Paranoid American Podcast 025: The True Origin of Werewolves (w/ Tristan Erwin and Slick Dissident)

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Paranoid American Podcast 025: The True Origin of Werewolves (w/ Tristan Erwin and Slick Dissident)



➡ The Paranoid American Podcast, launched in 2012, revolves around unveiling concealed societal mysteries, from mkultra Mind control and secret societies to forbidden technology and occult symbols. Special guest Tristan talks about his studies on werewolves and his current work on a book about the Celts, focusing on Druids, Celtic magic, and human sacrifice. The show ends with a discussion on the impact of historical plagues.
➡ The discussion explores various themes including historical epidemics like the Justinian plague and Black Death, an interest in werewolves which the speaker developed from childhood, the possibility of werewolves in history, and the connection between werewolf myth and serial killers. The conversation also includes the guest speaker’s explanation of werewolves within folklore, the werewolf’s place in an academic context, and how the myth ties in with psychology and criminality.
➡ The discussion delves into the meaning of legends around werewolves, linking them with human fear of predatory behavior, often signified by the shedding of leaves during Halloween season. The speaker also draws a connection to the constellation Lupus (or ‘wolf’), signifying the approach of winter and need for survival, and the broader constellations symbolizing cosmic judgment and harvest. He suggests werewolf stories may serve as a go-to explanation for unexplained phenomena.
➡ The discussion explores the origins of werewolf folklore, emphasizing the tales’ cautionary aspect, endeavoring to keep children obedient. It highlights the influence of such tales on the collective subconscious and its long-lasting effects. The differing interpretations present throughout history and various cultures were also analyzed.
➡ The text discusses the concept of physical and emotional changes, likening teenage development and pregnancy to the transformation of Medusa and werewolves, signifying rapid growth and change. It discusses the history and folklore associated with werewolves, their persecution during the witch hunts, and various traditional methods to kill or cure them. The text also mentions connections between werewolves, silver, and the full moon, as well as the impact of the full moon on human activity and behavior.
➡ The text discusses the interesting correlations between translation, linguistics, and various notions of the occult, with emphasis on the implication of silver in myth, culture, and etymology. They discuss its reflective properties and effects on reversing spells. Another point of focus is the concept of werewolves and clinical lycanthropy, the similarity to gender dysphoria, and how it might originate from societal rejection or mental illness. The conversation then explores the possibility of dehumanizing old and needy citizens through labeling as witches or werewolves. The text ends with an intriguing link between Groundhogs Day and mythology related to werewolves.
➡ The text discusses the ancient practices of reading auguries that were not restricted by societal norms and elections, likening it to present-day practices. It critically analyzes traditional symbolism such as Groundhog Day or the Puxitani Phil, considering it an amusing diversion to manipulate belief systems. Evolved practices of these authorities in disguise are speculated as mere mechanisms to control predictions of human behavior. The narrative engages with themes of mythology, particularly revolving around Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pegasus, taking note of their significant influence on certain human attitudes and behaviors during specific periods. The text further explores the concept of werewolves, characterized by themes of human mutilation and transformation. The Romanians and Navajo people’s depictions of werewolves and wolves’ cultural significance are discussed, including transformation methods and werewolf terminations.
➡ The text is a conversation highlighting various folkloric interpretations of becoming a werewolf including biting, certain rituals or abstaining from human flesh. It mentions a hypothetical scenario about actions post transformation into a werewolf. The discussion extends to comparison of werewolves and vampires, and how different cultures addressed this phenomenon.
➡ The text discusses a deep dive into the symbolic meanings and representations of Jeffrey Dahmer, likening him to a wolf in exile and critiquing the portrayal of him in media. Additionally, it delves into the role of names influencing one’s future actions, referencing Adolf Hitler’s exhibition of a God complex after a hypnosis session. The communicators also caution against jumping into extreme states of altered consciousness without prior experience. To conclude, they humorously warn about the risks of self-identifying as a werewolf.
➡ The text revolves around a complex discussion on linguistics, Norse and Germanic languages, and their correlations with the persona of a character named Gandalf. Additional topics include a discussion on personal growth, embracing oneself, and a shared artistic expression approach, followed by an introduction to a new comic book, Frazzledrip Funhouse, which offers an action-filled, sardonic experience embedded in a grim world.


Good evening, listeners, brave navigators of the enigmatic and the concealed. Have you ever felt the pull of the unanswered, the allure of the mysteries that shroud our existence? For more than a decade, a unique comic publisher has dared to dive into these mysteries, unafraid of the secrets they might uncover. This audacious entity is paranoid American. Welcome to the Mystifying Universe of the Paranoid American podcast. Podcast Launched in the year 2012, Paranoid American has been on a mission to decipher the encrypted secrets of our world.

From the unnerving enigma of mkultra Mind control, to the clandestine assemblies of secret societies, from the Aweinspiring frontiers of forbidden technology, to the arcane patterns of occult symbols in our very own pop culture, they have committed to unveiling the concealed realities that lie just beneath the surface. Join us as we navigate these intricate landscapes, decoding the hidden scripts of our society and challenging the accepted perceptions of reality.

Folks, I’ve got a big problem on my hands. There’s a company called Paranoid American making all these funny memes and comics. Now, I’m a fair guy. I believe in free speech as long as it doesn’t cross the line. And if these AI generated memes dare to make fun of me, they’re crossing the line. This is your expedition into the realm of the extraordinary, the secret, the shrouded. Come with us as we sift through the world’s grand mysteries, question the standardized narratives, and brave the cryptic labyrinth of the concealed truth.

So strap yourselves in, broaden your horizons, and steal yourselves for a voyage into the enigmatic heart of the paranoid American podcast, where each story, every image, every revelation brings us one step closer to the elusive truth. Welcome to a special edition, the Paranoid American podcast. Just in case you thought that this was just going to be an interview show, it’s not. But tonight we’ve got Tristan. First of all, before I even get into tonight, I just love the refactory or the fractal nature of you’re inside of a picture, and then you’ve got a picture behind you and just don’t move your head, because I want to imagine there’s like, realize that I’m in a double painting here.

Yes, welcome again. I did have you on a few episodes ago, and I’ll link it down below where we just kind of talked about Greek magic and maybe Roman magic and kept trying to inject Phoenicians into there. It was one of my favorite conversations. So watch that if you haven’t already and you’re watching this, but tonight, it’s not going to be an interview, so let me take you out of the hot seat here.

We’re going to talk about werewolves because it’s like October and Halloween is coming up. And the last time I was talking to Tristan, he mentioned that right as we were ending it, or might even be after we stopped the recording, he was like, oh yeah, by the way, I just happen to know quite a bit about know. I almost felt like a little disappointed that we didn’t get to jump into that one in the last one.

But now we’ve got an entire episode dedicated to it. And then in addition to this, about a year ago, I read the Book of Werewolves by, you probably know the guy’s name, Sebring bearing gold or something. And we did that for the Occult Book Club podcast. And I think I did a touch up with Slick dissident Gabe, so he might pop in a little bit later too, to throw some of his two or three or $0.

04 into the werewolves topic. So first of all, welcome back to the show and can just tell people where to find you and whatever you’re working on right now. Yes, I’m finishing up a book on the Celt. Basically, it’s a book on Druids, Celtic magic, human sacrifice. Unfortunately, pretty much anything to do with the Celtic world. So it’s going to be a source book, which is taking basically the words of the Ancients, what the Greeks, the Romans, even sometimes at times, what the Celtic people had to say about them themselves.

Right. So putting that all into book for students, researchers, anybody who’s interested in that sort of thing can hear what these people had to say themselves about the Celts. Is there a lot of material out there on the Celts, or are you trying to fill in like a specific gap that’s out there? Yeah, a little bit of a niche, I think. There’s only one other primary source book on the Celts, and it’s a good one, but I’m adding quite a bit more.

Was it written by a Roman? No, this is a guy, I think a few years ago they did a book on it. I’m trying to think. Okay, like fairly modern then. Yeah. Modern source. Yeah. Is there a specific theme with the human sacrifice, or does that just happen to be done by all the coolest cultures in history? Or is that the actual thread that’s tying some of these together? In some ways, the Greeks and the gulls, they’re very interested in that.

When we think of talking about a different culture of society. Well, if they’re sacrificing people if they’re doing all these wild things. Well, that’s the most interesting thing about them from the outside. So they’re writing far more about that than anything else. Right. They could have been doing all kinds of cool stuff, but that one was just, like, overshadowing a lot of the other ones. Who cares what Tutanus is the deity of, right? Not when they’re doing this stuff.

This is really interesting. The rock stars always get all the attention. Yeah. So there’s a lot that was lost on the Celts, but there’s still a lot that remains. And putting it all into a book for those who wanted to study it thought would be a fun idea. I do have a YouTube channel as well. It’s called Tristan Irwin. It’s not very original, but, yeah, I talk about a variety of things.

