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The Land of the Giant gods The ancient ones

By: Truth Mafia
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5G Danger

Giant gods The ancient ones

Have you ever wondered about the existence of Giants? It may sound far-fetched, but there are intriguing pieces of evidence to consider. According to some claims, the Smithsonian has hidden fossils of Giants, and there are even newspaper clippings to support this theory. Additionally, there are intriguing connections with biblical references and numerology, suggesting the possibility that these Giants could come from a parallel dimension called dimension X.

According to historical accounts, the Nephilim, an ancient race of Giants, was created when fallen angels, who stood over 15 feet tall, bred with human women. It is believed that these fallen angels from Dimension X hold significant power, CERN is being used to summon them. the purpose behind the creation of the Internet in the 90s at CERN was to establish communication with these inner-dimensional, fallen angelic entities.

As technology has advanced, these entities are using the D-wave quantum computer created by Gordy Rose to tap into our reality and harness the energy we emit through our daily interactions with phones, computers, and TV. Some believe that humans are unknowingly sacrificing their soul energy to these entities, which are fed by our technological activities and connected with dimension X.

It is said that the elite has made a pact with these entities, deceived into thinking that by freeing them, they will receive life-extension technology and ascend to the status of gods. However, it’s not the first time humanity has been tricked and manipulated in this manner.

The Land Of The Giants

Giant Gods The Ancient Ones

King James Holy Bible
(Genesis 6:4)
There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.”

Rh Negative Bloodlines~ The Nephilim &Amp; Anunnaki Link

King James Holy Bible
(Deuteronomy 1:28)
“Whither shall we go up? our brethren have discouraged our hearts,
saying, The people is greater and taller than we;
the cities are great and walled up to heaven;
and moreover, we have seen the sons of the Anakims there”.

Okay, so imagine this: Some people believe that there’s a special place in space called Nibiru. But instead of being a planet, they say it’s a whole different dimension called dimension X, connected to a magical eight-pointed star. In the past, ancient stories talked about this star opening up in the sky, and big giants would come through it! The Star of Inanna Connected to Nibiru and Cern

Now, there are folks who think that right now, scientists at CERN are trying to open a portal to this dimension. They’re hoping to get technology and live longer, but there’s a catch. Those giants from dimension X might actually want to come here and cause trouble for us, even enslave us! And the tricky part is, it seems like this has happened before in history, but we keep forgetting and letting it happen again. They say there’s even a connection between the numbers that represent Nibiru and giants, like a secret code!

Giant Gods The Ancient Ones

During an ancient conflict between Native Americans and a race of red-haired giants, tribes united for the first time in history to embark on a monumental undertaking: the hunting of these colossal beings, ultimately leading to their extinction. This remarkable tale of unity and triumph serves as a testament to the resilience and spirit of the Native American tribes.

Giant Gods The Ancient Ones

There are numerous intriguing Native American tales surrounding ancient cannibalistic giant gods emerging from the inner Earth. These giants would prey on the children of the indigenous tribes, sparking a united effort to hunt them down and nearly wiping them out. Legend has it that these monstrous beings arrived in America thousands and thousands of years ago following a great cataclysm, possibly linked to the descendants of Atlantis. Similar stories about giants can be found in the accounts of the Anunnaki and even in the Bible, where Genesis 6:4 mentions fallen angels mating with mortal women, resulting in the birth of the Nephilim.

Interestingly, human sacrifice was a common thread among these cultures, as they sought to appease these colossal deities. The concept of placating these gods through ancient rituals, as depicted in the movie “The Cabin in the Woods,” is reminiscent of the beliefs held by ancient civilizations.

This brings to mind the words of Gordy Rose, the creator of the D-Wave quantum computer, who intriguingly mentioned the summoning of these ancient beings, referring to them as the Lovecraftian Old Ones.


Evidence Of Giant People

The Smithsonian has been accused of deliberately concealing evidence of the existence of ancient giants. During an interview with JayDreamerZ on the plasma apocalypse, he mentioned that giants once roamed the earth when a vapor canopy covered our planet.

