Category Archives: Tommy Truthful

Tommy truthful

“In a world where what’s real can be harder to believe than make-believe, I’m Tommy Truthful, the Capo dei capi of the Truth Mafia, the largest media conglomerate of content creators talking about what the mainstream won’t touch. We’re living in a simulation, a dream stacked in another dream. Let me hand you the cheat codes to figure out what’s really going on. The secret language of this game is called gematria. It’s not the rules and regulations we live by that call the shots—it’s the hidden messages and symbols around us that run the show. So, here’s to cracking those codes and making sense of the mysteries that most people just walk past every day.

🔮 The Ultimate Reading! 🔮 For only $26, you’ll receive an extensive Email Decode from Tommy himself. Just a click on the link below!

New Mexico Wildfires Rage On: Evacuations Lead to Roswell

New Mexico Wildfires Rage On Evacuations Lead To Roswell -

Join Tommy Truthful and his father, Papa Truthful, as they dive deep into the wildfires in Mexico, exploring theories of intentional arson to force rural residents into smart cities. They discuss the controversial idea of lasers starting these fires and the impact on our food supply due to farm blazes. Plus, they warn about the looming financial instability of the country.

ARCHONS (Material World) DECODED

Archons Material World Decoded -

Logan shares his views on ‘Archons’ from Gnostic tradition, believed to be rulers of our world. He thinks these Archons use human energy to shape reality and create chaos, keeping us reincarnating. He also connects Archons to the seven planets and zodiac, hinting at a link between Gnosticism and Judaism. Logan suggests life is a scripted …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

Donald Trump Birthday Decode

Donald Trump Birthday Decode

Today is Donald Trump’s birthday. He was born during a blood moon over Jerusalem on June 14th. The number 614 appears in the string of pi starting at the 97th decimal. What hidden code is within Trump’s birthday? What if I told you there’s a hidden message to kill Trump’s character on the world stage, already shown through predictive programming in The Simpsons? Tommy Truthful, a top decoder from Truth Mafia, breaks down the “King Kill 33” ritual to symbolically kill off Trump’s character on the world stage.

Top Trending Stories – Truth Mafia News Episode 3

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Join us in our newest episode of Truth Mafia News with your host Tommy Truthful and his cohost and father Jimmy Schwinn a.k.a. Papa Truthful. We break down the new series Evil Season Four, Episode One, and its connection to CERN. We touch on the movie The Watcher and its link to the fallen angels from the Book of Enoch. We also cover many top trending news stories, and Tommy Truthful has a special decode for you. Click the link to watch the episode.

5 Celebrities Who Believe in Conspiracy Theories

5 Celebrities Who Believe In Conspiracy Theories

Nowadays, significant figures are uncovering truths hidden from the public. Rapper B.o.B, a staunch member of The Flat Earth Society since 2016, challenges mainstream science with his belief in a flat Earth. Kanye West boldly claims that AIDS was a CIA experiment to decimate African Americans and homosexuals. Jim Carrey raises alarms about thimerosal in vaccines, linking it to autism. M.I.A. asserts that Google and Facebook are CIA tools for control. Dave Mustaine highlights Obama’s supposed involvement in orchestrated shootings and questions the authenticity of Obama’s birth certificate.


Something Wicked Is Coming This Summer Solstice -

Join the entire Truth Mafia team in this live video decode with Tommy Truthful, leader of the Truth Mafia, and DOENUT, the underboss. Also featuring Juan from the Juan on Juan podcast, Thomas from, and Ani. Explore intriguing conspiracy theories about celebrities, weather control, and secret societies. Discover theories like Eminem being a clone, weather manipulation as a weapon, and the mysterious moon child concept. Learn more; click the button below!

Where Do We Travel in Our Sleep? Dreams Decoded: Lucid Dreams to Dream Walking

Dream Walking

“Dream walking, a fascinating ability to enter and manipulate dreams, is not a gift everyone possesses. It’s a war in the Astral Plane, battling dream demons like Fred Krueger and telekinetic dreamwalkers like Eleven from Stranger Things. Tommy Truthful, leader of the Truth Mafia, delves into this enigmatic world in a riveting father-son podcast. They explore lucid dreaming, interdimensional entities, and the role of CERN in releasing these entities from the 8th Sphere. Don’t miss this episode!”

Unveiling the Storm: How HAARP Geoengineering and the Number 23 Shape Our Reality

Unveiling The Storm: How Haarp Geoengineering And The Number 23 Shape Our Reality

Recent tornadoes killed 23 people in what Tommy Truthful believes was a weather control sacrificial ritual. The number 23, linked to Julius Caesar, who was stabbed 23 times, is a recurring enigma. Writer and content creator Tommy Truthful warned his audience that unnatural disasters would increase after the Great American Eclipse on April 8th, 2024. Just as he predicted, these catastrophic events have escalated.

