NO EXCUSE! Apocalyptic Flooding Aside SOMETHING is STRANGE about this TRUMP TRIAL

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➡ Vlad is discussing various issues related to Donald Trump, including his legal troubles and public perception. He mentions that Trump’s former enemy, William Barr, has decided to support Trump, which is surprising. Vlad also talks about a judge who is allegedly biased against Trump, and how this judge might not let Trump attend his son’s graduation due to a trial. Lastly, Vlad criticizes Joe Biden’s academic record, suggesting that he lied about his achievements.
➡ This text seems to be a rambling monologue that touches on various topics. It mentions a picture of a child, a discussion about a medicine called ivermectin, and a strange drink called wormwood. It also talks about a futuristic city in Saudi Arabia called Neom, which is facing weather-related challenges. The speaker also mentions an escaped elephant from a circus in Montana, and ends with a bizarre advice about using garlic powder against vampires.


Hello, my friends. This is Vlad. I am here to tell you something incredibly important. This Jacob, he is having her day, bad hair day or something. So he sent me to talk to you. I think that maybe this will distract people from fact that he is having bad hair day or something like that. I don’t know. I am here to tell you something very important about the Trump star.

Now, I know everyone is saying, everybody is saying that this is, you know, this is the big show. Everything, it goes down in the courtroom and the lawyers got the big boobs and everyone likes to talk about all of the crazy things happening. We’re having problems right now with the Trumpster. He’s in court and many crazy things is going on with him. You know, from the lawyer that is no longer his lawyer, the one that everyone likes to talk about because she has the big boobs, you know, I don’t know her name, but I think this is what she is known for or something.

It seems like a little bit is probably. This is not something that Jacob would say, because it is not. It is very crass. But she is going on about how it is not fair because this man is being railroaded. That is word, the witch hunt that is going on. I know something. I know something about witches. It is so hot. I have to take this off. And not because I work out all the time so I can fight vampires and show the world how evil they are.

No, it’s because I don’t know what the hell I am doing in life right now. The world, it seems like it is going crazy, and I cannot kill enough vampires to make any of it make sense. So here I am. Here. Here we are, my friends. Here we are. Here we are. This is what it is come to. But that is okay, because William Barr today, he said to Trump, he goes, oh, I must do what is right for the country.

I am going to do what is right for the country. I must vote for Donald Trump. He said this today. This is like breaking news or something. William Barr, one time nemesis, enemy. All of a sudden, the people, they watch, they watch all these show, they watch it go down and they go, and he’s the bad guy. He turned coat. He was a turncoat. He turned his coat and the Trump star, and now he’s going to support him.

Well, if the turncoat who once turned his back on him is going to support him, maybe I should, too. And a lot of people who have children that are graduating in high school right now, very, very upset with what this judge just did. This judge, oh, my goodness. This judge, his daughter worked for the campaign that is against Trump. He’s like, works for, I don’t know, like the democratic party or something.

This guy, he’s got. Look at this guy’s hair. He’s got good hair. He’s got good hair. But people say he a bad man. They say he a bad man because it seems like there are a lot of people that are trying to sneak into courtroom as a juror to, uh, to put him down, to make him go to the jail, because they don’t like his politics, they don’t like his PI.

I don’t know what jacob have problem with hair. There’s nothing wrong with hair. You could just do. You just do this. You just do this and you look good. You look like squiggy from Laverne and Shirley. Great show done by the Russians. No one know this, but sh. That the witch hunt back then, too, it was a thing. The closest jurors to Donald Trump, they. They don’t like him.

They were like, I think, like, say, 17 people or something. They have masks, and they come in to take the stand to in jury selection. And the judge, look at the judge. Look at. You want to take this juror? They’re like, no. This guy and this girl, they have masks. What are they doing? They are not going to be fair. Anyone who wear masks is anti Trump. These decisions based on certain unchangeable factors.

But you do, like, they’re this, that they’re the other thing. And the mask will play a role, or, I don’t know, like, if you’ve got someone who looks just like Rachel Maddow, like a woman with the short, short haircut, with zero makeup, with, like, a bitter face, I would say not a Trump. I would tell. Am I wrong, Josh, that is, everyone know this. It’s not just me.

It’s not just me. Say in comment section, you know, Jacob, this is a problem. He don’t get you involved enough. I want to get you more involved. Hey, give the, like, give the, like the thumbs up and the subscribe. He work hard. He do, he do, he do. But that judge, he not, not being fair. He’s not being fair. If it is true that they say he can’t go to his sons.

Baron, sweet baron, the giant. The giant. He’s like 25ft tall. He brushes his teeth with trees. He’s like a giant from the old days. And they’re saying he cannot go to his sweet graduation party. Well, maybe the party, but I think that he cannot miss court. And if he’s going to graduate. And the trumps was not very happy about this. Listen to what he said. As you know, my son has graduated from high school and looks like a judge will not let you go through the graduation of my son, who’s worked very, very hard and was looking forward for years to have graduation with his mother and father there.

