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Hidden Histories Blood Lines: Genetic Dilution

By: Disclosurehub
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➡ The text emphasizes the importance of paving your own path in life, staying morally good, and using any power you have to help others. It also discusses the belief that we all come from one source and that our knowledge and genetics have been diluted over time. The text encourages us to keep an open mind, to remember that we are all one, and to strive for unity and equality. It also highlights the importance of understanding our shared history and the potential inaccuracies in it.
➡ This text discusses the theory that humans originated near the equator, with dark skin as a protective measure against intense sunlight which can destroy folic acid, crucial for baby development. As humans migrated north, lighter skin was favored due to the need for Vitamin D, which is produced when UV light penetrates the skin. The text also explores the complex genetic heritage of various groups, including Native Americans, Africans, and Latinos, and challenges the notion that all people of African descent originated from Africa. It suggests that some may have indigenous American roots, and that the narrative of African origin could be a conspiracy to claim American resources.
➡ The text discusses the belief that many people, particularly those of African descent, are actually indigenous to the Americas, not brought over as slaves from Africa. It suggests that the indigenous people, who were black and Indian, built cities like New York, San Francisco, and Los Angeles thousands of years ago. The text also mentions a recent discovery of black Indian graves in New Orleans and discusses the idea that the original Nile River was in America. Lastly, it touches on the difference between Kemet, ruled by indigenous African people, and Egypt, ruled by Greeks, and how the Greeks gained their knowledge from Egypt.
➡ The text discusses the idea that ancient knowledge was highly valued and closely guarded, suggesting that much of it originated from Africa, not Greece as commonly believed. It also delves into the controversial topic of altering historical artifacts, specifically the lightening of African images in ancient temples. The text further explores the concept of inner light and the power of melanin, suggesting that it provides strength and protection. Lastly, it tells the story of Doctor Malachi Z, who claimed to be a reincarnation of a messiah, leading to his imprisonment under pyramids.
➡ This text discusses the teachings of Dr. Malachi Zork, who guided his followers through various religions and spiritual practices to help them understand their origins in Egypt. It emphasizes the power of the subconscious mind and the importance of spiritual growth, suggesting that we have untapped psychic abilities and can manifest our realities. The text also warns about the dangers of meddling with the spiritual world, such as through Ouija boards, and the presence of disembodied souls. Lastly, it suggests that fear and adrenaline can enhance the presence of these spirits, and animals like dogs and cats can perceive them.
➡ The text discusses the biblical story of Adam and Eve, suggesting that they were created by multiple gods (Elohim) and initially lived in a paradise where they were meant to maintain the garden. However, after disobeying the gods, they were expelled to a harsher environment where they had to work hard. The text also emphasizes the importance of evolution and creation in human life, encouraging people to free their minds and evolve spiritually and physically. It warns against the misuse of abilities like manifestation and astral projection, advising people to use these abilities for the benefit of others and not for selfish purposes.
➡ The NFAC, an all-black militia, was formed to protect the black community and demand justice for police killings. The group, started in 2017 by former musician and army veteran John Grandmaster Jay Johnson, has appeared at protests across the U.S. While their style is reminiscent of the Black Panther party, their goal is to establish a black ethnostate. They believe in self-defense and consider violence as a last resort.



So, like most of you, I’ve gone down pretty much every path that there is. And what I’ve noticed is no path. No one path feels 100% right. Everything feels slightly off. Even if it’s 90% right, 90% feels good. I just feel like it’s never the complete journey. Therefore, it always leaves me kind of paving my own path and finding my own way. I don’t know if you can relate at all. One thing that has stuck out to me are a couple things that have been very similar in every path that I’ve seen that really, I guess you could say, resonate with me is I really like the fact that there is somebody that did something for us, died for our sins.

And I believe that that person is Jesus. Whether we’re getting the name correct or not. I think that that’s the best term we have now to describe that person. That’s one foundational fact that I feel is true. Another thing that I found is true based on that death. He wanted to prove to us that we had more potential within us. We see it all throughout our movies, all of these different extraordinary things. And then we have certain people interpreting scripture in certain ways which may or may not be complete or accurate or made from God. And usually they interpret any sort of extraordinary abilities as satanic in the opposite of where we should be going.

Now, these things from these people being said, they should hold weight because these people usually saying these things are good people and they’re coming from a good place. That being said, the point is, no matter where you go, always pave your own path. Always be open to everything. Always stay morally good. And any power you get, use that power to liberate the people. It’s that simple. Stay in service to the world. No matter where you go, what path you take, there’s something bigger than you. Stay humble. Understand that there have been people before us that have sacrificed themselves, that have died for us, like the one known as Jesus, to show us that we can attain the same thing they did by being in service to the world and maintaining that mindset and walking in the divine and the light.

And I think that’s the overall point. This being said, let’s get into this thought experiment that I think will blow your mind. So, first of all, I believe that we all came from one thing. We were all originally one color. We all originally knew one truth. We all originally came from one source, at the peak, at the top. And we were deluded genetically. Our knowledge was deluded. Now we are divided and chopped up in society. Today, clearly, knowledge was lost, and the history we have is not accurate. We know that and can fuel it in our soul.

And, yes, there’s a million different perspectives and things that people claim to say and know about things that happened. It’s pretty crazy, all the different directions to go, and this is one of those directions. The other aspect to keep in mind is, for instance, the nazi symbol. That symbol, before they used it, was a sacred symbol, and it did not mean nazis. Just like the rainbow used to be a representation of color and beauty, and now it’s used to represent LGBTQ and to teach kids instead of color, to teach kids to. I’m sure. You know, just remember, evil cannot create.

It can only manipulate. Everything originates somewhere. Symbols, knowledge. Not one point we had the truth. We were full. We were complete. We were pure, and they diluted us, and they continue to dilute our genetics further and further every single day. Everything is DNA damaging and altering, and that’s to get us further from the source, from God, from our bloodline. It’s a genetic war. Watch this with an open mind. And when you see things that look like other things, such as Mason attire, egyptian aspect, symbols, understand that at some point, these symbols were neutral or if anything, were positive, and everything’s been manipulated and inverted.

