Stargate Project: Unveiling Mars’ Enigma the Silent Sentinels Amidst the Storms

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Stargate Project:

By Tommy Truthful Inspired by @gigiyoung


“Mars Timeline and the Number 138: Delving into Archaix’s Theory of Phoenix Events—Did a Global Reset Erase Mars’ History?”

Phoenix Event 138 Video of me And Archaix  

138 Phoenix Number

“In Gigi’s video, she describes a remote viewer’s encounter with tall beings on the brink of extinction. Their world lay in ruins, but amidst the despair, a few set out in search of a new ‘Atlantis’.”

New Atlantis Equals 138 In English Ordinal Gematria.

Diving into the depths of cosmic contemplation, let’s ponder: if Mars isn’t just a distant planet but a manifestation of another timeline of humanity, a realm existing in a different dimension as Gigi explored in one of her episodes, could there be a trail of evidence indicating that human footprints once graced its reddish soil? Does this incarnation of humanity on Mars ever cross paths with our own? Much like Bowie’s question, does life find a haven in the enigmatic Martian landscapes? And intriguingly, whispers from the highest echelons seem to suggest an affirmative response.

Transporting us to a classified corridor of history, we uncover Project Stargate – a clandestine venture incubated within the CIA’s chambers during the 1970s. At its core, this initiative sought to unfurl the enigma of remote viewing, a practice that transcended the boundaries of conventional intelligence gathering. Guided by the luminaries Hal Puthoff and Russel Targ, and empowered by psychic prowess like that of Ingo Swan, Project Stargate stood upon two pillars: the mystical art of remote viewing, woven with psychic threads, and the data-centric tapestry of research.

Yet, let’s not overlook the historical tapestry that weaves through the ages. The utilization of mystics, oracles, and the spiritually attuned to decipher the threads of fate has adorned the annals of human civilization for eons. The sages who whispered counsel into the ears of leaders, the mystics who painted insights from the ethereal realms – their legacy runs deep. It’s only in the recent shadows of time that these envoys of mysticism found themselves concealed, obscured from the public stage.

Mars Mysteries: The Ones Who Sleep Through The Storms

In history’s grand tapestry, intriguing threads weave across epochs – Queen Elizabeth’s alliance with John Dee, Alexander the Great’s desert odyssey to consult the oracle at Siwa, and the Pythia of Delphi whispering counsel to Greece’s leaders. The vestal virgins, guardians of the Roman realm, lent their spiritual sustenance. Jane Dixon guided President Nixon, and psychic warfare threads through the chambers of governments worldwide. While perceptions shift, these practices persist, veiled by secrecy and thriving underground.

Yet, peel back the veneer, and you unearth a deeper narrative. The truth remains, shrouded by the value of insights obtained through these channels and the powerful veil that shields them. Elites, bathed in esoteric illumination, stand apart, while the masses linger in obscurity.

In the realm of modernity, programs like Stargate may seem like wild escapades in mainstream portrayals, but the reality is the modernization of ancient worship and spiritual artistry. Our age is marked by the scientific oracle – a calculated approach, a deliberate mechanization. Enter the Stanford Research Institute and the Monroe Institute, architects of this contemporary evolution. Their mission? To update the oracle’s role, injecting a scientific rigor. In a structured psychic science where the envelope holds coordinates or cryptic information, the psychics deploy specialized protocols to glean mystic data from the unseen.

We stand at the crossroads of history and progress, where ancient echoes meet the pulse of modern science. The curtain is drawn, revealing the ancient oracle’s scientific rebirth.

Unveiling Mars' Enigma:

And circling back to our central theme, let’s delve into the intriguing corridors of Project Stargate. Within its enigmatic scope lay a mission to remote view none other than the planet Mars. A mesmerizing session unfurled on May 22, 1984. The focal point of this psychic voyage? The crimson orb we know as Mars. The hands of time wound back to approximately 1 million B.C. And what piqued their psychic curiosity were 7 distinct locales scattered across the Martian landscapes. You can read through the declassified document yourself here, or watch the video here.

Intriguing revelations emerge from this profound remote viewing session, casting light upon a forgotten epoch. Mars, it appears, was once graced by the footprints of an advanced civilization. A society boasting megaliths, intricate technologies, and even towering beings. The stage they inhabited painted a picture of marvels, intricacies, and uncharted boundaries.

