to conclude here, the angelic beings in the spiritual hierarchy are the beings who assisted mankind during each stage of our development. The Christ impulse is what leads to all transformation and all evolutions of the form. Genetic modification does not lead to a transformation. It does not lead to the evolution of any form. It leads to the degradation of the form. Okay? It’s really important to know that you cannot advance yourself through genetic manipulation. You cannot create a human being through genetic manipulation from an animal. You can’t take an animal like an ape and then mix a human with it and then create a different kind of human. Okay? So there’s a lot of lies that are being told and that are going to be told to you, and you need to clearly and squarely understand the reality of how we came to be.

The Anunnaki were not higher than the human being. What is the story of the Anunnaki? The story of these fallen angels? They’re not part of the spiritual hierarchy. They’re not part of development. They’re fallen, they’re desperate, they’re degenerates. They have no power of initiation. And they were not higher than the human being even when they came to the Earth in earlier periods. These fallen beings, they were never higher than the human being of the Earth. Never. The beings that were described as the under, they’ve never been more advanced than the human being of the Earth. That human being at the core of the Earth, the template was already beyond them when they arrived. It’s very important that you know that they were beneath the Earth human being and trying to enter into the life wave because they wanted to be human, because they were cast out. We need to understand this moving forward, because you’re going to be lied to. And that lie is to try to take your divinity away from you. And you need to be prepared for that. We need to be prepared for that.

Okay, so we’re going to continue talking about this in the next lecture. And specifically in our next lecture, we are going to talk about what they were called, a little bit deeper into what they’re called and also how exactly angelic beings were able to help humanity and evolve the form. Because there’s a very special process that beings within the spiritual hierarchy did in order to help humanity evolve and in order for the Earth to evolve. And this isn’t so often talked about or described, but we are going to get into that in our next lecture.

So thank you so much for joining me today. If you like this work and you want to keep it alive, you want to keep it going, please consider making a donation. I have placed the links below so you can support this work. You can also join my website where I do live Q&A’s, and I can directly address any of the questions that you have. There’s also forums and incredible conversations that go on. A lot of the material that I cover on my website as well, I just cannot talk on YouTube about. And so there’s also a freedom there that I find that I can’t really express on this platform. So I really hope to see you there and I will see you in my next video.


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1 thoughts on “The Esoteric Keys to Disclosure: The Spiritual Hierarchies And Human Development

  1. Avatar Of Taylor
    Taylor says:

    I first read of this in Edgar Cayce twenty years ago, Gigi goes into this much more in-depth, thank so much 🩵🌸

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