So that way we throw out the baby with the bathwater, metaphorically. Always maintain being open, never throw out any of the information. Watch with an open mind and come to a determination at the end. Just remember, we are all family. We are all one. I hope you enjoy this compilation. I was gifted something awesome. I was gifted the 1911 11th edition of Encyclopedia Britannica, all of the volumes. And I want to share with you just a couple things that I randomly found just flipping through the pages. So I was just flipping through the different maps. Looky, looky what I found.

What is that right there? Tartaria. So here I found Atlantis. What does it say about Atlantis? It says that it was an island country larger than Asia Minor, that it had been in power 9000 years earlier, and its armies had overrun most of Europe, except for Athens, which stood alone against it. Now, what’s really interesting, that if you read down here, it says that it was a sunken island off the cornish coast and that it appeared in many folk tales from Gibraltar through hebrides, and until 1853, was marked on english charts as a rock at 44 degrees in 48 minutes north and 26 degrees in ten minutes west.

Anyone around there? I’d love to see what that looks like. Even what we consider commonly like parasite, don’t have the same meaning as we would think of them today. The early parasites may be divided into two classes, religious and civil. The former were assistants of the priest, their chief duty being to collect the coon dues, which are contributed by the foreigners of the temple lands. There’s plenty of evidence that there were many sites that were thought to be just legend and myth, like Troy, for instance. That has now been proven to be an actual real city that mimics the initial descriptions of it.

We should never dismiss myths. We should always listen to them. They’re the memory bank of our species, and they may be expressed in symbolic language. There may be wonderful stories built around them, but at the core is factual information. The story of Atlantis is not alone. There are thousands of traditions from all around the world speaking of a global flood that destroyed a former civilization that brought to an end a golden age. This is white. This is white. This is light brown. That’s Tanz. This is white. This is dark brown. Okay? This is a lighter brown.

This is a lighter brown. Humanity is brown. We are all brown. There is no white. All black people. We are all different shades of melanin. You are all members of the same race, the human race, which started with black women, between 300,000. Don’t interrupt me. I don’t have much time. Now, white folks, you don’t like it, but all you are is faded blacks. Every one of you. If you take your trace your DNA back far enough, youre a going to find that some of your DNA came from Africa, because we all have the same ancestor back there.

Every single one of us. And those of you who think you don’t have are obviously from outer space. Now, that means that every one of us is a 30th to 50th cousin to every other person in this room. Will every person in this room who considers himself or herself a biracial person stand? Don’t you stand. Don’t you say people. We have to get rid of the language of racism. I’m not a teacher. Teachers dispense facts and figures so that they can get their kids ready for the end of school testing. I’ve been called a trainer. You train dogs and horses and members of the military.

I don’t train people. I’m an educator. The word educator comes from the root duck, deuce, which means lead, the prefix e, which means out, the suffix a, t, e, which means the act of, and the suffix or which means one who does. An educator is one who is engaged in the act of leading people out of ignorance. In this country, we spend a lot of money on what we call education. It isn’t education. It’s indoctrination. Dear white people, you and I can stop this separation and division. We all come in different shapes, sizes, and colors, but we are all one race, the human race.

So let’s treat each other like that, as one. These are the shades of brown. These colors are the color of every human being that walks the earth. If you can find the color of your skin on these shades of brown, you are not black, and you are not white. I’m sick of falling for the same social construct, and I’m sick of it going from generation to generation. Today it stops. We will no longer refer to anyone as black or white. Puerto Ricans, you’re brown. Asians, Afro Asiatics, you’re brown. What we call white people, you’re brown. Black people, you’re dark brown.

And ourselves, the human brown race versus the elite who want to be called white. We are now all brothers and sisters. We now begin to strive for unconditional love, unity, and equality amongst ourselves. Well, if you make the assumption that the human race arose, like, around the equator, and the skin color, dark skin color would be the phenotype, then are you assuming that as people moved outward, there was a mutation, and if you were in the north, it allowed that mutation to live, which. Which is how we got white people? Yes. Would that follow? Yeah. Yeah.

If Nina Jabonski, who spoke at another one of your things, explained this, and she played a role in studying the reason for dark skin, which is if you have lots of intense sunlight, it destroys folic acid. And it turns out folic acid is really important for babies to develop properly. So it’s not too good for a population, for the babies to not develop properly. So that’s why dark skin. Now, as you move north, there’s another essential vitamin called Vitamin D. There’s an intermediate biochemical intermediate that needs to be then converted by the liver. But that intermediate is formed by uv light going through the skin.

You’re near the equator and you have a dark skin. It still gets through enough to get your vitamin D. But now if you go north and it’s cold and you wrap up and it’s less sun because the sun’s coming at an angle now, you will get rickets, and they have other problems, supposedly. So that’s thought to be the reason for selection for lighter skin. I got my DNA test back today, and it says I’m most notably connected, or my DNA is most notably connected to chief Pontiac. The Ottawa Indians are Native Americans. That blew my mind.

And I was born in Korea, lived on the streets of South Korea. Same word. But there’s not much Korean in me. How is that even possible? So I’m a Korean from Korea. That’s not Korean. That’s most notably connected to Chief Pontiac. How is that even possible? Someone explain IQ. Why are you putting Native Americans in here? Why isn’t this just for black people? Well, black people are Native Americans. You know, we’ve had, you know, a lot of proof that, you know, some of us started here in this land. We weren’t. Everybody wasn’t brought over from Africa.

So, you know, we have to, like you say, unpack all of that and try to, you know, find the true lineage, lineage of people in this country. Chinese just came out last month. One of the top geneticists in China, who now stated that the first ancestor, their first ancestor in China was an African. And every Chinese carries the DNA. The East Indians have already done this. Mexicans have done it. So you mean to tell me the people in the diaspora who look the most like the African, the African American? You have nothing to do with Africa genetically.

