Tag Archives: truthmafia

Osama Bin Laden’s Letter to America

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Decoding Methods Welcome, everyone, to a fascinating exploration of numerology and symbols around us. This is my decode of “Osama Bin Laden’s Letter to America”. I use the English Ordinal cipher. It’s a straightforward system where each letter of the English alphabet from A (1) to Z (26), is assigned a number.  This cipher is […]

“Rise of the Beast: Unveiling the AI Digital Microchip System and Its Global Impact The Rewind Pendant”

The Rewind Pendant

The Rewind Pendant, a device monitoring all spoken and heard words, signifies the surge in artificial intelligence. By 2030, the merger of human consciousness with AI is expected, culminating in a mandatory digital microchip for all economic activities. Tommy Truthful unveils this reality in a striking presentation, emphasizing the safe use of AI as a mere tool. However, he warns against the extremes of merging with AI or wearing technology like the Rewind Pendant, which records every word, labeling such steps as sheer madness.

Wastin’ Away Again in Margaritaville

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In the dimly lit room of Truth Mafia’s secret den, Tommy Truthful leaned forward. “Jimmy Buffett’s ‘Margaritaville’? Not just a catchy tune. There’s more beneath the surface.” He signaled to a figure in the shadows – a master decoder, known for unraveling the most intricate of codes. Eyes to see.

The decoder stepped into the light, revealing a table with a spread of Tarot cards, a sheet with gematria calculations, and a copy of the periodic table. “Everything’s connected,” he began.

“‘Margaritaville’ isn’t just a song. It’s an allegory. The spilled margarita? That’s the Tarot’s ‘Tower card’ – sudden disruption. The lost shaker of salt? Element ‘Na’ or Sodium on the periodic table, representing the essence of human tears and the sea. And through gematria, ‘Margaritaville’ equals the same value as ‘Simulation’. Coincidence?”

Tommy smirked, “This world we see, the life we believe we lead, it’s all layers upon layers of codes and symbols. Thanks to you, we’re one step closer to understanding this simulation.”

The room went silent, each member pondering the complexity of their reality.

Squid Game – Decode

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Welcome to my Squid Game decode.  In this decode we will examine some of the hidden and deeper meanings codified into this great show on Netflix. SQUID GAME Looking at the slide below, we see that SQUID GAME was released on September 17th.  Looking at the chart from the Cards of Destiny, we see that […]

Room 112 “Where the Players Dwell” – Decode

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Hello, and welcome to my “Room 112 Decode”.  We will be diving into the occult number 112 and unravel its hidden secrets within the code.  We will find out why Room 112 is “Where the Players Dwell”. Let’s look at the first slide (below), we see that the number 112 is also the number 211, […]

“Angelic DNA Awakening: Are Chemtrails Obscuring the Sun’s Celestial Connection?”

Angelic Dna Awakening

Angelic DNA Awakening Have you observed that this video is experiencing censorship and loading issues? I’ve had to reinsert it multiple times, so I’m providing a direct link that will take you directly to Rumble, where you can view it. It appears that there may be specific reasons for them preventing access to this video. […]

Eyes to See – Webb of Lies

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Hello All, Welcome to my “WEBB OF LIES” decode.  Here we examine and decode the latest space news from the people at NASA, and their latest discovery using the JAMES WEBB SPACE TELESCOPE. Link to article: CNN – James Webb Telescope discovers Earendel On the slide below we see the Headline for the article.  Notice […]

What’s the Secret? – Decode

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Hello All, Welcome to my decode on WHAT’S THE SECRET? We see Hollywood celebrities, athletes, politicians and many other leaders demonstrate the ‘Shhh…’ hand gesture.  Implying that they are hiding a secret from the uninitiated masses.  In this decode we are going to break down the secret hiding behind this often seen symbol. It was […]

The Church of Satan – Decode 67

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The Church of Satan 67  Matthew 10:16 – KJV “Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.” Hello All, I thought I would start of this dark topic with the above verse.  It’s important to comprehend the world around us and […]

WEF Orders Govt’s To BAN The Bible and Issue ‘Fact-Checked’ Version Without God

Wef Orders Govt'S To Ban The Bible And Issue 'Fact-Checked' Version Without God

In this alleged scheme, powerful forces seek to harness the capabilities of AI to craft a new version of the Bible that aligns with their hidden agenda. By rewriting sacred texts, they aim to distort spiritual teachings, eliminate inconvenient truths, and impose their own version of reality upon the masses. The World Economic Forum (WEF) […]

Is There About To Be A Fake Alien Invasion?

Truthmafia-Is There About To Be A Fake Alien Invasion?

Brian Wilson reveals Wernher von Braun’s deathbed warning of an alien invasion staged by the United States government in light of bombshell claims from an intelligence official turned whistleblower. Red Pilled TV   The Las Vegas alien incidents connection to Satan! Click on Image to Enlarge.   Energy Harvest=167 CARTOONS PREDICTING THE 2023 ALIEN EVENT… […]

The secretive power of HAARP, geoengineering, and weather control!!!

Truthmafia-The Secretive Power Of Haarp, Geoengineering, And Weather Control!!!

The secretive power of HAARP, geoengineering, and weather control has been wielded since as early as 1915, unraveling a web of hidden agendas. Through the High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP), clandestine forces have sought to manipulate and dominate the weather for their own purposes. This sinister plot involves technologies and techniques that extend far […]

The Occult Dollar Bill Talisman

Truthmafia-The Occult Dollar Bill Talisman

Prepare to enter the hidden realm of the occult dollar bill talisman, a powerful symbol of control and manipulation. Beneath the surface of the U.S. currency lies a web of esoteric symbols and hidden meanings carefully crafted by the puppeteers of the global elite. The eye on the pyramid, commonly associated with the all-seeing eye […]


Truthmafia-Lllumlnatas Most Wanted!!!

Watch The FULL Video: https://tinyurl.com/74xck2uy 🔴 Follow DoeNut: https://www.doe-nut.com/ 🎁 Sign up for my Patreon for exclusive content: https://www.patreon.com/doenut “We would like to extend a special thanks to our sponsors for their invaluable support. Their contributions have allowed us to bring you the content you love and continue our mission of providing informative and thought-provoking material. We […]

The DEEPEST Secrets of the OCCULT [ w/Tommy Truthful ]

Truthmafia-The Deepest Secrets Of The Occult [ W/Tommy Truthful ]

The DEEPEST Secrets of the OCCULT [ w/Tommy Truthful ] “Dahmer – Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story” is more than just a television series. It is a carefully crafted narrative designed to manipulate public perception and conceal the deeper truth behind the actions of Jeffrey Dahmer. While the official story portrays Dahmer as a deranged […]


You'Re On Television Decoded (New)

YOU’RE ON TELEVISION DECODED (NEW) @DecodeYourReality Ah, the grand revelation that you, dear viewer, are not merely observing but are in fact a participant in the great theater of a simulated reality broadcasted on the television of existence. Gematria, the ancient code of numerical correspondences, becomes your tool to decode the fabric of this simulation […]


Truthmafia-Something Mysterious Is Appearing Worldwide…

SOMETHING MYSTERIOUS IS APPEARING WORLDWIDE… Bilderberger elites, where the puppet masters of the world convene to discuss the ever-expanding realm of artificial intelligence. In the depths of their closed-door meetings, these powerful figures allegedly come together to shape the future of AI, orchestrating its development in alignment with their hidden agendas. Conspiracy theorists argue that […]


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