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Bio Frequency Warfare Explained.

By: Tommy Truthful
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Bio Frequency Warfare Explained.

By Tommy Truthful 10-3-23

Alright, Truth Seekers, I understand that this may initially sound unconventional, but this lady possesses deep knowledge. She’s presenting entirely factual information! I want to give a shout-out to my brother Zach for forwarding this to me via email. I’ve previously mentioned what’s happening with the COVID vaccine, particularly regarding the graphene oxide and the nanotechnology known as the Black GOO. It’s essentially turning us into antennas. Our blood contains a significant amount of iron, and this technology has enabled them to manipulate the human biofield, monitoring all of us in real-time.

Below, I’ve provided links to the FBI’s research on the biohacking community and Project Pandora. They’re collaborating with fallen angelic entities to establish an Internet of Bodies, constructing their smart grid and smart cities and using us as conduits for various frequencies. All of this is aimed at advancing their life extension and immortality technologies. We’ve unwittingly become the subjects of their experiments. They’re observing our brain activity in real-time, and with the invasive technology of graphene oxide, now present in over 72% of the world’s vaccinated population, they’re scrutinizing every aspect of our lives. They’re studying our reactions, what affects us, and which frequencies trigger responses.

I’ve been asserting this since 2019, even though it led to the shutdown of many of my social media channels. The term “crown virus” (Corona) is symbolic of their attack on our crown chakra. They’ve managed to hack into the human biofield, an integral part of our bodies, manipulating it to their advantage. Their “black budget” targeted individuals’ program is consuming billions of dollars annually. It’s not limited to just a few paranoid individuals in their basements; this affects everyone. While some may experience it more extensively than others, they escalate their efforts when someone becomes a perceived threat.

I’ve included an extensive list of research that I’ve conducted below for you all to review. Please feel free to leave comments and share your thoughts.

This is why the technology I promote works, as it regulates the effects that 5G is having on our human biofield. Check out the link below. I’ve received nothing but amazing reviews from all of my followers on this technology, which is why I wholeheartedly believe in it and support it.

“Shield up with 5G defense! Don’t be a statistic in a tech-driven world. Click below and use promo code TruthMafia for 20% off the top-tier Wellness protection.”
5G Protection Click on me 
This alert for October 4th, where they are sending out this frequency to all phones, should concern you. Even if nothing significant happens tomorrow, I believe it may trigger something within these individuals, activating a hidden aspect within them.
Screenshot 2023 10 02 174840 -

The Moscow Signals Declassified
Microwave Mysteries: Projects PANDORA and BIZARRE

Bio Frequency Warfare

FBI Engagement with the Biohacking Community

“Exploring the Biofield: A Multifaceted Perspective”
The biofield is a multifaceted energy domain integral to the generation, maintenance, and regulation of biological equilibrium. It encompasses electric, magnetic, and electromagnetic fields, giving rise to a wide spectrum of research areas. Traditional neuroscientific investigations, including electroencephalographic (EEG) studies of brain activity and electromyographic (EMG) examinations of muscle function, represent only facets of biofield research. In contrast, the biofield concept is all-encompassing and does not segregate these aspects or limit its scope to specific bodily regions, such as the brain.

From an evolutionary perspective, all living organisms, even at the cellular level, possess an electromagnetic field surrounding their bodies. Furthermore, evidence indicates that these organisms interact with their biofields. This highlights that the biofield envelops the entire body, including the spinal region, advocating for comprehensive research involving multiple measurement locations both within and outside the brain area. Such an approach aligns with earlier work by Becker, who proposed the existence of biologically significant electromagnetic fields around all living entities.

Studies have demonstrated that the brain communicates with muscles through signals within the 20 to 100 Hz frequency range, revealing a holistic energy field that transcends localized mechanisms. While contemporary neuroscience acknowledges the significance of neural processes beyond the brain, such as ganglions along the spine emitting biologically and psychologically relevant electromagnetic energy, an integrative study involving more than two measurement sites is conspicuously absent from empirical neuroscientific literature.