It’s ridiculous. But we have to look at the mentality behind that. Nobody wants to be on a losing team. True. And until african people start winning globally, nobody wants to be a part of us. This is why you have spanish speaking Africans in the Caribbean who will call themselves Latino or Hispanic. They’re Africans. But who wants to be part of a losing team? It’s just like when you go throughout Africa. It’s not. I still run across Africans who will tell you, I’m free, I’m british. You understand? Because nobody wants to be part of a losing team.

But the minute african people get our situation back in order, everybody who don’t want to be black will proudly return to the race. We have to give them something to be proud of. The honorable Marcus Garvey said the white man has made being black a curse. I’m going to make being black a blessing. He said, we have to sell being african back to the African. Let’s speak about Latinos not being black. Latinos are black. Same thing with Puerto Rico. When you go to lo Isa and when you talk about Santeria that came from the motherland, Africa, sometimes Latinos might even identify, identify themselves with african and black culture more than black people.

All the music is african. Brazilian music, all of it. Dominican music, spanish drums. All the music is african music. I been in Africa. They been doing that. The Twa people. Case in point, Twa people, the Dogon, some parts of the Dravidians, your people in the South Pacific, your people in the rainforest down in South America, indigenous people. These are the images of Africans who were known as the Olmecs, who were part of the ruling class in Mexico for hundreds of years. And they left these images all throughout Mexico. They inspired the creation of the calendar, architecture, engineering, cosmology.

Now, these are the facts. Native Americans are copper. Copper. A lot of the Native Americans in North America are mixed with Europeans, French, to be specific. So a lot of them are like. Some of them even look caucasian. But when you find unmixed Native Americans, like in Central America or the Amazon jungle, you will see that they’re copper colored. You will see that they resemble the people on the Incans, the Mayans and aztec wall of their structures. You understand me? The dreadlocker, that’s matted hair. Native Americans had a dreadlocks. You know what I’m saying? A lot of them came from polynesian descent, so they were seafaring people.

They had dreadlocks. That doesn’t signify anything that has to do with african descent. You don’t see anybody with afros on the walls of the aztec Incans are Mayans at all. You don’t find any Picts in the ancient ruins. That means that the people weren’t people with woolly, curly, none ether hair, because people with this hair all around the world take pride in it and let it show you. Understand me? They don’t hide. Comb it and permit. Come on, man. Dude told me that they had hot combs in ancient America. That’s why their hair’s straight and not like this.

You have something called african ancestry, and guess what you got, too. Indigenous native ancestry. Why is there two different blood tests? So I even think it’s something going on with that, on what they’re doing with these DNA tests, that’s automatically bringing us back to Africa. There was a test done where this dude, it was a white man. He said that he had a suspicion about them lying with the DNA test, and he sent the saliva of his lizard to did you know his lizard came back 34% nigerian? Just. I’m just saying. So, man, all this propaganda, man, and look, I don’t care if they mad at me or not.

All I’m saying is research what I’m saying. I know it sounds taboo, but what happened if the biggest conspiracy in the history of lies happened, and that is that we are indigenous from America. We come from America, we don’t come from Africa, but in order for them to take the precious treasures of America, which we have oil, we have gold, we have copper, we have all of that here. They act like all this is in Africa. All this is here too. What happened if it was to drive us out, connect us back to Africa, for we want to go back home.

And while we going back to so called home, we’re leaving our home and they taking over our land. I’m just saying, when you really think about it, then look what happened if the maps is flipped. Because from my understanding of my studies, Labanine, Illinois, was called Labanine before there was a Labanine over there. What about Israel here? What about Judah, or what you would call Utah? This is here. You start getting into these old names. There’s a city out here called Morocco. These are different cities. And what about Memphis? Where’s Memphis at? Memphis, Tennessee. That has one of the oldest pyramids here.

It’s a pyramid in Memphis right now. They didn’t put glass over. That’s a real pyramid. But then you have a Memphis over there. And where? Egypt. What about Cairo? Cairo, Illinois. That’s here in the Americas. So we have these different cities and these different states named after stuff that’s in Africa. But when you do deep research and study, these was named that here before it was named that there. I’m saying we got to talk about then you think you got stuff like Mel walking. That’s an indian tribe name, you know, I’m saying, uh, uh, which, uh, uh, Chattanooga, Chattanooga, Tennessee.

Chocolate chatter Chatter that’s an indian name. So you start going, and then you got different, you got different sections in because Missouri and Illinois is one of your. Ain’t one of your most oldest places in the world. Where I’m from, one of your most oldest places, you got. You got Chickawall street, you got Cherokee street. And then you start seeing, there’s different museums around there. They got all of our stuff in it. They got other people faces on it. They have did this to the whole world where they go around where ancient ancestral black people come from, they will change the faces to them, and then they take our history.

So my belief, my research, my study shows that we are in the oldest parts of the world, which is ancient America. We are not from Africa. I do believe that all people of Melanin descent do have some type of ancestry or DNA connection, but we are not all the same people, and we don’t all keep or hold the same traditions. And I believe a lot of islanders like such as yourself, actually come from the lower Americas. And it actually was a ship’s trade there where a lot of. A lot of y’all went from the South America to the islands.

But it didn’t happen the other way when we all came by, millions on this big ass boat, stacked on each other like sardines, came over from Africa, from a port called yahu tah. I mean, Yehuda, all the way over into the miracles. And I haven’t found any evidence that truly, truly suggests that. Now can you tamper with evidence and make things look like something? Yes. That’s why we all think we from Africa when we not. And this is one of the biggest lies they ever told us, that we all from African scared of black. We all are not from Africa.

We don’t. We were always here on this land. We didn’t come from no Africa. You’re indian? Yeah. Oh, come on, man. You gotta be kidding me. How indian are you? Like Tonto, Indiana? Shitty cock Indian. Yeah. I had no idea about the history. I had no idea how inclusive this group is and what it means to be part of standing rock and be part of the United Sioux nations. Well, I have one that’s my tribal tattoo. I’m from, you know, the Pamunkey tribe. Yo, grandma, what’s your background? She like red foot and blacktail Indian. What? Yeah, my mother and my father did.