Lately. I’ve been doing one on plagues over time and how that affected societies and the chaos that they would bring. Eventually, I’m going to do one on the Black Death, which will be a whopper. I’m a little delayed on putting that video out because it’s like, where do you even start with such a gigantic cataclysmic event? All right. And, yeah, I’m still trying to figure out how to condense that into a 40 minutes video.

Well, it seems like it’s going to be topical for at least the next decade, so it’s like serial. Right? So I got commissioned to co write a book on plagues and pandemics and whatnot that I finished, and I basically had to write this book about all this stuff, and it’s like, okay, well, now that it’s all in my head, I might as well do some videos on it, right? Just real quick, before we even get into werewolves, this question just popped in my head, and I have to ask it, I guess the bubonic plague or Black Plague, where would you rate those on, like, a scale of one to ten, as far as plagues go? Oh, ten.

It’s the worst that there’s ever been. Yeah. Okay. Without saying any names or any direct references, like the last four, five years or whatnot, where does that fall on the scale based on plague being ten? So I would say there’s different ways you can look at it. I would say a one or a two. If you just look at the modern era, it’s fairly devastating, right? If you just look at the modern era and 1900 on, you’re looking at that and it’s like, oh, well, over a million Americans died and it’s.

It’s terrible, it’s a tragedy. But, you know, once you look at it through all out time and you see what’s possible with the Black Death and other things, you realize that, thankfully, it wasn’t as severe. Do you find yourself washing your hands more after you do, like, plague research? No, I don’t know about that. When COVID was at its worst, right, it wasn’t a super wonderful time, but studying all these things like the Black Death or the Justinian plague or the Ananyne one and all these terrible things that just throughout time, you kind of end up feeling a little bit grateful that it’s not so much worse.

Right. When you’re looking at it from that perspective. I mean, I’m not going to commit anyone anything. I’ll actually edit this out if you don’t want to do this. But, man, I’m already thinking of the top ten plagues video that we could do in the future. That could be a fun one. We could have, like, a little confetti and everything. There’s quite a few. Would it have to be more than ten? What would be an appropriate top number to cover? Maybe the narrative.

It’s tough to do it ten, because some of them are really comparable in scale. Right. And we don’t know as much of where certain things affect. So how badly did this event affect Persia? How badly did this event affect Japan? How about this? I’m almost thinking of a basketball tournament style tiered league. So maybe we can start with, like, 40 of them and then just keep drafting until we get to the top two or something.

I don’t know. I’d say the Justinian plague or the Black Death. With the Justinian plague, you have a comet coming and striking the earth and all hell’s breaking loose and it’s not good. So both of them. I guess that’s fair. You already know who’s going to win. You don’t have to wait for the tournament to really play out. Yeah, in some ways. Okay, I’m going to cook on that one, man.

I think that there could be a fun way to present it so it’s not just a typical something that’s just completely true. The real reason that we got together is to talk about werewolves. And first of all, I just wanted to know, I guess, what’s your initial interest in werewolves? How old were you when you were. I don’t want to just say, like, heard of a werewolf, but when was the first time you heard of one and thought it was cool, young? I would go four or five, something like that.

What it was, was it like an old school movie? It might have been the Wolf Man. It might have been the Wolf Man. It might have been some book or like a picture book of some kind. Might have even been Red Riding Hood, right? Yeah, I guess so. If you want to stretch it. Are we talking Universal Monsters Wolfman? Yeah, that was the think. It was early. I liked werewolves when I was a kid.

I liked all the monsters when I was a kid. The idea of that fascinated me. And I grew up with Greek mythology and all these heroes slaying monsters and all that stuff. And adulthood, it got rather disappointing that there wasn’t some dragon for me to go off, if you believe in them. Yeah. The Don Quixote attacking windmills. Right. Or like Tinkerbell, you got to keep clapping to keep them alive.

Right. So it was fascinating for me a few years ago, as I was getting my degree, I had to think of what area of history really interested me. And what I ended up being drawn to is things that hadn’t been so wellcomed over, right? So I’m an American. I could easily write a book on the Civil War or make videos on Civil War history. But at this point, is there anything left to be said that hasn’t already been said by somebody? Right.

And so I don’t really feel I can contribute, if that makes sense. Now, something like werewolves, has there been somebody who just pours over all this and not too many? Right. That’s surprising to me. Yeah, it is. But we have to think about this. How much do werewolves matter? Well, I’m also thinking that you would compare, I guess, the interest of werewolves internationally, whereas the American Civil War.

Maybe not as internationally. Yeah. But it’s also not evergreen people aren’t doing werewolf reenactments outside of Halloween. Or I guess if they were consistently, it would be kind of weird. I don’t know. It might be worth going to, but definitely worth going to. We’re going to plan that. We’re going to start planning just werewolf reenactments. Exactly. But, yeah. So that drew me to werewolves and looking at history in a different way, charting these things.

But I would say why more people haven’t gotten really interested in the history of werewolves, of the myth is how much does that, when we look in an academic, educational sense, how much have werewolves impacted us? And the answer is not a whole lot. Right? Not as much as nearly a bunch of other things. Right. And so that’s why it doesn’t get, I don’t think, talked about in traditional education.

But the werewolf, it finds its home in magic under that umbrella, whether it is a curse, whether it is something that a witch is doing to themselves. And later on, we get Christianity with the devil and all that, and all of a sudden becomes a pact with the devil to become this thing. But under the umbrella of shape shifting, all right? And a few things that make air werewolves interesting.

So we have all these stories and legends about them. And we even have serial killers, right, who have been caught, who have confessed to being a werewolf. We just had one already. There’s been one this year. I was looking the news earlier. There’s been one this year where somebody believed they were a werewolf, went next door, killed the neighbor. Just one? Yeah, just one person. Right. But there have been serial killers who did this.

Peter Stump was one of them and a whole list of them. And so that’s something to take into account here. And then, of course, we have the psychological explanation that this is a form of psychosis, a delusion. And I think that’s very interesting. So we have psychology, we have history and criminality all connecting together when we discuss the werewolf. And here I’m going to bring in my homie here.

This is Slick dissident. Welcome to the party. Hello. Yeah, we’re all thinking. So how are you doing then? Welcome aboard. We’re talking about werewolves. You were listening a little bit backstage there just to get out of the way. Go ahead and let people know who you are, where to find you, and we’ll keep going. Right on. How’s my audio? You guys hear me? Fine. Here you go. Great.

Okay, great. So my name is Gabe. My channel is Slick dissident. I also get down with one on one. You’ll find me over on Chance Garten’s interverse podcast on the Rock fin. Those are some of my haunts and I’m super excited about this topic. I’m so excited about this topic. It was almost exactly a year ago, Thomas, when we were rooting around in these similar veins of thought.

That’s right, the Book of Werewolves we did on the Occult Book club with Juan. Yes, I highly recommend that one. And some of the nuggets from that project have only gained more and more value and context that I’m really excited to share and unpack, man. It’s nice to meet you. Kristen. Hey, nice to meet you as well. Yeah, buddy. I’m your most recent subscriber. I just subscribed to your channel.

Thank you. I appreciate it. I want to get a little kickback on that, by the way, I want, like, 5% from whatever you get out of Gabe on this. And it’s interesting, Tristan, that you mentioned serial killers, because some people might just think, like, oh, what are these wild connections being drawn? But, man, especially Gabe, is good at sniffing out all those synchronicities. And the last time that we were just looking into werewolves, the Dahmer series was really interesting.

And it was getting all this extra media exposure. And just for whatever reasons, the same research we were doing in the werewolves started kind of combining with some of, like, the Dahmer research, specifically what would make an actual human being, even if they’re not really turning into werewolf. Like they think that they are or they want to, or they just change their mind that they have the urges that a werewolf would have.

And I’ll just cut right to the one that I found one of the most interesting, but that the want to eat another person or eat a raw animal. It’s like this glistening. And Dahmer was obsessed with the way that, I guess, organs glistened when blood was on them. And there’s a specific name for it. I’m not going to pull it up right now. It’s a specific name from being addicted to that glistening effect.

And it almost borders on erotic, sort of like a response that you can’t even control. And deep, deep down, I guess the explanation is that glistening, it’s like if you were left out into a desert and you needed to find a water source, that something is hardwired in your brain to be like, whatever that thing that’s glistening is, is good. Go towards it. Consume it. Eat it. And I don’t know how accurate all that is, but that was kind of like where we had left it off.

Yeah. Well, what is all of that? What is ripping people to shredS? What is eating people? Well, it’s inhuman, right? It’s not something that you or I or anybody really thinks themselves capable of. And therein is a possible explanation for a werewolf right there. Right. The wolf, right, was a serious predator before the advent of guns and firearms and killed hundreds and possibly even thousands a year in mainland Europe.