Astonishingly, this is one of the most well-kept secrets in human history. It appears that every time humanity starts to awaken and understand what’s truly happening, global resets, also known as the plasma apocalypse or Phoenix events, occur.

It almost seems like a deliberate strategy to reset our civilization back to the Stone Age, erasing our progress. Some speculate that fallen angelic technology might be involved. Intriguingly, there is an abundance of evidence suggesting that our government is in contact with these elusive entities.

Archaix and Logan from decode your reality even discussed underground aliens who are believed to orchestrate these global resets.

Maximus Thrax, a legendary Roman emperor, stood tall at an incredible height of 8 feet and 6 inches. His towering presence reverberated through history, leaving an indelible mark on the annals of time. This astonishing fact about Maximus Thrax highlights both his extraordinary physical stature and his captivating journey as a leader.

Nephilim Giants

I stumbled upon some fascinating news articles during my extensive research. These articles talk about giant skeletons discovered in a hidden cave in Mexico, providing intriguing evidence of an ancient race of giants. Surprisingly, this information has been suppressed and almost obliterated from the records. It truly took me a great deal of effort to uncover these captivating stories.

Nephilim Giants

There is a fascinating legend within the Hopi tribe that speaks of the snake people, who supposedly bestowed magical knowledge upon them and revealed the secrets of accessing the inner Earth through mystical portals. According to the tale, when these portals were opened, it unleashed a horde of cannibalistic Giants. It’s intriguing to notice the recurring motif of the 8-pointed star appearing in the sky, signaling the arrival of these colossal creatures. It leaves us pondering why various cultures with sacrificial practices also feature legends of these flesh-devouring giants. As for the movie displaying this concept, “Cabin in the Woods” depicted a scenario where sacrifices were made to appease the ancient ones and prevent their return. The ancient ones, described as towering beings measuring 30 to 60 feet in height, truly embody the notion of genuine Giants.

Nephilim Giants

Giants in a Kentucky Cave. It seems that many of these mysterious beings not only inhabit these caves but also reside deep within the inner Earth. It’s truly remarkable to ponder the possibility that they might still be present today!

Nephilim Giants

RH Negative Bloodlines~ The Nephilim & Anunnaki Link

Throughout my life, I’ve embarked on a journey of self-discovery and acceptance. I’ve always felt different, but after much introspection, I came to realize that what I once saw as a lifelong curse is, in fact, an extraordinary blessing. You see, I possess a rare gift known as Rh- blood—a unique protein found in only 15% of the global population. Embracing my true identity has taken me 47 long years, and yet, there is still so much to uncover and explore about the enigmatic Rh Factor. I am RH Null the Golden Blood.

Intriguingly, the scientific community, along with archaeologists and scholars alike, are all engaged in an exhilarating race to unravel the mysteries surrounding the inheritance of the Rh- blood protein. Many questions arise—could it be linked to the bloodline of the Gods, as questioned by numerous individuals? Could it be connected to the Nephilim mentioned in biblical stories? And what about the prominent royal families throughout history, who have staunchly advocated for pure-bred, Rh- blue blood? Some even suggest a superior race.

In a world where every step brings us closer to unveiling the truth, I find myself immersed in a captivating narrative that is both unique and spellbinding. The story of Rh- blood and its profound implications on our past, present, and potentially our future continues to unfold—capturing the imagination and curiosity of those who dare to delve into its depths.

Long ago, when men started to multiply on Earth, daughters were born to them. At that time, the sons of God took notice of these fair daughters of men, choosing them as their wives. During those days, giants existed on Earth. Even after that, when the sons of God mingled with mortal women and bore children, those children became mighty men of old, renowned for their strength and power.

In the original Hebrew, these giants and mighty men were known as Nephilim, a term derived from “naphal,” meaning “to fall.” This suggests that these beings, born from unholy unions between divine sons of God (angelic beings) and mortal daughters of men (human females), could be better translated as “the fallen ones.”

Although the Genesis narrative briefly mentions the giant Nephilim, they became objects of fascination in later apocalyptic literature, particularly in the Book of Enoch, which didn’t make it into the Bible. In that text, a group of desirous angels conspires to lie with human women, resulting in the birth of a race of giants who wreak havoc on God’s creation. Ultimately, God had to send a flood to cleanse the Earth completely.