As the story unfolds, we discern the signs of their struggle – a civilization on the precipice of decline, seeking refuge in the stars. Their eyes turned skyward, yearning for a new home to avert their impending demise.

The tale deepens with a revelation bound in Joe McMoneagle’s book, “Mind Trek.” A hidden thread binds him to that remote viewing session – the enigmatic partner in this psychic odyssey was none other than Robert Monroe, an architect of the Monroe Institute and its Hemi-Sync technologies. A synchronicity that wove them together in this cosmic exploration.

Yet, intrigue deepens as McMoneagle divulges details beyond the pages of the CIA file. Within his narrative, a fascinating twist emerges. As his psychic senses traversed time and space, he found himself amidst a tapestry of humanity, but one seemingly displaced in time. The people he encountered didn’t appear as alien entities but rather, as a mirror reflecting a “one step removed” version of ourselves. His vision traversed the realm of the Akashic records, a realm where the boundaries of reality and mysticism blur.

In the hushed chambers of esoteric teachings, we find a tantalizing clue. A revelation that whispers – the planetary spheres, like our own Earth, hum with life, just in a slightly different dimension. A chorus of beings exist, their existence dancing on the edge of our perception. The implication? A psychic communion that beckons if we attune ourselves to their frequency.

Earth Mars -

Fascinatingly, within the intriguing conversation, the interviewer ventures into uncharted territories, raising queries about the Mars civilization’s potential use of atomic bombs and the consequences they faced. Joe’s perspective, however, paints a different canvas. He doesn’t attribute their decline to the explosive aftermath of atomic technology. Instead, he leans towards a more cosmic narrative, suggesting that their world’s decay was a product of natural forces at play, a cosmic ballet of sorts.

It’s a story of a planet on the brink, its condition so deteriorated that surface life became untenable. The denizens of Mars took refuge beneath the surface, navigating through epochs of colossal, desiccated storms that swept their world. In the face of such turmoil, hibernation emerged as their survival strategy, a slumber through the tempest.

As Joe’s consciousness traversed this ethereal tapestry, he found himself amid an environment reminiscent of ancient Egypt – or a civilization akin to its mystique. Yet, in this interplay of dimensions, everything took on an amplified scale, a grandeur that dwarfed our earthly proportions. The structures, the beings – they beckoned to him from the veil of time and space.

Capturing these visions with the artistry of his mind, Joe translated the mystic vistas into tangible forms. A testament to the power of psychic exploration, these drawings echoed a forgotten world that resided beyond the veil.

In the realm of perception and imagination, where cosmic narratives meld with human introspection, Joe’s voyage leaves an indelible mark, a testament to the journeys we embark upon beyond the confines of reality.


The CIA joined hands with the Monroe Institute and Stanford Research Institute, embarking on an enigmatic journey through time and space with Mars as their celestial compass. Their focus? The enigmatic Cydonia region – a realm adorned with the enigmatic Martian face, pyramids, and peculiar constructs crafted by an unknown hand. It’s a narrative that threads through time, fixating on a bygone era over a million years ago, when humans may have graced the Martian landscapes.

Curiously, to the public eye, these mysteries linger as enigmatic curiosities, relegated to the sidelines of explanation. Yet, ponder this – if a government dedicates its resources to this enigma, is it not a clarion call for humanity to pay heed?

Stepping into the folds of the cosmic curtain, a cascade of queries surges forth. What secrets lie nestled within the corridors of advanced technology? Does the clandestine exploration endure, unearthing more chapters of Mars’ history? And what revelations will unfurl, casting light upon Mars’ untold narrative? The pieces of this cryptic puzzle are scattered, awaiting assembly.

As fragments of truth tiptoe into the light, one question lingers – Was the release of this knowledge strategic, a subtle whisper of greater revelations? Could it be that humanity stands on the precipice of a cosmic and spiritual awakening, an unveiling of truths that transcend the bounds of the known?

The cosmos holds its secrets close, but the threads of curiosity and exploration unravel them, one enigma at a time.

With the spirit of cosmic inquiry, Tommy Truthful.

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  • Tommy Truthful

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