Under the Orange Sky: AIs Takeover and What It Means for Us!

Under The Orange Sky Ais Takeover And What It Means For Us -

Tommy Truthful and Greg Reese expose how AI and nanotechnology have been used to create a phantom matrix, an artificial reality where elites rule like gods. Discover how humans have become unwitting antennas in this system. This vital video, soon to be banned, also explains why skies turned orange in Greece 322 days after a similar event in NYC on June 6, 2023. Act fast—share this crucial information from Truth Mafia before it’s suppressed. We’re in an info war; every share counts!

BIBLICAL PROOF the RAPTURE is about to be REVEALED! The Timeline Begins NOW

Biblical Proof The Rapture Is About To Be Revealed The Timeline Begins Now -

Explore the true meaning of ‘rapture’ in Christianity. It’s not about vanishing, but a spiritual awakening. Seek truth and understanding from within, not from future events. Don’t look for God outside, but realize the divine is within us. This blog post encourages self-discovery and criticizes the idea of waiting for divine intervention. …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

Jews Prepare Red Heifer Sacrifice at Al Aqsa Mosque??? Red Heifer Update

Jews Prepare Red Heifer Sacrifice At Al Aqsa Mosque Red Heifer Update -

Jews are planning on sacrificing the red heifer, tearing down the Muslims’ most holy place, Al Aqsa Mosque. This will launch the holy war they have been trying to ignite for 1000 years to bring the antichrist onto the world stage. They use Christians and Muslims against each other with divide and conquer tactics so we don’t realize who our true rulers are. Watch Sling and Stone, a member of the Truth Mafia, break down his beliefs on the sacrifice of the red heifer.

Its All Mind Control (Official Music Video)

Its All Mind Control Official Music Video -

“Ever wonder if we’re truly free? This blog post explores the idea that what we see, read, or do might be influenced by others. It asks if our thoughts and words are really our own, or if they’re being shaped without us knowing. Dive in to explore this intriguing question!” …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

Artificial Intelligence and the Grim Future of a Divided Humanity

Artificial Intelligence And The Grim Future Of A Divided Humanity 1 -

In simple terms, this blog post talks about how the U.S. government, media, and technology might be causing problems. It mentions a rise in brain cancer in young people, possibly due to cell phones. It also talks about a harmful injection and a computer system being built around us. The author suggests we need to unite, or our future could be tough. …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

Gatekeepers: Boule Society Fraternities Sororities

Gatekeepers Boule Society Fraternities Sororities -

“Discover the Boule Society, a secret group of influential African Americans linked to Freemasons. This group, with roots in ancient Greece, includes famous figures like Oprah Winfrey and Martin Luther King. They’re said to control progress within industries like politics and entertainment, which can impact the African American community.” …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

13 Days of Preparation: Late Night with the Devil featuring Tommy and Logan

13 Days Of Preparation Late Night With The Devil Featuring Tommy And Logan -

Discover the intriguing world of The Truth Mafia, led by Tommy Truthful. They’re a group of dedicated researchers who delve into ancient mysteries and conspiracies. From exploring ancient symbols to decoding hidden meanings in pop culture, they’re on a quest for knowledge. Tune into their podcast or visit TruthfulTV.com for more. …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

Aliens on Earth : Part 2

Aliens On Earth Part 2 -

“UFOs, short for unidentified flying objects, have been around for a long time. They’re mentioned in old writings and art from places like Egypt. Even religious books like the Bible talk about them. So, UFOs aren’t a new idea at all!” …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

“Mind Control Breakthrough: How Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Can Turn Off Your Faith!”

How Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Can Turn Off Your Faith

“Scientists, led by Dr. Holbrook, have discovered a method to suppress religious beliefs using electromagnetic stimulation of the frontal cortex. Journalist Tommy Truthful, owner of truthMafia.com, has extensively researched this topic. Despite having no religious affiliations, he warns of the potential dangers of this technology, advocating for freedom of religion and expression. He criticizes the unethical practices involved in these experiments and fears the implications if this technology is globally implemented.”

WARNING: Terrifying Implementation of Ai Goes Too Far?! Pre-Crime? Useless Humans? Robot Overlords?