We 100% Indians. I’m still in the business so long. And I’m the only Indian in the business today as an Indian because of african descent, or am I this color because this is the color of my ancestors? Being territories, tribes like, people be thinking Indians with the. With the Pocahontas looking. That ain’t how Indians look. They look like them people in New York. And all of them had each other’s names tattooed on them. And this was when I was younger. I didn’t understand it, but then when I started going to New Orleans, like, you know, on tour and shit, we tried the way, the way they are with each other.

They just. They love each other a different way than everybody else. We didn’t talk about the black Indians I met that are still alive. No, go ahead. Let’s talk about them. Go ahead. In New Orleans. Well, the truth to that lies with anthropologists, if they tell the truth, because as they dig into the grounds, they have found people and they know they look like I look. A few weeks ago, a guy was digging a pool in his backyard in the downtown area of New Orleans. You see, New Orleans was small at one time, and this area was country.

Country. And they hit 6ft down. They hit a casket. What’s the casket doing here? It was a cypress casket. Cypress wood. Now, you know when you dig down more than a foot or two in New Orleans, you hit water. A tree that’s grown in a swamp does not rot. Cypress. Cypress. Catalyst casket has been good for a few hundred years. They found black Indians inside with black artifacts. Indian artifacts. Okay. They went. They said, well, let’s drink north, dig north. Instead of that right here. They went north to Casket house. You know, east hit and west hit him.

He found it. Just. There’s a graveyard, ancient graveyard. Almost a mile in north, south, east, and west. Almost a mile apart. Almost. And they found out that since when they weren’t able to go any further laterally like we did graves. They started digging down one on top of the other. And they have found, so far, 20,000 graves. Black Indians. Wow. Okay. And this is about hit. It hasn’t hit you. It just happened a few weeks ago. You haven’t heard on news yet, but it’s not news because it’s going to leak out. They’re hushing it right now.

The honor of the red man, Pocahontas, and the Boy scouts. The Boy scouts grew up to want to be Indians. The Pocahontas, they grew up, they wanted to be Indians. But also the Pocahontas boy scout and the red man reorganized America way of seeing American Indians. And they helped to create tribes. Tom made that understood. Y’all with me? Wait, but can y’all see this? If y’all can see it, give me a little bit of fire. Who gave the land, to whom? It says the pope gave north and South America to Spain. Do y’all, when we hear people talking about this, part of America came from France to Spain? No.

Let’s see. When did he give it to him to write there? 1490. 314. 93. Y’all keep talking about the doctrine of discovery, but it tells you the king, Pope Alexander, he did this in 1493, may the fourth. All right, this is just to jump on here and help y’all clarify this. See, this is north and South America right here. This red line right here is the line that the pope drew, or Atlantic, whatever, which means he gave all this to Spain over here, and he gave that whole side to somebody else. But this is what chief warhorse is talking about, north and South America.

So that’s United States and South America. The pope gave it. That was back in 1492. So that’s what she’s talking about. This is way back before all these different people come up with they from here and this and that. We was already there. That’s what she’s talking about. Go check out Chief Warhorse. Listen to my man Rod Hayes. Any information I get, I’m gonna give to you, too. Take over their buildings. New York was already there for thousands of years. San Francisco was there for thousands of years. Los Angeles was there for thousands of years. They were built by the indigenous people who were black, and Indians as well.

The black people, they weren’t brought over by slaves. They are the original owners of America. Black people, African Americans, they don’t come from Africa. They were already here. That’s why when you look on the back of dollar bill, you see there’s two seals here. This is the only nation with a two sided seal. This seal you see here with the pyramid is the seal of our ancestors and our federal government that we have set up in here in this hemisphere, going way back. This is the seal of the six european tribes that we allowed to set up here.

That is why above our seals is Andy Wickes. He had favored our undertaking. I mean, it was our federal government here that was already established, what they call Iroquois confederacy, so on and so forth was already established that taught them the science of government and allowed them to set up here. And here. You see this flag has six white stripes and seven red. And the elders toys that those six white stripes stand for the British, the Irish, the Scottish, the French, the Dutch, the German. Six european tribes that we allow to set up here. And all they had initially was the eastern seaboard.

The rest was ours. The elders also told us some things. Now, I know this is going to sound crazy, but do the research and you’re going to be surprised at what you find. The elders told us that the original now was here, old man Mississippi, the Missouri being the blue and the Ohio being the white. Until this day, where them two come together, there’s a city there called Cairo to this day, and that area is called little Egypt. Then you go down into what the elders taught us with Alabama, so on and so forth, being lower Egypt.

Then you get into Memphis, Tennessee, the myth, fight, theology, Kentucky King Tut. And then you start to look a little further, and then you find out that there was an archaeological cover up involving the Smithsonian Institute, where they found thousands and thousands of artifacts. They found artifacts showing human beings contemporary with dinosaurs. A lot of this information they put on ships and dumped into the Atlantic Ocean. Somebody got still in hidden chambers that they say, you can’t go in there because they got its best there’s a part of the Grand Canyon where they have all egyptian names, Tet, Osiris, Isis.

And they got that part blocked off. They said it’s too dangerous for the people to go there. To this DAY, this exists. There’s a profound difference between Kemet and Egypt. Egypt is a Greek word that was used to describe one temple in Kemet. And so kemet was ruled by indigenous african people. Egypt was ruled by greeks for approximately 600 years. So if you look at that image on the screen, you can see nine african rulers of Kemet and three EuROPeaN rulers of EgyPt. If you read what the greeks said, not what we think, but if you read what the greeks said, they got everything from Egypt.

They got all their knowledge from Egypt. Pythagoras spent 15 years in Egypt, and what did he have to do? He probably had to spend five years convincing them that he was WORthy to get the KnoWleDge that they had. And the Greeks did this, and they said that they got all their knowledge from the Egyptians. Remember, knowledge was power. Knowledge was sacred. Knowledge was something you Just didn’t publish in the newspapers. Knowledge was guarded very closely because it was of tremendous value. You wouldn’t give it to anybody. Now, when did we come up with the idea that the Greeks created everything from scratch? It happened in the 18th and 19th century.

