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HAARP Geoengineering 


“Understanding Geoengineering: A Look into Chemtrails, Cloud Seeding, and H.A.A.R.P. Weather Alteration” This piece delves into the fundamentals of geoengineering, often referred to as weather or climate engineering. Here, we’ll explore its prevalent methods like chemtrails (distinct from contrails), cloud seeding, and H.A.A.R.P. weather manipulation. Concrete evidence points towards the active participation of corporations and different government tiers in adjusting the weather using a blend of chemicals and advanced technologies. This goes beyond the debated notions of the “climate change dilemma” and “global warming myths.”

Notably, Greta Thunberg, a globally recognized climate and environmental activist accredited by the Freemasonic Jesuit Globalist-controlled WEF, confessed in a conversation with Mehdi Hasan on MSNBC on March 8, 2021, “If there’s no climate crisis, then why would people demand climate solutions?”

Official Legislative Records

On May 31, 1972, in response to an inquiry by Senator Richard Schweiker, the US Department of Agriculture provided details about cloud-seeding operations in the U.S. that had federal backing. The document’s subsequent page presented the expenditures associated with Federal weather alteration initiatives, broken down by research domain and agency, spanning the fiscal years from 1968 to 1972.

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In a related instance, on January 23, 2008, the US Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division (NAWCWD) addressed an FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) inquiry for a document labeled “Weather Modification.” The request was made by Michael Ravnitzky, who was then serving as the Special Assistant to the Commissioner of the US Postal Regulatory Commission.


The US government has verified the active engagement of 23 nations in large-scale weather modification endeavors, as discussed during the 111th Congress Hearing of the Committee On Science And Technology House of Representatives, under the title “Geoengineering: Parts: I, II, And III.” An illustrative snippet from this hearing on geoengineering notes:

Weather modification through human intervention exhibits certain key attributes. The predominant method entails cloud-seeding, wherein particulates are introduced into the atmosphere to stimulate condensation and, thus, cloud formation. This approach is believed to alter rainfall trends to support agricultural yields, optimize water resource management, and protect humans from environmental threats like flooding or droughts. In its fourth review on weather modification in 2003, the National Research Council of the National Academies presented the report titled, Critical Issues in Weather Modification Research. As per this report, 23 nations were actively involved in large-scale weather modification, with China leading the charge and dedicating an annual budget surpassing $40 million for hail prevention and rain enhancement. Yet, the NAS found no definitive scientific evidence supporting the effectiveness of deliberate weather altering actions. There were some indications of induced modifications, but such findings lacked significant testing and reproducibility. A clear cause-and-effect linkage between cloud-seeding and atmospheric changes remains elusive, yet the practice continues globally.

Cloud Feeding

Before the hearing on Geoengineering: Parts: I, II, And III took place, the 107th Congress in 2001 saw the introduction of House Resolution 2977, titled the “Space Preservation Act of 2001.” This resolution aimed to ensure the collaborative and peaceful utilization of space for the collective advantage of all people. It sought to enforce a permanent ban on placing weapons in space by the United States and mandated the President to promote and execute an international treaty forbidding weapons based in space. Intriguingly, in this document’s fifth page under section (2) (B) (ii), the term “chemtrails” is explicitly mentioned as a recognized governmental tool in our airspace.


Recently, the State of Rhode Island introduced the 2022 House Bill 7787, titled “The Clean Atmosphere Act,” which strongly condemns atmospheric chemical treatments and detrimental weather-altering activities. To illustrate:

  • The bill notes the use of cloud-seeding agents such as Silver Iodide (AgI) and solid dry ice (carbon dioxide or CO2). The latter paradoxically raises carbon levels, which contradicts state objectives to lower them.
  • The legislation highlights weather alteration techniques that employ substances like sea salt, silver iodide, and barium to amplify precipitation (be it rain or snow) in certain regions, consequently reducing it in others.
  • The bill also addresses the issue of global dimming, which can reduce vitamin D levels in both humans and animals. This leads to challenges like calcium, magnesium, and phosphate malabsorption, increasing susceptibility to infections and other ailments. In the plant kingdom, this can hinder photosynthesis, resulting in decreased agricultural yields.
  • The term “weather modification” is defined in the bill as any action that alters, manages, or disrupts – or even attempts to – the organic processes of cloud formation, precipitation, atmospheric pressure, temperature, conductivity, and other electromagnetic or sonic properties of the atmosphere

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Have you ever glanced up and spotted unusual cloud-like trails crisscrossing the sky? There’s a good chance you were looking at what some believe are chemtrails, not to be mistaken for contrails, which many scientific professionals reference when dismissing the notion of chemtrails and geoengineering activities.
For a clearer distinction, the video below showcases one aircraft emitting trails that linger and spread, characteristic of alleged chemtrails. In contrast, another aircraft crossing its path releases trails that vanish rapidly, which are typical contrails.

