Tag Archives: alien

NWO Nephilim ARMY: ALIEN Tower of BABEL RISING in 2024

Nwo Nephilim Army Alien Tower Of Babel Rising In 2024 -

“Ever wondered if aliens live among us? Researchers from Harvard and Montana Technological Institute think it’s possible! They believe UFO sightings could be proof of secret alien life on Earth. These aliens might even be linked to old myths and religious stories. But beware, they might not be friendly and could be tricksters!” …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

#174 | Mindscapes: Aliens Artificial Beings The Power of the Subconscious w/ @projectchaney

174 Mindscapes Aliens Artificial Beings The Power Of The Subconscious W Projectchaney -

“Clones and Aliens: Unearthing the Cosmic Conspiracy”


UNDERGROUND ALIENS https://www.youtube.com/@DecodeYourReality Blog by Tommy Truthful. Get ready for a mind-bending exploration with Chronologist Jason Breshears as we delve into the enigmatic world of extraterrestrials. Are they visitors from distant dimensions? Intruders from the depths beneath our feet? Or are they a combination of both? Brace yourself for an extraordinary journey as we unravel […]

Unveiling the Mystery of “Grey aliens👽96

Grey Aliens

“Grey aliens The tangled web of government involvement with interdimensional entities, those enigmatic fallen angels known as “praying aliens,” is a story whispered in the shadows, a forbidden truth shielded from the masses. The occult practices of Aleister Crowley, that enigmatic figure who communed with otherworldly forces, set the stage for what was to come. […]

Simon Parkes CIA Agent

Simon Parkes, Cia Agent

Simon Parkes, CIA Agent Simon Parkes is an intriguing figure with alleged connections to the clandestine world of the Illuminati. His experiences with extraterrestrial beings, from mantid entities to Draconis reptilians and grey creatures, suggest a deeper involvement in the alien agenda. As an elected politician, Parkes served as a puppet for the powers that […]

“The Hidden Aquatic Enigma: Mysterious Subsurface Ocean Revealed, Housing a Vast Water Reservoir Beyond Surface Levels” #35

Subsurface Ocean Revealed #35 Video Below. Mind-Blowing Science Stories: Hidden Ocean Discovered under Earth’s Crust If you think we have discovered everything there is to know about our planet, think again. Recent science stories have left us in awe; the latest discovery is no exception. Did you know an ocean is hidden under the Earth’s […]

THE HOMUNCULUS DISCLOSURE: Strangest Part of the NEW Alien/UAP End-Game…

The Homunculus Disclosure: Strangest Part Of The New Alien/Uap End-Game...

THE HOMUNCULUS DISCLOSURE: Strangest Part of the NEW Alien/UAP End-Game… https://www.youtube.com/live/bmGZNvN6a64?feature=share A homunculus is a small, human-like figure originally made of clay. It became popular in alchemy and fiction during the 16th and 19th centuries. The idea of a homunculus is about creating a tiny, fully-formed human. This concept comes from old beliefs in preformationism, […]

The Reptilian Agenda

The Reptilian Agenda

Are Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Joe Biden actually reptilian demons from a parallel dimension, as some suggest? This intriguing video delves into the possibility of these high-profile politicians being more than meets the eye. Could they be fallen Elohim, their bodies overtaken by entities from another realm? The theory that they might be wearing a skin suit, resembling our leaders, is mind-blowing. Explore the hidden agenda of these interdimensional beings in this eye-opening video.

Is There About To Be A Fake Alien Invasion?

Truthmafia-Is There About To Be A Fake Alien Invasion?

Brian Wilson reveals Wernher von Braun’s deathbed warning of an alien invasion staged by the United States government in light of bombshell claims from an intelligence official turned whistleblower. Red Pilled TV   The Las Vegas alien incidents connection to Satan! Click on Image to Enlarge.   Energy Harvest=167 CARTOONS PREDICTING THE 2023 ALIEN EVENT… […]

Aliens in Vegas? Family claims to see “non-human” beings

Aliens In Vegas? Family Claims To See &Quot;Non-Human&Quot; Beings

100% they’re not human,’ Witness details alleged alien encounter in Las Vegas In a recent incident in Las Vegas, a family reported witnessing what they described as “non-human” beings, sparking speculation about the presence of aliens. According to their account, they observed these entities in a remote area near the outskirts of the city. While […]

The Aliens are Already Here: Learn the Truth About Extraterrestrials Visiting Our World

The Aliens Are Already Here: Learn The Truth About Extraterrestrials Visiting Our World

  Let me reveal the hidden truths about extraterrestrial entities on Earth, my young truth-seeker. The mainstream narrative might try to dismiss these revelations, but fear not, for I will guide you through the secret knowledge. There have been whispers and sightings of otherworldly beings walking among us. Some claim that powerful individuals and secret […]

Military whistleblower goes public with claims US has secret UFO retrieval program

Former Navy Pilot Claims He Saw A Ufo

An individual who served in the Air Force is coming forward with information about alleged secret U.S. military programs. According to this veteran, these programs have been involved in retrieving unidentified aircraft that are believed to be of “non-human origin” for many years, spanning several decades. Former Navy Pilot Claims He Saw a UFO A […]

Reptilian Aliens aka Demons!!!!!

Reptilian Aliens Aka Demons!!!!!

Reptilian aliens, also known as demons! This riveting theory delves into the notion that extraterrestrial entities with reptilian forms are manipulating our world behind the scenes. According to some conspiracy enthusiasts, these reptilians are not only interdimensional beings but also shape-shifters capable of taking human form. They purportedly wield immense power and influence, often infiltrating […]

Military whistleblower alleges the government is concealing extraterrestrial spacecraft

Military Whistleblower Alleges The Government Is Concealing Extraterrestrial Spacecraft

Military whistleblower alleges the government is concealing extraterrestrial spacecraft


Intelligence Officials Say U.s. Has Retrieved Craft Of Non-Human Origin

INTELLIGENCE OFFICIALS SAY U.S. HAS RETRIEVED CRAFT OF NON-HUMAN ORIGIN LIVE VIDEO IS AT THE BOTTOM Recent reports suggest that intelligence officials have claimed the retrieval of a craft of non-human origin in the United States. These officials assert that the object in question represents technology that is not of human creation. A former intelligence […]


They Released The Kraken Black Goo - Truthmafia Podcast

Dont mind the time tonight at 9:30 pm est Prepare yourselves, truth seekers, for the mind-blowing revelation on the TruthMafia Podcast! We expose the sinister truth behind the release of “The Kraken” and the malevolent agenda hidden within the treacherous “black goo.” Dive deep into the rabbit hole with us as we unravel the web […]

2023 DEMONIC A.I. LIENS: Strange Clouds Appearing Everywhere!!! [w/Tommy Truthful]

Truthmafia-2023 Demonic A.i. Liens: Strange Clouds Appearing Everywhere!!! [W/Tommy Truthful]

2023 DEMONIC A.I. LIENS: Strange Clouds Appearing Everywhere!!! [w/Tommy Truthful] The strange clouds appearing worldwide and the presence of alien ships controlled by artificial intelligence are part of a diabolical plan orchestrated by interdimensional demons. These malevolent entities have infiltrated our reality and are using advanced technologies to manipulate and control humanity. These so-called “alien” […]

Train Rituals!

Truthmafia-Train Rituals!

Pay close attention to the hidden messages in the phrase “Train Rituals” because it could be a cryptic code hinting at an impending nuclear event. The elites and secret societies often communicate through symbolic language, and “Train Rituals” could be their way of signaling their diabolical plans. The ritualistic nature of their actions suggests a […]


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