Category Archives: Juan on Juan Podcast


Homunculus Rising The Strangest Story Ever Told Expllclt Content -

Explore the fascinating world of the Homunculus, a tiny human linked to ancient alchemy and modern science. This podcast dives into its history, its role in creation stories, and its relevance today. Discover how humans have tried to create life, the influence of occult practices, and the ethical questions surrounding artificial life. A captivating journey into the unknown! …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

#196 | William S. Burroughs Linguistic Lifeforms Intermediary Beings with Tommy P. Cowan

196 William S Burroughs Linguistic Lifeforms Intermediary Beings With Tommy P Cowan -

Join Juan Ayala on the Juan on Juan podcast as he explores the supernatural and the occult. Discover the Paranoid American Homunculus Owner’s Manual comic book and hear from guests like scholar Tommy Cowen. Dive into the works of author William Burroughs and learn about the intriguing world of esotericism. Tune in for a journey into the unknown! …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

#194 | Creationism Ontological Shock Ultraterrestrial Contact with @Myfamilythinksimcrazy

194 Creationism Ontological Shock Ultraterrestrial Contact With Myfamilythinksimcrazy -

“Join Juan Ayala on the Juan on Juan podcast as he dives into the supernatural and occult. Discover the Paranoid American Homunculus Owner’s Manual comic book, filled with unique art and ancient mythical creatures. Support the show on Patreon and explore topics like alchemy, dinosaurs, and human species. Open your mind to new ideas and perspectives!” …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

#195 | The Avatar Project Shadow People George Washingtons Tunnels [VOICEMAIL SHOW]

195 The Avatar Project Shadow People George Washingtons Tunnels Voicemail Show -

Explore the mysteries of the universe with us! From astrology and ancient magic to conspiracy theories and cutting-edge tech, we dive deep into fascinating topics. Join our podcast discussion about the sun’s zodiac journey, the New World Order, and the quest for immortality through cyborgs. Stay curious and open-minded as we journey into the unknown. …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

#193 | Jungian Archetypes Active Imagination The Red Book with @CreativeCodex

193 Jungian Archetypes Active Imagination The Red Book With Creativecodex -

Join Juan Ayala on the Juan Juan podcast for ad-free content, exclusive episodes, and more. Learn about the occult with the Paranoid American Homunculus Owner’s Manual comic book. Engage with your unconscious for self-growth through discussions on Carl Jung’s works. Share your thoughts via comments, reviews, or call-ins. Let’s explore the mysteries of existence together …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

The Hovind Theory Genesis Ancient Florida with Dr. Kent Hovind

The Hovind Theory Genesis Ancient Florida With Dr Kent Hovind -

Meet Dr. Narco Longo, a Christian, math and science teacher, and defender of faith. He believes in a literal interpretation of the Bible, including the existence of giant humans and dinosaurs. He questions evolution and dating methods used for fossils. He also discusses harmonic tides, the symbolism of pyramids, and genetic mutations. Join him as he explores these fascinating topics …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

Hidden History of BLACK DRINK Ceremony – Cassina / Yaupon / Coca-Cola / Caffeine

Hidden History Of Black Drink Ceremony Cassina Yaupon Coca Cola Caffeine -

“Explore the fascinating history of the ‘black drink’, a traditional tribal beverage from southeast America, and its evolution into today’s Coca Cola. Learn about the potential health benefits of sugar in a nutrient-rich diet, and the role of such drinks in societal development and rituals. Discover the habits of high achievers and the cultural significance of popular drinks.” …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

#192 | The Miami Aerospace Academy Incident [Floridas DEMONIC School] w/ @strangebrewpodcast

192 The Miami Aerospace Academy Incident Floridas Demonic School W Strangebrewpodcast -

Explore the eerie world of the Paranoid American Homunculus Owner’s Manual in the Juan on Juan podcast. Learn about Miami’s paranormal hotspots and a riot at a school linked to the occult. Hear about a strict academy, its controversial founder, and the strange happenings that led to its downfall. Dive into Miami’s mysterious past and its connection to the supernatural. …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

#187 | Jungian Alchemy Astral Initiation The Bonapartean Homunculus w/ Professor Longo

187 Jungian Alchemy Astral Initiation The Bonapartean Homunculus W Professor Longo -

Explore the mystical world with the Juan on Juan podcast, delving into the paranormal, alchemy, and Jungian psychology. Discover the intriguing “Paranoid American Homunculus Owner’s Manual” comic book, and join our guest, Professor Longo, as we discuss neoplatonist writings, automata history, occult orders, and the enigmatic ‘little …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

#186 | Homuncology Time Loop Research Dimension Birthing Tech? (VOICEMAIL SHOW)

186 Homuncology Time Loop Research Dimension Birthing Tech Voicemail Show -

Explore the unknown with Juan Ayala on the Juan on Juan podcast. Dive into occult knowledge, summon homunculi, and challenge your perceptions of reality. Engage in discussions on topics from flat earth theory to spiritual warfare. Your journey into the extraordinary begins here. Support us on Patreon for exclusive content. Let’s redefine reality together. …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

