All Of South Quebec Simultaneously Erupted In Flames The wildfire saga unravels before us, revealing a sinister plot! Whispers in the shadows suggest that these raging infernos are no mere acts of nature, but rather orchestrated events fueled by directed energy weapons. The aim? To seize control of vast stretches of land and force unsuspecting souls into tightly controlled smart cities, where every move is monitored and freedom becomes a distant memory.
But fear not, for the truth shall prevail! Let us uncover the veils of deception and shed light upon the dark machinations at play. Keep your eyes open, dear seeker of truth, and question the official narratives. The wildfire saga is just one piece of a larger puzzle, and with each revelation, we inch closer to unraveling the grand scheme orchestrated by those who seek dominion over the masses. Stay vigilant, for the truth shall set us free!
Millions breathing hazardous air as smoke from Canadian wildfires streams south over US
There are some verses in the bible that speak to the cop saying 128.
John 8:21, 2corinthians 8:21, Revelations 21:8, exodus 8:21, Genesis 8:21, Genesis 1:28
2 Esdras 13 – 37 , 39 Then my son will convict of their godless deeds the nations that confront him. This will correspond to the storm you saw. He will taunt them with their evil plottings and the tortures they are soon to endure. This corresponds to the flame . And he will destroy them without effort by means of the law – and that is like the fire. Amen
I’ll be honest I have had my eyes opened and they were already opened but the videos that I watch that you create on the web. Com just really blows me away. I watched some of the video about human trafficking and I could complete the watch it was horrific and these people that do this will have bad karma coming to them in another life but I don’t know how they do it with our feeling guilt and remorse. But I am so so glad your are doing what you do. You are appreciated and an amazing soul. Take care and blessings to you. Thank you so much for everything. I will keep watching and supporting. Take care. Much love, as you say.