Tag Archives: Cloud seeding

Hurricane Milton: Weather Control Secrets They Dont Want You to Know in 2024

Hurricane Milton Weather Control Secrets They Dont Want You To Know In 2024 -

“Learn about WeatherTac, a German company that’s making rain with special towers! This cool tech has been used in Jordan and could help places with water problems. But, some people worry about how it might harm the environment in the long run. Read on to find out more about this rain-making technology!” …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

Rare Tornado Spinning the ‘Wrong’ Direction Forms Over Oklahoma

Rare Tornado Spinning The 'Wrong' Direction

A tornado spinning in the wrong direction devastates in Tillman County, just across from Texas. Was this a once-in-a-lifetime event or evidence of weather modification? It struck on the anniversary of the Church of Satan’s birth, amidst the 13 days of satanic rituals. Are these elites controlling the weather? Tommy Truthful, writer and content creator, believes they are.

HAARP Unbelievable footage | natural disasters caught on camera

Unbelievable Footage Natural Disasters Caught On Camera -

HAARP & The Year of Unnatural Disasters: As Italy faces a series of extreme weather events, residents of Turin reel from ground flooding, while fierce storms lash Piedmont, Northeast Mega, and Cuneo. The Dolomites haven’t been spared either, with landslides reported in Lolomites, and Veneto and Trentino-Alto Adige in the Dolomites region experiencing severe thunderstorms. Records show 44mm rain in Forno Di Zoldo Belluno and a sharp 12°C temperature drop in Cortina d’Ampezzo.

Today, we spotlight a video capturing the heart of Italy being besieged by an awe-inspiring hailstorm. Vast hailstones descended, transforming a serene landscape into an otherworldly frosty realm, seemingly directed by an ethereal force.


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