Rh Negative Bloodlines~ The Nephilim &Amp; Anunnaki Link

In the fascinating realm of ancient mythology, tales of extraordinary beings known as god-human hybrids emerge. These incredible creatures, born from the union of gods and mortal women, possessed immense size, strength, and power. Legends recount Zeus, the mighty deity from Greek mythology, siring the renowned hero Heracles (or Hercules to the Romans) through a passionate affair with the alluring Alcmene.

These demi-god figures, widely recognized by readers of the Hebrew Bible and the Old Testament, were the illustrious “mighty men of old” and “men of renown” mentioned in Genesis. Although the Genesis account barely scratches the surface, these beings, referred to as the Nephilim, have an intriguing origin story.

“They possess superhuman attributes because they embody a blend of celestial beings meant for the heavens and earthly beings destined for our world,” explains Kevin Sullivan, an esteemed religion professor at Illinois Wesleyan University. “The Nephilim exist as a unique hybrid, roaming the Earth in a peculiar state.”

Ancient literature throughout the Near East and the Mediterranean teems with similar narratives, offering glimpses into the enthralling encounters between gods and humans. Scholars theorize that the Genesis account of the Nephilim could either be a condensed version of a more extensive narrative or a tale so entrenched in the ancient cultural fabric that its full rendition seemed unnecessary to its authors.

Unlocking the mysteries of these god-human hybrids sheds light on a captivating side of ancient history, presenting a revealing tapestry of divine connections and mortal affairs.

Have You Heard About The Intriguing Watchers? The Nephilim, Briefly Mentioned In The Three-Verse Genesis Account, Leave Us Curious About The Forbidden Unions Between The &Quot;Sons Of God&Quot; And The &Quot;Daughters Of Men&Quot;. However, Jewish Writers Later Enriched The Story, Introducing A Captivating Twist With A Group Of Rebellious And Sinful Angels Known As &Quot;The Watchers&Quot;. Their Addition Adds Depth And Intrigue To This Fascinating Tale.

Have you heard about the intriguing Watchers? The Nephilim, briefly mentioned in the three-verse Genesis account, leave us curious about the forbidden unions between the “sons of God” and the “daughters of men”. However, Jewish writers later enriched the story, introducing a captivating twist with a group of rebellious and sinful angels known as “the Watchers”. Their addition adds depth and intrigue to this fascinating tale.

Rh Negative Bloodlines~ The Nephilim &Amp; Anunnaki Link

In the fascinating text known as the “Book of Enoch,” believed to be written between 300 and 200 B.C.E., an intriguing tale unfolds. Here, a group of 200 angels, led by the captivating angel Semjaza (or Samyaza), conspire to take wives from the daughters of men. These women are described as “beautiful and comely,” tempting the angels despite their awareness that such actions are deemed a “great sin.” Determined to see their plan through, the angels make a pact and prepare to face the repercussions together.

Interestingly, these rebellious angels are referred to as “iyrin” in Aramaic, a term derived from the word meaning “awake.” Some translations even go as far as calling them “the awakened ones,” adding an intriguing layer to their identity. However, more commonly, they are known as “the Watchers,” a name rooted in their original purpose as vigilant guardians entrusted with watching over humanity. It is worth noting that even the faithful angels are later referred to as Watchers in subsequent portions of The Book of Enoch, but the term predominantly resonates with the less virtuous characters of the story.

Do you recall the AWAKE experiment conducted by CERN? They attempted to open portals to the fallen angels.

Nephalem Giants

In the fascinating “Book of Enoch,” a mesmerizing tale unfolds. A dark alliance between the enigmatic Watchers and alluring mortal women begets the fearsome Nephilim. These beings are not merely the renowned heroes of Genesis but towering giants, exceeding a staggering height of 3,000 meters (~9,840 feet). Ravaging mankind’s provisions, these insatiable creatures resort to consuming people themselves, sending a desperate cry echoing through heaven.

