The Hidden Message Behind the Painting of King Charles Numb3rs Dont Li3
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➡ The speaker dislikes the painting intensely and doesn’t want to spend much time discussing it. They promise a new video will be released soon.
Do you regard black magic as being purely fictitious, or is there some truth in it? Some truth. 100% truth. There is nothing fictitious about black magic, in any way, whatever. It is a fact. It is a fact which has existed for several thousand years. I mean, when we talk about black magic, we are talking about Satanism, necromancy, alchemy, witchcraft, worship of Satanism… Yo yo, welcome back to another video everybody. This is just going to be a quick one regarding the new painting of Charles, because I’ve been getting tons of messages asking me about what I think and my opinion and, you know, my take on it, so I’m just going to make this very, very brief video and just let you know what I think, get straight to the point, bang, no time wasted, alright? So we all know, or I hope we all know by now, that the British royal family, along with all other royal families but, for the sake of this video, we’re talking about the British royal family.
They are not human beings. Now, this is a topic that many researchers have delved into over the years and it’s a topic that we’ve discussed many times on this channel and I’ve shown you pictures of members of the royal family shifting with folk tongues, slit eyes, purple hands and I’m also pretty sure that I’m the first person to ever find this four-way match which is the British royal family and reptilians in human form which honestly just speaks volumes when you know the correspondences of geometry and you know how deep these numbers really go.
This is incredibly telling. So, British royal family, all reptilians, okay? So, now we have this painting that’s come out, everybody’s losing their shit because, let’s be honest here, it does look a little suspect, alright? Even before we start decoding it and flipping it and mirroring it, it’s just an unsettling image let’s be honest, it really is, it doesn’t give me good vibes when I look at it. Now, the colour palette has really been making people scratch their head, I suppose, you know? All the reds and the flames and just how intense the image looks.
The general consensus of the public so far on that colour choice has been that the paltry has chosen to use that colour because of the red military uniform and it reflects his role as, when I say his, I mean Charles, it reflects Charles’ role as a regimental colonel in the Welsh Guards. So, these garments influenced the artist’s decision to use this fiery palette and it’s proved somewhat divisive, to say the least. Now, that’s fine, all sounds good in everything, right? But, like I said, let’s not act like everything about this painting isn’t suspect as fuck.
And then you go and you take a look at the artist, Jonathan Yeo. Oh, however you say his name, I’m not even sure. If you go and look at his other work, yeah, it makes me feel uneasy. I’m sure it’ll make you feel uneasy as well. I’m just going to flick a few of them on the screen now. His paintings are just damn right fucking weird, if I’m being honest. It gives me a real pizzagate feeling to them. Yeah, I can almost guarantee that the Podesta’s have probably got one of these guys’ paintings in their house, yeah? That’s the type of energy I get off these images.
So, I’m not really surprised that he was picked to, you know, produce this painting of Charles. Right, so if this red isn’t about the Welsh Guard uniform, which I can assure you now it’s not, what is it? So, again, a common consensus. Most people I’ve seen talking about this and most people that I’ve spoken to believe that it’s Charles standing in the middle of hell presenting himself as the king of this infernal space. Standing amongst all the flames, you know, as the king of hell, pretty much. You know, and that does make sense.
I’m sure there is an element of that there. However, I don’t necessarily think that that is supposed to be flames. I personally think that that’s Charles standing in a fountain, standing in a room full, a waterfall, whatever you want to pick. It’s essentially a waterfall of blood having a nice little adrenochrome shower, yeah? Now, what makes me say this? Well, obviously the monarch butterfly. And I know people are going to say that the reason there’s a monarch butterfly is because he’s literally a monarch and it represents royalty and the royal bloodline and yada yada yada yada.
I’m not trying to hear all that shit. I’m going to be totally honest with you. I’ve been studying this for way too long. I know that the monarch butterfly doesn’t mean that. And one of the main reasons that I know that is because the monarch butterfly pops up literally everywhere, all over the place, in all types of media and entertainment. This symbolism is not reserved for the royal families of our world because it doesn’t actually represent a monarch’s bloodline. It represents monarch programming, SRA, MKUltra, all that stuff. This is what this is all tied up with.
Okay? Which, again, ties directly into this fountain of blood that I think Charles is standing in. Now, SRA is used for a myriad of reasons. From my research, the main two are being to fracture children and to produce a adrenochrome. And you know what put them now in the coffin for this, for me? Let me show you this article I found. It states, and I quote, King Charles hid a poignant symbol in the new portrait for school children. Guess which symbol he put in there for the school children, guys? Of course it’s the fucking monarch butterfly.
Now, look at this extract. I’m going to read it. This is from the news story. I’ll put the link in the comments, in the descriptions. King Charles requested a subtle poignant detail to be added to his new portrait when he asked to think of a message for future generations. The new portrait by British artist Jonathan Yeo features the king in the uniform of the Welsh guards against a red backdrop with a single butterfly appearing to land on his shoulder. This detail was the king’s idea, which he thought of when asked to think of a clue to sum up his reign for school children in the future.
A clue to sum up his reign, and he chose a monarch butterfly. Are you taking the piss? Yeah, we don’t need a clue, mate. We know what goes on under that palace. You don’t need to leave us a clue. We know what you do to these babies and these children. I mean, this, this, this, this is what I call an absolute piss take. And it is directed at people like me and you who are symbol literate and know this stuff. This is a direct fuck you to people like us. The detail was the king’s idea, which he thought of when asked to think of a clue to sum up his reign for school children in the future.
And he chooses a monarch butterfly. One of the leading motif images of SRA and programming and MK and mind control in the 21st century, along with the rainbow. One more thing to add. Remember in my previous videos, I’ve shown you all lots of different hidden images that have been snuck into works of art and just secret images in modern culture. I recently showed you that if you flip up the dollar bill and reflect it, there’s literally a reptilian in the middle of the dollar bill. I’ve also shown you the images before by Da Vinci, where we see the alien faces in both Mona Lisa and his image of, ironically, the Baphomet, John the Baptist, which has an alien face in the middle.
And you know why I’m calling John the Baptist a Baphomet if you’ve seen my rights of Baphy video. Now, lo and behold, if you reflect this painting and do some turning, we can see the real entity that is being presented in this image, which is, of course, Baphomet. I mean, what are the chances, honestly? Now, there’s a few things I need to say about this. Firstly, if you follow Penny Bradley in our work, you will know that Baphomet is a reptilian. Not only is he a reptilian, but up until quite recently, he was the one in charge of all the adrenochrome rituals.
You know, think of Baphomet like a galactic drug lord and his product is adrenochrome. I’m going to leave a link in the description, which is an interview with Penny where she discusses this business with Baphomet and, you know, his role and what he’s been doing on Earth and what actually the repercussions were for that. So please go listen to that video because it’s very interesting. So, yeah, we have the face of Baphomet in the middle of what looks to be like some kind of blood fountain with a monarch butterfly on Charles’s shoulder. Connect the dots, people.
Who do you think King Charles represents here on Earth? What entity do you think he’s in cahoots with? You know, what a fucking surprise. A close friend of Jimmy Savile is literally a demonologist. Become symbol literate, guys. It will help you out, believe me. I’m not going to go on about this painting because I don’t want to give it too much of my time because it fucking disgusts me if I’m going to be perfectly honest with you. New video will be out soon. [tr:trw].