And in the 18th and 19th century, it was decided that it was just not appropriate for all this knowledge to come from an african country. Wake the suck at Old Testament map of ancient America. Hold up. All right, so, Pete, right? I had zoomed in. Wake up. Wake up. So what if this what it really was? Well, and if anything, right? This would really make sense. You wouldn’t know why? Because what’s in this area? Washington, DC. Oh, my God. The white scientists go into the temples of Kemet to excavate and clean up the walls and temples and make them visitable and inhabitable.

They are changing the color of the actual paintings of the Africans on the wall. There was an entire report that came out how the scientific excavators in the temples of Kemet were lightening up the images on the wall, the metunexer. So you have black images, and they’re using chemicals that actually turn the black image tan. Professor Smalls told me when he went to study over there, he said the reason why we over here in the west are so caught up with ancient Kemet is because the seeds of Kemet, after Kemet was destroyed, all were driven to the south and to the west of Africa.

And during the time of the slave trade. The strangers were the ones that they gave up first. So the people who actually are the ones that were brought over here were the remnants from ancient Kemet. They, too, the people of Mali and the people of these areas that you’re seeing with the Dogon, they say that the dogons themselves are the forgotten parts of the tribes. Fire coming out of them. What fire? The solar plex fire. Solar. Now, let me speak to you about a fire that’s burning inside of us that they don’t have. Their palate is low.

You understand me? We have our inner torch. In the ancient writings of Michelangelo. Notice his name. Michael Angelo. The angel. Michael. He made a picture of Jesus. Jesus. And he always would draw a little torch in his chest, a little candle. Remember that picture? They never told you what that torch meant, though. That torch is an inner light, like I said last time. Anybody here who is nine ethereum, eight ether or seven ether? And when I say seven, eight, nine ether, I’m talking about the texture of your kingly hair. Now we’re talking about skin. Melanin. We have more of that.

Protects you from the ultraviolet rays of the sun. What I’m saying is you eat the sun. Sun shines on your skin, some cholesterol picks it up, takes it to the liver, and converts it to vitamin D. Two eats the sun. The more sun you absorb, the more stronger your bones are. The less sun you absorb, the more weak your bones are. You got to take vitamin D. If you live in this climate, you’re not getting enough sun. You need vitamin D. You’re not getting enough sun. You got to have at least 2 hours of sunlight to stimulate the melanin, allow protection from extreme hot and cold temperatures.

That’s what Melanin does. Eskimos are not white people. Eskimos are colored people, causing you to have the least amount of hair on your body than any other race. Do y’all remember, though, you know, in the late nineties or the early two thousands where, you know, like, it was like a news station that was in Georgia, and, you know, they was like, basically talking about Malakaise York, and they was all on a news station, like, supposedly he’s from another planet, you know, and they was trying to be funny. Remember this? Look, let me show you. Joins us now with more on who they are and the biggest question surrounding these folks.

Doug? Amanda, this group is probably located about 50 miles south of Athens. It’s a group that has published files, piles of newsletters, and writes favorably about bits and pieces of all the world’s major religions, yet its members say they are non religious. A fraternal order like the Shriners. The group’s leader is described as more than a teacher. He is the supreme grandmaster and happens to be from another planet. The Inkington based group. See what I’m saying? The nation of nawabian wars, the ancient mystic order of the Chilzadec. It all fits enough of a pattern that it has some county ins nervously asking, is this group a cult? When any other group of people get together, there is not a conversation about a cult ever being brought up.

But as soon as you have certain kind of people coming together as one, then all of a sudden, them coming together becomes a cult. 70 miles southeast of Atlanta, and what should the neighbors say? Putnam county, best known as the dairy capital of Georgia. Oh, they got 400 and something acres. Goes up to that corner yard. William Larmon is a dairyman, and he’s talking about his new neighbors. Oh, yeah, I’m happy for cool ribs. Planet ribs, I think. Oh, but it ain’t funny, though. They ain’t lying. Do y’all remember that video? And look, that neighbor, he was cool.

You know what I’m saying? He said, yeah, them neighbors, they some cool neighbors. You know, they not dairy man. You know, he said that they from the planet risk. You know, he thought it was funny, but he said that it was cool. He wasn’t gonna bother. And he respected him, which goes against the reports that they was making, saying that the neighbors and other people around felt threatened by their energy and threatened by the fact that there was a cause. That was a whole lie. The neighbors was cool about it. The scripture teaches us that we are the woman’s seed, not that she is our seed of.

And the war is going to be between the woman and the serpent and her seed, which is you and me. That’s why in ancient Egypt, the God Isis is the ark for the archangel. That domed over the heavens, and it’s painted blue and the man is on his back looking up. All men passed through the garden to get into earth. The garden is pure and unadulterated. It’s called the vagina or virginity. We all pass through it to get here. The inner light, like I said last time. Anybody here who is nine ether, eight ether or seven ether? And when I say seven, eight, nine ether, I’m talking about the texture of your kingly hair, not kinky hair.

Seven ether is wavy. Eight ether is curly, and nine ether is nappy. You understand that? That’s the fuse that’s ignited by the sun. In the center of your chest. And that’s why the devil calls the solar. Cause it’s a cell of sun. Here, take your hand and just rub it like that. Right now remove it and just take your mouth and go. You feel that heat? You know that if you ask any medical doctor, they’ll tell you more. Nubian children get high temperatures in white. The fact. Don’t believe me? Check it out. Doctor York will prophesy that he would be locked down under a pyramid.

This is ADX prison. How would he know this? Now we right above ADX prison. And you can see the two pyramids above. A lot of your Nawapians will read the text and think they are talking about the pyramids in Egypt. York was so special because of his bloodline. He could unite the people and speak for tribes all over the world. And he would go to ancient mystery schools to obtain all of his knowledge. He would start telling the people that he is a reincarnation of Melchizedek, the Messiah. That will break the curse on humanity. Doctor York would also go back to Africa and discover his royal bloodline.