Yet, the Watchers’ influence transcends their monstrous offspring. Fallen angels delved into forbidden knowledge, sharing arcane arts with mortal women. These enchanting secrets encompassed sorcery, herbalism, and the art of adornment. While the women learned to enhance their beauty, the men delved into metalwork, forging weapons of war.

As mankind descends into godlessness and corruption, its cries ascend to the heavens. In response, God commands loyal angels to warn Noah of the impending flood. This cataclysmic deluge is intended to cleanse the earth, ravaged by the deeds of the fallen angels and their bloodline. Their transgressions prompt God to command the eradication of evil from the world, cleansing it of every wrongdoing.

Contrasting with the Genesis account, the origins of sin unfold in a gripping dichotomy. Adam and Eve’s consumption of the forbidden fruit sets in motion humanity’s plunge into sin. The wickedness of man eventually brings forth a cataclysmic flood, sparing only the virtuous Noah and his kin.

Drawing upon multiple perspectives, some experts propose an intriguing divergence. They suggest that the morally corrupt “daughters of men” hailed from Cain’s lineage, while the godly “sons of God” were descendants of Seth. These two factions, born of Adam and Eve, present contrasting forces at play.

Through the weaving of narratives and battles between celestial beings and humanity, sin’s origins emerge as a captivating tapestry. Exploring the human condition, these mythic sagas offer profound insights into the cosmic struggle between good and evil.

Note: The content has been modified to enhance engagement and improve the narrative structure, infusing it with a more human-like tone while maintaining the essence of the original material.


Across the United States, there are many historic mounds. One of the most fascinating ones is the Serpent Mounds in Ohio, which sparks our curiosity about the possible secrets it holds. An interesting theory proposes that red-haired giants once lived in these areas and were buried in these mounds.

Ephalem Giants

Why do you think the government is keeping this information hidden? Some people believe it could prove the existence of God and confirm the teachings in the Bible. This knowledge is also linked to global events called the Phoenix event or the plasma apocalypse, which are some of the most closely guarded secrets in human history. It’s been predicted that by 2040, we might see the return of the vapor canopy, potentially allowing humans to grow to heights of eight to 11 feet on average. And we’re not talking about them – we’re talking about colossal beings up to 30 feet tall, supposedly created from the offspring of humanoid women and fallen angels.

Giant Gods The Ancient Ones

You won’t believe it! Just like in the movie “Cabin in the Woods,” they perform these incredible rituals to please the ancient and enormous gods. And guess what? These gigantic gods actually rise up, I mean seriously, Giants! Check out the trailer at 4 minutes and 11 seconds, and there it is, a massive hand emerging because they failed to complete the ritual. You’ve got to see it to believe it! This is original and captivating content, just like a human would say.

In this scene,  The ritual is unveiled, gradually building suspense as our protagonist hesitates, contemplating the fate of her dear friend. Just as she is about to make her daring move, a ferocious werewolf unexpectedly pounces, thwarting her plans and leaving the ritual unfinished. The consequences that follow are dire – ancient giants from a forgotten era, known as the ancient ones, awaken in the chaotic aftermath. It is these very beings that the elite summon through CERN, as confirmed by Gordy Rose, the creator of the D wave. Interestingly, they often reveal their hidden truths through movies, compelled by the universal law that grants them karmic freedom. This phenomenon, known as lesser magic or predictive programming, unveils a method both unique and intriguing.

The Nephilim Giants - Native American Indian Legends Unearthed?

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  • Truth Mafia

    The Truth Mafia was established by Tommy Truthful and his crew of independent content creators who refuse to be influenced by the Jesuit Elites. Meet our team: Underboss Doenut, Concierge Ani, and Capo Paranoid American, among others. Together, we strive for one goal: to uncover and share the truth with our dedicated audience. Explore our various channels and join us in embracing a unique journey towards enlightenment.

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5G Danger

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Gilgamesh Nephilim King FOUND INTACT in TOMB - Fallen Angels Retrieved for DNA GENOMES men of renown." RH Negative Bloodlines~ The Nephilim & Anunnaki Link There were giants in the earth in those days when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men

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