So it’s a good comparison for people. What could tear this person up? What could eat them? Well, humans don’t do that. People don’t do that. It had to be something else. Well, he could have done it, but the only way he could have done it is he wasn’t human. He was a wolf. Right. And the other interesting part is that when we look at a lot of these serial killers, these people, they know something’s wrong with them.

They know that they’re not normal. They know they’re off. And a lot of times they refer to something inside of them. That urge, right? And a lot of times they call that urge to do these things a beast or the devil or a demon or a wolf, a werewolf every now and then. So I think that it makes sense from our perspective, right, and certainly from ancient people’s perspective, right? And I think to the individuals committing the crimes, a lot of times they’ll feel they have a beast in them as well.

Yeah. One of my nuggets from our weave back then, because we’re moving into Halloween. So the setting is perfect. Halloween, Halloween time. There are so many archetypal indicators this time of year that tell us to be frightful or responsive to predatorial behavior. And one of which I just love is the leaves are coming off of the trees, which make for a landscape of skeletal figures. The trees themselves become skeletons in the season, that we respond to that by actually putting skeletons in the yard and spooky, scary things, all of which are invoking vulnerability and nakedness and shedding of the mortal coil.

And one thing I’m Tristan. I’m so excited to share with you, this is a wonderful truism, and it always has been, is that there is a wolf constellation in the heavens. Its name Is Lupus, and it Is in the Favorable spot. WE are in Its season right now. WE Are in Libra, which is the scales of justice and the weighing of the Heart ceremony. We’re going into the underworld.

Were you good this year? Are you going to get the treats? Right? There’s a Judgment that’s going on. It actually has to do with the Harvest. In Virgo is the time to bring in all the things out of the Garden, and now it’s time to store it and make your decisions now, because you got to make it all the way through the winter before you get vegetation again.

And we’re going to need to hunt when the fruits and vegetables run out. We’ll need to resort to Carnivorous behavior in time. And so it’s important to have good judgment right now to weigh your goods and your services and make your priorities right, because we’ve got six months before you can have things come up for free out of the Earth, and it’ll be a heavy price when you have to kill something to eat.

But right outside of Libra in the constellations is Lupus. That Constellation is being speared. It’s being stabbed by another Constellation, which is CenTaUrus, which you Guys were talking about, the Centaur and the MinoTaur in the Maze of the Minoans. And so the amazing riddle of the centauris is astrological, and it’s directly related to the only wolf in the sky. And so I think it’s fascinating that you guys went from the MinoTaur and the Minoans.

You literally walk down the SPear to The next subject in the sky, and that Is the WolF. What would be the One after that? Next will be the SCorpio and The SCorPion. As we go into November, we’re going to walk in onto the SCorPio, where iT’s BetRayAL and the KIss of BEtRAyAl, the Judas Kiss. So, Tristan, one thing I bring to the table, if you can’t tell already, is I have a star map locked in, loaded.

And I see a lot of academia looking back on Mythology with all this. Without a map, they’ve lost. What is the Fourth PillaR of the Quadrivium? We Know about the TRiviuM Is the ThREE, the Sacred ThrEe of learning. The quadrivium is the four. And the one that everybody thinks is superstitious or silliness or the things of children is astronomy and astrology. Back in the day, they were the same thing.

We’ve secularized the art into two different things. But for me, it’s kind of all one and the same. So I bring a star map to the table, which gives me, I think, a unique lens to the Greek thinking, the Greek way of thinking. And so when I hear these old philosophers, these old stories, and these myths, I am literally seeing, like a cheat sheet. I feel like I’m the bard.

And the bard, he’s, like, sitting there strumming the instrument, and everybody’s looking at him, and he’s looking up in the sky like he’s being dramatic or thoughtful, but actually he’s looking at the cheat sheet is the sky, is the heavens, and the stars and the dynamics, how they roll out. So that’s something I bring to the table. Speaking of the table here, I’m kind of sitting right, I guess, in the middle, almost as, like, an observer.

But I really want to figure out first if we can put some boundaries on what we would consider a werewolf, because, Tristan, you had a great example where you said, well, what a red Riding hood. Well, I don’t like if we were to define it and if we were getting into a very philosophical debate about it, which is not what I intend to do at all. But if we were getting that, I would be like, I don’t know.

I don’t know if I would consider the wolf from Little Red Riding Hood to be a werewolf, but I want to hear if you feel like that. It really does. And you have a good argument for it, because I want to know where the boundary is. At what point do we say, okay, that’s no longer a werewolf? What are the criteria, I guess? Well, early on, there wasn’t a ton of criteria.

Right? You could have a demon in the visage of a wolf. You could have a demon possessing a wolf and that was going around killing everybody. You could have a ghost that came back and was haunting in the visage of a wolf. Right. That happens with. I’m not going to go into detail on it, but there’s an early Greek story about that. One of the first, if you want, you can go in detail, man.

This is the time to do it. I want to hear it. Well, there is an instance of a lost Greek hero. We pull this. Yeah, please. I mean, if we’re going to do it, man, this is the time and place. Is the guy euthemas of Lokri One, the idea here being that it is a ghost of one of Odysseus’s sailors that got banished from the voyage and ended up there.

And the ghost is the haunting the people of Lokri and Ethymus casts out the man, the werewolf, the ghost thing, and it’s described as a man with very black skin who was dressed in wolf skin. And that is the explanation for it doesn’t say how euthemas got rid of the creature, only that he did. So that gives you an idea that they’re thinking about it in a lot of different ways.

Right. And the same thing with a witch. Right. Casting a spell upon his self or herself and becoming this, or using an amulet or a belt or a girdle and wrapping around themselves. And that allows them to transform or make a pack with the devil. But to answer your question, little Red rotting Hood, I don’t know. The wolf does have some human features, right? He can talk, he can speak English, which is unique to just us and the parrot and the Macaw.

So maybe he is in some ways a werewolf, a wolf man, since he can talk. Honestly, I don’t even know if I would count that criteria for werewolf. And unless it’s like in human form, you can talk, and then once you transition in the werewolf, maybe you can’t talk anymore, or if you can do both, I mean, that sounds even more impressive. Yeah. And I don’t think there are hard rules on it.

I don’t think every society kind of viewed it a little bit differently. We talk about how do you kill a werewolf, or how do you cure, like, anthropy. Any time period, any place, location on a map, they’re going to have a different answer for you. There’s so many different ones, I can’t tell you the most popular way to get rid of it because everybody had a different idea.

I want to get into that one specifically in a second. I want to know from Gabe if you’ve got any criteria. I’ll put some specific ones out and we can debate them a little bit. Yeah. What’s your criteria for a werewolf? This is a great question. I would say inexplicability has to have some aspect of mystery, like you guys were saying on the last show, like how Bigfoot always, he knows that you have a camera, so he knows when to shift in and out of dimensions.

As long as there’s inexplicable aspect. I think the werewolf is like a go to default explanation for why are my chickens disappearing? Well, it must be a wolf, because wolves are crafty, and it’s better to blame a wolf than to blame your neighbor. In fact, if it’s your neighbor, then you got to go through jurisdictions and go to court. You got to prove it. You got this burden.

So it’s actually like a default, just a simple, almost forgiveness. Just to be like, that’s the way of the world. Shit happens. So I think writing off a great amount of things to the wolf is kind of a stop gap measure so that you don’t go attacking your fellow man. Theoretically. I’m speaking from experience. I’ve seen some chickens going missing, and it turned out it was a close relative.

It was a bear. We found out it was the bear eating the chickens. I think that sometimes we need it to be nature so that we don’t go and accuse people carelessly. Do we count wolves as werewolves? I think so. I want to put a few things in context of these origins. In Germany, the Brothers Grimm stories, the word Grim says a lot. But Red Riding Hood, there was no hunter who came at the end and made everything better.

That’s Americanizing. That’s a late addition to the story. And in fact, the wolf wins all of the times. In all of the cases in Germany, when there is a wolf in the story, it actually ends bad. And there’s no savior who’s going to come and make everything okay. So one thing that I think is valuable about that, and even functional, is that these were children’s Stories. And these are ways that we terrified the children into obedience.

And I think that is, speaking as a father, that’s our job. It’s not a fun job, but it’s important that we put the fear of God in our child so that when they’re walking out in the street chasing the ball, we don’t have to run across the yard to save their life. We can do it with the command of our voice like that. In their knees go weak, and they almost collapse.

Because you can boom a command to the child and make them stop because they know better. And it’s classical conditioning, but it is also important. It’s a voiceless leash. It’s better than actually putting leash on your child. When you go to the grocery store, you just have. Your voice is programmed for them to respond in a way that saves their life when it needs to. What if they’re deaf? Deaf people are very acute to slight gestures.

You actually just go like that, and they know how to stop. They’re extra sensitive. I studied sign language. It’s amazing. If you were out in public, could you tell if, like, a dad was yelling at his kid in sign language versus just talking to him? Would it be like, totally. Did you like karate chops? Yeah. It’s even more articulate. Funny enough, the way the body language conveys even more, especially in the unhearing community.

