Tag Archives: Paranoid American

Government Experiments Exposed: From The Montauk Project to Stranger Things

The Montauk Project

Join Tommy Truthful and Thomas of ParanoidAmerican.com as they uncover the government’s dark secrets: stealing children with special abilities, using time travel portals, and accessing other dimensions. They connect these chilling experiments to Stephen King’s The Institute and Netflix’s Stranger Things. Don’t miss this podcast and blog the elites don’t want you to see—watch and read now! …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

Plasma Apocalypse featuring JayDreamerZ and Doenut With Host Tommy Truthful and Paranoid American

Plasma Apocalypse Featuring Jaydreamerz And Doenut With Host Tommy Truthful And Paranoid American -

The Plasma Apocalypse reveals global resets and cataclysms that restart humanity. Join the Truth Mafia team, led by Tommy Truthful, alongside his co-host DOENUT Factory, a top researcher in plasma apocalypse theory, and Jay Dreamerz. Special guest Paranoid American, a 32nd degree Scottish Rite Freemason, shares insider knowledge on secret societies and their role in these cataclysms. Don’t miss this groundbreaking discussion!


Lllumlnatl Comic 2024 Infomercial -

Donut’s new comic about the secret Illuminati is a hit! It got funded in just three minutes and is now available everywhere. Buy it today for a big discount and cool extras like a private video. You can even join the Illuminati street team to sell comics or become part of the exclusive Illuminati Yacht Club! …Learn More, Click The Button Below.


Are You Being Mind Controlled By The Liiumlnatl -

Discover the intriguing world of the Illuminati and secret societies in our upcoming comic book! We delve into their mysterious history and influence on society, even exploring fun theories like dolphins being part of the Illuminati. We also discuss technology’s impact on our lives. Join us for this exciting journey into the unknown! …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

Adrenochrome, Freemasonry and MK-ULTRA (Documentary)

Adrencrome -

🎥 Adrenochrome, Freemasonry, and MK-ULTRA: Must-Watch Documentary! 🎥

Dive deep into the chilling world of “Adrenochrome, Freemasonry, and MK-ULTRA,” a documentary by Paranoid American of paranoidamerican.com. Uncover the dark secrets of elite rituals, the hidden power of Freemasonry, and the mind control experiments of MK-ULTRA. This gripping film exposes the truth behind these sinister practices. Don’t miss this eye-opening journey into the shadows.

🔗 [Watch Now]

Occult Disney 40: A Bugs Life Ancient Sacrifice Rituals and Illuminati Symbolism in Disney Movies

Occult Disney 40 A Bugs Life Ancient Sacrifice Rituals And Illuminati Symbolism In Disney Movies -

Explore the world of Disney movies with us! We’re discussing “A Bug’s Life” and “Antz”, comparing their stories, graphics, and even controversies. We’ll also dive into the evolution of video games, voice acting, and viewing formats. Join us as we uncover hidden meanings in old cartoons and the potential political undertones in Disney movies. Let’s reminisce …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

The Worship of Dagon and the Nommos: Library of the Untold Interview

The Worship Of Dagon And The Nommos

In the latest Truth Mafia podcast, Tommy Truthful, Paranoid American, and Joey delve into the mystique of Dagon and the Nommos, exploring humanity’s aquatic origins. From Anaximander’s evolutionary theories to the Philistines’ worship of Dagon, they examine the notion of life springing from the sea. They ponder the possibility of Nimrod’s mythic existence hinting at ancient genetic engineering, leading to Lovecraftian beings. The discussion shifts to religious symbolism, where the fish represents not only Christ but also Dagon, challenging conventional beliefs and inviting listeners to dive into the profound mysteries of our past.

“Hulu Appendage Exposed: Deciphering Vril Reptilian Influences”

Hulu Appendage

Hulu Appendage Don’t forget to join the members-only Truth Mafia. Become a soldier in this information warfare. It’s only $8.88 a month. It gets you access to our Members Only Lives weekly with me and DOENUT, as well as Members Only posts that are just for the made members. And Members Only uploads specifically for […]

Netflix The Fall of the House of Usher’: A Dark Dive into Soul-Selling Decoded

Netflix The Fall Of The House Of Usher

In the latest episode of “Conspiracy Cinema Podcast”, Tommy Truthful and Paranoid American delve into Netflix’s hot series “The Fall of the House of Usher”. They unravel lesser magic and predictive programming, forecasting a Black Swan event between March-May 2024. The duo deciphers the occult ties in this globally trending series, laying bare hidden meanings. Don’t miss their riveting analysis!

“Unveiling the Cinematic Threads: Society-1989-movie Unexpected Connection to 9/11” Tommy Truthful & Paranoid American


In the latest riveting episode of the “Conspiracy Cinema” podcast, Tommy Truthful, the esteemed leader of the Truth Mafia, and Paranoid American delve deep into the nuances of the 1989 film, “Society”. This dynamic duo masterfully uncovers the film’s eerie connections to the events of 9/11, the controversial topic of mandatory vaccines, and the enigmatic presence of shape-shifting interdimensional entities. Their insights shine a light on the subtle art of predictive programming, the practice of ‘lesser magic’, and the ‘revelation of the method’ techniques used in cinematic storytelling. This episode stands as a testament to the power of movies in reflecting and perhaps even foretelling societal trajectories. A must-listen for those intrigued by the interplay between film, reality, and hidden truths.