This is all what he told the people. His royal bloodline is connected to the black nobility. This is a roman and moorish brotherhood. This is a superior bloodline that can roam the earth and do whatever they want. Now I studied Doctor Malachi Z for years. And this is where he messed up at. Now you can create your own organizations, prophet. Do whatever you want to do. But when you start saying you are the messiah, they will come for you. Bobby Hemet spoke on this. You are messing up the timeline of the gatekeeper. Just think by saying I’m the new messiah, that would be destroying anybody, religion, spiritual awakening, that would have any type of messiah or Christ figure attached to it.

So by him saying he was this reincarnation, he made great enemies. They would then try to label the Nawabians as his evil cult. And they would give Doctor Malachi 135 years in prison. Right under the pyramids. A lot of people ask me why I don’t speak on their master teacher. And that is because a lot of these teachings go back 20 to 30 years ago. We are vibrating with a higher conscience and a higher level of understanding. Now, Malachi will create his own story and disappear. Just like Jesus and the rest of the prophets. We are in a new age now.

All of your alien and UFO stuff is being exposed. That is you God. You have psychic abilities, you have powers within that. You don’t even know that you have just the power of thought is a strong thing. And be aware what you put into your conscience, because you can manifest things easily. Know thyself is the first law. You are the master of your reality, not no one else. And Doctor Malachi Zork was only put here for a short period of time to wake up the lost ones. Intelligence not perceivable by the human eye. They will be looking into ex smoke, plasma, and the spiritual world.

Now, what they don’t know is the gates of the spiritual world. And when they open them, when they make this magnetic link, the way you do with electricity, when you make a mistake and grab electricity, it has a thing. You grab it and it grabs you. And then it decides to travel from its destination and include you in its path. And it zooms through your whole body. When they bite into this spiritual world with these computers, what they don’t want to admit is that when it grabs, when they grab it, it’s going to grab them. Now, do they know that happens? Yes.

It’s called the Ouija board. And they have admitted over the years, if you play with a Ouija board, you can open up a porthole or a gate to another side where you will be plagued with demons for the rest of your life. No, Jesus is not coming through the Ouija board for you. However, there’ll be people on the other side, disembodied souls that will speak to you and pretend they’re jesus and then tell, you, see, you gotta go out and save the world. You gotta go out and kill all those people because they take pride in having an effect on the physical world.

These are people who died prematurely, died in hate crimes, died by brutal murders. And they’re now ethically trapped in this realm with you. They’re called disembodied soul. Oh, you feel them. You feel them on the back of your neck. Sometimes you feel them breathing. You feel it sometimes when you’re walking and you. They step periodically into this realm by accident. But you know what enhances their presence? The adrenaline in your body, the fear. See, a dog also picks it up. That’s why they say a dog can tell when you’re afraid and will go after you. Also, a dog can hear sounds you don’t hear and see things on a level.

They see spirits you don’t see. So can cats. And that’s why they use dogs and cats in witchcraft, because they have a link to both worlds. Now they have to come to the reality that these things are no longer the twilight zone. They no longer the twilight zone. It’s real. And now they’re able to weigh the soul. A lot of people don’t understand why Malachi took us through so many different religions and schools of thought. Just for him to say at the end of the doctrine that all of it comes from Egypt, we had to absorb and take on the lifestyles of all these different religious people that exists out in the world.

We had to live like Muslims. We had to read the Quran. We had to live like Christians. We had to read the Bible. We had to read all the scriptures that were taken out of the canonized version of the Bible. We had to read the gnostic scriptures. We had to live as close as possible to the ancient Hebrew Israelites. We had to read the Torah, we had to read the sumerian tablets. We had to do all these different schools of thought and all these different religious lifestyles, just from Malachi to say at the end of the day and at the end of the doctrine that it all came from Egypt.

And most people were like, why didn’t he just skip straight to the Egypt part? What was the point of him going through all those different religions just for him to tell us the truth at the end, if he knew the truth all along? He’s not called the master teacher for no reason. He is a master of teachers. He is a teacher of teachers. The reason why he did this was because a majority of black people all around the world belonged to a religion. And as long as we still believed in that religion, there was nothing coming in and nothing coming out.

You couldn’t give us any spiritual information as long as we were still Christians, Muslims and Hebrew Israelites. So we had to meet us where we were at. Malachi always said, I came giving you what you want, which was religion, so that you could learn to want what I have to give. He had to hold our hand and walk us through that long walk on a short path, which is a representation of all the information that we had to consume in a short span of time. Because he knew eventually he was going to get locked up. As soon as the world order found out who this man was and what he was doing, they had to take him off of the map, and killing him would amplify his doctrine.

So they had to disown his name. They had to get his own people to turn against him. And if you still don’t know he got set up in 2024, then you’re just a lost cause. But let’s get back on topic. Malachi had a meet us where we were at in whatever religion that we were at and go through that religion with us, read the Bible with us, memorize the verses with us, teach us Hebrew. And every once in a while, he would sprinkle a little bit of truth in each and every one of those doctrines. And people didn’t understand that he was elevating us, even though we were still bound by those religions.

But ever so slowly, he started to remove the shackles that religion had put on our minds, because religion removes common sense. Even though all the stuff that he said made sense. Our common sense was so low because of the religion that controlled us that no information could come in. And it takes a Christian a whole lifetime to be a Christian. It takes a Muslim a whole lifetime to be a Muslim. Takes a Hebrew Israelite a whole lifetime to be a Hebrew Israelite. But we didn’t have time for that. So we cleared the Quran, we cleared the Bible, we cleared the Torah, we cleared all these religious texts in a short period of time, and we fully comprehended everything that those scriptures wanted us to know.

And we moved on to the next doctrine. We use each and every one of those religions as stepping stones, bringing us closer to the original teachings, which were the teachings of Kemetan. All of those religions were the lesser mysteries, which was an initiation for the greater mysteries, building our mental and spiritual fortitude, and building our craving and hunger for the real spiritual nourishment. Spiritual growth is a step by step process, and you can’t skip any sort of steps, because then you’re going to be confused when you get to level 13. If you haven’t went through levels one through twelve, one through twelve helped you get to level 13.