So we’ve got a wide net cast, and I’m not going to rein it in. So we’ve got, on one end of the spectrum, ghosts or witches that turn themselves into a werewolf temporarily. And on the other end, we’ve just got a literal wolf. So I guess that that’s the gamut of what a werewolf might be, and I’m not going to try to redefine that. It sounds pretty accurate.

So what would be, like, the difference between a regular old wolf and a werewolf on that side of the spectrum? Like, we’re talking about the animal kingdom. It’s not anthropomorphic. What’s the werewolf version of that? I think once they get in either ancient or medieval times, I think once it gets to the point where they’re killing people and they’re doing it frequently, Then it crosses over into something supernatural.

That’s generally mentioned. And I was just reading malice malifacarum about what it had to say about werewolves and the werewolf. Was this a casual read? Heavens, that’s not a fun read. Keep it by the bedside. Go ahead. It’s not a good read, honestly. It’s fascinating. But so many people end up dying thanks to what’s in its. Its contents. But they were talking about that on the wolf and how that the devil could possess a wolf and cause it to do extraordinary things.

Right. We can’t catch the wolf. It’s killed three kids. We can’t catch it. We can’t find it. We don’t know where it is. The devil is aiding it somehow. Right. Or a witch’s spell is aiding it somehow. And so where you’re taking a regular wolf and then introduce magic or the power of the devil or whatever, and then all of a sudden, it crosses that threshold into a werewolf? For me.

Yeah. I like to point out how we still call them children’s Tales. Yeah. Even the term that we. I think so much of this, it is seeded in childhood. It’s implied while we’re malleable, while the soil is extra fertile. And then once we grow up, and we should have put those things away, they’re still in the subconscious regardless. I have a lot of examples, but one is, like, I now call him Darth Ventilator.

And in 2020 hindsight, the impactfulness of ventilators killing people calls back to the when the all time nemesis of humanity was it’s auditory. It’s not just visual. It actually is impactful. It’s seeded in our consciousness while we’re young. And so we’re that much more likely to overreact or have a more emotional unleveling when it’s unpacked. When we’re adults, it becomes overly serious, and that’s magnifying. These innocent tales become magnified so that the collective who consumed that altogether, we’re all on the same page when we hear about these scary nemesis from our childhood.

So, yeah, I just love that we still call them children’s tales. Right. I don’t know that they were ever really children’s tales or just chIldren’s tales when you think about it. We’ve kind of turned it into that. But I remember growing up reading Greek and Roman mythology, and they would consider it a kid’s tale, and it would be in. I’m reading about Perseus killing Medusa, and it’s a kid’s tale, and it’s like, what? When you grow up and you realize, like, that wasn’t meant for children, it’s being marketed as that.

And it was great reading as a kid. Right? Obviously, but not exactly for children. If you had to pick one version of a werewolf story that’s your favorite, that doesn’t have to be the most classic one, like, movie, book, whatever. Do you have one already in the chamber? And why is it Teen Wolf? No, I’m just kidding. For me, I think it’s the story of the origin story of the werewolf that we know of when it comes to writing of King Lacaon.

Right. And where the term lycanthropy comes from. And of these cannibals in Arcadia who were supposedly of the Nuri tribe of Scythia. Scythia who migrated into that region of Greece, set up their own kingdom under Lacan and engaged in cannibalism, specifically, usually of children. And depending on who was telling the story, the act of cannibalism would turn them into wolves. Right. Alternatively, those people were punished by Zeus and turned into werewolves because they committed that act.

It depends on. But that is the origin in writing of the werewolf and might go back further. I’m sure it does other places. I’m sure. But that’s the one we get in print. I think in some ways that’s my favorite, was the punishment there. I guess it’s your parents finding your cigarettes in your room where it’s like, oh, you want to smoke a cigarette? Smoke 40. Was that like, oh, you want to eat a kid? Well, now you’re just going to have to eat kids forever.

Yeah. He was talking about children’s stories and how they teach a lesson. Right? This is meant to teach a know. The Greek religion didn’t have a Bible where Jesus says this. Jesus says that. Or the Ten Commandments. Right. They weave their morality through their Stories. So when, like, Haon tries to sacrifice a child to Zeus and then eats it, Zeus smiting him is letting everybody know, do not sacrifice people.

Hey, we don’t like child sacrifice or we don’t like any kind of sacrifice and also don’t practice cannibalism. Right. So the story is teaching a lesson. I love the term leconic. It’s when you pack in a lot of information and just be as Curt and as stoic and monosyllabic as possible. I think a lot of this hails back to the Spartans. The symbol of the Spartans is an upside down V, which is an actual letter, but it’s a dog ear.

The dogs of war are still quite amongst us. Dow is the Dow Jones, the Dogs of War. These terms are dog whistle terms for those in the know. And so if you’ve been in the military, you know the value of being a Spartan like persona. You know the value. You just noticed I’m wearing a werewolf from military. That’s crazy. I didn’t do that. I swear I didn’t do that on purpose today.

Now, that’s what’s up. Now, this is again going back to the father being able to reach into your soul and freeze you with a single bark, with a single one word, one call. No. And you’re frozen, and that’s reaching deep down into your neural networks and putting you on pause, for good reason. But I believe that that V of the Spartan shield is also a dog’s ear because Spartans are trained to communicate very concisely and to not waste any mouth sounds with flowery speeches.

And so all of these things are still alive and well today. I love the term dog whistle. If you’ve read certain books, then somebody can be right in the middle of their speech and only use one word that is a trigger word, or it’s a compartmentalization of so much other information. But because you read Machiavelli, you know what vertu means, and they only have to use it in a certain context with a certain flavor, and it becomes like a dog whistle.

And I also talk about laser pointers, too. Sometimes these things are like, that makes cats want to chase or pursue. But I think that we still use this technology in really fun ways. Laconic comes to mind that a single syllable can convey so much information in history and still does to those who are in the know, like the military. Was that an intentional pun when you said that the drill instructor puts them on pause? Or was that just a natural pun that worked itself in? I have to know, buddy.

I don’t know anymore. Okay. What’s the difference? Right? That’s usually your answer. What’s the difference if it was essential or true? So true. Yeah. So, Tristan, that’s another thing I do. I am a punthist. Excellent. So, Gabe, do you have a favorite werewolf story or movie or. You said. You said it. You said Teen Wolf. I have to say that is probably the most prolific, most broadly distributed example.

We’re talking one, two or the cartoon series. Probably the cartoon. I think the cartoon had more airplay all around when I was a kid. But Teen Wolf, it hails to one of the essential aspects of Medusa’s story, as and without being too elaborate or over floral. When you’re a teen, you are going through a metamorphosis of extreme rapid fire potential. You have zits and pimples coming out. You got hairs growing in places.

You have urges that flare up and then die down inexplicably. 1 minute you’re on this kind of mentality and the next, you’re on the. So we’re extremely prone to change when we’re young, especially when the horror moans are kicking in. And that is exactly what sent Medusa into flight, was she was claimed to be more beautiful than even Athena. And one morning, and then she got down with Neptune in Athena’s temple, which was strike two.

And then one morning, she’s combing her hair in the mirror. That reflective element is very important. Whenever there’s a mirror in the story, many other layers of significance are being conveyed. But while she’s in the mirror, she notices her body is changing right in front of her own eyes, and it’s unexplainable. And now she’s no longer more beautiful than Athena. She can’t live up to her claims. She doesn’t know how to face humanity in this new body.

And she literally grows wings and flies out the window and flies south for the winter, so to say. But that is what happens when a woman is pregnant. She sees her curves are changing, her breasts are taking on new form, and she feels different inside, and it’s reflectable. Other people are going to notice. You can’t hide this stuff. And so that aspect of the human experience going through rapid change, I think, is harnessed by these stories and almost magnified and embellished to the extent that we’re like, no, that seems plausible.

That seems possible. That seems likely. And I want to just jump on this one right away because Tristan brought up that there’s so many different ways that you can kill a. Because I’ve heard the silver bullet, and then I can just imagine all the other ways. But what is it beyond the silver bullet? Everything from killing them to trying to. Because they didn’t always want to kill them.

That’s important. What are the exotic ones? I should say, because, I mean, all the ways that you could kill a person or a wolf, plus dot, dot, dot. I mean, cutting them to pieces. There was burning. Death by burning. That was popular during the werewolf hunts and the Renaissance. A lot of people don’t know this, but during the witch hunts, there was a werewolf hunt going on as well.

Not as large, but in the same places of Germany, France, and Switzerland. It would sound more badass. And like, hey, I killed a whole bunch of these old lady witches. And then some guy’s like, I just killed a werewolf. Yeah. And interesting. The people accused of being werewolves were almost always men. How to get rid of them. What are the exotic ways to kill them? I think that I covered it, but the exotic way, to me, is that they come up with recipes to try to heal them.

