Tag Archives: tornadoes

Rare Tornado Spinning the ‘Wrong’ Direction Forms Over Oklahoma

Rare Tornado Spinning The 'Wrong' Direction

A tornado spinning in the wrong direction devastates in Tillman County, just across from Texas. Was this a once-in-a-lifetime event or evidence of weather modification? It struck on the anniversary of the Church of Satan’s birth, amidst the 13 days of satanic rituals. Are these elites controlling the weather? Tommy Truthful, writer and content creator, believes they are.

“Tornado Missouri: The New Madrid Fault Line and Twin Eclipses Connection”

Tornado Missouri

In the area where the twin eclipse is, tornadoes seem to be on the rise. Viral pictures show cracks forming along the New Madrid fault line, creating an X shape. Speculation abounds – is there a plan to split America down the middle? Will major tornadoes strike this area in connection to the eclipse? The mystery deepens as nature and celestial events converge.


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