Category Archives: Plasma apocalypse

Plasma Apocalypse featuring JayDreamerZ and Doenut With Host Tommy Truthful and Paranoid American

Plasma Apocalypse Featuring Jaydreamerz And Doenut With Host Tommy Truthful And Paranoid American -

The Plasma Apocalypse reveals global resets and cataclysms that restart humanity. Join the Truth Mafia team, led by Tommy Truthful, alongside his co-host DOENUT Factory, a top researcher in plasma apocalypse theory, and Jay Dreamerz. Special guest Paranoid American, a 32nd degree Scottish Rite Freemason, shares insider knowledge on secret societies and their role in these cataclysms. Don’t miss this groundbreaking discussion!

The Truth Behind Two Suns: Solar Simulator and Its Impact on EARTHS Cataclysms

The Truth Behind Two Suns Solar Simulator And Its Impact On Global Cataclysms -

Join Tommy Truthful and his team, the Truth Mafia, as they dive into the world’s biggest mysteries. From ancient symbols to popular culture, they explore it all. Listen to their podcast as they discuss theories about solar simulators, wildfires, and even a hidden sun. They encourage you to question everything you see and know. …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

Dream Hacking with Tommy Truthful and Special Guest – Check out the New YouTube Link BELOW!

Dream Hacking With Tommy Truthful And Special Guest Check Out The New Youtube Link Below -

Join Tommy Truthful and Paranoid American as they delve into the fascinating world of lucid dreaming and reality transurfing. Learn how to control your dreams and reality through simple techniques. Discover the mysteries of the human mind and the potential of the brain, as explored in popular movies and series. Tune in for an enlightening discussion on astral projection, dream walking, and …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

Weather wars in Texas by Tommy Truthful of

Weather Wars In Texas

Tommy Truthful exposes weather wars in Texas with actual footage of the hailstorm he predicted two weeks prior. The storm, displaying a giant “76,” hints at HAARP’s agenda—76. This chilling revelation aligns with Edward Snowden’s warnings about geo-engineering used for population control, shedding light on the ominous truths behind natural disasters.

Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom Truth Mafia Decode CERN Predictive Programming

Aquaman And The Lost Kingdom Truth Mafia Decode Cern Predictive Programming -

Aquaman: The Lost Kingdom decoded – uncovering truths in plain sight about advanced Atlantean technology and predictive programming of an alien race in inner earth and oceans. Tommy Truthful, leader of Truth Mafia, celebrates his birthday podcast with DOENUT Factory, Logan (Decode Your Reality), Paranoid American, Jay Dreamerz, and ANI OSARU. They offer a deep dive into the film’s symbolism, predictive programming, and Gematria connections.

Breaking the Chains of Deception: Americas True History as Egypt and the Holy Land

Breaking The Chains Of Deception Americas True History As Egypt And The Holy Land -

Dive into a riveting exploration of conspiracy theories, historical interpretations, and esoteric themes. This podcast episode delves into the analogies between America and Egypt, dream interpretations, AI’s role in art, and the potential of hidden civilizations. Join us as we question established narratives, promote open-mindedness, and traverse the intriguing world of hidden truths. …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

Pole Shift/Plasma apocalypse Latest Evidence Points to a Magnetic Disaster

Latest Evidence Points To A Magnetic Disaster

In the latest video released by Greg Reese, a dramatic narrative unfolds as an earthquake reporter is allegedly silenced amidst shocking claims by a purported deep-state asset. The whistleblower suggests that a covert government entity possesses the capability to artificially generate seismic events. Reese’s investigation delves into the murky waters of conspiracy theories, where clandestine operations and advanced technology intersect to wield control over natural disasters. The video raises questions about the boundaries of government power and the potential use of geophysical weapons. As always, Reese’s content is a lightning rod for controversy, inviting viewers to challenge their perceptions of reality and the structures of authority that govern our world. Whether these claims are grounded in truth or fiction, the idea that human intervention could trigger earthquakes is a provocative topic that stirs the imagination and fuels debate on the reach of secret government programs.

Disney’s Loki: CERN and Time Manipulation Secrets

Disney'S Loki

“Join Tommy Truthful and the Truth Mafia crew, with Paranoid American and Logan from Decode Your Reality, featuring JAY DreamerZ, as they dissect ‘Loki.’ They’ll explore Disney’s time-twisting series, CERN’s ties, and our simulated reality. Dive into Kabbalah, Norse myths, and predictive programming revelations live on Nov 4th, 2023, at 9:11 PM EST.”

Chile Earthquake 6.6 magnitude – Major earthquake alert warning!!!!!!

Chile Earthquake 6.6 Magnitude

Tommy Truthful foresaw recent seismic activities, accurately predicting earthquakes prior to the 6.6 tremor in Chile and the 5.4 quake in Jamaica following Matthew Perry’s passing at 54. This blog incorporates the prediction video and discusses weather control via geoengineering tools like HAARP. A true journalist and occult master, Tommy deciphers our reality using Gematria and Kabbalah, uncovering the elite’s cryptic language.

“Sun’s Intense Surge: How Will Blackouts, Flight Hiccups, and More Shape Our World?”

Blackouts, Flight Delays, And More—What Other Effects Can We Expect From The Sun'S Upgraded Activity?

The frequency of the sun is undergoing a transformation, transitioning from a yellow to a white sun. Scientific studies suggest this shift could precipitate a pole reversal, popularly termed as the plasma apocalypse or, in certain cultural narratives, the Rapture or the Phoenix phenomenon. This shift resonates with the Hopi prophecy. Tommy Truthful, the prominent leader of the Truth Mafia, unravels the intricate ties between global resets and sun cycles. He posits that the Corona event served as a preparatory exercise, likening it to a “Greenland-type event”. Highlighting that “corona” represents the sun’s outermost layer during an eclipse, Tommy elucidates the veiled esoteric symbolism behind this knowledge, traditionally safeguarded by clandestine fraternities like the Shriners and the Masons.

“Unveiling the Cataclysmic Secrets: Plasma Apocalypse Tommy Truthful and JayDreamerZ “

Plasma Apocalypse

In a fresh episode featuring JAYDreamersZ and Tommy Truthful, they explore the plasma apocalypse and its link to the pole shift. Discussing the rise in natural disasters, notably global earthquakes, their conversation veers towards celestial portals through which enigmatic entities might emerge. Termed the Phoenix phenomenon, it resonates with the biblical account of Wormwood from Revelation 8:11, where a third of the stars, including Wormwood, plummet. They also touch upon the Hopi prophecy. Additionally, Tommy delves into the Tatarian Empire, mud floods, and purported resets stemming from it.


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