And I think that’s interesting. If you don’t mind, I’ll read from something. Yeah, please. I guess I’m so fascinated with all the ways that people wanted to kill werewolves. I never even considered that. But, yeah. Exorcisms is an obvious one, but they would do that. This is from Marcellus Sedites, which is. This is actually the first description of medical lycanthropy. And this is from the second century AD.

Men afflicted with the disease of so called lycanthropy go out into the night in the month of February and imitate wolves or dogs in all respects. They tend to hang out around tombs until daybreak. Their symptoms, they are pallid, their gaze is listless, their eyes are dry, and they cannot produce tears. You will observe that their eyes are sunken and their tongue is dry and they are unable to put on weight.

Let’s go to the actual cure here. Oh, yes. So they’re going to run the whole thing about the humors. Give him a bath using whey milk. Cleanse him for three days with gourd medicine. Repeat this second and third time, after intervals, after purifications, one should use the antidote to viper bites. So the implication there is that there has been a bite on the victim and treat it as you would a snake bite.

Yeah. Suck out the werewolf poison. Try using lotions to induce sleep as well. Yeah, but they’re treating it like it’s a medical condition, even by the second century AD, like they’re trying to attack it from that direction. And I don’t think sucking out the poison, but I think administering some kind of herb and their medicine was all over the place. Right. And I couldn’t tell you what it was because seemingly every doctor had a different cure.

And it was always convenient that it just happened to be like something that grew in that region, I’d assume something, yeah, they tried everything they could. What is it about silver? Because I guess to me, that’s the most exotic one still out of all that. Because chopping in the pieces and burning, that would work with a normal wolf, right? Or a normal person. But a normal person. The idea is like, if I shot them with a silver bullet and it just grazed them, then it wouldn’t be any different than a normal bullet and I had grazed them.

But if it hits a wolf all of a sudden, now that silver makes much more impact. And. Or the same thing is that if I were to shoot a wolf with a normal bullet, it wouldn’t do anything at all. So it’s something clearly obvious with the silver that’s doing something to the wolf to counteract it somehow. Holy metals or precious metals, salts, water, holy water. All these things going all the way back to Sumer.

And there’s always been these sorts of things attached to it. The silver probably having to do with the moon. The silver of the moon. Why does it have to do with the full moon? Well, because that’s when people would go outside at night. People like to be out at night and hang out and party. And why? Because it’s 100 degrees during the day. It’s Greece, after all. So it was a great time to go out on the full moon.

It’s bright, you can see, actually see where you’re walking, see what you’re doing. And that’s a lot of times people spend their night outside when they spent time outside would be on a full moon. Yeah. So I would say the silver and then something to do with the moon. And then I believe a goddess, around that time, something to do with the moon was attached to silver as well.

But I can’t remember specifics. Yeah, it was Diana was the goddess, some say. When I believe it was Tantalus, he had a feast for the gods and he fed human flesh to the gods. Some derivatives of that story say that it was Diana in particular who ate the flesh of that boy. Who. I forget the name, but Diana is the moon character. So it has consistency with the fact that there’s more cops on patrol on full moons.

The psych wards, they call in the backup on full moons. I’ve worked with children in halfway houses where we need extra security. And it is. It’s a real thing, which is funny because it’s not that the moon is any. Well, it is closer and further away on its own cycle, but it’s the same moon. It just has more light to is something. There always has been something magical about that, but it is, it’s Diana in some of the stories, who ate the flesh that made her go a little loopy? That’s the Scott Tennerman storyline.

I think that is some secret knowledge you have stumbled upon there. That is secret knowledge. And what I mean by that is, are we going to get guilt translated out of Latin to English? So you found it somewhere, but that’s really cool. I just stumbled upon it last week and was translated that verse from Latin into English with a great deal of agony because I’m not good at Latin.

But yeah, I just found out about this last week translating. I forget who was it. But anyway, from my book on the Celts, because just previously had been talking about, I believe, sacrifices the Celts were making. And then he goes in to talk about. Yeah, nice. Yeah. And I love pointing out Diana’s name in reverse is lot of. There’s a whole legacy lineage of what the Eniad means, meaning the nine, the magical square of the moon is a nine by nine square.

So, yeah, many much consistency going on. But I want to point out on the silver again with the mirror, with the reflectivity. And something that I do a lot is I read in reverse, because I find a lot of subconscious seeding goes on when you read words backwards. And so silver, if you allow the L to the R switch, which is a philological mechanism, it’s the fundamental. Silver becomes.

They zapped me. You’re good. Okay, looks like I got zapped. Silver becomes reverse. I do anagrams as well, so I take a lot of liberties with words. But silver and reverse are correlated. And even the river, the word river is palindrome. It goes in two directions. In Gematria, I believe, it’s septinary. The word river is five five five. So no matter which way you read river, numerically, it’s self reflective.

So for silver to be the element which, like you said, is the moon, it is reflective of the moon. Well, it’s elementally impeccable to hope that you can reverse the effects of the spell. So to use silver on somebody who’s gone off the path, you’re hoping to reverse the effects, but you’re also hoping to prevent their affliction, to keep it from getting on you or your loved ones.

And this has a lot to do with even the letter RX prescription. RX means prescription today in medical terminology. But that’s a glyph, that’s a sigil that originally. Again with the missing fourth pillar of the Quadrivium. Originally, RX meant retrograde. And this is planets like to retrograde. I call it the moonwalk. Michael Jackson’s moonwalk is a retrograde ritual that we all partook in walking backwards. Aside from the Moon, is there any other planetary importance when it comes to, like we also mentioned.

I think it was Tristan mentioned in February, they would come out. What was the importance of February in, you know, that’s just one Greek fellow saying that. And different people say different things. Were they like an all round thing? Like werewolves would just be January through December? Yeah, according to some. Otherwise it would be, hey, it only happens two nights a year. On these two specific things, they don’t specify what those nights are, but they got all sorts of different ideas and visions on what their concept of a werewolf is.

But I really like what you said a moment ago about the silver and its reflective. And in some ways, the werewolf has a reflection problem. Right. It is not what it appears to be. It has gone metamorphosis. It is human, yet it is masquerading as a wolf. So it could be interesting. Piercing it with its true reflection could turn it back into what it actually is. I love that.

Yeah. Anyway, I think that’s really cool. But with clinical lycanthropy, what they’ve shown is when they do studies of the brain and their brain, the section of the brain that constitutes where we form, of what our form is like, our body’s form is theirs is highly askew. There’s something wrong with it. They have an identity problem, more or less. They have psychosis, obviously, but there’s a problem with the part of their brain that conceives of their body.

Right. And what their body is. And, oh, I can stick my hand out here and I have this much range, and this is what my appearance is. All these things like that. That center of the brain regulates. It’s gone very amiss. And they can tell that in the studies. So when they bring in people with, like, can therapy that are barking and biting walls and just wild stuff, and they’re treating them, they can see in the brain scans that this section of their brain is amiss.

And what they identify and what they believe they are is a miss. So it goes. What you’re saying with the reflection and the silver and the true reflection and all that stuff, there’s much to be expounded on here. So body dysmorphia will be a very close cousin to gender dysphoria. And in a fascinating way, we are putting an entire generation of people in a position to just be one step away from believing they are something that they’re not.

And we’re condoning it publicly. This is a hot topic. A lot of people want to point some arrows and some spears at us for even suggesting that we’re putting children while they’re young in a one nudge away easy. We’re sponsored by Pfizer still, so you be careful. I do. I got to talk around this. I don’t want to lose my sponsorship. We are tiptoeing through the tulips. But isn’t that fascinating that it’s actually fostered, that it’s actually socially acceptable for people to think that they’re something, that they’re not encouraged.

So there’s a realistic version of this. Right? What about feral children? Would feral children be considered werewolves by today’s standards? And also in the past, did they used to call feral children werewolves? Not to my knowledge. In terms of children. They did say in some instances that a child could be born a werewolf, but I don’t know that they mean it in a feral way. We’re talking about Team Wolf again now, right? Yeah.

I don’t know about feral children. Feral adults. Yeah. That association off got made with people who are out in the woods. Generally speaking, during that time, if somebody was living off in the woods by themselves, they were probably not well, right? They were either a reject from society, they had been pushed out by society, or no longer lived to live with us humans. And a lot of times that would be due to mental illness, either crime, they committed some heinous act.

Get out. You slept with somebody’s daughter. You shouldn’t have. Get out. We’re not going to kill you, but you need to leave. Nowhere to go. Or it’s mental illness, but they be pushed from society, more or less. And those people would often get believed to be a demoniac or a possessed, right. Or in some cases, a werewolf. And even, I guess, weaving back in Gabe’s what seemed like a tangent on the Darth Vader reference.