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NASA’s Dryden Flight Research Center B-747 Study Image:

This image, sourced from NASA, showcases the Dryden Flight Research Center’s B-747 (Boeing 747) Vortex Study. In the visual, you can observe the aircraft dispersing trails from its nozzles, which stand in contrast to the typical contrails produced by its external engines.

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Military Patches, Patents & Programs: Operation Popeye’s Weaponized Weather Warfare

In the annals of US military history, unconventional tactics have often played pivotal roles in achieving strategic objectives. One such lesser-known operation, titled Operation Popeye, showcases the extent to which the military explored manipulating natural elements for warfare advantages.

Background: Initiated by the US Air Force, Operation Popeye spanned from 1967 to 1972. Its central objective was a highly ambitious one: to elongate the monsoon season in South Vietnam, targeting an increase of 30-45 days.

Methods: Utilizing the emerging science of cloud seeding, aircraft released flares packed with lead iodine and silver. These agents, when introduced into the atmosphere, served as nuclei, promoting cloud condensation and thereby enhancing rainfall.

Strategic Objective: The artificially intensified monsoon conditions were not meant to be a mere nuisance for the North Vietnamese forces. The intent was to employ nature as a tactical weapon:

  • By inducing landslides, military supply routes could be disrupted.
  • Flooding river crossings would hinder troop movements.
  • Oversaturated grounds would soften road surfaces, making them impassable.

Operational Details: Over the course of the operation:

  • More than 2600 missions were executed.
  • Approximately 47,000 cloud seeding flares were dispersed over target areas.

Implications: Operation Popeye underscores a dimension of military strategy where nature’s forces are harnessed as a combat tool. While the ethical implications of such an approach remain debated, its historic role in the Vietnam War provides a compelling study in the evolution of warfare tactics.

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On August 1, 1996, the US Air Force Air War College unveiled a public report named “Weather As A Force Multiplier: Owning The Weather In 2025”. This document delved into the significance of mastering weather alteration technologies to maintain supremacy in air and space capabilities. The study touched upon topics such as artificial ionospheric reflection, cloud stimulation, electromagnetic field adjustments, and the application of directed energy tools like lasers and microwaves.

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The presented images depict two designs of commemorative military patches/coins. The first design features the phrases “#TeamChemtrail #SprayAndPray”. This emblem signifies the activation switch for chemtrails on an aircraft, coupled with the uncertainty about the potential long-term environmental and health impacts of their deployment. The second design reads “Don’t Just Spray ‘Em… Barium!”, alluding to the presence of the element Barium in chemtrails. This is also a wordplay, hinting at the potential harmful effects of these trails, suggesting they might ‘bury’ or harm those exposed to them.


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The following patents highlight the military’s involvement in aerosol dispersion activities, potentially linked to what some refer to as ‘chemtrails’:

  1. US4175469A – Centrifugal Aerosol Dispenser Assembly: Owned by the Secretary of the US Air Force, this patent describes a device for dispensing aerosols.
  2. US3899144A – Powder Contrail Generation: Held by the Secretary of the US Navy, this patent pertains to the generation of powder contrails.

These patents serve as documentation of the military’s interest in and development of technology related to aerosol dispersion and contrail generation.

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At The Council of Foreign Relations event on June 29, 2016, CIA Director John Brennan candidly discussed the topic of geoengineering. This sheds light on the possibility of government bodies, whether they be military or agencies like the CIA, engaging in geoengineering projects. Brennan specifically mentioned:

“There are various technologies, often grouped under the term geoengineering, that might aid in countering the impacts of global climate change. A particular method that I’ve taken interest in is stratospheric aerosol injection, or SAI. This involves dispersing particles in the stratosphere to reflect sunlight.”


➡ Bad weather, characterized by gale force winds, flooding, severe thunderstorms, hail, and landslides, is impacting large parts of Italy including Turin, Piedmont, Veneto, and the Dolomites region, resulting in significant rainfall and a dramatic drop in temperatures, creating a surreal, cataclysmic scene.


That’s it. It it. In Italy, bad weather continues to affect large areas of the country, causing extreme weather events with gale force winds. In Turin, frightened residents have led to the accumulation of water in the ground and flooding. In some areas it bad weather. Severe thunderstorms in Piedmont and Northeast Mega. Hail in Cuneo. Landslides in the lolomites. Severe thunderstorms also hit veneto and printino alto Adaij in the Delomites region.

44 mm rain in forno Dizoldo Baluno. And 36 mm in cartina dampezo were remarkable where temperatures dropped up to twelve cemetery. Today we will show a video about storm, rain and hail sail after one last in the middle of the support completely and those to it the sun. It’s it and the afternoon. During this hour, every character create in the heart of Italy a cataclysmic hailstorm, unfurled painting, a picture of both magnificence and dread, as if orchestrated by the heavens themselves.

Enormous hailstones plummeted from the skies, transforming the idyllic landscape into a surreal winter wonderland. .


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