And it looks like the judge isn’t going to allow me to escape this scam. It’s a scam trial. If you read all of the legal pundits, all of the legal scholars today, there’s not one that I see that said, this is a case that should be brought or tried. It’s a scam. It’s a political, which it continues, and it continues forever, and we’re not going to be given a fair trial.

It’s a very, very sad thing that is crazy for judge to say, you cannot go. Your son, he good. He worked so hard in school. He learned lots of smart things, like smarty pants. You always dress so nice, always give the thumbs up. Good, gigantic baron, you cannot go. It is very sad. Makes people feel like this is not fair. But then you have other organizations that are saying that’s not really what the judge said.

The judge, he said that the trial has to go on and it must go on and Trump must be in New York City. He must. Oh, I got to tell you this. This is going to probably work against him because of course, he’s going to go into the bodegas where there’s lots of crime, and he’s going to give the thumbs up and the hugs and everyone is going to say how much they love Trump.

The longer he is in New York City, the more New York City is going to remember. Remember the days when Trump Tower was like something important? It is almost like full circle. This is all coming. Their plans are going to fail. This is what. Unless, of course, there is a deeper plan that I am not aware of. I think Jacob would say maybe, perhaps, maybe, perhaps that there is more going on to the story because they are making you feel bad.

Oh, you can’t go to graduation party. No, you cannot have your little party. He get the good grades. As if it matters. You know, Biden, when he went to school, he was supposedly like the best. He had like many honors, many degrees. I probably have a much higher iq than you do, I suspect, and I’d be delighted to sit down and compare my iq to yours, if you’d like.

Frank Biden now concedes he did not graduate in the top half of his law school class, that he does not have three degrees from college and that he was not named outstanding political science student in college. Newsweek says Biden actually went to school on a half scholarship, ended up near the bottom of his class and won only one degree, not three. Joe Biden ranked 76th in a class of 85 at the University of Syracuse law school.

I mean, this guy comes off this whole thing as a flyweight. Now, Biden says Newsweek is right, his memory had failed him. You never did bad. And it turned out that he was lying about everything. He was totally lying. But what I understand, darling, he’s a good student. He’s also a time traveler. That is true. People say this, he’s time traveler. He’s go, he’s probably going to rule the world.

So you better let Trump go to graduation party. I’m just saying. Now, some people tell me, they say, you, vlad, just because you are vampire slayer and you are always suspect of things does not mean that you must always think there are some deeper, darker thing going on that you must discover. Like when Donald Trump junior put up this picture right here. This picture right here. Look at that picture.

Do you see that picture? Do you see the little kid that is right there in the foreground? Almost as if it was placed there on purpose to tell you a message. And in that, according to Biff Dunn, who is great on x, I like the stuff he posts. Jacob too. Be funny. Put this thing out. He goes, oh, it has the ivermectin. Why does it have the ivermectin? I don’t know.

No, I don’t think you need the ivory nectar if you have the wormwood teeth, which I have told Jacob many times, you need to drink more. You get the weird disease. You can’t taste, you can’t smell. All of a sudden there’s something wrong. Take a drink of the wormwood. So you get rid of the worms, they will come out in your poop and it will be gross and you will say, oh, I got you, sucker.

But once again, this is not, I am not doctor. I’m not, I am not doctor. No. Give you recommendation. But I will say there are things going on in the world that make many people question if maybe there, maybe they should rethink this whole thing with about God. One thing I can tell you is that there is very much, very God and he is in charge. And if they be corrupt, this is going to be the day where you’re going to see this stuff like Neom, you know Neom, have you heard about this place in, you know, the other kingdom, Saudi Arabia, all there.

They’re like going to make a mirrored city and they’re going to put everyone in this mirror so you can’t see them. You can pretend, oh, look at all the people, they’re not here. And then you leave them in that place and they got no cars. Everything’s 15 minutes. Hey, they were going to spend so much money. But a week ago, a week ago, it is reported because it gets such bad weather, they got to put the line and pause.

Little bit of pause. I wonder why that is. Perhaps God is saying, no, you don’t put people in 15 minutes cities. It is not something that I want you to do. So I am going to send lots of floods and lots of crazy storms. And now you see people there in boats all the time. Cars are smart. It is terrible. You feel so bad for these poor people because maybe a couple of people are saying, we going to put them in a mirror, in a mirror.

And we know you don’t want to be trapped in a mirror. No, no, no. It’s like alternate reality there. No good. It was built as glass walled city of future ambitious centerpiece of the economic plan by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman to transition Saudi Arabia away from oil dependency. They’re going to put a bunch of people in. You don’t need oil. You don’t need oil. Go to prison.