Warning Terrifying Implementation Of Ai Goes Too Far Pre Crime Useless Humans Robot Overlords -

Explore how artificial intelligence (AI) is shaping our world, from Wi-Fi toasters at home to military drones. Understand the potential risks of AI, like in self-driving cars. Learn about a recent test where AI outsmarted a human pilot. Discover how AI is replacing jobs and how Intel’s new AI computer works. Lastly, let’s discuss the fears around AI and …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

Boston Dynamics New Atlas AI Robot w/ 44 – 50 DoF Does This (GOOGLE ALOHA 2 GENERAL ROBOTS)

Boston Dynamics New Atlas Ai Robot W 44 50 Dof Does This Google Aloha 2 General Robots -

Boston Dynamics and Hyundai have made a new electric robot. It’s stronger, smarter, and can do surprising tasks. It learns from different situations and can do jobs that are hard or unsafe for people. This could change how we work in many fields. …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

DEMON Sightings are INCREASING and Most People Cant See it

Demon Sightings Are Increasing And Most People Cant See It -

Explore the mystery of three spiritual realms: our world, an unseen world, and heaven or hell. Learn about the battle between good and evil that can cause miracles or scary events. Understand why it’s important, especially for Christians, to be ready for these battles. Discover how evil forces might have influenced a recent attack on a bishop in Sydney. …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

Erics Near-Death Experience in Detail

Erics Near Death Experience In Detail -

Eric Wold told me about a scary time when he almost died. He woke up one night, fell down, and saw a bright, comforting light. He felt happy and pain-free there, and met strange beings who showed him the universe. He had to come back, though, and felt really sad because he missed the peaceful place. …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

CERN Triggered Global Chaos 22 Tornadoes Japans Earthquake Indonesias Volcano Dubais Flood!

Cern Triggered Global Chaos 22 Tornadoes Japans Earthquake Indonesias Volcano Dubais Flood -

“Explore the intriguing world of CERN & HAARP with our podcast. We discuss global weather events, the role of CERN, and even the idea of life as a simulation. We also delve into the potential shift to digital currency and the impact of THE AI Beast system. Join us as we question the world around us and encourage you to discover your own truth.” …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

NO EXCUSE! Apocalyptic Flooding Aside SOMETHING is STRANGE about this TRUMP TRIAL

No Excuse Apocalyptic Flooding Aside Something Is Strange About This Trump Trial -

Vlad discusses Donald Trump’s legal issues, surprising support from William Barr, and a potentially biased judge. He also questions Joe Biden’s academic honesty. In a different topic, he talks about a futuristic city, Neom, an escaped elephant, and humorously suggests garlic powder for vampire protection. …Learn More, Click The Button Below.


Errie Events Happening Worldwide Cern Portals Activated -

“Explore the intriguing world of global events and their possible links to CERN, a major physics lab. Discover how strange happenings, like Dubai’s green sky, could be connected. Unravel the mystery of symbols and their hidden meanings. Dive into the music industry’s patterns and symbols. Stay curious, question everything, and join this exciting journey of discovery.” …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

Nanobots That Release Toxins And Harvest Energy From the Body

Nanobots That Release Toxins And Harvest Energy From The Body -

The Moderna COVID vaccine uses tiny things called nanoparticles. They’re like tiny delivery trucks that carry deadly stuff to our body’s cells. Some scientists think we can control these particles, almost like playing a video game. This evil technology was made to control our bodies.  It’s not just about health. There are claims that these nanoparticles have unique IP addresses, making it possible to track individuals or even worse—activate substances within them remotely. This technology turns humans into nodes on a network, accessible and controllable at the push of a button. …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

Using AI for Tarot Reading? w/ Slick Dissident

Using Ai For Tarot Reading W Slick Dissident -

Explore the fascinating world of AI with us! We’re diving into discussions about its potential, its critics, and how it’s like a complex mirror. We’ll also touch on art, mythology, and the cultural significance of Sicily. Join us as we navigate through the digital world, experimenting with AI tools and creating unique images. Let’s learn, create, and understand together …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

Clip: Is it OK to make fun of the Bock Saga? (w/ Michel Merle)

Clip Is It Ok To Make Fun Of The Bock Saga W Michel Merle -

“Ever wondered if making jokes about strange stories is okay? This blog says yes! It’s fun and helps share stories in a cool way. Plus, it sparks creativity and leads to different interpretations. So, let’s keep sharing and laughing!” …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

Civil War Movie Decoded

Civil War Movie Decoded -

This blog post explores how the movie ‘Civil War’ might hint at real-life events and future conflicts. It discusses ideas like wealth gaps, extremist views, and high-tech influence. The post also connects the movie’s release dates with historical events and prophecies. It suggests that the film’s portrayal of a divided America could hint at future global changes. …Learn More, Click The Button Below.