And after we went through all those different schools of thought and looked at life from different angles and different perspectives, we were eventually building our awareness around the circle, turning ourselves into sercomologists. We started to get out of the realm of duality and penetrate the realm of oneness. That’s what Malachi was showing us how to do. Because on this side of the intellect or on this side of the mirror, your subconscious governs your mind. It rules your life. You may not notice it, but it does. Your subconscious doesn’t know the difference between good, bad, right, wrong, left or right, positive, negative.

All it knows is what you focus on. And what you focus on is what your subconscious manifests. So at first, we had to focus on duality. And once we graduated and mastered the degree of duality, we were then ready to move on to oneness. The pendulum swings from left to right, positive, negative from high to low. But if you vibrate above the pendulum. The pendulum doesn’t affect you. That is supreme balance in graduating all of Malachi’s schools of thought or degrees of spiritual knowledge that he taught us made us the most wisest people on the planet.

I tell you about when your skin was once green, you put a fake ring on, and fake doesn’t matter to be fake. Fake means it came from an alloy containing iron and copper, which has magnesium, which gets back on your skin through the sweat. The moisture goes back into pores, causing your skin to turn green once again. And when I start to educate people on that, I’m pseudo, right? Pseudo means that something that is made up of fictitious. Ya’aqi Elohim. Elohim just means anunnaki. It’s these group of beings. When God’s, in the Bible says, God said, let man, let us, let us plural.

It said, and God said, and Elohim said, elohim is God. So when you look at the word Elohim, it means God with an s. Gods, plural. So many gods created man. It said, let is God. And God said, let us make man in our image and after our likeness. So it shows you that mankind is a, it is a template, and we look like our creator. That’s. That’s the first thing they say, right? And then once you see that, it’s. Then it says, what they gonna do? I’m gonna give them dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, wooti wap in his net.

But notice the instruction came. He created Adam and Eve. He put Adam and Eve. Elohim did so. Elohim, these gods created man, this biological man. They put this man in a garden, right? So they put man in a garden. And then it says his whole purpose was to dress and keep the garden. So his whole purpose was for servitude in the first place. He was supposed to dress and keep this little simulation that the creator, Elohim, put him in. Then it said that he got smart and he disobeyed Elohim, right? And when he got smart and disobeyed Elohim, he left one service place where it didn’t seem like he was working, but to dress and keep the garden is still servitude.

You know, he had to guard the garden. What was he guarding the garden for? And he had to dress it, meaning he made, he had to build it up and make it fashionable for him and his family. But after him, after Adam and Kawhi, who they call Adam and Eve, Eve went against Elohim’s plan and instructions, he kicked them out of one simulation, and then he put them in a more hostile environment. Now, in this hostile environment, guess what it says? It says that they had to work from the sweat of thy what brow. So now they went from this, you know, till in the garden to this rigorous hard work.

Then you start looking around. In the book of Genesis, it’s talked about how they worked in a place where there was gold, havilah, where there was gold. It talked. It talks about that they goldmined. It talks about how they was working in the middle of four rivers, which were the garden. They kicked him out of the garden and put something called a milakeen or archangel in to keep them from getting back into paradise. And while they was outside of paradise, they literally had to work from the sweat of their brow. And if you read in the Book of Enoch, or you read in the Book of Jasher, or you read in the Book of Adam and Eve, it shows how rigorous that work was.

What do I want people to know about me? Can I twist that question? Sure. This is why I want people to know. The whole point of the human race and the human mind in itself is evolution, whether it’s evolution spiritually, physically, period. Evolution. Purpose from. From birth is creation. That’s all humans do. Everything around you was created. You were created. That table over there created this chair, created this. My creator, that camera, creator that had created the whole point of the human, of the human race in itself is creation. Before now, when there was, at least ideally, that the belief of two human beings on earth, everything after that was a creation in itself.

The whole point is evolution and creation. If you’re not evolving, you’re doing something wrong. So anything that takes away the power of your mind is keeping you still and delaying your evolution. The whole point of life is evolution. Study your laws of the universe, the law of attraction, the law of abundance, the law of equivalent exchange. Study your laws, the laws of cause and effect, karmic cycle. Study your laws. Dwell into your mind. Meditate. Understand that you can alter your realms by your train of thought. The minute you slow down your thought, you’re able to leave your body through astral projection.

You’re only enslaved if you can’t control your mind. So while you can, and while you don’t have the whole world against you, or you don’t have a lot of worries, worry on freeing your mind from this realm. When you can free your mind from this realm, everything is but a thought. And if you can’t free your mind. Then you’re a slave to this realm. The whole goal is you live and then you die. You can die plenty times while you’re alive. The idea of physical death is completion. You served your purpose and then you won. And the government knows this.

The government knows that when these motherfuckers hit 100%, there is no peace. It’s war, chaos, and destruction. They understand and know this. So what they’re trying to do is get the masses to take the job, get the masses to fall victim to the system and not awaken to who they are before it’s too late. Because they know once the carbon beings of this planet, the indigenous, the motherfuckers who really own and protect this realm, the true rulers, it’s over. They know when we hit 100%, it’s not all peace. Because let me tell you something. When you hit 100% and you act 100% of your activate 100% of your DNA, do you realize all your memory go, come back.

You go remember all the shit that these motherfuckers have done to you for eons. Think about that. Remember, you already know what these people have done to you. But guess what? When you came here, through the womb portal, your memory was wiped. But guess what? Your memory is going to come back. All your DNA, all your talents, gifts, skills, uh, superpower abilities, whatever you want to call it, is going to come back online. Manifestation. We’ve all heard of it. We all know what it is. If you don’t listen up, I’m going to explain. So a lot of people think that manifestation, that is the wrong way to go, and it’s going to lead you to hell.