Conspiracy Cinema Podcast Special Guest: “They Live” with Jay Dreamerz and Doenut Factory

They Live

Delve into the cryptic realm of “They Live,” where reality intertwines with illusion. Investigate a world where an invisible elite is in control and using the media as their puppet strings. Can Nada’s truth-seeing sunglasses uncover the veiled agendas? Dive deep with us and uncover the mysteries lurking behind the screen. Ready to see the truth? Dive in now! 🎬

Marina Abramovic “Ukraine’s Wicked Witch”

Screenshot Marina Abramovic Decode Page 1 -

UKRAINE’S WICKED WITCH Hello Everyone, and welcome to my Marina Abramovic “Ukraine’s Wicked Witch” Decode.  In this decode we will look at the recent news involving Marina Abramovic’s recent appointment as Ukraine’s Ambassador responsible for rebuilding school’s for children. In the slide below, we examine an article posted in the Epoch Times. SERBIAN PERFORMANCE ARTIST […]

Paranoid American Podcast 009: Hush Hush Society Conspiracy Hour

Paranoid American Podcast 009 Hush Hush Society Conspiracy Hour -

In this episode of the “Paranoid American” podcast, the hosts chat with Slick Frank Sanders from the “Hush Hush Society” about their shared fascination with mysteries and conspiracies. They explore theories on aliens, ancient civilizations, and the skepticism surrounding dinosaur existence. The conversation also delves into ghosts, demons, and the JFK assassination. The participants touch on …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

Paranoid American Podcast 008: NY Patriot of The Occult Rejects

Paranoid American Podcast 008 Ny Patriot Of The Occult Rejects -

Paranoid American, a comic publisher and podcast host, delves into world mysteries, unraveling mind control, secret societies, forbidden technology, and occult symbols. A guest on the podcast, The New York Patriot, discusses their experience in and departure from secret societies like the Oto, revealing inner workings typically kept from the public view. The discussion covers initiation rituals, practices Learn More, Click The Button Below

Leak Project “Enki vs. Enlil: The Serpent & Eagle’s Age-Old War Continues Today” Tommy Truthful, Doenut Factory, Ani Osaru, Paranoid American

Leak Project

Leak Project By Tommy Truthful. Truth Mafia Podcast: Delving into Ancient Wars, Stargates, and the Power of Perspective **1. Anniversary Special: The 22nd Year of 9/11 Welcome to the latest episode of the Truth Mafia podcast. On this special anniversary, we’ve united the entire Truth Mafia team to explore the mysteries that still surround us. […]

The Changeling Conspiracy Cinema Podcast

The Changeling

The Changeling ‘The Changeling’ review: Apple TV+ fantasy mines parental anxiety in standout horror fable **”The Changeling” Review: A Disorienting Tale Lost in Translation** *By Tommy Truthful* *Date: September 10, 2023* Apple TV+’s adaptation of Victor LaValle’s critically acclaimed novel, “The Changeling,” ventures into a realm where fairytales seamlessly morph into nightmarish realities. The journey […]

Blue Beetle: From Plasma Apocalypse to Black Goo and Programmable Matter With JayDreamerZ, Tommy Truthful, Paranoid American, Doenut factory

Blue Beetle

Blue Beetle   We have a fascinating connection to this movie – flip the number 118 around and what do you get? 811! Wormwood revelations — where a third of the stars fall from heaven. The star’s name is Wormwood. The codes 118 and 811 are intertwined with the destruction of the iconic Golden Gate […]

Paranoid Programming 001: Introduction to AI generated media (images voices music video more)

Paranoid Programming 001 Introduction To Ai Generated Media Images Voices Music Video More -

Site: https://truthmafia.com : complete summary text presention: paranoid-programming-001-introduction-to-ai-generated-media-images-voices-music-video-more

#166 | Star Domes Resonance Structures Enlightenment Thru Architecture w/ Topher Gardner

166 Star Domes Resonance Structures Enlightenment Thru Architecture W Topher Gardner -

– Juana Juan is on the Juana Juan podcast. If you’re enjoying the show, consider signing up for the Patreon. com subscription. There you get ad free content, early access, exclusive episodes, and monthly supporter hangouts. There are other ways of supporting the show.

Adrenochrome, Freemasonry and MK-ULTRA (Documentary)

Adrenochrome, Freemasonry And Mk-Ultra (Documentary)

Adrenochrome Paranoid American Blog and Decode by Tommy Truthful. The Significance of Toxin X and its Connection to Covid Mandates Introduction: In this Blog, we will explore the intriguing correlation between Toxin X, Sumerian Gematria, and the Covid mandates that have been implemented worldwide. Additionally, we will delve into the claims made during the initial […]


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