But the werewolves in that context, remind me of the concept of the old hag, where it was also, coincidentally, very convenient to accuse the old people that were, like, reminding you of your mortality and needed extra help to get around and might have needed extra help during winter to kind of prepare themselves. So by kind of dehumanizing them and saying, well, they’re a witch and they’re practicing black magic, and that’s why they’re dying.

And they need all this help all the time. And the same, I guess, with a werewolf, like Gabe was saying before, if you just let the neighbor off the hook by saying, oh, maybe a wolf killed the chicken, that’s not using the silver bullet mirror to let them know, like, hey, I saw you. I know what you’re doing. You’re stealing, right? And there were many people during the werewolf hunts that were neighbors.

They were farmers, actually. And they’re like, my neighbor doesn’t like me. We’ve been getting into it about whose land is whose, and now three of my chickens are dead, looking like I got killed by a wolf. My neighbor is a werewolf, right? It happened, believe it or not, dude, if you were a lawyer presenting that in a case right now, and it’s, I don’t know, like 1300 or whatever, I’m sold.

Yeah, well, yeah, it’s pretty funny, or not funny, but looking back on it, it’s funny to see how ridiculous things could get at certain times in history. I got something on the February, and without going Too far in depth, this is actually a project I’m kind of cooking up right now. But February 2 is Groundhogs Day. Yes. And Groundhogs Day is thinking again, bro, you don’t even know this.

But before we even started recording, I asked Tristan what his favorite holiday because we’re getting close to Halloween. And he was like, no, I don’t care about Halloween, dude. Groundhogs Day is my favorite holiday. And he was being serious. He wasn’t just joking about it. Oh, buddy, buddy, we got to hang out. We got to hang out. I got a huge project that is just too much. I don’t want to.

All right, let’s rein it back in. What were you talking about? Groundhogs Day and werewolves. I want to see where this is going, then. So this is the legacy. This is the last remnant of socially acceptable reading of auguries. Now, the augury readers in Rome, they’re unelected. They’re not subject to anybody’s opinion or preference. They’re completely in a domain of command that is unchecked. In Rome, in Greece, even before.

Yeah, this is so hard to keep it narrow. Okay. But these are the practitioners of animal magnetism, and some of the language we use is still totally alive and well. It’s all over the place, but we keep it in this little paddock, narrow, confined space of what’s acceptable. So, yes, we’re looking at this Puxitani Phil, who’s 140 some years old, and he drinks an elixir of life to stay alive.

It’s the same one that five generations back was using. It’s very Masonic. They got those top hats that you love, Thomas. He doesn’t have a fez, though. That would have been even cooler if funk Sonny Phil had a fez. That would be cool. Maybe someday we’ll get. That’s why Groundhog is my favorite holiday, because I think it’s hilarious that this Groundhog has been put in the position of being an oracle.

And we are in the year 2023. Yes, my friend. Yes. I think this is great for you to. God, I really want to go in with you on. So. Okay, so the master of ceremonies in the augury Reader’s wing of the government. This is literally the mediA. This is why FOX News. That’s why there’s a peacock. That’s why they use animals as their logos. This is still alive and well, fellas.

I’m here to tell you, and we’re so obedient to these media, these go betweens that are going to tell us what’s to come. We’re still doing this. We’ve just desensitized ourselves to the language. So the master of ceremonies for the reader of Augeries, this is where the word president comes from. And what is the ceremony that makes the president the president? It’s called the inauguration. And the president is taking our votive offerings.

They’re not voted into office. Votes are something for the common man. They’re elected by these super delegates. It’s a whole nother go between. We know how it works. But that word president comes from augury readers and they consider us to be animals. And your votive offering is nothing more than a migration, a migration pattern, an indication of what you might prefer. We have completely watered down the augury reader process and today it is the elections.

I’m here to tell you, because they think of us as animals and they think that they can define future outcomes for the Dow dogs of war, to predict our behavior, to put puts and bids on what we’re going to do and what we’re not going to do. That’s Putin’s and Biden’s putting and biting. So these predictions of how you will respond to what the Medea tells you to do is still alive and well and they’re making big dollars off of it.

And so Puxitani fill in that ritual on February 2. That’s a two. Two. Very sacred number is a markation in the zodiac that is incredibly telling. And again, we’ve lost astronomy, we’ve lost this. We don’t have this key cipher right there at February 2, is we’re breaking into Aquarius. We’re leaving behind Capricorn. Capricorn is the fish, Goat. It’s also Medusa. She gets decapricorned. She loses her head in that moment.

And the next constellation over, once we’ve taken the head off of Medusa, is Pegasus, comes out of her neck. That is the next constellation. Once you move out of Capricorn, you’ve moved into Aquarius and you’re in Pegasus and you’re in the. It’s called the Groose, or. Let me think. Or is it the swan? There’s a swan and a goose. They’re all on the same line. The swan is like the dirty dark one, and then the swan is the heavenly clean white.

So it’s a ying and a yang, these two birds, but they’re in the same exact quadrant of the zodiac, if you know your stars. In all of this, animal magnetism and beastial behavior is markated by Perseus when he cuts the head off of Medusa. And Pegasus is born out of the head of Medusa. So it is a really essential markation of the light cycles of the year, of the annual myths.

We’ll say. We’ll just call it myths and mythology, but for werewolves to be common in February is really fascinating because there is a desperation. Again, remember, we’re done with the fall. We’ve eaten all of our stocks. We’ve eaten all the vegetables that we planted during the year, and now things are getting desperate. We don’t know if we’re going to make it until the next crop. And we might need to go steal our neighbor’s chicken.

We might need to eat something we wouldn’t normally eat. We might have to resort to food sources that we’re not comfortable with. And we have to make up stories and embellishments so that we can live with ourselves of what we might have done in February. Phil, seeing a shadow might turn you into a werewolf, but it also sounds like the real cure for being a werewolf might just be like a chicken pot pie and not a silver bullet.

Unless, I guess, you get into the serial killer aspect, and then I guess then there’s no real maybe you got to go back to the silver bullet. We’re kind of put in a position to have buyers remorse because we just had all these festivals and festivities where everybody brought all their foods together and we ate too much, and we actually put ourselves in a place of vulnerability, theoretically.

Back in the day, we’re thinking in an old time mentality. We just had all these festivals, and now it’s like, time to fast, time to not eat, time to regret what we did over the holidays. And did we tap our stocks? Did we empty the seller too much? And we’re going to have to dig in and eat things that we’d be shameful to admit. So I got another question.

When it comes to the modern day werewolf tale. Tristan, you mentioned the original universal Monsters werewolf. I don’t know what year that is. Was it like 30s or 50s or. I don’t even know. Was it 1941? Okay, so the black and white one that most people have maybe seen, like, late night, because it wasn’t super violent yet. They got violent as we went. So in that original, I guess, version that I’ll assume that most people, if you say werewolf, at least for me, that’s what come to mind.

Like a guy wearing a shirt, but he’s got fur and he’s got fangs and he’s got this obvious hybrid thing going on. Is there something from that particular archetype that’s missing that you could have added to it that would have reflected the traditional idea of werewolf more? No, I think because. No, I mean, ultimately, when we talk about mean from the very beginning with Lacan and the Greek stories in Arcadia all the way to now, the theme of a werewolf is mutilation.

It’s becoming something else and then it’s mutilation. Ultimately, that’s what the werewolf does. Right. And I think they really get that right in all of these modern films. Right. I can’t say they’re all good, but they get the core concept of it correct. And because there are so many different spins on it. Like the Romanians have their own idea, right? The Dachians, the pre Romanians, what they were called in, had their own completely new idea on it.

In fact, they believed the wolf was a good thing. They were warriors of the wolf and they would transform into wolves in order to go to war, to battle and stuff. And they were guardians, right? So everybody has had so many different ideas on what werewolves are over these last 2500 years at this point, written record in all these different locations that it’s really hard to say thAt, hey, they’re getting it wrong, because who’s to say what’s right and wrong anymore? Well, that’s going to be my next question.

Who got it right? You’d have to find a werewolf, capture them and then speak with them about know. And there are plenty of other. I mean, the Navajo had ideas of werewolves and essentially witches that would turn into werewolves and strike. And there were other. Pretty much anywhere, almost anywhere there is wolves. There is some sort of a tale involving transforming into one. I got to point out that Ovid was put in exile in Romania.

And allegedly that’s where his tail leaves off and soded. They’ve literally put a seed of metamorphosis. That’s his master work. So the seed of metamorphosis was implanted into Romania. And so I would say that they would be the authority on the situation as they inherited his blood. Supposedly there are those who still believe in vampires and werewolves in Transylvania. I wanted to ask too, just like there’s a lot of ways to end a werewolf.

The ways to begin a werewolf. So you mentioned that some could be, like, born a werewolf. I’ve heard. I mean, I guess the traditional Hollywood version is that all you have to do is get bit or scratched by a werewolf. Almost like zombie rules. And in that case, it seems like it takes the curse part out. Like, no longer are you being punished for eating human flesh. Now you’re being punished with the desire to do that.