“The Wicked Witch of Hollywood Exposed: Marina Abramović”

The Wicked Witch Of Hollywood Exposed -

“Did you know kids were once used in secret mind control tests? This blog tells the story of MKUltra, a CIA project that did just that. Today, we’re fighting back against child exploitation and trafficking. Learn about the tools and groups that keep kids safe, including a special database for missing children.” …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

Ancient Tech and Fallen Angels: Tommy Truthful Juans Explosive Discussion

Ancient Tech And Fallen Angels Tommy Truthful Juans Explosive Discussion -

“Join Tommy Truthful and his Truth Mafia as they unravel mysteries from history, culture, and ancient times. Their podcast, sponsored by Body Align, explores topics like ancient symbols, hidden media meanings, and even fallen angelic technology. Visit for personal decodes, dream interpretations, and holistic counseling. Dive into the unknown with them!” …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

Weather Warfare: The Covert Battle for Climate Control

Weather Warfare The Covert Battle For Climate Control -

Tommy Truthful’s new Wednesday podcast with his father, Jimmy Schwinn, aka Papa Truthful, exposes how the elites are using sun simulators and geoengineering, causing tornadoes, earthquakes, and unnatural disasters around the world. They reveal this is being used as a form of population control. Join the discussion with Tommy Truthful and his father—this is one episode you will not want to miss. …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

Exposed: The Hidden Truths Behind King Charles Portrait with Jay Dyer Doenut Tommy Truthful

Exposed The Hidden Truths Behind King Charles Portrait With Jay Dyer Doenut Tommy Truthful -

King Charles’ portrait exposed: demonic entities binded to the painting. Tommy Truthful breaks down its true meaning, while others offer different takes. In this episode, Doenut Factory joins Tommy alongside special guest from Infowars, Jay Dyer. Packed with vital information, this episode unveils knowledge “they” don’t want you to have. Just before going live, Facebook took down Tommy’s page, “Tommy Truthful 369.” Though the page still exists, Tommy can’t log in—clearly, the global elites are scared of this team-up.

The Truth Behind Two Suns: Solar Simulator and Its Impact on EARTHS Cataclysms

The Truth Behind Two Suns Solar Simulator And Its Impact On Global Cataclysms -

Join Tommy Truthful and his team, the Truth Mafia, as they dive into the world’s biggest mysteries. From ancient symbols to popular culture, they explore it all. Listen to their podcast as they discuss theories about solar simulators, wildfires, and even a hidden sun. They encourage you to question everything you see and know. …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

Sun simulator

Sun Simulator

NASA created a solar simulator that can burn entire cities. Is this why we’re seeing two suns in the sky? The government wants us to believe it’s Nibiru, so they can blame natural disasters and global cataclysms on it. In reality, it’s this sun simulator, linked to advanced humanoid technology from inner Earth’s Shangri-La. The solar simulator isn’t new—it’s been around for thousands of years. Is this what caused the Phoenix phenomenon, the great floods, the global reset, and the Tartarian mud floods? I believe so.

Whats Doja Cat Summoning On Stage? Watch to Find Out!

Whats Doja Cat Summoning On Stage Watch To Find Out -

This video talks about a popular clip of singer Doja Cat. It suggests she uses symbols in her performance that are linked to calling spirits, a practice found in Africa and Haiti. The video also discusses a 2016 event and methods used by magicians to call spirits. It hints that famous people like LeBron James and Doja Cat might use these practices. …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

Oklahoma Tornadoes And Floods Wipes Out Bridges around the World!

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Tommy Truthful talks about recent Unatural disasters like bridge falls in Brazil and China, floods in Texas, and strange tornadoes in Oklahoma. He thinks these might be caused by technology that changes the earth. He warns more tornadoes might come soon. …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

Alchemical Portals: CERN D-Wave and the Black-Eyed Childrens Link to Ancient Ones

Alchemical Portals Cern D Wave And The Black Eyed Childrens Link To Ancient Ones -

Dive into the intriguing world of hidden messages in movies with the Conspiracy Cinema podcast. This episode explores the movie “Cabin in the Woods”, discussing theories about technology summoning entities and AI leading to super intelligent aliens. Join us as we delve into these fascinating topics, sparking a balance of belief and skepticism. …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

Under the Orange Sky: AIs Takeover and What It Means for Us!

Under The Orange Sky Ais Takeover And What It Means For Us -

Tommy Truthful and Greg Reese expose how AI and nanotechnology have been used to create a phantom matrix, an artificial reality where elites rule like gods. Discover how humans have become unwitting antennas in this system. This vital video, soon to be banned, also explains why skies turned orange in Greece 322 days after a similar event in NYC on June 6, 2023. Act fast—share this crucial information from Truth Mafia before it’s suppressed. We’re in an info war; every share counts!

Gatekeepers: Boule Society Fraternities Sororities

Gatekeepers Boule Society Fraternities Sororities -

“Discover the Boule Society, a secret group of influential African Americans linked to Freemasons. This group, with roots in ancient Greece, includes famous figures like Oprah Winfrey and Martin Luther King. They’re said to control progress within industries like politics and entertainment, which can impact the African American community.” …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

13 Days of Preparation: Late Night with the Devil featuring Tommy and Logan

13 Days Of Preparation Late Night With The Devil Featuring Tommy And Logan -

Discover the intriguing world of The Truth Mafia, led by Tommy Truthful. They’re a group of dedicated researchers who delve into ancient mysteries and conspiracies. From exploring ancient symbols to decoding hidden meanings in pop culture, they’re on a quest for knowledge. Tune into their podcast or visit for more. …Learn More, Click The Button Below.


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