The present study concentrates on body regions linked to nerve centers, primarily ganglions along the spine. These areas involve electromagnetic nerve impulses and associated biochemical processes, potentially contributing to the measured electromagnetic energy output within these nerve centers. Given the considerable size of these underlying tissues and the non-local nature of the electromagnetic energy they emit, the biofield assessment encompasses these body areas.

Biofield research, similar to neuroscientific studies, predominantly focuses on specific frequency bands (FBs). In EEG studies, frequencies below 100 Hz are typically explored, while electromyography (EMG) research extends to frequencies below 200 Hz. However, a limitation in both fields is the concentration on these lower frequencies, potentially overlooking higher frequencies’ relevance in understanding cognitive processes. Frequencies exceeding 200 Hz may play a pivotal role in cognition, as indicated by studies demonstrating the inhibition of information processing at 500 Hz neuron stimulation.

Preliminary biofield research has begun to explore frequencies above 200 Hz, revealing associations between high-frequency EMG patterns and subjective biofield characteristics described by biofield practitioners (BPs). These patterns have been linked to physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual experiences. While initial studies provide valuable insights, limitations, such as small sample sizes and insufficient documentation, necessitate further research for result validation and extension.

“Unlocking the Healing Potential of Sound: Biofield Tuning and Your Wellbeing”
Sound has been a healing medium for millennia, offering a pathway to tranquility and health across cultures. When harnessed with intention, sound possesses the remarkable ability to calm the mind, ease pain, enhance focus, stabilize emotions, and more.

If you’ve ever encountered sound healing, whether through the vibrations of tuning forks, Tibetan singing bowls, gongs, or specially crafted compositions, you’ve likely experienced the profound state of relaxation and serenity it can induce.

Transform Every Cell in Your Body from Dis-Ease to Harmony!
You’re likely familiar with the concept of an energy field that envelops and permeates your body, known scientifically as the “biofield.” But did you know that your biofield possesses electromagnetic attributes? Furthermore, specific sounds can harmonize your “electric body,” paving the way for optimal wellbeing.

Sound-based healing practices are employed worldwide in medical settings to address a myriad of concerns, including:

Sleep disturbances
Digestive ailments
Autoimmune disorders
Exploring Biofield Tuning
Sound, an age-old therapeutic tool, has been embraced globally for its healing potential.

Understanding the Biofield
The electromagnetic energy encompassing and interpenetrating the human body, known by various names such as “Chi,” “Aura,” and the “Energy Field.”

Introduction to Biofield Tuning
Biofield Tuning is a sound therapy modality that offers targeted relaxation of the nervous system, potentially alleviating a wide spectrum of health issues.

Biofield Tuning operates on the principle that the human biofield, the energy matrix encircling and permeating our bodies, is intricately linked to our conscious and subconscious minds, encompassing all our memories.

Physical, mental, and emotional disorders can be seen as “dissonance” within our energy fields.

1. Root Chakra (Muladhara):

  • Location: Base of the spine, at the tailbone.
  • Color: Red.
  • Element: Earth.
  • Function: The root chakra represents your foundation, stability, and connection to the physical world. It’s associated with survival, security, and basic human needs.
  • Balancing: To fine-tune the root chakra, practice grounding exercises like walking barefoot on natural surfaces, yoga poses such as the mountain pose (Tadasana), and affirmations that focus on safety and security.

2. Sacral Chakra (Svadhishthana):

  • Location: Below the navel, in the lower abdomen.
  • Color: Orange.
  • Element: Water.
  • Function: The sacral chakra governs emotions, creativity, sensuality, and relationships. It’s linked to pleasure, passion, and self-expression.
  • Balancing: To balance the sacral chakra, engage in creative activities, explore your emotions through journaling or therapy, practice hip-opening yoga poses, and cultivate healthy relationships.

3. Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura):

  • Location: Above the navel, in the upper abdomen.
  • Color: Yellow.
  • Element: Fire.
  • Function: The solar plexus chakra is associated with personal power, self-esteem, confidence, and willpower. It’s linked to your sense of identity and control over your life.
  • Balancing: To fine-tune the solar plexus chakra, engage in activities that boost your self-esteem, practice mindful breathing and meditation to build inner strength, and focus on setting and achieving personal goals.