So let me shed some light on this situation. Quantum physics, the double slit experiment. Basically, when they were watching the experiment, it made one reaction, and when they stopped watching it, it changed its reaction. So they realized when they were shooting these electrons, building blocks that small, they noticed that when they don’t watch it, when they’re not observing, the experiment changes. Which basically means that if a tree falls in the woods and no one’s around to hear it, there is no tree falling in the woods, because we are the reason why that matter is manifesting. Okay? Scientists discover subatomic particles, and they had no idea what made these subatomic particles manifest in the matter.

And they realized through the double slit experiment that it’s our thought. Now, if we are gods made in the image of God, we have his ability to manifest. That’s one of the many things that we have. Now, here’s one thing that you need to understand all of the mainstream manifestation stuff that’s going on, especially in movies with celebrities talking about it, they’re trying to get you to manifest for yourself. The freemason motto is do as thou wilt, which means do it for yourself, aka be selfish and don’t do it for anybody else. You need to understand that that way will bring you to Satanism, and that way literally leads to the devil.

So they are right in that sense. In order to manifest, you need to manifest for other people and manifest love. So for me, I manifested a million dollars, so that way I can get on top enough to affect these people that are affecting the planet negatively better, so I can get the word out and wake people up faster. I just really need you to understand the two aspects. Number one, that it is not satanic. Evil cannot create. It can only manipulate, only positivity. And good and love has the ability to create because that is the balance, that is the groove.

Evil can only manipulate, and that’s what they’re trying to do with half of these esoteric teachings. Astral projection. Be careful. You wouldn’t go swimming in the middle of the ocean, would you? Because there’s sharks that want to eat you, that can swim better. That is the same thing as astral projection. Just because we have these abilities doesn’t mean that you should play with them lightly. That’s why we have Buddhists and stuff inside the mountains which actually know about all of this stuff. And they keep it secret and they keep it sacred, because if this falls into the wrong hands, people will kill themselves with this.

When you’re at a stage of enlightenment and you make a mistake, there are dire consequences. These are facts and these are true. So just keep these things in mind when you’re navigating the new age structure of all these wonderful things that we can do. Only do it for other people, only do it for love. Otherwise you will go to the dark side. Black folk, so called black folk, they don’t really want their country back. What they want to do is be able to have everything the way it is and not be brutalized and be, that’s great, but that’ll never happen so long as these people is running their United States government over you.

Never. It will never happen. They will never live with you in harmony. Not because I don’t want that, not because I’m hateful, not because I hate white people, because they have never shown you a time that they have not been at war with somebody. So therefore I can only go by the 239 years of history that these people have accumulated by which two years of that was perpetual war. So what I’m saying is that if that’s the case, then when have they ever been at peace? Never. So what makes you think they’re going to make peace with you now? The sounds of war right here at home.

This is the NFAC, an all black militia with a mission to defend the black community by any means necessary. So this is training for one of the newspapers? Yes. Appearing by the hundreds at protests from Stone Mountain, Georgia, to Louisville, Kentucky, demanding justice for police killings and countering what they believe is the threat of right wing militias. It’s a movement started in 2017 by this man, former musician and army veteran John Grandmaster Jay Johnson. Is the movement growing by leaps and bounds? We met with him outside of Cincinnati, where he says another new chapter is now in the works.

The NFAC stands for the not effing around coalition. What’s behind the name? The NFAC was born out of the last four years, the deterioration of racial relations in this country. It means that you’re preparing yourself to defend yourselves. While the group style echoes the Black Panther party of the 1960s, their goals are distinct, focusing on defense with the ultimate goal of a black ethnostate. What makes us so different is that our goal is our own government, our own country, a place where we can determine our own future. Is violence an option to reach your goals? The United States States was built on violence being an option.

Violence should be the last option. Extremism experts say the group is distinct from far right militias. God, come back home this crazy world is fearless and abuse us need you now before we finally see the truth God, we need you now I know the truth is hard to swallow just digested suspected something’s going on betrothed just neglected deflected by some breaking news are we just accepted expected just to fall in line and follow their perspective? Don’t question their objective. But I got a lot of questions. How these kids molested. But nobody’s been arrested. Read it in the testament.

These children are protected. So I’m fighting my people. This is my life. This is my life. This is what we pray for. And this is God’s plan. Oh, I never thought I’d see this day. Now y’all got a chapter. That’s what I’m talking about. Grandmaster J is the commander of the NFAC. The not fucking around coalition? Yep. It’s the largest armed black militia in the country. Today he’s meeting new members to see if their shooting meets his standards. Don’t come out here and try to qualify with the weapons that you’re not comfortable with. A lot of gunfire’s about to go off, so I’m gonna find a safe place so I won’t get shot.

Bring the boat forward. Range is hot. Commence the fire. When folks look at the NFAC, they see black folks with guns. They’ve been socialized to think that when I see a blue man with a weapon, then it instantly must be negative. But when I see a white person with a weapon, they must be doing something patriotic. If all you see is black men with guns, then I’m not the one with the visual problem. You are. The defense of the black race does not mean attacking someone. It means just that defending against attacks. It’s not the NFAC that has a record violence.

It is the long historical record of violence being exacted against black people. Grab your weapons. Get on this line. I think all hell is about to break loose. I give you all a chance to demonstrate the full firepower of your chapter in the event that somebody is stupid enough to point a weapon at you. If that happens, you have the right to use everything that you had. Interface feet. How you different than me? When you breathe and you bleed, you walking like me, talking like me? How you different than me? When you hurt, is pain the same with me? How you different than me? How you different than me? When God meet you the same with me.

He didn’t make you no better. The same with me? How you different than me? And clearly you see you the same as me. When you breathe and you bleed, you walking like me, talking like me. How you different than me? When you hurt, is pain the same with me? How you different than me? How you different than me? When God makes you the same with me? He didn’t make you no better. The same with me? How you different than me? And clearly you see you the same as me. There is no black man. There is no white man.

And it is for that reason that every night when I go to bed, I do so full of strength and hope.


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ancient cities built by indigenous people belief in one source of life difference between Kemet discovery of black Indian graves genetic heritage of various groups human origin near equator importance of moral goodness inaccuracies in historical records indigenous American roots paving your own path in life skin color and sunlight protection understanding shared history using power to help others

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