Tag Archives: alien gods

Gigi Young: The Esoteric Keys To Disclosure: Its a Genetic Modification Cult

The Esoteric Keys To Disclosure Its A Genetic Modification Cult -

The blog post delves into the controversial belief of the alien god cult, exploring its evolution and implications in today’s society. It warns against the dangerous paths that this cult may lead to, including eugenics and the manipulation of genetics. The post also highlights the connection between this belief system and esoteric Nazism, cautioning against its furtherance. Learn More – click

Eyes to See – Webb of Lies

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Hello All, Welcome to my “WEBB OF LIES” decode.  Here we examine and decode the latest space news from the people at NASA, and their latest discovery using the JAMES WEBB SPACE TELESCOPE. Link to article: CNN – James Webb Telescope discovers Earendel On the slide below we see the Headline for the article.  Notice […]

Eyes to See – Marvel’s Secret Invasion – Decode

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Hello All, Welcome to my Marvel – Secret Invasion – Decode.  This is one of Marvel’s newest shows, starring Samuel L Jackson as the main character, named Nick Fury.  We will see encoded within Marvel’s show, a biblical narrative being told and an inversion sold to the masses as entertainment. Let’s start off looking at […]


They Released The Kraken Black Goo - Truthmafia Podcast

Dont mind the time tonight at 9:30 pm est Prepare yourselves, truth seekers, for the mind-blowing revelation on the TruthMafia Podcast! We expose the sinister truth behind the release of “The Kraken” and the malevolent agenda hidden within the treacherous “black goo.” Dive deep into the rabbit hole with us as we unravel the web […]

Train Rituals!

Truthmafia-Train Rituals!

Pay close attention to the hidden messages in the phrase “Train Rituals” because it could be a cryptic code hinting at an impending nuclear event. The elites and secret societies often communicate through symbolic language, and “Train Rituals” could be their way of signaling their diabolical plans. The ritualistic nature of their actions suggests a […]


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