Even if you were a good person before, which sort of deviates from the original stories. Even, like the Medusa story, it still kind of deviates a little bit from that. So, I mean, where do you think that comes in? And are there any other really specific ways that you can become a werewolf? Is it like if you say a certain word or cross a certain bridge? So there’s many.

Well, first of all, with where does the biting come in? We did see in the verse I read earlier about, which is from the second century AD, about treating the bite the same way you would with the medicine you use for snake bite. Right. So it implies there’s a bite. So it may be there that we get our first instance of a bite transforming someone into a wolf.

Kind of like a zombie thing. But there are a lot of different ways. There’s one passage I was just reading of earlier. This is from ancient Greece. Of somebody simply just taking their clothes off, putting it on the ground, walking around in a circle, peeing, and then they turn into a. Gabe, does that work? I feel like you’ve tried that in the story. They says it works. I have not done such a thing.

I have carpeting in my house. But that echoes very closely with a lot of the missing four one one stories. People’s clothes being folded up very nicely or intentionally or the opposite, turned perfectly inside out. And sometimes even collapse down on their shoes exactly as though they had evaporated in their clothes. Like, imagine your pants just dropping down on your shoes. As though you were extracted from existence.

That’s just fascinating. That that ritualistically has an echo with a lot of the four one one hints and allegations. I thought for sure you were going to chime in about the P angle of that. But also for anyone listening or even Tristan, if you haven’t heard of the missing four one one, it’s this coincidental disappearance of people. That overlaps with national parks and also perhaps cave systems. And it’s a huge favor of the Bigfoot community.

Where they’ll usually say that the missing four one one is like Bigfoot snatching people up? Yes. I used to live in a national forest, actually, I lived there until three months ago. And yeah, I heard things often. A lot of people, they come and they lived in the city their whole life, or they’re out of shape and then they don’t think things through or plan things out. And like, I’m going to go hiking in January and I’m going to bring.

And it doesn’t go well and then they have to run into any problems. I’ll just YouTube it while I’m out there. Yeah. And then you can’t because there’s no cell service and everything goes awry and they have to send people to try to find you and rescue. So that happened often where people just get lost or. Yeah. Are you familiar, Tristan, with David Palayat’s work? No. Okay. He’s the character who has accumulated this.

Essentially he has a list of ten criteria. He started off small with just a few cases, and it turned into something so large that he had to whittle it down to a list of ten common denominators. And those ten common denominators are the only things that he’ll pay attention to because he sees a modus operandi at work, a fingerprint, if you will, of commonalities that is fascinating beyond me telling you.

I highly recommend find what you can with it. But he has a secondary list that is more obscure, but he has enough data points that he had to make a secondary list. On the secondary list is a lot of genealogy that tracks back to Germany, specifically the black forests of Germany, which is a dog whistle to me because I happen to know about Umbaba and the story of Gilgamesh and Enkidu infiltrating the black Forest and fighting this witch.

And also Martin Heidegger in his little shack, his little hut in the Black Forest. There are all of these fascinating hints in innuendos to the politist work that only those who have read certain things will actually, their ears will perk up. And I’ll say this, that a lot of people don’t know. Four one one inceptionary is DNA. And so the missing link, the missing DNA, the missing genetic link is said to be some sort of whatever man animal, man beast, Sasquatch, whatever you want to call you.

Got it? So, yeah, on the subliminal level, when he says four one one, he’s also saying DNA, tribe of Dan. They’ve always tracking the tribe of Dan wherever they’re going. Got to track those footprints. So I also want to ask something that’ll just force you to speculate, no matter what. A little. I’ll. I’ll start with Tristan, and I’m going to hear from Gabe, too. We’ll just say, theoretically, you wake up tomorrow, or I guess at midnight hits and you transform into a werewolf.

What do you Do? Do you just go back inside and just put on TV and hope it passes? Or, like, do you if I have control or not? Let’s say you’ve got some control. Well, I guess if you’ve got some control, you also need a little bit of an urge to be a werewolf. Oh, gosh, I don’t know. That’s not a good thing. Would you just suppress it and stay inside? Would you call a doctor? Would you take video evidence? Would you start liking all of them? I don’t know.

You start calling professors up like, you were wrong. We were all wrong. Hey, remember, I was a student with yours all this time ago and blah, blah, blah, and you don’t happen to know anything about this? Thought has never occurred to me, I must say. And so I don’t know what I would do. It sounds like you’d end up eating friends and family then. Unfortunately, if you don’t have a backup plan, that’s kind of what happens here.

Yeah. Wasn’t prepared. That’s how they get. I’m already thinking, like, you go to a waffle house and you get yourself locked into their freezer overnight. The freezer overnight, that might be. And then there’s, like, sausage patties and stuff that could really hold you over if it got too out of control. I don’t think I would want to live as a monster, and so I would probably off myself, to be frank.

You could also do that at a waffle house, by the way. It wouldn’t be that hard. I’m sure it’s happened before, man. I would totally take justice into my own hands and think up the most productive kill list I can think of and find my way closer to the serial killer side of the spectrum. It sounds. I need two days to travel. I think I can get to Washington in two days.

If you give me two days and then I turn, we can work this out. This could be a productive. The. The whole aspect of turning back into a normal human again when the full moon goes away or once daybreak. There’s this weird overlap with vampires, although I don’t know if that was just, like, a common theme for all monsters or is there something specific about that? Vampires and werewolves, they’re similar in a way.

They fill several things right with the mutilation, with the cannibalism. Eating people versus drinking blood. A lot of people describe vampirism as a form of all on a liquid diet. Sorry, if you can do that for me, then we’re in business. Yeah. So the vampires are the liquid diet version of the werewolf. So there’s inherent similarities. Right. To them. It’s funny, too, because vegans also tend to have, like, paler skin and the sunken eyes.

The vegan versions. Yeah. We’ll have started a new werewolf hunt by the time this is over, but, yeah. So there’s different ways. Some of them in the Arcadian myths, which, with King Lacan, in order to turn themselves back human, they would need to abstain from eating human flesh for a period of nine years. If they could accomplish that, they would return back to their human form if they could avoid this temptation.

There are similar tales in Ireland of similar things. I believe the period is seven years. In that tale. Would they have to do that cold turkey, or can you wean yourself off of it over those years? No. If they tasted human flesh while in wolf form, they would remain a wolf forever, the cure could be turning back into human. And the Arcadian thing, one of it was they would swim across a swamp, and once they got to the other side, they’d be a wolf, and they lived that way for nine years.

And then they’d return, and they’d swim back to the other side of the swamp, and then they would return to their human form. Right. So there were various different ways, be it exorcisms, be it attempts at medicine, be it murder, to solve this problem. Lots of different cultures over time had a lot of different explanations. So, Tristan, some of the gems from our Dahmer dig that we did are still really valuable, I think you’ll enjoy.

So the Netflix was launching the Dahmer mind crop seeding. They’re cropseeding the thoughts of humanity with that Dahmer. It was launched in Libra, which again, is under the wolf. The Libra constellation is just right next to the lupus constellation with the spear going through the. So there’s this sense of communal catharsis that this bad guy is going to get his due comeuppance. But then Netflix puts this weird spin where they make him sexy and socially acceptable.

And then the kids. I actually have a friend’s son who does a Dahmer impression, and he thinks I’m going to be impressed or think it’s cool or condone it, and I’m like, buddy, I don’t think you got the message of what Dahmer was all about, man, I think you got a twisted version of the story, but that happened at a very fascinating time, in stride with Donald Trump was put on trial at the same time.

And I couldn’t help but symbolically correspond to them, to one another, partially because of the hair swoosh. They have the same silly, whatever hairdo. But that’s not all. There’s also this aspect of the wolf is in exile. Traditionally, the wolf is considered in exile. And I want to share some of the examples of this outcast, this outlaw. Outlaw. Again, if you were seeing in the stars, like I do, literally, the symbol of the law, the scales of justice.

The wolf is just off outside of the law. This is also Anubis. Anubis is holding the scales of justice when they weigh your heart as you go into the underworld, the weighing of the heart ceremony. So it’s very apropos for this alpha wolf, this alpha canine, to be in a position right next to the scales of justice. And so there is a phrase in English, common law. It is Kaput Gerrit Lupinem, and Kaput Gerrit Lupinem means, let him wear the wolf’s head.

And this is an all points bulletin announcement that they put onto the masses to tell all of the common folk that you are obligated to kill this motherfucker. And if you don’t kill him, then we’re going to consider you on his side. And it is so extreme, this program that they run on the populace, it is so extreme that they tell the people that if the wolf. If this outlaw, if this person who.