Put me in prison. I’m not saying this is what it is. I am not even real person. I am character that is being played for you. This is all for entertainment purposes. This gun, this gun is not filled with white claw or pinot. It is holy water for vampires. I promise. You know, if there was ever time for you to perhaps take this channel seriously, yes, if there was ever time to take this channel seriously, it is because I point out the fact that there is not just elephant in this room, but there is elephant on loose from Jordan Circus in Montana.

Boot or butt like I like to pronounce, but Montana. But Montana. This crazy elephant, it run away. It go down the street. And the people that were filming, they were thinking this is just. The simulation is broken. There’s something wrong. I tell you what is wrong. The. It’s the Jordan circus. The elephant escape across the Jordan. You got it. The elephant in the room boot. But if you want to call it.

But I think but is funny. But Montana, it means steep isolated hill. And guess where it is going next, Helena. That is where this circus is going. Why am I pointing this out? I don’t know. It is elephant. And it got your attention for a reason. So I tell all of you, the elephant is crossed the Jordan. Maybe we do the same thing. What do you think? What is this nod? I have here, this thing right here.

This also take place, of course, because there is lot of, uh, there is a lot of people are very stressed out about what is going on right now in the Middle east. And everyone is freaking out, man. It’s scary, but not the scariest. The ro, everything turned to blood. It looked like blood. There was great big storm in Iran and in the water it looked bloody. And it flow into the water in the ocean, look like it filled with blood.

And everyone is saying something. They’re saying, Vlad, this is the time, this is end of day’s times. And I say, okay, that’s why I’m here. I’m ready to go. I’m ready to go. Look at me. I have 18 bracelets on. I’m ready to go. Look at, look at me. I’m ready. I am ready to go. Are you ready to go? I believe that you, if you’re not ready to go, don’t worry, because all you have to do, like I tell everybody, is just get yourself a little bit of garlic powder.

You make sure that you have garlic powder on hand at all times. And what you do, you put a little in your hand and when the vampire come to you, you blow it in the rye. You blow it in the rye. I tell you what I do. You know what I do? If you want to help Jacob on his channel, this is truly free home products. These things are toxic free.

They are very good. They regret that. You clean ooo. You clean ooo. Everything gets so clean. You don’t got to worry. I got it all over my leg. It’s no big deal. I sprayed them myself. And all of a sudden I do flash dents with jewelry free home cleaners because it has no toxins. Has no toxins. But you know what I do? I put garlic, I put a little bit of garlic in there.

So if they come while I’m cleaning, I get them in the eye. I get them in the eye. All right, everyone, I thank you for coming by. I hope that these. What are you doing? I just, I was doing nothing. I also just come in and take over and just do a show. You don’t even think that maybe that this would be something that would like, maybe offend people, get people upset.

Where was your jacket? What did you, you took off your jacket. I can leave. I can live, I can leave. I just can’t. Listen, I gotta get out. I got out of here. You gotta go. I go. I go. I go. You. You gotta leave. All right, I leave, and bye bye leave, man. Yeah, get out of here. All right, I leave, and bye bye. Get out of here.

Go. Go. What are you doing? What are you doing? It’s unbelievable. I’m sorry, everybody. I don’t know what else to say. Like share and subscribe. .


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1 thoughts on “NO EXCUSE! Apocalyptic Flooding Aside SOMETHING is STRANGE about this TRUMP TRIAL

  1. Avatar Of Christy Thompson
    Christy Thompson says:

    Your research is fascinating but are you familiar with the veil of illusion/deceptiin? We live in a fabricated reality. We are a foreign corporation under control of foreign agents under pseudonyms. The vatican(Lucifer) controls the matrix. The government (devil) Roman Empire (the beast) You cannot have a president of a corporation. They’re puppets and controlled by the Vatican. Our government aka Roman Empire/Jesuits is nothing but theater to keep us repeated and divided. Donald Trump is one of the many fabricated characters of David Renee de Rothschild. Others include: Joe Biden, Martin Sheen, Stefano Casiraghi Grimaldi, Martin Sheen, Ted Olson, Brian Williams George Bush both) I believe is was Alison Micheal Rockefeller aka Elvis Presley. And possibly Ted Bundy which was a psychological operation for the masses. He is married to Princess Caroline Aldobrandini of Monaco aka Barbara Olson, Jane Gilliam Stoddard Laura Busch. Fernanda Bifi & Barbara Bush were played by Baroness Phillipe de Rothschild. Princess Caroline’s parents are Prince Rainer of Monaco aka Fidel Castro & Princess Grace of Monaco aka Marita Lorenz. Prince Albert of Monaco is Mike Pence. Prince Pierre Grimaldi aka David Muir is married to Princess Borromeo of Monaco aka Meghan Markle.

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