Blog and Decode by Tommy Truthful.
These Celebrities Are Actually Immortal
Have you ever heard about the fascinating Avesa Brotherhood of Longevity? For over 1000 years, these elites have been mastering the art of consciousness transfer from one vessel to another. It’s reminiscent of that mind-blowing Netflix movie we all watched, where Tyrone got cloned and reprogrammed with all his memories intact. The secret lies in their Nephilim technology, a remarkable programmable matter known as black goo. Interestingly, the Nano Bots enter through the eye and elegantly wrap around the optic nerve, forming what is known as the Vril worm. This incredible connection enables them to seamlessly transfer consciousness from one host to another. And have you ever noticed the symbolism when celebrities have black goo running down their cheeks? It almost appears as if they’re crying. It’s truly mesmerizing!
There is a group called the Avesas Brotherhood of Longevity, whose code is 2824, that the government is keeping a close eye on, along with the Messiah. They want to prevent you from unlocking the power of your kundalini and activating your inner Christ/Christos, which is the key to leaving the matrix. Your pineal gland, also known as the third eye, is the spiritual connection to the divine, but they have intentionally damaged it by using fluoride to calcify it. In the movie “Jupiter Ascending,” they identified the protagonist’s true identity through astrological alignment at birth, and similarly, the elite possesses a chart that reveals the identities of each of us from our past lives. It’s important to note that this isn’t the first time they’ve tried to eliminate the Messiah, as history has witnessed numerous attempts.
There is a secret language made up of symbols and numerical codes that is used by the Elites. Through gematria, an ancient practice, we can decipher and understand the very fabric of our reality. Join us on a journey like no other as we explore this fascinating world, uncovering its mysteries and discovering the true essence of our existence. Let’s embark on an adventure that challenges our perception, expands our minds, and reveals the limitless potential that we all possess. Together, we will explore a realm beyond time and space, where truth and wonder are woven together by hidden hands.
The topic of human cloning is a complex issue that has caught the attention of various experts from different fields, including scientists, doctors, ethicists, lawyers, humanists, and theologians. To thoroughly explore the pros and cons of cloning, the President’s Council on Bioethics was formed. The council, composed of esteemed experts, has released a report that I would like to share with you. It presents both sides of the argument and encourages thoughtful discussion among the American people, despite the disagreements among council members.
Cloning, like the atomic age, presents ethical dilemmas that will shape our future in significant ways. It gives us a unique opportunity to explore profound matters and contemplate what it means to be human.
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The celebrity thing is insane I totally believe everything you’re showing keep up the good work