We’ve put an APB. That’s an apapple bull. All points bullet in. Bullet pointing in all points bulletin. To kill this person, it is so extreme that if they invade your home and they’ve taken over your house, you are obligated to burn your own house down. And that little fact of social engineering is still alive and well today. It has to do with the Third Amendment. Strangely enough, we still have people ready on command to respond to these orders.

If somebody invades your house under the pretext of color of law, sometimes men would be derelicts from their regiment. They would run away in a group, and they would all still look like soldiers. They’re still wearing certain colors, and they would actually go and invade houses while they’re in dereliction. But anyway, kaput. Garrett Lupinem is still alive and well. It’s still practiced in fascinating ways. But I want to highlight the.

Let him wear the wolf’s head. This is telling people to designate this person. It’s a command to designate them as a wolf and treat them as an alpha predator that needs to be killed ASAP, because Adolf means Wolf’s head. That Ed Wolf, in Norse, the word Olf, this is your olf factory senses, which is the most primordial sense going back to your instincts having, informing you on a level that you didn’t even know you were picking up on this olfactory sense.

So the word Adolf is the head wolf, or it also means noble wolf. And this history is in certain people’s blood. Some people are really responsive to this programming, epigenetically speaking. And so what is really wild is that might have been his name all along. It might have been seeded in his consciousness a little more substantially because of his genetics, because his name probably echoed to him even more so than to us with our English ear.

So he might have been more and more inclined to don the wolf’s head willingly. Right? And now a lot of folks should look into his hypnosis session. During the First World War, he was rendered blind from some sort of gas. It was psychosomatic. It was just because everybody else went blind. So he had to go to a hypnotist. And the hypnotist that he saw was one of two major hypnotists in that day was one of the leading, most accomplished hypnotists.

And he went in that room as a blind man. He came out able to see, and he had a God complex like none other when he came out of the hypnosis session. So the power of names, people take it totally for granted. Not on my watch. I’m not letting any names go unaccounted for. And so the power of his name had seeded him and prepared him for some sort of crazy, crazy God complex that the hypnotist might have tapped into.

And what did he name? His bunker was the Wolf’s Den. He literally named his layer, his layer of hate. Hate layer of the Wolf Den. And so philologically, there’s a lot going on behind the scenes in the unappreciated level of these words and these communications. But I just find it very fascinating that that was his name from birth. And it is the role that he put on, that he accepted, that he acquiesced to and fulfilled to the max.

And it’s also, it’s so fascinating that Hitler has both impact hit, but it also has hate. And who do we hate the most? People who we like to compare to that name? Well, there goes the hello, fresh sponsorship. Thanks for that. Also, that makes me think of the Wolf’s head as one of the secret societies alongside Yale, I believe, right next to scrolling key. That might be worth a little deep dive too, because the wolf’s head, maybe that’s also like we need.

Like we’re the ones that are going to go ahead and take that responsibility. It’s us that need to put on. Well, before I send you down into a whole tunnel, though, I don’t want to be a party pooper, but we’re going to start wrapping this up a little bit here so we can leave some cream on top for the next one. Yeah, we’re going to keep sticking. But first, let me just ask, is there anything we left on the table to Tristan when it comes to werewolves? And you were like, damn.

We talked about werewolves for an hour and a half and we didn’t mention X. What would that X be? Oh, yes. Oh, good one. Okay. Yes. If you’re watching this and you feel like you are a werewolf or becoming one or you’re having these types of urges, you should seek help, professional help. That’s the little. What’s the chance that someone might actually be a werewolf in your mind, what’s the actual chance, percentage wise? Well, I mean, if you’re talking about, like, somebody who believes they are one and is attacking people and stuff and barking.

Yeah, that’s real. A real one. So far I haven’t seen. I don’t have any evidence of something becoming. When it comes to animal, one animal becoming another or anything like that in nature. I would think not. So is that a 0%? Yes. All right, Gabe, what do we leave on the table? And I want to hear your percentage. Oh, man. Oh, man. Well, whether the percentage of the chance that somebody is a real werewolf.

Yeah. Right. In 2023, right now. Well, you hear a lot of words. I’m looking for numbers. I think it is important for people to experiment with substances that alter you in a very strategic manner. I think that don’t go your whole life never having drank, never having smoked, and then just do cocaine on the first fucking night because you’re going to think you’re a fucking werewolf. There’s a certain procedure, a process of working yourself into states of altered consciousness.

And I think that it’s important that people start with the PG before they go to the PG and then the PG 13, and then they get to the Triple XXX. So I think that a person who goes straight to cocaine on their first time they ever tried anything, they’re going to think you’re something. Be careful. Cocaine is also a sponsor of this show. We don’t want to start implying anything that’s going to offend them.

Yeah. And, you know, the same thing goes for those substances that are safe and secure. You be careful. The word safe and secure is an anagram for sacrifice. Anytime you want to say something, I’ll just hold up a visual, and then we can move on. Okay. You don’t have to Fauci on the. You don’t got to spell. That’s okay. I was like, who is that? Okay, Fauci is a thing.

Fauci. He’s wearing his mask. Maybe that’s why you didn’t. That’s really nice that you can take it off. You can put it on. That’s right. Yeah. He has an alternate persona. He can switch personas. The word persona is a word mask. I want to share this one. So I was studying the void notch manuscripts and the provenance, as one does, and sure enough, for a long time, it was held up in a library called.

I think it’s the library of Santa Gandolfo. And so I was like, Gandalf. It was at a library with the name Gandalf. So I had to look up the name Gandalf. And sure enough, the word Gandalf, which is very well known, it means Battle Wolf. And I think that is just fascinating. And we know that Tolkien, he was a linguistical ninja. He was on a whole nother level with language.

So when he named that character Gandalf, he was putting a dog whistle term for those who are in the linguistical, know that Gandalf also encodes Battle Wolf. And so in your studies, Tristan, every time you hear know, I want you to think about the Olf. And this Norse terminology, this unsung linguistical cousin of our German brothers. German means Brother Hermano. The G becomes soft. So the Germans are our linguistical brothers, and they have a cousin who they’re more familiar with than us, and it is the Norse language.

And so I just wanted to put that on your radar as you go through the research. That sound oath is still invoking the wolf. Thank you. This went into way more angles than I was expecting. We got some linguistics in here. We talked about trivium and Quadrivium. Who knew that all that was going to come up in an episode about werewolves and serial killers? So I want to pass it back to you, Gabe, to let people know where to find you.

What else you got going on? Yeah, man. Slick dissident shared learning experience has gone through a minor renovation. We are no longer a shared learning experience. I am now a shared artistic expression. And if you come over to my channel, I am having much more fun and much more free flow form of playfulness. He’s off the leash. Off the leash, buddy. You got it? Yeah. I spent a lot of time worrying about being right or being understood, and I think it’s overrated.

Being right and understood is way overrated. Totally. I can get so much more done if I just say what I got to say and let the cards land where they may. So I’ve also opened myself up to donations. I’ve got the cash app down below. Come give me some. Check me out on one on one every once in a while. And chance Garten with the interverse and the vibrance on Wednesdays.

We’re having good times over there. We’re doing Herb walks. It is highly informative. We’ve got a couple herbalists on hand and they’re going back and forth giving us a lot of these natural lost home remedies so people can get back to nature and we’re having a lot of fun with. Yeah. And then again, Tristan, you can take us out. Let us know where to find you again. Yeah.

So on YouTube, it’s just literally my name that you can see that. Tristan Irwin. And then I have a book coming out probably early next year called the Celtica. What’s the name of it? The Celtica. The Celtica. I love that name. That’s a great. Yeah, you missed out when we first started that. That’s what he’s working on now is a book about the Celts. So we’ve got a lot we can talk about on the next one.

Hopefully this was informative. Hopefully you guys had a good time. Gabe, I know you want to. Can we get a howl? You can do one too, if you want, Tristan, or you don’t have. Oh, all right, we got them. We’ve got some coming from the background, too. I don’t know if you heard it. All right, man. I’m going to take us out with a promo for my new comic book, which you can back right now.

And even if you’re watching this in the future, you can go to the same website and it’ll bring you to where you can get a copy. It is Frazzledripfunhouse. com Frazzledrip Funhouse enter, if you dare. The world of an animatronic bear whose metallic heart beats with a thirst for justice, a hunger for revenge. Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, connoisseurs of the macabre and seekers of the scandalous. Your voracious appetites for chilling narratives are about to be satiated by the heart stopping, pulse pounding creation of paranoid American and winged sun comics, abandoned in the dusty corners of amusement, now awoken in the murk of wickedness perpetrated by an evil elite.

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  • Paranoid American

    Paranoid American is the ingenious mind behind the Gematria Calculator on He is revered as one of the most trusted capos, possessing extensive knowledge in ancient religions, particularly the Phoenicians, as well as a profound understanding of occult magic. His prowess as a graphic designer is unparalleled, showcasing breathtaking creations through the power of AI. A warrior of truth, he has founded and, establishing himself as a true force to be reckoned with.

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