#179 | Elemental Entities Paracelsian Prophecies

179 Elemental Entities Paracelsian Prophecies -

Dive into the mystical realm with the Juan on Juan podcast, exploring untouched occult topics with a comedic twist. From the intriguing world of elementals to the enigmatic practices of secret societies, this podcast offers a unique perspective. Support the show, delve into exclusive content, and join the journey into the unknown. Your feedback is always welcome! …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

#178 | Hellbent on Discovery: Alchemical Cryptids Portals the Supernatural w/ @HellbentHoller

178 Hellbent On Discovery Alchemical Cryptids Portals The Supernatural W Hellbentholler -

Explore the enigmatic world of cryptids and the occult with the Juan on Juan Podcast. Dive into the “Paranoid American Homunculus Owner’s Manual”, a comic book showcasing Juan Ayala’s innovative research. Hear from guest cryptid hunters, unravel the mystery of Sasquatch, and delve into the complexities of proving cryptid existence. Join us on Patreon for …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

#177 | Mystic Monoliths Civilization X Gateway of the Gods w/ @enigmasoftheancientworld5245

177 Mystic Monoliths Civilization X Gateways Of The Gods W Enigmasoftheancientworld5245 -

Dive into the enigmatic past with the Juan on Juan podcast, exploring ancient civilizations, their arcane knowledge, and mysterious structures. Join us as we unravel the secrets of the comic book “The Paranoid American Homunculus Owner’s Manual,” discuss humanoid species, and question mainstream historical timelines. Discover the fascinating world of archaeology, ancient cultures, and the quest for truth …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

Juan on Juan Podcast [NSFW] O.B.C. #14: TheIlluminatiFormula Used to Create anUndetectable TotalMindControlledSlave

Nsfw O B C 14 Theilluminatiformula Used To Create Anundetectable Totalmindcontrolledslave -

Explore the dark underbelly of YouTube censorship, occult themes, and the controversial theories surrounding mind control in our latest podcast episode. We delve into Fritz Springmeyer’s mind control book, discuss the potential exploitation of occult knowledge in pop culture, and question the concept of Lamarckian genetic memory. Join us as we navigate the labyrinth of conspiracy theories, historical events, and …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

#174 | Mindscapes: Aliens Artificial Beings The Power of the Subconscious w/ @projectchaney

174 Mindscapes Aliens Artificial Beings The Power Of The Subconscious W Projectchaney -

“Clones and Aliens: Unearthing the Cosmic Conspiracy”

The Juan-on-Juan Podcast lIIUMlNATl WATCHER: The Strange World of the Occult…

Liiumlnatl Watcher The Strange World Of The Occult -

Join Donut and guests as they delve into conspiracy theories, pop culture, and the possibility of a projected reality. Discussing topics from transhumanism to interdimensionalism, they explore the influence of occult practices on reality perception. They touch on symbolism, rituals, and secret societies, while also exploring the history of Rosicrucians and the role of alchemy in …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

The Juan on Juan Podcast #173 | BiblicAlchemy Theatrum Chemicum Creatio Mundi [ HIDDEN ALCHEMICAL CIPHERS IN THE BIBLE ]

173 Biblicalchemy Theatrum Chemicum Creatio Mundi Hidden Alchemical Ciphers In The Bible -

Juana Juan podcast, occult insights, summoning homunculus, alchemy, comic book, Paranoid American Homunculus Owner’s Manual, ancient esoteric knowledge, alchemist, Middle Ages, Philosopher’s Stone, spiritual transformation, ancient alchemists, precious metals, spiritual fire, divine alchemy, Biblioalchemical, alchemical interpretations, biblical stories …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

Ginger Snaps #8: The alchemical story of David Goliath w/ @VanTeslaMusic

Ginger Snaps 8 The Alchemical Story Of David Goliath W Vanteslamusic -

Joel Thomas, host of the Ginger Snaps podcast, and guest Juan Ayala, delve into the controversy surrounding the Bible and Christianity. They discuss the manipulation of scriptures by the Church and explore the possible esoteric meanings hidden within the Bible. The focus is on interpreting the story of David and Goliath from an alchemical perspective, deciphering hidden symbols and meanings. …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

#170 | Skull Bones Death Grid Yales Geomancy The Ancient Eight Consortium

170 Skull Bones Death Grid Yales Geomancy The Ancient Eight Consortium -

Discover the fascinating connections between numbering patterns, secret societies, and the mystical city of New Haven. Uncover the magical aspect of mathematics and its presence in everything. Explore the theories surrounding Yale University’s alignment with Machu Picchu and the influence of extraordinary artifacts. Delve into esoteric principles, sacred geometric layouts, and the power of symbolism. Join Mystic Mark on The

#169 | WE ARE THE ALUMBRADOS w/ @doenutfactory (CENSORED)

169 We Are The Alumbrados W Doenutfactory Censored -

Discover the hidden world of symbolism and manipulation in popular culture. Join Juan on Juan podcast for ad-free content, exclusive episodes, and early access. Explore the occult, secret societies, and mind control through symbols and movements. Uncover the truth behind celebrities, media manipulation, and the power elites. Read more and subscribe to Juan on Juan podcast for in-depth research and eye-opening


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