4. Heart Chakra (Anahata):

  • Location: In the center of the chest, near the heart.
  • Color: Green.
  • Element: Air.
  • Function: The heart chakra represents love, compassion, forgiveness, and emotional healing. It’s related to your ability to give and receive love and form meaningful connections.
  • Balancing: To balance the heart chakra, practice acts of kindness, practice forgiveness, engage in heart-opening yoga poses, and meditate on love and compassion.

5. Throat Chakra (Vishuddha):

  • Location: In the throat area.
  • Color: Blue.
  • Element: Ether or Space.
  • Function: The throat chakra governs communication, self-expression, and truthfulness. It’s associated with clear and honest expression of thoughts and feelings.
  • Balancing: To fine-tune the throat chakra, practice mindful and truthful communication, sing or chant, engage in neck stretches and yoga poses, and express your thoughts and feelings through creative outlets.

6. Third-Eye Chakra (Ajna):

  • Location: Between the eyebrows, slightly above the bridge of the nose.
  • Color: Indigo or deep blue.
  • Element: Light.
  • Function: The third-eye chakra is linked to intuition, insight, and perception beyond the physical world. It’s associated with inner wisdom and spiritual awareness.
  • Balancing: To balance the third-eye chakra, practice meditation and visualization exercises, explore your intuition, and cultivate mindfulness and self-awareness.

7. Crown Chakra (Sahasrara):

  • Location: At the top of the head.
  • Color: Violet or white.
  • Element: Thought.
  • Function: The crown chakra represents pure consciousness, connection to the divine, and spiritual enlightenment. It’s associated with a sense of oneness with the universe.
  • Balancing: To fine-tune the crown chakra, engage in spiritual practices such as meditation, prayer, and energy work. Foster a sense of gratitude, seek higher knowledge, and connect with your inner spiritual self.

Balancing and fine-tuning the chakras often involves a combination of meditation, yoga, energy healing, mindfulness practices, and self-reflection. It’s essential to work on these energy centers to maintain holistic well-being and harmony in your life. Remember that chakra work is a personal journey, and what works best for you may vary.


  • Tommy Truthful

    Hey guys, Tommy Truthful here, leader of the Truth Mafia, CAPO DEI CAPI. I built one of the biggest alternative media conglomerates in the world, brought together some of the biggest names in the game in the truth-seeking community to combat censorship. People ask all the time how they can join the Truth Mafia. You can't just join; I have to notice you. My team and I research to ensure you have no government ties before we bring you into the family. If you'd like to get your personal decode done by Tommy Truthful and find out your role in this simulation we call life, then links are below.

    🔮 The Ultimate Reading- Just $26! 🔮 For only $26, you'll receive an extensive Email Decode from Tommy himself. Just a click on the link below! View all posts

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5g 5g danger Bio Frequency Warfare emf emf danger project looking glass project Stargate. Projects PANDORA The Moscow Signals Declassified

6 thoughts on “Bio Frequency Warfare Explained.

  1. Great, but too fast for me… Bio freq. warfare… can you possibly send the research links? Also many of the posters were made unreadable… I’ll watch it again… and now I go for a barefoot walk without cell phone… I feel as she does and thanks.

  2. Excellent info for those who are awake and not awoke
    Thanks TT /truth mafia this shit is real the herd is fucked
    Prepping for 3 yrs now.

  3. That was awesome and makes total sense! That with Archaix together, makes even more sense. Who is this lady and where can we see more of her videos and her website?

    1. I think she said her website in the video I got to go back and watch it so I can find it. If you hear it in the video, please leave the address in the comments so I can copy and paste it and go find it and then share it in the comments for everyone I would really appreciate that.

  4. Sabrina Wallace is on odyssey and bitchute and psinergy on Telgran. I was looking into what she said about nanolipids and Shawn ryan and how she said they used nanolipids in depression era glass for teleporting when I saw Tommy had already covered it! Tommy, I love you and pray for you and your family with great faith and thanksgiving for all you do to help wake our loved ones up. Blessings to you all!

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